pyaqsapi.bystate package
- pyaqsapi.bystate.annualsummary(parameter: str, bdate: date, edate: date, stateFIPS: str, cbdate: date | None = None, cedate: date | None = None, return_header: bool | None = False) AQSAPI_V2 | DataFrame
Return a DataFrame of annual data aggregated at the state level.
Annual summary contains a DataFrame matching the input parameter and stateFIPS provided for bdate - edate time frame. Variables returned include mean value, maxima, percentiles, and etc.
- Parameters:
- parametera character list or a single character string
which represents the parameter code of the air pollutant related to the data being requested.
- bdatea python date object which represents that begin date of the data
selection. Only data on or after this date will be returned.
- edatea python date object which represents that end date of the data
selection. Only data on or before this date will be returned.
- stateFIPSa python character object which represents the 2 digit
state FIPS code (with leading zero) for the state being requested. Use aqs_states() for the list of available FIPS codes.
- cbdatea python date object which represents a “beginning date of
last change” that indicates when the data was last updated. cbdate is used to filter data based on the change date. Only data that changed on or after this date will be returned. This is an optional variable which defaults to None.
- cedatea python date object which represents an “end date of last
change” that indicates when the data was last updated. cedate is used to filter data based on the change date. Only data that changed on or before this date will be returned. This is an optional variable which defaults to None.
- return_headerIf FALSE (default) only returns data requested. If TRUE
returns a AQSAPI_v2 object.
- Returns:
- (pandas DataFrame or an AQSAPI_V2 object): annual summary data for the
- stateFIPS requested.
- Parameters:
parameter (str)
bdate (date)
edate (date)
stateFIPS (str)
cbdate (date | None)
cedate (date | None)
return_header (bool | None)
- Return type:
AQSAPI_V2 | DataFrame
Return a DataFrame with all benzene samples from North Carolina collected from May 15th, 1995 - May 15, 1999:
import pyaqsapi as aqs from datetime import date ... aqs.bystate.annualsummary(parameter="45201", bdate=date(year=1995, month=5, day=15), edate=date(year=1999, month=5, day=15), stateFIPS="37")
- pyaqsapi.bystate.dailysummary(parameter: str, bdate: date, edate: date, stateFIPS: str, cbdate: date | None = None, cedate: date | None = None, return_header: bool | None = False) AQSAPI_V2 | DataFrame
Return a DataFrame of data aggregated at the state level.
Daily summary contains a DataFrame matching the input parameter and stateFIPS provided for bdate - edate time frame. Variables returned include mean value, maxima, percentiles, and etc.
- Parameters:
- parametera character list or a single character string
which represents the parameter code of the air pollutant related to the data being requested.
- bdatea python date object which represents that begin date of the data
selection. Only data on or after this date will be returned.
- edatea python date object which represents that end date of the data
selection. Only data on or before this date will be returned.
- stateFIPSa python character object which represents the 2 digit
state FIPS code (with leading zero) for the state being requested. Use aqs_states() for the list of available FIPS codes.
- cbdatea python date object which represents a “beginning date of
last change” that indicates when the data was last updated. cbdate is used to filter data based on the change date. Only data that changed on or after this date will be returned. This is an optional variable which defaults to None.
- cedatea python date object which represents an “end date of last
change” that indicates when the data was last updated. cedate is used to filter data based on the change date. Only data that changed on or before this date will be returned. This is an optional variable which defaults to None.
- return_headerIf FALSE (default) only returns data requested. If TRUE
returns a AQSAPI_v2 object.
- Returns:
- (pandas DataFrame or an AQSAPI_V2 object): daily summary statistics for the
- given parameter for a single stateFIPS.
- Parameters:
parameter (str)
bdate (date)
edate (date)
stateFIPS (str)
cbdate (date | None)
cedate (date | None)
return_header (bool | None)
- Return type:
AQSAPI_V2 | DataFrame
Return a DataFrame of all benzene daily summaries from North Carolina collected on May 15th, 1995:
import pyaqsapi as aqs from datetime import date ... aqs.bystate.dailysummary(parameter="45201", bdate=date(year=1995, month=5, day=15), edate=date(year=1995, month=5, day=15), stateFIPS="37")
- pyaqsapi.bystate.monitors(parameter: str, bdate: date, edate: date, stateFIPS: str, cbdate: date | None = None, cedate: date | None = None, return_header: bool | None = False) AQSAPI_V2 | DataFrame
Return a table of monitors.
Return a table of monitors and related metadata at all sites with the provided parameter and stateFIPS for bdate - edate time frame.
- Parameters:
- parametera character list or a single character string
which represents the parameter code of the air pollutant related to the data being requested.
- bdatea python date object which represents that begin date of the data
selection. Only data on or after this date will be returned.
- edatea python date object which represents that end date of the data
selection. Only data on or before this date will be returned.
- stateFIPSa python character object which represents the 2 digit
state FIPS code (with leading zero) for the state being requested. Use aqs_states() for the list of available FIPS codes.
- cbdatea python date object which represents a “beginning date of
last change” that indicates when the data was last updated. cbdate is used to filter data based on the change date. Only data that changed on or after this date will be returned. This is an optional variable which defaults to None.
- cedatea python date object which represents an “end date of last
change” that indicates when the data was last updated. cedate is used to filter data based on the change date. Only data that changed on or before this date will be returned. This is an optional variable which defaults to None.
- return_headerIf FALSE (default) only returns data requested. If TRUE
returns a AQSAPI_v2 object.
- Returns:
- (pandas DataFrame or an AQSAPI_V2 object): monitors from the
selected state.
- Parameters:
parameter (str)
bdate (date)
edate (date)
stateFIPS (str)
cbdate (date | None)
cedate (date | None)
return_header (bool | None)
- Return type:
AQSAPI_V2 | DataFrame
Return a DataFrame of SO2 monitors in Hawaii that were operating on May 01, 2017.
import pyaqsapi as aqs from datetime import date
- aqs.bystate.monitors(parameter=”88101”,
bdate=date(year=2017, month=1, day=1), edate=date(year=2017, month=12, day=31), stateFIPS=”01”)
- pyaqsapi.bystate.qa_annualperformanceeval(parameter: str, bdate: date, edate: date, stateFIPS: str, cbdate: date | None = None, cedate: date | None = None, return_header: bool | None = False) AQSAPI_V2 | DataFrame
Return quality assurance performance evaluation data - aggregated by site for a parameter code aggregated by matching input parameter, and stateFIPS provided for bdate - edate time frame.
- Parameters:
- parametera character list or a single character string
which represents the parameter code of the air pollutant related to the data being requested.
- bdatea python date object which represents that begin date of the data
selection. Only data on or after this date will be returned.
- edatea python date object which represents that end date of the data
selection. Only data on or before this date will be returned.
- stateFIPSa python character object which represents the 2 digit
state FIPS code (with leading zero) for the state being requested. Use aqs_states() for the list of available FIPS codes.
- cbdatea python date object which represents a “beginning date of
last change” that indicates when the data was last updated. cbdate is used to filter data based on the change date. Only data that changed on or after this date will be returned. This is an optional variable which defaults to None.
- cedatea python date object which represents an “end date of last
change” that indicates when the data was last updated. cedate is used to filter data based on the change date. Only data that changed on or before this date will be returned. This is an optional variable which defaults to None.
- return_headerIf FALSE (default) only returns data requested. If TRUE
returns a AQSAPI_v2 object.
- Returns:
- (pandas DataFrame or an AQSAPI_V2 object): quality assurance
- performance evaluation data for all monitoring sites for the
- matching parameter and stateFIPS requested for the time frame
- between bdate and edate.
- Parameters:
parameter (str)
bdate (date)
edate (date)
stateFIPS (str)
cbdate (date | None)
cedate (date | None)
return_header (bool | None)
- Return type:
AQSAPI_V2 | DataFrame
Return a DataFrame containing annual performance evaluation data for ozone in Alabama for 2017:
import pyaqsapi as aqs from datetime import date ... aqs.bystate.qa_annualperformanceeval(parameter="44201", bdate=date(year=2017, month=1, day=1), edate=date(year=2017, month=12, day=31), stateFIPS="01")
- pyaqsapi.bystate.qa_annualperformanceevaltransaction(parameter: str, bdate: date, edate: date, stateFIPS: str, cbdate: date | None = None, cedate: date | None = None, return_header: bool | None = False) AQSAPI_V2 | DataFrame
Return AQS submissions transaction format (RD) of the annual performance evaluation data (raw). Includes data pairs for QA - aggregated by county for a parameter code aggregated by matching input parameter and stateFIPS provided for bdate - edate time frame.
- Parameters:
- parametera character list or a single character string
which represents the parameter code of the air pollutant related to the data being requested.
- bdatea python date object which represents that begin date of the data
selection. Only data on or after this date will be returned.
- edatea python date object which represents that end date of the data
selection. Only data on or before this date will be returned.
- stateFIPSa python character object which represents the 2 digit
state FIPS code (with leading zero) for the state being requested. Use aqs_states() for the list of available FIPS codes.
- cbdatea python date object which represents a “beginning date of
last change” that indicates when the data was last updated. cbdate is used to filter data based on the change date. Only data that changed on or after this date will be returned. This is an optional variable which defaults to None.
- cedatea python date object which represents an “end date of last
change” that indicates when the data was last updated. cedate is used to filter data based on the change date. Only data that changed on or before this date will be returned. This is an optional variable which defaults to None.
- return_headerIf FALSE (default) only returns data requested. If TRUE
returns a AQSAPI_v2 object.
- Returns:
- (pandas DataFrame or an AQSAPI_V2 object): quality assurance
- performance evaluation data. for all monitoring sites with matching
- parameter and stateFIPS requested for the time frame
- between bdate and edate.
- Parameters:
parameter (str)
bdate (date)
edate (date)
stateFIPS (str)
cbdate (date | None)
cedate (date | None)
return_header (bool | None)
- Return type:
AQSAPI_V2 | DataFrame
Return a DataFrame containing annual performance evaluation data for ozone in Alabama for 2017 in RD format.:
import pyaqsapi as aqs from datetime import date ... aqs.bystate.qa_annualperformanceevaltransaction(parameter="44201", bdate=date(year=2017, month=1, day=1), edate=date(year=2017, month=12, day=31), stateFIPS="01")
- pyaqsapi.bystate.qa_blanks(parameter: str, bdate: date, edate: date, stateFIPS: str, cbdate: date | None = None, cedate: date | None = None, return_header: bool | None = False) AQSAPI_V2 | DataFrame
Return a table of blank quality assurance data. Blanks are unexposed sample collection devices (e.g., filters) that are transported with the exposed sample devices to assess if contamination is occurring during the transport or handling of the samples. Data is aggregated at the state level.
- Parameters:
- parametera character list or a single character string
which represents the parameter code of the air pollutant related to the data being requested.
- bdatea python date object which represents that begin date of the data
selection. Only data on or after this date will be returned.
- edatea python date object which represents that end date of the data
selection. Only data on or before this date will be returned.
- stateFIPSa python character object which represents the 2 digit
state FIPS code (with leading zero) for the state being requested. Use aqs_states() for the list of available FIPS codes.
- cbdatea python date object which represents a “beginning date of
last change” that indicates when the data was last updated. cbdate is used to filter data based on the change date. Only data that changed on or after this date will be returned. This is an optional variable which defaults to None.
- cedatea python date object which represents an “end date of last
change” that indicates when the data was last updated. cedate is used to filter data based on the change date. Only data that changed on or before this date will be returned. This is an optional variable which defaults to None.
- return_headerIf FALSE (default) only returns data requested. If TRUE
returns a AQSAPI_v2 object.
- Returns:
- (pandas DataFrame or an AQSAPI_V2 object): quality assurance blank sample
- data for all monitors within the input stateFIPS.
- Parameters:
parameter (str)
bdate (date)
edate (date)
stateFIPS (str)
cbdate (date | None)
cedate (date | None)
return_header (bool | None)
- Return type:
AQSAPI_V2 | DataFrame
Return a DataFrame which contains PM2.5 blank data for Alabama for January 2018:
import pyaqsapi as aqs from datetime import date ... aqs.bystate.qa_blanks(parameter="45201", bdate=date(year=1995, month=5, day=15), edate=date(year=1999, month=5, day=15), stateFIPS="37")
- pyaqsapi.bystate.qa_collocated_assessments(parameter: str, bdate: date, edate: date, stateFIPS: str, cbdate: date | None = None, cedate: date | None = None, return_header: bool | None = False) AQSAPI_V2 | DataFrame
Return a table of collocated assessment data aggregated by matching input parameter and stateFIPS provided for bdate - edate time frame.
- Parameters:
- parametera character list or a single character string
which represents the parameter code of the air pollutant related to the data being requested.
- bdatea python date object which represents that begin date of the data
selection. Only data on or after this date will be returned.
- edatea python date object which represents that end date of the data
selection. Only data on or before this date will be returned.
- stateFIPSa python character object which represents the 2 digit
state FIPS code (with leading zero) for the state being requested. Use aqs_states() for the list of available FIPS codes.
- cbdatea python date object which represents a “beginning date of
last change” that indicates when the data was last updated. cbdate is used to filter data based on the change date. Only data that changed on or after this date will be returned. This is an optional variable which defaults to None.
- cedatea python date object which represents an “end date of last
change” that indicates when the data was last updated. cedate is used to filter data based on the change date. Only data that changed on or before this date will be returned. This is an optional variable which defaults to None.
- return_headerIf FALSE (default) only returns data requested. If TRUE
returns a AQSAPI_v2 object.
- Returns:
- (pandas DataFrame or an AQSAPI_V2 object): quality assurance collocated
- assessment data for monitors within a state.
- Parameters:
parameter (str)
bdate (date)
edate (date)
stateFIPS (str)
cbdate (date | None)
cedate (date | None)
return_header (bool | None)
- Return type:
AQSAPI_V2 | DataFrame
Return a DataFrame of collocated assessment data for FRM2.5 for January 2013:
import pyaqsapi as aqs from datetime import date ... aqs.bystate.qa_collocated_assessments(parameter="88101", bdate=date(year=2013, month=1, day=1), edate=date(year=2013, month=1, day=31), stateFIPS="01")
- pyaqsapi.bystate.qa_flowrateaudit(parameter: str, bdate: date, edate: date, stateFIPS: str, cbdate: date | None = None, cedate: date | None = None, return_header: bool | None = False) AQSAPI_V2 | DataFrame
Return Quality assurance flowrate audit data.
Return a table of monitors and related metadata at all sites with the provided parameter and stateFIPS for bdate - edate time frame.
- Parameters:
- parametera character list or a single character string
which represents the parameter code of the air pollutant related to the data being requested.
- bdatea python date object which represents that begin date of the data
selection. Only data on or after this date will be returned.
- edatea python date object which represents that end date of the data
selection. Only data on or before this date will be returned.
- stateFIPSa python character object which represents the 2 digit
state FIPS code (with leading zero) for the state being requested. Use aqs_states() for the list of available FIPS codes.
- cbdatea python date object which represents a “beginning date of
last change” that indicates when the data was last updated. cbdate is used to filter data based on the change date. Only data that changed on or after this date will be returned. This is an optional variable which defaults to None.
- cedatea python date object which represents an “end date of last
change” that indicates when the data was last updated. cedate is used to filter data based on the change date. Only data that changed on or before this date will be returned. This is an optional variable which defaults to None.
- return_headerIf FALSE (default) only returns data requested. If TRUE
returns a AQSAPI_v2 object.
- Returns:
- (pandas DataFrame or an AQSAPI_V2 object): monitors from the
selected state.
- Parameters:
parameter (str)
bdate (date)
edate (date)
stateFIPS (str)
cbdate (date | None)
cedate (date | None)
return_header (bool | None)
- Return type:
AQSAPI_V2 | DataFrame
Return a DataFrame of flow rate audit data for Alabama in January 2018:
import pyaqsapi as aqs from datetime import date ... aqs.bystate.qa_flowrateaudit(parameter="88101", bdate=date(year=2018, month=1, day=1), edate=date(year=2018, month=1, day=31), stateFIPS="01")
- pyaqsapi.bystate.qa_flowrateverification(parameter: str, bdate: date, edate: date, stateFIPS: str, cbdate: date | None = None, cedate: date | None = None, return_header: bool | None = False) AQSAPI_V2 | DataFrame
Return a table containing flow rate Verification data for a parameter code aggregated matching input parameter, and stateFIPS, provided for bdate - edate time frame.
- Parameters:
- parametera character list or a single character string
which represents the parameter code of the air pollutant related to the data being requested.
- bdatea python date object which represents that begin date of the data
selection. Only data on or after this date will be returned.
- edatea python date object which represents that end date of the data
selection. Only data on or before this date will be returned.
- stateFIPSa python character object which represents the 2 digit
state FIPS code (with leading zero) for the state being requested. Use aqs_states() for the list of available FIPS codes.
- cbdatea python date object which represents a “beginning date of
last change” that indicates when the data was last updated. cbdate is used to filter data based on the change date. Only data that changed on or after this date will be returned. This is an optional variable which defaults to None.
- cedatea python date object which represents an “end date of last
change” that indicates when the data was last updated. cedate is used to filter data based on the change date. Only data that changed on or before this date will be returned. This is an optional variable which defaults to None.
- return_headerIf FALSE (default) only returns data requested. If TRUE
returns a AQSAPI_v2 object.
- Returns:
- (pandas DataFrame or an AQSAPI_V2 object): quality assurance flow rate
- verification data for monitors within a state.
- Parameters:
parameter (str)
bdate (date)
edate (date)
stateFIPS (str)
cbdate (date | None)
cedate (date | None)
return_header (bool | None)
- Return type:
AQSAPI_V2 | DataFrame
Return a DataFrame of flow rate verification data for the state of Alabama for 2017-2019:
import pyaqsapi as aqs from datetime import date ... aqs.bystate.qa_flowrateverification(parameter="88101", bdate=date(year=2017, month=1, day=1), edate=date(year=2019, month=12, day=31), stateFIPS="01")
- pyaqsapi.bystate.qa_one_point_qc(parameter: str, bdate: date, edate: date, stateFIPS: str, cbdate: date | None = None, cedate: date | None = None, return_header: bool | None = False) AQSAPI_V2 | DataFrame
Return a DataFrame or an AQS_Data Mart_APIv2 S3 object containing Quality assurance data - flow rate audit raw data aggregated by state FIPS for bdate - edate time frame.
- Parameters:
- parametera character list or a single character string
which represents the parameter code of the air pollutant related to the data being requested.
- bdatea python date object which represents that begin date of the data
selection. Only data on or after this date will be returned.
- edatea python date object which represents that end date of the data
selection. Only data on or before this date will be returned.
- stateFIPSa python character object which represents the 2 digit
state FIPS code (with leading zero) for the state being requested. Use aqs_states() for the list of available FIPS codes.
- cbdatea python date object which represents a “beginning date of
last change” that indicates when the data was last updated. cbdate is used to filter data based on the change date. Only data that changed on or after this date will be returned. This is an optional variable which defaults to None.
- cedatea python date object which represents an “end date of last
change” that indicates when the data was last updated. cedate is used to filter data based on the change date. Only data that changed on or before this date will be returned. This is an optional variable which defaults to None.
- return_headerIf FALSE (default) only returns data requested. If TRUE
returns a AQSAPI_v2 object.
- Returns:
- (pandas DataFrame or an AQSAPI_V2 object): one point qc data within the
- input stateFIPS for bdate - edate time frame..
- Parameters:
parameter (str)
bdate (date)
edate (date)
stateFIPS (str)
cbdate (date | None)
cedate (date | None)
return_header (bool | None)
- Return type:
AQSAPI_V2 | DataFrame
Return a DataFrame of one point QC check data for ozone in Massachusetts in January 2018:
import pyaqsapi as aqs from datetime import date ... aqs.bystate.qa_one_point_qc(parameter="44201", bdate=date(year=2018, month=1, day=1), edate=date(year=2018, month=1, day=31), stateFIPS="25")
- pyaqsapi.bystate.qa_pep_audit(parameter: str, bdate: date, edate: date, stateFIPS: str, cbdate: date | None = None, cedate: date | None = None, return_header: bool | None = False) AQSAPI_V2 | DataFrame
Return a table of Performance Evaluation Program (PEP) audit data aggregated by parameter code, and stateFIPS for the time frame between bdate and edate.
- Parameters:
- parametera character list or a single character string
which represents the parameter code of the air pollutant related to the data being requested.
- bdatea python date object which represents that begin date of the data
selection. Only data on or after this date will be returned.
- edatea python date object which represents that end date of the data
selection. Only data on or before this date will be returned.
- stateFIPSa python character object which represents the 2 digit
state FIPS code (with leading zero) for the state being requested. Use aqs_states() for the list of available FIPS codes.
- cbdatea python date object which represents a “beginning date of
last change” that indicates when the data was last updated. cbdate is used to filter data based on the change date. Only data that changed on or after this date will be returned. This is an optional variable which defaults to None.
- cedatea python date object which represents an “end date of last
change” that indicates when the data was last updated. cedate is used to filter data based on the change date. Only data that changed on or before this date will be returned. This is an optional variable which defaults to None.
- return_headerIf FALSE (default) only returns data requested. If TRUE
returns a AQSAPI_v2 object.
- Returns:
- (pandas DataFrame or an AQSAPI_V2 object): quality assurance PEP audit data
- within a state.
- Parameters:
parameter (str)
bdate (date)
edate (date)
stateFIPS (str)
cbdate (date | None)
cedate (date | None)
return_header (bool | None)
- Return type:
AQSAPI_V2 | DataFrame
Return a DataFrame of PEP audit data for PM2.5 in Alabama 2017:
import pyaqsapi as aqs from datetime import date ... aqs.bystate.qa_pep_audit(parameter="88101", bdate=date(year=2017, month=1, day=1), edate=date(year=2017, month=12, day=31), stateFIPS="01")
- pyaqsapi.bystate.quarterlysummary(parameter: str, bdate: date, edate: date, stateFIPS: str, cbdate: date | None = None, cedate: date | None = None, return_header: bool | None = False) AQSAPI_V2 | DataFrame
Return a DataFrame of quarterly data aggregated at the state level.
Quarterly summary contains a DataFrame matching the input parameter, stateFIPS a provided for bdate - edate time frame. Variables returned include mean value, maxima, percentiles, and etc.
- Parameters:
- parametera character list or a single character string
which represents the parameter code of the air pollutant related to the data being requested.
- bdatea python date object which represents that begin date of the data
selection. Only data on or after this date will be returned.
- edatea python date object which represents that end date of the data
selection. Only data on or before this date will be returned.
- stateFIPSa python character object which represents the 2 digit
state FIPS code (with leading zero) for the state being requested. Use aqs_states() for the list of available FIPS codes.
- cbdatea python date object which represents a “beginning date of
last change” that indicates when the data was last updated. cbdate is used to filter data based on the change date. Only data that changed on or after this date will be returned. This is an optional variable which defaults to None.
- cedatea python date object which represents an “end date of last
change” that indicates when the data was last updated. cedate is used to filter data based on the change date. Only data that changed on or before this date will be returned. This is an optional variable which defaults to None.
- return_headerIf FALSE (default) only returns data requested. If TRUE
returns a AQSAPI_v2 object.
- Returns:
- (pandas DataFrame or an AQSAPI_V2 object): quarterly summary statistics for
- the given parameter for a all monitors with matching parameter and
- stateFIPS combination within the bdate - edate timeframe.
- Parameters:
parameter (str)
bdate (date)
edate (date)
stateFIPS (str)
cbdate (date | None)
cedate (date | None)
return_header (bool | None)
- Return type:
AQSAPI_V2 | DataFrame
The AQS API only allows for a single year of quarterly summary to be retrieved at a time. This function conveniently extracts date information from the bdate and edate parameters then makes repeated calls to the AQSAPI retrieving a maximum of one calendar year of data at a time. Each calendar year of data requires a separate API call so multiple years of data will require multiple API calls. As the number of years of data being requested increases so does the length of time that it will take to retrieve results. There is also a 5 second wait time inserted between successive API calls to prevent overloading the API server. This operation has a linear run time of /(Big O notation: O/(n + 5 seconds/)/).
Also Note that for quarterly data, only the year portion of the bdate and edate are used and all 4 quarters in the year are returned.
Return an aqs S3 object containing quarterly summaries for FRM/FEM PM2.5 data for North Carolina for each quarter of 2016-2017:
import pyaqsapi as aqs from datetime import date ... aqs.bystate.quarterlysummary(parameter="88101", bdate=date(year=2016, month=1, day=1), edate=date(year=2017, month=12, day=31), stateFIPS="37")
- pyaqsapi.bystate.sampledata(parameter: str, bdate: date, edate: date, stateFIPS: str, cbdate: date | None = None, cedate: date | None = None, duration: str | None = None, return_header: bool | None = False) AQSAPI_V2 | DataFrame
Return sample data where the data is aggregated at the state level.
- Parameters:
- parametera character list or a single character string
which represents the parameter code of the air pollutant related to the data being requested.
- bdatea python date object which represents that begin date of the data
selection. Only data on or after this date will be returned.
- edatea python date object which represents that end date of the data
selection. Only data on or before this date will be returned.
- stateFIPSa python character object which represents the 2 digit
state FIPS code (with leading zero) for the state being requested. Use aqs_states() for the list of available FIPS codes.
- cbdatea python date object which represents a “beginning date of
last change” that indicates when the data was last updated. cbdate is used to filter data based on the change date. Only data that changed on or after this date will be returned. This is an optional variable which defaults to None.
- cedatea python date object which represents an “end date of last
change” that indicates when the data was last updated. cedate is used to filter data based on the change date. Only data that changed on or before this date will be returned. This is an optional variable which defaults to None.
- durationan optional python character string that represents the
parameter duration code that limits returned data to a specific sample duration. The default value of None results in no filtering based on duration code.Valid durations include actual sample durations and not calculated durations such as 8 hour carbon monoxide or ozone rolling averages, 3/6 day PM averages or lead 3 month rolling averages. Use aqs_sampledurations() for a list of all available duration codes.
- return_headerIf FALSE (default) only returns data requested. If TRUE
returns a AQSAPI_v2 object.
- Returns:
- (pandas DataFrame or an AQSAPI_V2 object): containing sample data
- for all monitors matching stateFIPS for the given parameter.
- Parameters:
parameter (str)
bdate (date)
edate (date)
stateFIPS (str)
cbdate (date | None)
cedate (date | None)
duration (str | None)
return_header (bool | None)
- Return type:
AQSAPI_V2 | DataFrame
Return a DataFrame with all benzene samples from North Carolina collected from May 15th, 1995 - May 15, 1999:
import pyaqsapi as aqs from datetime import date ... aqs.bystate.sampledata(parameter="45201", bdate=date(year=1995, month=5, day=15), edate=date(year=1995, month=5, day=15), stateFIPS="37")
- pyaqsapi.bystate.transactionsample(parameter: str, bdate: date, edate: date, stateFIPS: str, cbdate: date | None = None, cedate: date | None = None, return_header: bool | None = False) AQSAPI_V2 | DataFrame
Return transactionsample data - aggregated by state in the AQS Submission Transaction Format (RD) sample (raw) data for a parameter code aggregated by matching input parameter, and stateFIPS provided for bdate - edate time frame. Includes data both in submitted and standard units.
- Parameters:
- parametera character list or a single character string
which represents the parameter code of the air pollutant related to the data being requested.
- bdatea python date object which represents that begin date of the data
selection. Only data on or after this date will be returned.
- edatea python date object which represents that end date of the data
selection. Only data on or before this date will be returned.
- stateFIPSa python character object which represents the 2 digit
state FIPS code (with leading zero) for the state being requested. Use aqs_states() for the list of available FIPS codes.
- cbdatea python date object which represents a “beginning date of
last change” that indicates when the data was last updated. cbdate is used to filter data based on the change date. Only data that changed on or after this date will be returned. This is an optional variable which defaults to None.
- cedatea python date object which represents an “end date of last
change” that indicates when the data was last updated. cedate is used to filter data based on the change date. Only data that changed on or before this date will be returned. This is an optional variable which defaults to None.
- return_headerIf FALSE (default) only returns data requested. If TRUE
returns a AQSAPI_v2 object.
- Returns:
- (pandas DataFrame or an AQSAPI_V2 object): transaction sample (raw) data
- in the AQS submission transaction format (RD) corresponding to the inputs
- provided.
- Parameters:
parameter (str)
bdate (date)
edate (date)
stateFIPS (str)
cbdate (date | None)
cedate (date | None)
return_header (bool | None)
- Return type:
AQSAPI_V2 | DataFrame
Return a DataFrame containing benzene transaction sample data for North Carolina on May 15, 1995:
import pyaqsapi as aqs from datetime import date ... aqs.bystate.transactionsample(parameter="45201", bdate=date(year=1995, month=5, day=15), edate=date(year=1995, month=5, day=15), stateFIPS="37")
pyaqsapi.bystate.bystate module
Functions that aggregated data by state.
- pyaqsapi.bystate.bystate.annualsummary(parameter: str, bdate: date, edate: date, stateFIPS: str, cbdate: date | None = None, cedate: date | None = None, return_header: bool | None = False) AQSAPI_V2 | DataFrame
Return a DataFrame of annual data aggregated at the state level.
Annual summary contains a DataFrame matching the input parameter and stateFIPS provided for bdate - edate time frame. Variables returned include mean value, maxima, percentiles, and etc.
- Parameters:
- parametera character list or a single character string
which represents the parameter code of the air pollutant related to the data being requested.
- bdatea python date object which represents that begin date of the data
selection. Only data on or after this date will be returned.
- edatea python date object which represents that end date of the data
selection. Only data on or before this date will be returned.
- stateFIPSa python character object which represents the 2 digit
state FIPS code (with leading zero) for the state being requested. Use aqs_states() for the list of available FIPS codes.
- cbdatea python date object which represents a “beginning date of
last change” that indicates when the data was last updated. cbdate is used to filter data based on the change date. Only data that changed on or after this date will be returned. This is an optional variable which defaults to None.
- cedatea python date object which represents an “end date of last
change” that indicates when the data was last updated. cedate is used to filter data based on the change date. Only data that changed on or before this date will be returned. This is an optional variable which defaults to None.
- return_headerIf FALSE (default) only returns data requested. If TRUE
returns a AQSAPI_v2 object.
- Returns:
- (pandas DataFrame or an AQSAPI_V2 object): annual summary data for the
- stateFIPS requested.
- Parameters:
parameter (str)
bdate (date)
edate (date)
stateFIPS (str)
cbdate (date | None)
cedate (date | None)
return_header (bool | None)
- Return type:
AQSAPI_V2 | DataFrame
Return a DataFrame with all benzene samples from North Carolina collected from May 15th, 1995 - May 15, 1999:
import pyaqsapi as aqs from datetime import date ... aqs.bystate.annualsummary(parameter="45201", bdate=date(year=1995, month=5, day=15), edate=date(year=1999, month=5, day=15), stateFIPS="37")
- pyaqsapi.bystate.bystate.dailysummary(parameter: str, bdate: date, edate: date, stateFIPS: str, cbdate: date | None = None, cedate: date | None = None, return_header: bool | None = False) AQSAPI_V2 | DataFrame
Return a DataFrame of data aggregated at the state level.
Daily summary contains a DataFrame matching the input parameter and stateFIPS provided for bdate - edate time frame. Variables returned include mean value, maxima, percentiles, and etc.
- Parameters:
- parametera character list or a single character string
which represents the parameter code of the air pollutant related to the data being requested.
- bdatea python date object which represents that begin date of the data
selection. Only data on or after this date will be returned.
- edatea python date object which represents that end date of the data
selection. Only data on or before this date will be returned.
- stateFIPSa python character object which represents the 2 digit
state FIPS code (with leading zero) for the state being requested. Use aqs_states() for the list of available FIPS codes.
- cbdatea python date object which represents a “beginning date of
last change” that indicates when the data was last updated. cbdate is used to filter data based on the change date. Only data that changed on or after this date will be returned. This is an optional variable which defaults to None.
- cedatea python date object which represents an “end date of last
change” that indicates when the data was last updated. cedate is used to filter data based on the change date. Only data that changed on or before this date will be returned. This is an optional variable which defaults to None.
- return_headerIf FALSE (default) only returns data requested. If TRUE
returns a AQSAPI_v2 object.
- Returns:
- (pandas DataFrame or an AQSAPI_V2 object): daily summary statistics for the
- given parameter for a single stateFIPS.
- Parameters:
parameter (str)
bdate (date)
edate (date)
stateFIPS (str)
cbdate (date | None)
cedate (date | None)
return_header (bool | None)
- Return type:
AQSAPI_V2 | DataFrame
Return a DataFrame of all benzene daily summaries from North Carolina collected on May 15th, 1995:
import pyaqsapi as aqs from datetime import date ... aqs.bystate.dailysummary(parameter="45201", bdate=date(year=1995, month=5, day=15), edate=date(year=1995, month=5, day=15), stateFIPS="37")
- pyaqsapi.bystate.bystate.monitors(parameter: str, bdate: date, edate: date, stateFIPS: str, cbdate: date | None = None, cedate: date | None = None, return_header: bool | None = False) AQSAPI_V2 | DataFrame
Return a table of monitors.
Return a table of monitors and related metadata at all sites with the provided parameter and stateFIPS for bdate - edate time frame.
- Parameters:
- parametera character list or a single character string
which represents the parameter code of the air pollutant related to the data being requested.
- bdatea python date object which represents that begin date of the data
selection. Only data on or after this date will be returned.
- edatea python date object which represents that end date of the data
selection. Only data on or before this date will be returned.
- stateFIPSa python character object which represents the 2 digit
state FIPS code (with leading zero) for the state being requested. Use aqs_states() for the list of available FIPS codes.
- cbdatea python date object which represents a “beginning date of
last change” that indicates when the data was last updated. cbdate is used to filter data based on the change date. Only data that changed on or after this date will be returned. This is an optional variable which defaults to None.
- cedatea python date object which represents an “end date of last
change” that indicates when the data was last updated. cedate is used to filter data based on the change date. Only data that changed on or before this date will be returned. This is an optional variable which defaults to None.
- return_headerIf FALSE (default) only returns data requested. If TRUE
returns a AQSAPI_v2 object.
- Returns:
- (pandas DataFrame or an AQSAPI_V2 object): monitors from the
selected state.
- Parameters:
parameter (str)
bdate (date)
edate (date)
stateFIPS (str)
cbdate (date | None)
cedate (date | None)
return_header (bool | None)
- Return type:
AQSAPI_V2 | DataFrame
Return a DataFrame of SO2 monitors in Hawaii that were operating on May 01, 2017.
import pyaqsapi as aqs from datetime import date
- aqs.bystate.monitors(parameter=”88101”,
bdate=date(year=2017, month=1, day=1), edate=date(year=2017, month=12, day=31), stateFIPS=”01”)
- pyaqsapi.bystate.bystate.qa_annualperformanceeval(parameter: str, bdate: date, edate: date, stateFIPS: str, cbdate: date | None = None, cedate: date | None = None, return_header: bool | None = False) AQSAPI_V2 | DataFrame
Return quality assurance performance evaluation data - aggregated by site for a parameter code aggregated by matching input parameter, and stateFIPS provided for bdate - edate time frame.
- Parameters:
- parametera character list or a single character string
which represents the parameter code of the air pollutant related to the data being requested.
- bdatea python date object which represents that begin date of the data
selection. Only data on or after this date will be returned.
- edatea python date object which represents that end date of the data
selection. Only data on or before this date will be returned.
- stateFIPSa python character object which represents the 2 digit
state FIPS code (with leading zero) for the state being requested. Use aqs_states() for the list of available FIPS codes.
- cbdatea python date object which represents a “beginning date of
last change” that indicates when the data was last updated. cbdate is used to filter data based on the change date. Only data that changed on or after this date will be returned. This is an optional variable which defaults to None.
- cedatea python date object which represents an “end date of last
change” that indicates when the data was last updated. cedate is used to filter data based on the change date. Only data that changed on or before this date will be returned. This is an optional variable which defaults to None.
- return_headerIf FALSE (default) only returns data requested. If TRUE
returns a AQSAPI_v2 object.
- Returns:
- (pandas DataFrame or an AQSAPI_V2 object): quality assurance
- performance evaluation data for all monitoring sites for the
- matching parameter and stateFIPS requested for the time frame
- between bdate and edate.
- Parameters:
parameter (str)
bdate (date)
edate (date)
stateFIPS (str)
cbdate (date | None)
cedate (date | None)
return_header (bool | None)
- Return type:
AQSAPI_V2 | DataFrame
Return a DataFrame containing annual performance evaluation data for ozone in Alabama for 2017:
import pyaqsapi as aqs from datetime import date ... aqs.bystate.qa_annualperformanceeval(parameter="44201", bdate=date(year=2017, month=1, day=1), edate=date(year=2017, month=12, day=31), stateFIPS="01")
- pyaqsapi.bystate.bystate.qa_annualperformanceevaltransaction(parameter: str, bdate: date, edate: date, stateFIPS: str, cbdate: date | None = None, cedate: date | None = None, return_header: bool | None = False) AQSAPI_V2 | DataFrame
Return AQS submissions transaction format (RD) of the annual performance evaluation data (raw). Includes data pairs for QA - aggregated by county for a parameter code aggregated by matching input parameter and stateFIPS provided for bdate - edate time frame.
- Parameters:
- parametera character list or a single character string
which represents the parameter code of the air pollutant related to the data being requested.
- bdatea python date object which represents that begin date of the data
selection. Only data on or after this date will be returned.
- edatea python date object which represents that end date of the data
selection. Only data on or before this date will be returned.
- stateFIPSa python character object which represents the 2 digit
state FIPS code (with leading zero) for the state being requested. Use aqs_states() for the list of available FIPS codes.
- cbdatea python date object which represents a “beginning date of
last change” that indicates when the data was last updated. cbdate is used to filter data based on the change date. Only data that changed on or after this date will be returned. This is an optional variable which defaults to None.
- cedatea python date object which represents an “end date of last
change” that indicates when the data was last updated. cedate is used to filter data based on the change date. Only data that changed on or before this date will be returned. This is an optional variable which defaults to None.
- return_headerIf FALSE (default) only returns data requested. If TRUE
returns a AQSAPI_v2 object.
- Returns:
- (pandas DataFrame or an AQSAPI_V2 object): quality assurance
- performance evaluation data. for all monitoring sites with matching
- parameter and stateFIPS requested for the time frame
- between bdate and edate.
- Parameters:
parameter (str)
bdate (date)
edate (date)
stateFIPS (str)
cbdate (date | None)
cedate (date | None)
return_header (bool | None)
- Return type:
AQSAPI_V2 | DataFrame
Return a DataFrame containing annual performance evaluation data for ozone in Alabama for 2017 in RD format.:
import pyaqsapi as aqs from datetime import date ... aqs.bystate.qa_annualperformanceevaltransaction(parameter="44201", bdate=date(year=2017, month=1, day=1), edate=date(year=2017, month=12, day=31), stateFIPS="01")
- pyaqsapi.bystate.bystate.qa_blanks(parameter: str, bdate: date, edate: date, stateFIPS: str, cbdate: date | None = None, cedate: date | None = None, return_header: bool | None = False) AQSAPI_V2 | DataFrame
Return a table of blank quality assurance data. Blanks are unexposed sample collection devices (e.g., filters) that are transported with the exposed sample devices to assess if contamination is occurring during the transport or handling of the samples. Data is aggregated at the state level.
- Parameters:
- parametera character list or a single character string
which represents the parameter code of the air pollutant related to the data being requested.
- bdatea python date object which represents that begin date of the data
selection. Only data on or after this date will be returned.
- edatea python date object which represents that end date of the data
selection. Only data on or before this date will be returned.
- stateFIPSa python character object which represents the 2 digit
state FIPS code (with leading zero) for the state being requested. Use aqs_states() for the list of available FIPS codes.
- cbdatea python date object which represents a “beginning date of
last change” that indicates when the data was last updated. cbdate is used to filter data based on the change date. Only data that changed on or after this date will be returned. This is an optional variable which defaults to None.
- cedatea python date object which represents an “end date of last
change” that indicates when the data was last updated. cedate is used to filter data based on the change date. Only data that changed on or before this date will be returned. This is an optional variable which defaults to None.
- return_headerIf FALSE (default) only returns data requested. If TRUE
returns a AQSAPI_v2 object.
- Returns:
- (pandas DataFrame or an AQSAPI_V2 object): quality assurance blank sample
- data for all monitors within the input stateFIPS.
- Parameters:
parameter (str)
bdate (date)
edate (date)
stateFIPS (str)
cbdate (date | None)
cedate (date | None)
return_header (bool | None)
- Return type:
AQSAPI_V2 | DataFrame
Return a DataFrame which contains PM2.5 blank data for Alabama for January 2018:
import pyaqsapi as aqs from datetime import date ... aqs.bystate.qa_blanks(parameter="45201", bdate=date(year=1995, month=5, day=15), edate=date(year=1999, month=5, day=15), stateFIPS="37")
- pyaqsapi.bystate.bystate.qa_collocated_assessments(parameter: str, bdate: date, edate: date, stateFIPS: str, cbdate: date | None = None, cedate: date | None = None, return_header: bool | None = False) AQSAPI_V2 | DataFrame
Return a table of collocated assessment data aggregated by matching input parameter and stateFIPS provided for bdate - edate time frame.
- Parameters:
- parametera character list or a single character string
which represents the parameter code of the air pollutant related to the data being requested.
- bdatea python date object which represents that begin date of the data
selection. Only data on or after this date will be returned.
- edatea python date object which represents that end date of the data
selection. Only data on or before this date will be returned.
- stateFIPSa python character object which represents the 2 digit
state FIPS code (with leading zero) for the state being requested. Use aqs_states() for the list of available FIPS codes.
- cbdatea python date object which represents a “beginning date of
last change” that indicates when the data was last updated. cbdate is used to filter data based on the change date. Only data that changed on or after this date will be returned. This is an optional variable which defaults to None.
- cedatea python date object which represents an “end date of last
change” that indicates when the data was last updated. cedate is used to filter data based on the change date. Only data that changed on or before this date will be returned. This is an optional variable which defaults to None.
- return_headerIf FALSE (default) only returns data requested. If TRUE
returns a AQSAPI_v2 object.
- Returns:
- (pandas DataFrame or an AQSAPI_V2 object): quality assurance collocated
- assessment data for monitors within a state.
- Parameters:
parameter (str)
bdate (date)
edate (date)
stateFIPS (str)
cbdate (date | None)
cedate (date | None)
return_header (bool | None)
- Return type:
AQSAPI_V2 | DataFrame
Return a DataFrame of collocated assessment data for FRM2.5 for January 2013:
import pyaqsapi as aqs from datetime import date ... aqs.bystate.qa_collocated_assessments(parameter="88101", bdate=date(year=2013, month=1, day=1), edate=date(year=2013, month=1, day=31), stateFIPS="01")
- pyaqsapi.bystate.bystate.qa_flowrateaudit(parameter: str, bdate: date, edate: date, stateFIPS: str, cbdate: date | None = None, cedate: date | None = None, return_header: bool | None = False) AQSAPI_V2 | DataFrame
Return Quality assurance flowrate audit data.
Return a table of monitors and related metadata at all sites with the provided parameter and stateFIPS for bdate - edate time frame.
- Parameters:
- parametera character list or a single character string
which represents the parameter code of the air pollutant related to the data being requested.
- bdatea python date object which represents that begin date of the data
selection. Only data on or after this date will be returned.
- edatea python date object which represents that end date of the data
selection. Only data on or before this date will be returned.
- stateFIPSa python character object which represents the 2 digit
state FIPS code (with leading zero) for the state being requested. Use aqs_states() for the list of available FIPS codes.
- cbdatea python date object which represents a “beginning date of
last change” that indicates when the data was last updated. cbdate is used to filter data based on the change date. Only data that changed on or after this date will be returned. This is an optional variable which defaults to None.
- cedatea python date object which represents an “end date of last
change” that indicates when the data was last updated. cedate is used to filter data based on the change date. Only data that changed on or before this date will be returned. This is an optional variable which defaults to None.
- return_headerIf FALSE (default) only returns data requested. If TRUE
returns a AQSAPI_v2 object.
- Returns:
- (pandas DataFrame or an AQSAPI_V2 object): monitors from the
selected state.
- Parameters:
parameter (str)
bdate (date)
edate (date)
stateFIPS (str)
cbdate (date | None)
cedate (date | None)
return_header (bool | None)
- Return type:
AQSAPI_V2 | DataFrame
Return a DataFrame of flow rate audit data for Alabama in January 2018:
import pyaqsapi as aqs from datetime import date ... aqs.bystate.qa_flowrateaudit(parameter="88101", bdate=date(year=2018, month=1, day=1), edate=date(year=2018, month=1, day=31), stateFIPS="01")
- pyaqsapi.bystate.bystate.qa_flowrateverification(parameter: str, bdate: date, edate: date, stateFIPS: str, cbdate: date | None = None, cedate: date | None = None, return_header: bool | None = False) AQSAPI_V2 | DataFrame
Return a table containing flow rate Verification data for a parameter code aggregated matching input parameter, and stateFIPS, provided for bdate - edate time frame.
- Parameters:
- parametera character list or a single character string
which represents the parameter code of the air pollutant related to the data being requested.
- bdatea python date object which represents that begin date of the data
selection. Only data on or after this date will be returned.
- edatea python date object which represents that end date of the data
selection. Only data on or before this date will be returned.
- stateFIPSa python character object which represents the 2 digit
state FIPS code (with leading zero) for the state being requested. Use aqs_states() for the list of available FIPS codes.
- cbdatea python date object which represents a “beginning date of
last change” that indicates when the data was last updated. cbdate is used to filter data based on the change date. Only data that changed on or after this date will be returned. This is an optional variable which defaults to None.
- cedatea python date object which represents an “end date of last
change” that indicates when the data was last updated. cedate is used to filter data based on the change date. Only data that changed on or before this date will be returned. This is an optional variable which defaults to None.
- return_headerIf FALSE (default) only returns data requested. If TRUE
returns a AQSAPI_v2 object.
- Returns:
- (pandas DataFrame or an AQSAPI_V2 object): quality assurance flow rate
- verification data for monitors within a state.
- Parameters:
parameter (str)
bdate (date)
edate (date)
stateFIPS (str)
cbdate (date | None)
cedate (date | None)
return_header (bool | None)
- Return type:
AQSAPI_V2 | DataFrame
Return a DataFrame of flow rate verification data for the state of Alabama for 2017-2019:
import pyaqsapi as aqs from datetime import date ... aqs.bystate.qa_flowrateverification(parameter="88101", bdate=date(year=2017, month=1, day=1), edate=date(year=2019, month=12, day=31), stateFIPS="01")
- pyaqsapi.bystate.bystate.qa_one_point_qc(parameter: str, bdate: date, edate: date, stateFIPS: str, cbdate: date | None = None, cedate: date | None = None, return_header: bool | None = False) AQSAPI_V2 | DataFrame
Return a DataFrame or an AQS_Data Mart_APIv2 S3 object containing Quality assurance data - flow rate audit raw data aggregated by state FIPS for bdate - edate time frame.
- Parameters:
- parametera character list or a single character string
which represents the parameter code of the air pollutant related to the data being requested.
- bdatea python date object which represents that begin date of the data
selection. Only data on or after this date will be returned.
- edatea python date object which represents that end date of the data
selection. Only data on or before this date will be returned.
- stateFIPSa python character object which represents the 2 digit
state FIPS code (with leading zero) for the state being requested. Use aqs_states() for the list of available FIPS codes.
- cbdatea python date object which represents a “beginning date of
last change” that indicates when the data was last updated. cbdate is used to filter data based on the change date. Only data that changed on or after this date will be returned. This is an optional variable which defaults to None.
- cedatea python date object which represents an “end date of last
change” that indicates when the data was last updated. cedate is used to filter data based on the change date. Only data that changed on or before this date will be returned. This is an optional variable which defaults to None.
- return_headerIf FALSE (default) only returns data requested. If TRUE
returns a AQSAPI_v2 object.
- Returns:
- (pandas DataFrame or an AQSAPI_V2 object): one point qc data within the
- input stateFIPS for bdate - edate time frame..
- Parameters:
parameter (str)
bdate (date)
edate (date)
stateFIPS (str)
cbdate (date | None)
cedate (date | None)
return_header (bool | None)
- Return type:
AQSAPI_V2 | DataFrame
Return a DataFrame of one point QC check data for ozone in Massachusetts in January 2018:
import pyaqsapi as aqs from datetime import date ... aqs.bystate.qa_one_point_qc(parameter="44201", bdate=date(year=2018, month=1, day=1), edate=date(year=2018, month=1, day=31), stateFIPS="25")
- pyaqsapi.bystate.bystate.qa_pep_audit(parameter: str, bdate: date, edate: date, stateFIPS: str, cbdate: date | None = None, cedate: date | None = None, return_header: bool | None = False) AQSAPI_V2 | DataFrame
Return a table of Performance Evaluation Program (PEP) audit data aggregated by parameter code, and stateFIPS for the time frame between bdate and edate.
- Parameters:
- parametera character list or a single character string
which represents the parameter code of the air pollutant related to the data being requested.
- bdatea python date object which represents that begin date of the data
selection. Only data on or after this date will be returned.
- edatea python date object which represents that end date of the data
selection. Only data on or before this date will be returned.
- stateFIPSa python character object which represents the 2 digit
state FIPS code (with leading zero) for the state being requested. Use aqs_states() for the list of available FIPS codes.
- cbdatea python date object which represents a “beginning date of
last change” that indicates when the data was last updated. cbdate is used to filter data based on the change date. Only data that changed on or after this date will be returned. This is an optional variable which defaults to None.
- cedatea python date object which represents an “end date of last
change” that indicates when the data was last updated. cedate is used to filter data based on the change date. Only data that changed on or before this date will be returned. This is an optional variable which defaults to None.
- return_headerIf FALSE (default) only returns data requested. If TRUE
returns a AQSAPI_v2 object.
- Returns:
- (pandas DataFrame or an AQSAPI_V2 object): quality assurance PEP audit data
- within a state.
- Parameters:
parameter (str)
bdate (date)
edate (date)
stateFIPS (str)
cbdate (date | None)
cedate (date | None)
return_header (bool | None)
- Return type:
AQSAPI_V2 | DataFrame
Return a DataFrame of PEP audit data for PM2.5 in Alabama 2017:
import pyaqsapi as aqs from datetime import date ... aqs.bystate.qa_pep_audit(parameter="88101", bdate=date(year=2017, month=1, day=1), edate=date(year=2017, month=12, day=31), stateFIPS="01")
- pyaqsapi.bystate.bystate.quarterlysummary(parameter: str, bdate: date, edate: date, stateFIPS: str, cbdate: date | None = None, cedate: date | None = None, return_header: bool | None = False) AQSAPI_V2 | DataFrame
Return a DataFrame of quarterly data aggregated at the state level.
Quarterly summary contains a DataFrame matching the input parameter, stateFIPS a provided for bdate - edate time frame. Variables returned include mean value, maxima, percentiles, and etc.
- Parameters:
- parametera character list or a single character string
which represents the parameter code of the air pollutant related to the data being requested.
- bdatea python date object which represents that begin date of the data
selection. Only data on or after this date will be returned.
- edatea python date object which represents that end date of the data
selection. Only data on or before this date will be returned.
- stateFIPSa python character object which represents the 2 digit
state FIPS code (with leading zero) for the state being requested. Use aqs_states() for the list of available FIPS codes.
- cbdatea python date object which represents a “beginning date of
last change” that indicates when the data was last updated. cbdate is used to filter data based on the change date. Only data that changed on or after this date will be returned. This is an optional variable which defaults to None.
- cedatea python date object which represents an “end date of last
change” that indicates when the data was last updated. cedate is used to filter data based on the change date. Only data that changed on or before this date will be returned. This is an optional variable which defaults to None.
- return_headerIf FALSE (default) only returns data requested. If TRUE
returns a AQSAPI_v2 object.
- Returns:
- (pandas DataFrame or an AQSAPI_V2 object): quarterly summary statistics for
- the given parameter for a all monitors with matching parameter and
- stateFIPS combination within the bdate - edate timeframe.
- Parameters:
parameter (str)
bdate (date)
edate (date)
stateFIPS (str)
cbdate (date | None)
cedate (date | None)
return_header (bool | None)
- Return type:
AQSAPI_V2 | DataFrame
The AQS API only allows for a single year of quarterly summary to be retrieved at a time. This function conveniently extracts date information from the bdate and edate parameters then makes repeated calls to the AQSAPI retrieving a maximum of one calendar year of data at a time. Each calendar year of data requires a separate API call so multiple years of data will require multiple API calls. As the number of years of data being requested increases so does the length of time that it will take to retrieve results. There is also a 5 second wait time inserted between successive API calls to prevent overloading the API server. This operation has a linear run time of /(Big O notation: O/(n + 5 seconds/)/).
Also Note that for quarterly data, only the year portion of the bdate and edate are used and all 4 quarters in the year are returned.
Return an aqs S3 object containing quarterly summaries for FRM/FEM PM2.5 data for North Carolina for each quarter of 2016-2017:
import pyaqsapi as aqs from datetime import date ... aqs.bystate.quarterlysummary(parameter="88101", bdate=date(year=2016, month=1, day=1), edate=date(year=2017, month=12, day=31), stateFIPS="37")
- pyaqsapi.bystate.bystate.sampledata(parameter: str, bdate: date, edate: date, stateFIPS: str, cbdate: date | None = None, cedate: date | None = None, duration: str | None = None, return_header: bool | None = False) AQSAPI_V2 | DataFrame
Return sample data where the data is aggregated at the state level.
- Parameters:
- parametera character list or a single character string
which represents the parameter code of the air pollutant related to the data being requested.
- bdatea python date object which represents that begin date of the data
selection. Only data on or after this date will be returned.
- edatea python date object which represents that end date of the data
selection. Only data on or before this date will be returned.
- stateFIPSa python character object which represents the 2 digit
state FIPS code (with leading zero) for the state being requested. Use aqs_states() for the list of available FIPS codes.
- cbdatea python date object which represents a “beginning date of
last change” that indicates when the data was last updated. cbdate is used to filter data based on the change date. Only data that changed on or after this date will be returned. This is an optional variable which defaults to None.
- cedatea python date object which represents an “end date of last
change” that indicates when the data was last updated. cedate is used to filter data based on the change date. Only data that changed on or before this date will be returned. This is an optional variable which defaults to None.
- durationan optional python character string that represents the
parameter duration code that limits returned data to a specific sample duration. The default value of None results in no filtering based on duration code.Valid durations include actual sample durations and not calculated durations such as 8 hour carbon monoxide or ozone rolling averages, 3/6 day PM averages or lead 3 month rolling averages. Use aqs_sampledurations() for a list of all available duration codes.
- return_headerIf FALSE (default) only returns data requested. If TRUE
returns a AQSAPI_v2 object.
- Returns:
- (pandas DataFrame or an AQSAPI_V2 object): containing sample data
- for all monitors matching stateFIPS for the given parameter.
- Parameters:
parameter (str)
bdate (date)
edate (date)
stateFIPS (str)
cbdate (date | None)
cedate (date | None)
duration (str | None)
return_header (bool | None)
- Return type:
AQSAPI_V2 | DataFrame
Return a DataFrame with all benzene samples from North Carolina collected from May 15th, 1995 - May 15, 1999:
import pyaqsapi as aqs from datetime import date ... aqs.bystate.sampledata(parameter="45201", bdate=date(year=1995, month=5, day=15), edate=date(year=1995, month=5, day=15), stateFIPS="37")
- pyaqsapi.bystate.bystate.transactionsample(parameter: str, bdate: date, edate: date, stateFIPS: str, cbdate: date | None = None, cedate: date | None = None, return_header: bool | None = False) AQSAPI_V2 | DataFrame
Return transactionsample data - aggregated by state in the AQS Submission Transaction Format (RD) sample (raw) data for a parameter code aggregated by matching input parameter, and stateFIPS provided for bdate - edate time frame. Includes data both in submitted and standard units.
- Parameters:
- parametera character list or a single character string
which represents the parameter code of the air pollutant related to the data being requested.
- bdatea python date object which represents that begin date of the data
selection. Only data on or after this date will be returned.
- edatea python date object which represents that end date of the data
selection. Only data on or before this date will be returned.
- stateFIPSa python character object which represents the 2 digit
state FIPS code (with leading zero) for the state being requested. Use aqs_states() for the list of available FIPS codes.
- cbdatea python date object which represents a “beginning date of
last change” that indicates when the data was last updated. cbdate is used to filter data based on the change date. Only data that changed on or after this date will be returned. This is an optional variable which defaults to None.
- cedatea python date object which represents an “end date of last
change” that indicates when the data was last updated. cedate is used to filter data based on the change date. Only data that changed on or before this date will be returned. This is an optional variable which defaults to None.
- return_headerIf FALSE (default) only returns data requested. If TRUE
returns a AQSAPI_v2 object.
- Returns:
- (pandas DataFrame or an AQSAPI_V2 object): transaction sample (raw) data
- in the AQS submission transaction format (RD) corresponding to the inputs
- provided.
- Parameters:
parameter (str)
bdate (date)
edate (date)
stateFIPS (str)
cbdate (date | None)
cedate (date | None)
return_header (bool | None)
- Return type:
AQSAPI_V2 | DataFrame
Return a DataFrame containing benzene transaction sample data for North Carolina on May 15, 1995:
import pyaqsapi as aqs from datetime import date ... aqs.bystate.transactionsample(parameter="45201", bdate=date(year=1995, month=5, day=15), edate=date(year=1995, month=5, day=15), stateFIPS="37")