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Get FIPS codes from names of states or counties inverse of fips2name(), 1-to-1 map statename, ST, countyname to FIPS of each


  exact = FALSE,
  usegrep = FALSE,
  geocoding = FALSE,
  details = FALSE



vector of 1 or more exact names of states or ST abbreviations or countynames that include the comma and state abbrev., like "Harris County, TX" (not the same as where ST is separate in fips_counties_from_countyname()) Ignores case.


if TRUE, query must match exactly but set to FALSE if you want partial matching and possibly more than one result for a query term x


passed to fips_place_from_placename() and if TRUE, helps find partial matches


passed to fips_place_from_placename()


set to TRUE to return a table of details on places instead of just the fips vector


vector of character fips codes (unless details = TRUE)


CAUTION - for cities/ towns/ CDPs/ etc. (census places), this currently assumes a placename,ST occurs only once per state, but there are exceptions like townships in PA that use the same name in 2 different counties of same state.


name2fips(c("de", "NY"))
#>   query fullname fips fipstype
#> 1    de Delaware   10    state
#> 2    NY New York   36    state
#> [1] "10" "36"
name2fips("rhode island")
#>          query     fullname fips fipstype
#> 1 rhode island Rhode Island   44    state
#> [1] "44"
name2fips(c("delaware", "NY"))
#>      query fullname fips fipstype
#> 1 delaware Delaware   10    state
#> 2       NY New York   36    state
#> [1] "10" "36"
name2fips(c("Magnolia town, DE", "Delaware City city, DE"))
#> Exact match, or Cities/CDPs showing any multiple possible matches, etc. (excluding if no match):
#>   eparegion ST stfips        countyname countyfips          placename    fips
#> 1         3 DE     10       Kent County      10001      Magnolia town 1044430
#> 2         3 DE     10 New Castle County      10003 Delaware City city 1019730
#>                    query multiple
#> 1      Magnolia town, DE         
#> 2 Delaware City city, DE         
#>                    query               fullname    fips fipstype
#> 1      Magnolia town, DE      Magnolia town, DE 1044430     city
#> 2 Delaware City city, DE Delaware City city, DE 1019730     city
#> [1] "1044430" "1019730"
name2fips(c('denver',  "new york" ), exact = F)
#> Warning: place_st should be in form of placename, ST like Port Chester, NY
#>      query fullname fips fipstype
#> 1   denver     <NA> <NA>     <NA>
#> 2 new york New York   36    state
#> [1] NA   "36"