Extract the model frame from a fitted model object.

# S3 method for ssn_lm
model.frame(formula, ...)

# S3 method for ssn_glm
model.frame(formula, ...)



A fitted model object from ssn_lm() or ssn_glm().


Other arguments. Not used (needed for generic consistency).


A model frame that contains the variables used by the formula for the fitted model object.


# Copy the mf04p .ssn data to a local directory and read it into R
# When modeling with your .ssn object, you will load it using the relevant
# path to the .ssn data on your machine
temp_path <- paste0(tempdir(), "/MiddleFork04.ssn")
mf04p <- ssn_import(temp_path, overwrite = TRUE)

ssn_mod <- ssn_lm(
  formula = Summer_mn ~ ELEV_DEM,
  ssn.object = mf04p,
  tailup_type = "exponential",
  additive = "afvArea"
#>    Summer_mn ELEV_DEM
#> 1      14.92     1947
#> 2      14.72     1952
#> 3      14.61     1958
#> 4      15.22     1923
#> 5      14.49     1932
#> 6      15.29     1940
#> 7      15.07     1940
#> 8      14.94     1945
#> 9      14.99     1948
#> 10     15.02     1950
#> 11     15.11     1949
#> 12     14.70     1950
#> 13     14.58     1951
#> 14     11.38     1977
#> 15     10.72     1984
#> 16     10.43     1993
#> 17     10.13     2007
#> 18     10.12     2009
#> 19      9.81     2012
#> 20      9.76     2023
#> 21      9.77     2023
#> 22      9.53     2026
#> 23     12.57     1988
#> 24     12.42     2013
#> 25     14.10     2015
#> 26     13.70     2015
#> 27     13.22     2038
#> 28     13.08     2052
#> 29     12.19     2066
#> 30     11.32     2085
#> 31     12.11     1975
#> 32     11.82     1982
#> 33     11.91     1999
#> 34     11.41     2002
#> 35     11.71     1997
#> 36     11.54     2006
#> 37     11.14     2026
#> 38     12.06     2036
#> 39     12.09     2046
#> 40     11.96     2050
#> 41     11.02     2071
#> 42     10.21     2077
#> 43     11.16     2016
#> 44      8.75     2034
#> 45      9.02     2042