.. raw:: latex \clearpage .. _getting_started: Getting started ====================================== To start using WNTR, open a Python console or IDE like Spyder and import the package:: import wntr WNTR comes with a simple `getting started example `_, shown below, that uses the `EPANET Example Network 3 (Net3) INP file `_. This example demonstrates how to: * Import WNTR * Generate a water network model * Simulate hydraulics * Plot simulation results .. literalinclude:: ../examples/getting_started.py Additional examples of Python code snippets are included throughout the WNTR documentation. The examples provided in the documentation assume that a user has experience using EPANET (https://www.epa.gov/water-research/epanet) and Python (https://www.python.org/), including the ability to install and use additional Python packages, such as those listed in :ref:`requirements` and :ref:`optional_dependencies`. See :ref:`examples` for more information on downloading and running examples.