map_headernames provides metadata about all indicators in EJAM/EJScreen
map_headernames provides metadata about all indicators in EJAM/EJScreen
This is an IMPORTANT TABLE that provides information about each variable (indicator), such as the following:
names as used in geodatabase files (original data source)
names as used in the outputs of the EJScreen API
names as used in the R code
names as used in short labels of graphics
names as used in table headers (long versions to provide full descriptions of the variables)
category of variable, for purposes of grouping similar ones like those in names_d or names_d_pctile
info about rounding decimal places, significant digits, percentage format, etc.
method for aggregating the value across blockgroups (sum, weighted mean, what is the weight, etc.)
It was created from a spreadsheet of the same name, that is in a data-raw folder. Several helper functions are used to query it such as fixcolnames()
and many functions rely on it. You can see examples of what it contains like this, for example:
data.frame(t(map_headernames[1:2, ]))
# See how many variables are on each list, for example:
if (FALSE) { # \dontrun{
data.table::setDT(copy(map_headernames))[, .(
variables = .N,
has_apiname = sum(apiname != ""),
has_csvname = sum(csvname != ""),
has_acsname = sum(acsname != "")
keyby = c("raw_pctile_avg", "DEJ", "", "pctile.", "avg.", "varlist" )]
# Which sources provide which key variables or indicators?
some <- unique(map_headernames$rname[map_headernames$varlist != ""
& map_headernames$varlist != "x_anyother"])
info <- cbind(
varinfo(some, info = c('api', 'csv', 'acs', 'varlist')),
usastats = some %in% names(usastats),
statestats = some %in% names(statestats))
info <- info[nchar(paste0(info$api, info$csv, info$acs)) > 0, ]
# any others
some <- unique(map_headernames$rname[map_headernames$varlist != ""
& map_headernames$varlist == "x_anyother"])
info <- cbind(
varinfo(some, info = c('api', 'csv', 'acs', 'varlist')),
usastats = some %in% names(usastats),
statestats = some %in% names(statestats))
info <- info[nchar(paste0(info$api, info$csv, info$acs)) > 0, ]
} # }