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Try to figure out if user provided latitude / longitude as vectors, data.frame, file, or interactively pick file.


  interactiveprompt = TRUE,
  invalid_msg_table = FALSE,
  set_invalid_to_na = TRUE



If missing and interactive mode in RStudio, prompts user for file. Otherwise, this can be a filename (csv or xlsx, with path), or data.frame/ data.table/ matrix, or vector of longitudes (in which case y must be the latitudes). File or data.frame/data.table/matrix must have columns called lat and lon, or names that can be inferred to be that by latlon_infer()


If anything parameter is a vector of longitudes, lon_if_used must be the latitudes. Ignored otherwise.


If TRUE (default) and in interactive mode not running shiny, will prompt user for file if "anything" is missing.


Set to TRUE to add columns "valid" and "invalid_msg" to output


used by latlon_df_clean()


A data.frame that has at least columns lon and lat (and others if they were in anything), and a logical column called "valid"


Also see closely related function sitepoints_from_any().

This function relies on

read_csv_or_xl() and

latlon_df_clean() which in turn uses latlon_infer() latlon_as.numeric() latlon_is.valid()

A draft function read_and_clean_points() would a more general way to get points,

but is still work in progress... it is similar to latlon_from_anything()

except it also uses these functions:

latlon_from_regid(), latlon_from_programid()

and could eventually use _from_naics() etc.

Even more generally, FIPS and shapefile inputs could be read through a single wrapper function at some point.

See also

sitepoints_from_any() which is like this but also adds ejam_uniq_id column, and see read_csv_or_xl() and latlon_df_clean()


#>         lat        lon sitenumber        sitename
#> 1  37.64122 -122.41065          1  Example Site 1
#> 2  43.92249  -72.66370          2  Example Site 2
#> 3  40.69351  -73.98002          3  Example Site 3
#> 4  45.29520  -92.98184          4  Example Site 4
#> 5  39.43730  -74.72370          5  Example Site 5
#> 6  45.67487  -94.81534          6  Example Site 6
#> 7  33.14865 -117.19895          7  Example Site 7
#> 8  34.01176  -80.95414          8  Example Site 8
#> 9  43.01026  -89.45952          9  Example Site 9
#> 10 40.74625  -74.25955         10 Example Site 10
 latlon_from_anything(testpoints_10$lat, testpoints_10$lon)
#>         lat        lon
#> 1  37.64122 -122.41065
#> 2  43.92249  -72.66370
#> 3  40.69351  -73.98002
#> 4  45.29520  -92.98184
#> 5  39.43730  -74.72370
#> 6  45.67487  -94.81534
#> 7  33.14865 -117.19895
#> 8  34.01176  -80.95414
#> 9  43.01026  -89.45952
#> 10 40.74625  -74.25955
 pts = c("33,-100", "32,-101")
#>   lat  lon
#> 1  33 -100
#> 2  32 -101
 pts = data.frame(Longitude = testpoints_10$lon, Latitude = testpoints_10$lat)
#> Replaced column names that were inferred to be and therefore renamed as the lat and/or lon columns!
#>           lon      lat
#> 1  -122.41065 37.64122
#> 2   -72.66370 43.92249
#> 3   -73.98002 40.69351
#> 4   -92.98184 45.29520
#> 5   -74.72370 39.43730
#> 6   -94.81534 45.67487
#> 7  -117.19895 33.14865
#> 8   -80.95414 34.01176
#> 9   -89.45952 43.01026
#> 10  -74.25955 40.74625
 pts = data.table(Lat = testpoints_10$lat, Long = testpoints_10$lon)
#> Error in data.table(Lat = testpoints_10$lat, Long = testpoints_10$lon): could not find function "data.table"
#> Replaced column names that were inferred to be and therefore renamed as the lat and/or lon columns!
#>           lon      lat
#> 1  -122.41065 37.64122
#> 2   -72.66370 43.92249
#> 3   -73.98002 40.69351
#> 4   -92.98184 45.29520
#> 5   -74.72370 39.43730
#> 6   -94.81534 45.67487
#> 7  -117.19895 33.14865
#> 8   -80.95414 34.01176
#> 9   -89.45952 43.01026
#> 10  -74.25955 40.74625
 if (FALSE) { # \dontrun{
 if (interactive()) {
   pts <- latlon_from_anything()
 }} # }
 if (FALSE) { # \dontrun{
 pts = system.file("testdata/latlon/testpoints_10.xlsx", package = "EJAM")
 } # }