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Used to create input to boxplots_ratios() and can be used elsewhere now


  evarnames = names_e,
  dvarnames = c(names_d, names_d_subgroups),
  zone.prefix = c("", "state.")[1],
  avg.evarnames = paste0(zone.prefix, "avg.", evarnames),
  avg.dvarnames = paste0(zone.prefix, "avg.", dvarnames)



data.frame output from ejscreenapi_plus() or from ejscreenapi() or doaggregate(), one row per buffer or site, and columns for indicators named in evarnames, dvarnames, avg.evarnames, avg.dvarnames


vector of variable names for environmental indicators in out, like pm, o3, etc.


vector of variable names for residential population indicators in out, such as pctlowinc


us or state, must fit with colnames in out such as avg.pctlowinc and state.avg.pctlowinc


use only if user-specific variable names are in out, with defaults like


use only if user-specific variable names are in out, with defaults like avg.pctlowinc


a list with ratios_d and ratios_e which are vectors of numbers the lengths of dvarnames and evarnames


Note that colnames returned are same as input, not renamed to say "ratio" If names_d_subgroups are included, those means are not in API output from EJScreen so it gets the means from usastats or statestats


 out <- testoutput_ejscreenit_5$table # has long names
 names(out) <- fixcolnames(names(out1),'long','r')
#> Error: object 'out1' not found
 out2 <- testoutput_ejscreenapi_plus_5 # has r names already
 # these are data.frames, but the colnames are different:
 #   names like "Demog.Index" but they are ratios
#> US averages for demog subgroups like pcthisp not found (note they are not provided by the EJScreen API)
#>         so looking up and adding those, and rescaling as 0-100, which is how ejscreen tables store percentages though not how ejamit() does
#> Warning: some variable names are not found in out - ignoring those
#> Missing from table provided, but expected to see here: 
#> Demog:  Demog.Index, Demog.Index.Supp, pctlowinc, pctlingiso, pctunemployed, pctlths, pctunder5, pctover64, pctmin, pcthisp, pctnhba, pctnhaa, pctnhaiana, pctnhnhpia, pctnhotheralone, pctnhmulti, pctnhwa, avg.Demog.Index, avg.Demog.Index.Supp, avg.pctlowinc, avg.pctlingiso, avg.pctunemployed, avg.pctlths, avg.pctunder5, avg.pctover64, avg.pctmin 
#> Envt:  pm, o3, no2, dpm, rsei, traffic.score, pctpre1960, proximity.npl, proximity.rmp, proximity.tsdf, ust, proximity.npdes, drinking,, avg.o3, avg.no2, avg.dpm, avg.rsei, avg.traffic.score, avg.pctpre1960, avg.proximity.npl, avg.proximity.rmp, avg.proximity.tsdf, avg.ust, avg.proximity.npdes, avg.drinking 
#> Error in calc_ratios_to_avg(out): None of the specified (or expected default if not specified) Variable names were found in the provided dataset
 #   names like ""
 out[ , names_d_ratio_to_avg] # needs EJAM for names_d_ratio_to_avg
#> Error in `[.data.frame`(out, , names_d_ratio_to_avg): undefined columns selected
 boxplots_ratios(calc_ratios_to_avg(out)$ratios_d,"pctlowinc","% low income", 
     wheretext="Within a mile of")
#> US averages for demog subgroups like pcthisp not found (note they are not provided by the EJScreen API)
#>         so looking up and adding those, and rescaling as 0-100, which is how ejscreen tables store percentages though not how ejamit() does
#> Warning: some variable names are not found in out - ignoring those
#> Missing from table provided, but expected to see here: 
#> Demog:  Demog.Index, Demog.Index.Supp, pctlowinc, pctlingiso, pctunemployed, pctlths, pctunder5, pctover64, pctmin, pcthisp, pctnhba, pctnhaa, pctnhaiana, pctnhnhpia, pctnhotheralone, pctnhmulti, pctnhwa, avg.Demog.Index, avg.Demog.Index.Supp, avg.pctlowinc, avg.pctlingiso, avg.pctunemployed, avg.pctlths, avg.pctunder5, avg.pctover64, avg.pctmin 
#> Envt:  pm, o3, no2, dpm, rsei, traffic.score, pctpre1960, proximity.npl, proximity.rmp, proximity.tsdf, ust, proximity.npdes, drinking,, avg.o3, avg.no2, avg.dpm, avg.rsei, avg.traffic.score, avg.pctpre1960, avg.proximity.npl, avg.proximity.rmp, avg.proximity.tsdf, avg.ust, avg.proximity.npdes, avg.drinking 
#> Error in calc_ratios_to_avg(out): None of the specified (or expected default if not specified) Variable names were found in the provided dataset