Get lat/lon flexibly - from file, data.frame, data.table, or lat/lon vectors
Try to figure out if user provided latitude / longitude as vectors, data.frame, file, or interactively pick file.
interactiveprompt = TRUE,
invalid_msg_table = FALSE,
set_invalid_to_na = TRUE
- anything
If missing and interactive mode in RStudio, prompts user for file. Otherwise, this can be a filename (csv or xlsx, with path), or data.frame/ data.table/ matrix, or vector of longitudes (in which case y must be the latitudes). File or data.frame/data.table/matrix must have columns called lat and lon, or names that can be inferred to be that by latlon_infer()
- lon_if_used
If anything parameter is a vector of longitudes, lon_if_used must be the latitudes. Ignored otherwise.
- interactiveprompt
If TRUE (default) and in interactive mode not running shiny, will prompt user for file if "anything" is missing.
- invalid_msg_table
Set to TRUE to add columns "valid" and "invalid_msg" to output
- set_invalid_to_na
used by latlon_df_clean()
A data.frame that has at least columns lon and lat (and others if they were in anything), and a logical column called "valid"
Also see closely related function sitepoints_from_any()
This function relies on
which in turn uses latlon_infer()
A draft function read_and_clean_points()
would a more general way to get points,
but is still work in progress... it is similar to latlon_from_anything()
except it also uses these functions:
, latlon_from_programid()
and could eventually use _from_naics() etc.
Even more generally, FIPS and shapefile inputs could be read through a single wrapper function at some point.
See also
which is like this but also adds ejam_uniq_id column,
and see read_csv_or_xl()
and latlon_df_clean()
#> lat lon sitenumber sitename
#> 1 37.64122 -122.41065 1 Example Site 1
#> 2 43.92249 -72.66370 2 Example Site 2
#> 3 40.69351 -73.98002 3 Example Site 3
#> 4 45.29520 -92.98184 4 Example Site 4
#> 5 39.43730 -74.72370 5 Example Site 5
#> 6 45.67487 -94.81534 6 Example Site 6
#> 7 33.14865 -117.19895 7 Example Site 7
#> 8 34.01176 -80.95414 8 Example Site 8
#> 9 43.01026 -89.45952 9 Example Site 9
#> 10 40.74625 -74.25955 10 Example Site 10
latlon_from_anything(testpoints_10$lat, testpoints_10$lon)
#> lat lon
#> 1 37.64122 -122.41065
#> 2 43.92249 -72.66370
#> 3 40.69351 -73.98002
#> 4 45.29520 -92.98184
#> 5 39.43730 -74.72370
#> 6 45.67487 -94.81534
#> 7 33.14865 -117.19895
#> 8 34.01176 -80.95414
#> 9 43.01026 -89.45952
#> 10 40.74625 -74.25955
pts = c("33,-100", "32,-101")
#> lat lon
#> 1 33 -100
#> 2 32 -101
pts = data.frame(Longitude = testpoints_10$lon, Latitude = testpoints_10$lat)
#> Replaced column names that were inferred to be and therefore renamed as the lat and/or lon columns!
#> lon lat
#> 1 -122.41065 37.64122
#> 2 -72.66370 43.92249
#> 3 -73.98002 40.69351
#> 4 -92.98184 45.29520
#> 5 -74.72370 39.43730
#> 6 -94.81534 45.67487
#> 7 -117.19895 33.14865
#> 8 -80.95414 34.01176
#> 9 -89.45952 43.01026
#> 10 -74.25955 40.74625
pts = data.table(Lat = testpoints_10$lat, Long = testpoints_10$lon)
#> Error in data.table(Lat = testpoints_10$lat, Long = testpoints_10$lon): could not find function "data.table"
#> Replaced column names that were inferred to be and therefore renamed as the lat and/or lon columns!
#> lon lat
#> 1 -122.41065 37.64122
#> 2 -72.66370 43.92249
#> 3 -73.98002 40.69351
#> 4 -92.98184 45.29520
#> 5 -74.72370 39.43730
#> 6 -94.81534 45.67487
#> 7 -117.19895 33.14865
#> 8 -80.95414 34.01176
#> 9 -89.45952 43.01026
#> 10 -74.25955 40.74625
if (FALSE) { # \dontrun{
if (interactive()) {
pts <- latlon_from_anything()
}} # }
if (FALSE) { # \dontrun{
pts = system.file("testdata/latlon/testpoints_10.xlsx", package = "EJAM")
} # }