Summarize count (and percent) of rows with exactly (and at least) N cols >= various thresholds
This wraps 4 functions to return 4 tables:
using colcounter_summary()
, colcounter_summary_pct()
, colcounter_summary_cum_pct()
For another view and text explanations of the findings, see
See also
# df <- bg22[ , names.ej.pctile]
df <- data.frame(a=rep(80,4),b=rep(93,4), col3=c(49,98,100,100))
bench <- 5 * (0:20)
a3 <- colcounter_summary_all(df, bench)
#> stat
#> count count cum pct cum_pct
#> 0 1 4 25 100
#> 1 3 3 75 75
#> 2 0 0 0 0
#> 3 0 0 0 0
#> cut
#> count 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85
#> 0 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100
#> 1 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100
#> 2 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 75
#> 3 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 0
#> cut
#> count 90 95 100
#> 0 100 100 100
#> 1 100 75 50
#> 2 75 0 0
#> 3 0 0 0
a3['0',,]; a3[1,,]
#> stat
#> cut count cum pct cum_pct
#> 0 0 4 0 100
#> 5 0 4 0 100
#> 10 0 4 0 100
#> 15 0 4 0 100
#> 20 0 4 0 100
#> 25 0 4 0 100
#> 30 0 4 0 100
#> 35 0 4 0 100
#> 40 0 4 0 100
#> 45 0 4 0 100
#> 50 0 4 0 100
#> 55 0 4 0 100
#> 60 0 4 0 100
#> 65 0 4 0 100
#> 70 0 4 0 100
#> 75 0 4 0 100
#> 80 0 4 0 100
#> 85 0 4 0 100
#> 90 0 4 0 100
#> 95 1 4 25 100
#> 100 2 4 50 100
#> stat
#> cut count cum pct cum_pct
#> 0 0 4 0 100
#> 5 0 4 0 100
#> 10 0 4 0 100
#> 15 0 4 0 100
#> 20 0 4 0 100
#> 25 0 4 0 100
#> 30 0 4 0 100
#> 35 0 4 0 100
#> 40 0 4 0 100
#> 45 0 4 0 100
#> 50 0 4 0 100
#> 55 0 4 0 100
#> 60 0 4 0 100
#> 65 0 4 0 100
#> 70 0 4 0 100
#> 75 0 4 0 100
#> 80 0 4 0 100
#> 85 0 4 0 100
#> 90 0 4 0 100
#> 95 1 4 25 100
#> 100 2 4 50 100
#> stat
#> cut count cum pct cum_pct
#> 0 4 4 100 100
#> 5 4 4 100 100
#> 10 4 4 100 100
#> 15 4 4 100 100
#> 20 4 4 100 100
#> 25 4 4 100 100
#> 30 4 4 100 100
#> 35 4 4 100 100
#> 40 4 4 100 100
#> 45 4 4 100 100
#> 50 3 3 75 75
#> 55 3 3 75 75
#> 60 3 3 75 75
#> 65 3 3 75 75
#> 70 3 3 75 75
#> 75 3 3 75 75
#> 80 3 3 75 75
#> 85 0 0 0 0
#> 90 0 0 0 0
#> 95 0 0 0 0
#> 100 0 0 0 0
# a3['12',,]; a3[13,,]
if (FALSE) { # \dontrun{
barplot(colcounter_summary_cum_pct(pdata, pcuts)[ , '80'],
ylab='% of places', xlab='# of indicators at/above threshold',
main='% of places with at least N/13 indicators >=80th percentile')
barplot(colcounter_summary(pdata, pcuts)[2:13 , '95'],
ylab='# of places', xlab='# of indicators at/above threshold',
main='# of places with exactly N/13 indicators >=95th percentile')
# pdata <- ejscreen package file bg22[ , names.e.pctile]
xs <- 1:13
plot(x=xs, y=colcounter_summary_cum_pct(pdata, 50)[xs+1],
type='b', col='gray', ylim=c(0, 100),
main='% of places with at least x/13 indicators >=Nth percentile',
ylab='% of places', xlab='# of indicators')
points(xs, colcounter_summary_cum_pct(pdata, 80)[xs+1], type='b', col='blue')
points(xs, colcounter_summary_cum_pct(pdata, 90)[xs+1], type='b', col='orange')
points(xs, colcounter_summary_cum_pct(pdata, 95)[xs+1], type='b', col='red')
legend(x = 'topright', legend = paste0('>= ', c(50, 80, 90, 95),'th percentile'),
fill = c('gray', 'blue', 'orange', 'red'))
# pdata <- bg22[ , names.ej.pctile]
xs <- 1:13
plot(x=xs, y=colcounter_summary_cum_pct(pdata, 50)[xs+1],
type='b', col='gray', ylim=c(0, 40),
main='% of places with at least x/13 indicators >=Nth percentile', ylab='% of places',
xlab='# of indicators')
points(xs, colcounter_summary_cum_pct(pdata, 80)[xs+1], type='b', col='blue')
points(xs, colcounter_summary_cum_pct(pdata, 90)[xs+1], type='b', col='orange')
points(xs, colcounter_summary_cum_pct(pdata, 95)[xs+1], type='b', col='red')
legend(x = 'topright', legend = paste0('>= ', c(50, 80, 90, 95),'th percentile'),
fill = c('gray', 'blue', 'orange', 'red'))
} # }