ctxR: Bioactivity API
US EPA’s Center for Computational Toxicology and Exposure ccte@epa.gov
In this vignette, CTX Bioactivity API will be explored.
Data provided by the API’s Bioactivity endpoints are sourced from ToxCast’s invitrodb.
US EPA’s Toxicity Forecaster (ToxCast) program makes in vitro medium- and high-throughput screening assay data publicly available for prioritization and hazard characterization of thousands of chemicals.
The ToxCast Data Analysis Pipeline (tcpl) is an R package that manages, curve-fits, plots, and stores ToxCast data to populate its linked MySQL database, invitrodb . These assays comprise Tier 2-3 of the new Computational Toxicology Blueprint, and employ automated chemical screening technologies, to evaluate the effects of chemical exposure on living cells and biological macromolecules, such as proteins (Thomas et al., 2019). More information on the ToxCast program can be found at https://www.epa.gov/comptox-tools/toxicity-forecasting-toxcast.
This flexible analysis pipeline is capable of efficiently processing and storing large volumes of data. The diverse data, received in heterogeneous formats from numerous vendors, are transformed to a standard computable format and loaded into the invitrodb database by vendor-specific R scripts. Once data is loaded into the database, ToxCast utilizes generalized processing functions provided in this package to process, normalize, model, qualify, and visualize the data.

The Bioactivity API endpoints are organized into two different resources, “Assay” and “Data”. “Assay” resource endpoints provide assay metadata for specific or all invitrodb ‘aeids’ (assay endpoint ids). These include annotations from invitrodb’s assay, assay_component, assay_component_endpoint, assay_list, assay_source, and gene tables, all returned in a by-aeid format.
“Data” resource endpoints are split into summary data (by ‘aeid’) and bioactivity data by ‘m4id’ (i.e. both ‘aeid’ and ‘spid’). The summary endpoint returns the number of active hits and total multi- and single-concentration chemicals tested for specific ‘aeids’. The other endpoints return chemical information, level 3 concentration-response values, level 4 fit parameters, level 5 hit parameters, and level 6 flags for individual chemicals tested for given ‘AEIDs’, ‘m4ids’, ‘SPIDs’, or ‘DTXSIDs’.
Several ctxR functions can be used to access the CTX Bioactivity API data, as described in the following sections. Tables output in each example have been filtered to only display the first few rows of data. Regular ToxCast users may find it easier to use the tcpl R Package, which has integrated ctxR’s bioactivity functions to access API data in a more ‘invitrodb’-like format. See the tcpl’s Data Retrieval via API vignette for more guidance on data retrieval and plotting capabilities with tcpl.
NOTE: Please see the introductory vignette for an overview of the ctxR package and initial set up instruction with API key storage.
Bioactivity Assay Resource
Specific assays may be searched as well as all available assays that have data using two different functions.
Get annotation by aeid
retrieves annotation for a
specific assay endpoint id (aeid).
assay <- get_annotation_by_aeid(AEID = "891")
aeid | assayComponentEndpointName | exportReady | internalReady | assayComponentEndpointDesc | assayFunctionType | normalizedDataType | burstAssay | keyPositiveControl | signalDirection | intendedTargetType | intendedTargetTypeSub | intendedTargetFamily | intendedTargetFamilySub | cellViabilityAssay | dataUsability | acid | assayComponentName | assayComponentDesc | assayComponentTargetDesc | parameterReadoutType | assayDesignType | assayDesignTypeSub | biologicalProcessTarget | detectionTechnologyType | detectionTechnologyTypeSub | detectionTechnology | keyAssayReagentType | keyAssayReagent | technologicalTargetType | technologicalTargetTypeSub | aid | assayName | assayDesc | timepointHr | organismId | organism | tissue | cellFormat | cellFreeComponentSource | cellShortName | cellGrowthMode | assayFootprint | assayFormatType | assayFormatTypeSub | contentReadoutType | dilutionSolvent | dilutionSolventPercentMax | asid | assaySourceName | assaySourceLongName | assaySourceDesc | gene | assayList | citations |
891 | CEETOX_H295R_11DCORT | 1 | 1 | Data from the assay component CEETOX_H295R_11DCORT was analyzed into 1 assay endpoint. This assay endpoint, CEETOX_H295R_11DCORT, was analyzed with bidirectional fitting relative to DMSO as the negative control and baseline of activity. Using a type of inducible reporter, gain or loss-of-signal activity using HPLC-MS-MS was used to understand synthesis of 11-Deoxycortisol in H295R cell line at 48hr of chemical exposure. To generalize the intended target to other relatable targets, this assay endpoint is annotated to the steroid hormone intended target family, where the subfamily is glucocorticoids. | detection of steroid hormone | log2_fold_induction | 0 | Prochloraz;Forskolin | bidirectional | molecular messenger | 11-Deoxycortisol | steroid hormone | glucocorticoids | 0 | 1 | 586 | CEETOX_H295R_11DCORT | CEETOX_H295R_11DCORT is one of 23 assay component(s) measured or calculated from the CEETOX_H295R assay. It is designed to make measurements of hormone induction, a form of inducible reporter, as detected with absorbance signals by HPLC-MS-MS technology. | NA | single | inducible reporter | hormone induction | regulation of steroid hormone biosynthetic process | Spectrophotometry | Absorbance | HPLC-MS-MS | inducer | NA | molecular messenger | 11-Deoxycortisol | 370 | CEETOX_H295R | CEETOX_H295R is a cell-based, multiplexed-readout assay that uses H295R, a human adrenal gland cell line, with measurements taken at 48 hours after chemical dosing in a 96-well plate. | 48 | 9606 | human | adrenal gland | cell line | H295R | adherent | microplate: 96-well plate | cell-based | cell-based format | multiplexed | DMSO | 0.1 | 8 | CEETOX | Ceetox/OpAns | Ceetox, a part of Cyprotex, is a Contract Research Organization (CRO) that in coordination with OpAns, an analytical laboratory, provide ADME-tox services. | 145 , nuclear receptor subfamily 3, group C, member 1 (glucocorticoid receptor), NR3C1 , 1 , live , 2908 , NR3C1 , nuclear receptor subfamily 3, group C, member 1 (glucocorticoid receptor), P04150 | EDSP steroidogenesis , Steroidogenesis pathway assays used in EDSP | doi: 10.1093/toxsci/kfw002 , https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/26781511/ , 26781511 , High-Throughput Screening of Chemical Effects on Steroidogenesis Using H295R Human Adrenocortical Carcinoma Cells , Karmaus AL, Toole CM, Filer DL, Lewis KC, Martin MT , Karmaus AL, Toole CM, Filer DL, Lewis KC, Martin MT. High-Throughput Screening of Chemical Effects on Steroidogenesis Using H295R Human Adrenocortical Carcinoma Cells. Toxicol Sci. 2016 Apr;150(2):323-32. doi: 10.1093/toxsci/kfw002. Epub 2016 Jan 18. PMID: 26781511; PMCID: PMC4809454., 0 , 245 , |
retrieves annotation for
a list (or vector) of assay endpoint ids (aeids).
assays <- get_annotation_by_aeid_batch(AEID = c(759,700,891))
# return is in list form by aeid, convert to table for output
assays <- data.table::rbindlist(assays)
aeid | assayComponentEndpointName | exportReady | internalReady | assayComponentEndpointDesc | assayFunctionType | normalizedDataType | burstAssay | keyPositiveControl | signalDirection | intendedTargetType | intendedTargetTypeSub | intendedTargetFamily | intendedTargetFamilySub | cellViabilityAssay | dataUsability | acid | assayComponentName | assayComponentDesc | assayComponentTargetDesc | parameterReadoutType | assayDesignType | assayDesignTypeSub | biologicalProcessTarget | detectionTechnologyType | detectionTechnologyTypeSub | detectionTechnology | keyAssayReagentType | keyAssayReagent | technologicalTargetType | technologicalTargetTypeSub | aid | assayName | assayDesc | timepointHr | organismId | organism | tissue | cellFormat | cellFreeComponentSource | cellShortName | cellGrowthMode | assayFootprint | assayFormatType | assayFormatTypeSub | contentReadoutType | dilutionSolvent | dilutionSolventPercentMax | asid | assaySourceName | assaySourceLongName | assaySourceDesc | gene | assayList | citations |
759 | TOX21_AR_BLA_Agonist_ch1 | 1 | 1 | Data from the assay component TOX21_AR_BLA_Agonist_ch1 was analyzed into 1 assay endpoint. This assay endpoint, TOX21_AR_BLA_Agonist_ch1, was analyzed in the positive analysis fitting direction relative to DMSO as the negative control and baseline of activity. Using a type of inducible reporter, loss-of-signal activity can be used to understand changes in the reporter gene as they relate to the gene AR. Furthermore, this assay endpoint can be referred to as a secondary readout, because this assay has produced multiple assay endpoints where this one serves as artifact detection function. | substrate | percent_activity | 0 | R1881 | loss | pathway | pathway-specified | channel 1 | baseline control | 0 | 1 | 496 | TOX21_AR_BLA_Agonist_ch1 | TOX21_AR_BLA_Agonist_ch1 is an assay readout measuring reporter gene via receptor activity and designed using inducible reporter (beta lactamase induction) detected with GAL4 b-lactamase reporter gene. The signal is derived from the uncleaved reporter gene substrate and is used to calculate the ratio of cleaved (ch2) to uncleaved (ch1) substrate used as the measure of target activity. | TOX21_AR_BLA_Agonist_ch1 was designed to measure uncleaved reporter gene substrate to target nuclear receptor activity at the protein (receptor) level, specifically mapping to AR gene(s) using a positive control of R1881 | single | background reporter | artifact detection | regulation of transcription factor activity | Fluorescence | Fluorescence intensity | GAL4 b-lactamase reporter gene | substrate | CCF4-AM | protein | receptor | 310 | TOX21_AR_BLA_Agonist | TOX21_AR_BLA_Agonist is a cell-based, single-readout assay that uses HEK293T, a human kidney cell line, with measurements taken at 24 hours after chemical dosing in a 1536-well plate. | 24 | 9606 | human | kidney | cell line | NA | HEK293T | adherent | microplate: 1536-well plate | cell-based | cell-based format | single | DMSO | 0.5 | 7 | TOX21 | Tox21/NCGC | Tox21 is an interagency agreement between the NIH, NTP, FDA and EPA. NIH Chemical Genomics Center (NCGC) is the primary screening facility running ultra high-throughput screening assays across a large interagency-developed chemical library. | NA | NA | doi: 10.1289/ehp.1002952 , https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/21543282/ , 21543282 , Chemical genomics profiling of environmental chemical modulation of human nuclear receptors , Huang R, Xia M, Cho MH, Sakamuru S, Shinn P, Houck KA, Dix DJ, Judson RS, Witt KL, Kavlock RJ, Tice RR, Austin CP , Huang R, Xia M, Cho MH, Sakamuru S, Shinn P, Houck KA, Dix DJ, Judson RS, Witt KL, Kavlock RJ, Tice RR, Austin CP. Chemical genomics profiling of environmental chemical modulation of human nuclear receptors. Environ Health Perspect. 2011 Aug;119(8):1142-8. doi: 10.1289/ehp.1002952. Epub 2011 May 4. PubMed PMID: 21543282; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC3237348., 0 , 221 , |
700 | NVS_LGIC_rGABAR_NonSelective | 1 | 1 | Data from the assay component NVS_LGIC_rGABAR_NonSelective was analyzed into 1 assay endpoint. This assay endpoint, NVS_LGIC_rGABAR_NonSelective, was analyzed in the positive analysis fitting direction relative to DMSO as the negative control and baseline of activity. Using a type of binding reporter, loss-of-signal activity can be used to understand changes in the binding as they relate to the gene Gabra1. Furthermore, this assay endpoint can be referred to as a primary readout, because the performed assay has only produced 1 assay endpoint. To generalize the intended target to other relatable targets, this assay endpoint is annotated to the ion channel intended target family, where the subfamily is ligand-gated ion cha | nel. |binding | |percent_activi | y | | 0|GABA | |loss | |protein | |receptor | |ion channel | |ligand-gated ion ch | nnel | | 0| | 1 | 437|NVS_LGIC_rGABAR_NonSele | tive |NVS_LGIC_rGABAR_NonSelective is one of one assay component(s) measured or calculated from the NVS_LGIC_rGABAR_NonSelective assay. It is designed to make measurements of radioligand binding, a form of binding reporter, as detected with scintillation counting signals by Filter-based radiodetection technology. | |Changes to scintillation counting signals produced from the receptor-ligand binding of the key ligand [[3H]-GABA] are indicative of a change in receptor function and kinetics for the Norway rat gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) A receptor, alpha 1 [GeneSymbol:Gabra1 | GeneID:29705 | Uniprot_SwissProt_Accession:P62 ]. |single | |binding report | r |radioligand bi | ding |receptor binding | |Radiometry | |Scintillation countin | |Filter-based radiodetecti | n |ligand | |[3H]-GABA | |protein | |receptor |
Get all assay annotations
retrieves all annotations for all
assays available.
all_assays <- get_all_assays()
Bioactivity Data Resource
There are several resources for retrieving bioactivity data associated with a variety of identifier types (e.g., DTXSID, aeid) that are available to the user.
Get summary data
retrieves a summary of the
number of active hits compared to the total number tested for both
multiple and single concentration by aeid.
summary <- get_bioactivity_summary(AEID = "891")
aeid | activeMc | totalMc | activeSc | totalSc |
891 | 178 | 576 | 233 | 2011 |
retrieves a summary for
a list (or vector) of assay endpoint ids (aeids). Output is the same as
previous get_bioactivity_summary().
summary <- get_bioactivity_summary_batch(AEID = c(759,700,891))
Get data
can retrieve all available
multiple concentration data by assay endpoint id (aeid), sample id
(spid), Level 4 ID (m4id), or chemical DTXSID. Returned is chemical
information, level 3 concentration-response values, level 4 fit
parameters, level 5 hit parameters, and level 6 flags for individual
chemicals tested. An example for each request parameter is provided
# By spid
spid_data <- get_bioactivity_details(SPID = 'TP0000904H05')
m4id | spid | chid | casn | chnm | dtxsid | bmad | respMax | respMin | maxMean | maxMeanConc | maxMed | maxMedConc | logcMax | logcMin | nconc | npts | nrep | nmedGtbl | tmpi | m5id | modl | hitc | fitc | coff | actp | modelType | chidRep | stkc | stkcUnit | testedConcUnit | logc | resp | pow_a | pow_p | exp2_a | exp2_b | exp3_a | exp3_b | exp3_p | exp5_p | gnls_p | gnls_q | hill_p | pow_er | cnst_er | exp2_er | exp3_er | exp4_er | exp4_ga | exp4_tp | exp5_er | exp5_ga | exp5_tp | gnls_er | gnls_ga | gnls_la | gnls_tp | hill_er | hill_ga | hill_tp | poly1_a | poly2_a | poly2_b | pow_aic | pow_cov | pow_rme | pow_top | all_bmed | cnst_aic | cnst_rme | exp2_aic | exp2_cov | exp2_rme | exp2_top | exp3_aic | exp3_cov | exp3_rme | exp3_top | exp4_aic | exp4_cov | exp4_rme | exp4_top | exp5_aic | exp5_cov | exp5_rme | exp5_top | gnls_aic | gnls_cov | gnls_rme | gnls_top | hill_aic | hill_cov | hill_rme | hill_top | poly1_er | poly2_er | pow_a_sd | pow_ac50 | pow_p_sd | all_onesd | exp2_a_sd | exp2_ac50 | exp2_b_sd | exp3_a_sd | exp3_ac50 | exp3_b_sd | exp3_p_sd | exp4_ac50 | exp5_ac50 | exp5_p_sd | gnls_ac50 | gnls_p_sd | gnls_q_sd | hill_ac50 | hill_p_sd | poly1_aic | poly1_cov | poly1_rme | poly1_top | poly2_aic | poly2_cov | poly2_rme | poly2_top | pow_er_sd | exp2_er_sd | exp3_er_sd | exp4_er_sd | exp4_ga_sd | exp4_tp_sd | exp5_er_sd | exp5_ga_sd | exp5_tp_sd | gnls_er_sd | gnls_ga_sd | gnls_la_sd | gnls_tp_sd | hill_er_sd | hill_ga_sd | hill_tp_sd | poly1_a_sd | poly1_ac50 | poly2_a_sd | poly2_ac50 | poly2_b_sd | poly1_er_sd | poly2_er_sd | pow_success | cnst_success | exp2_success | exp3_success | exp4_success | exp5_success | gnls_success | hill_success | poly1_success | poly2_success | gnls_ac50_loss | p | er | ga | tp | ac5 | bmd | bmr | mll | top | ac10 | ac20 | ac50 | bmdl | bmdu | rmse | ac1sd | caikwt | hitcall | top_over_cutoff | a | acc | flag | mc6MthdId | aeid |
1833668 | TP0000904H05 | 45232 | 51-24-1 | Tiratricol | DTXSID2045232 | 4.208855 | 29.901772 | -7.5019260 | 29.901772 | 1.30103 | 29.901772 | 1.30103 | 1.69897 | -1.69897 | 8 | 8 | 1 | 2 | 173 | 5028314 | exp5 | 0.3882324 | 15 | 25.25313 | NA | 2 | 1 | 20 | mM | uM | -0.6989700, -1.6989700, 1.3010300, 0.3010300, 0.7781513, -0.2218487, -1.1549020, 1.6989700 | 5.209938, -4.959553, 29.901772, -4.651387, -7.501926, -1.357858, 4.959553, 20.021186 | 0.4433662 | 0.9925645 | 1721.5267036 | 4025.726063 | 1149.7862298 | 3865.93058 | 0.9177228 | 7.9999986 | 8.0000000 | 6.129949 | 8.0000000 | 1.912546 | 2.271387 | 1.911407 | 1.921797 | 1.941839 | 13.263285 | 24.092702 | 1.591995 | 14.4281425 | 24.9575242 | 1.602023 | 11.0750192 | 4057.2571930 | 24.995340 | 1.602027 | 11.076201 | 24.9953309 | 0.4304809 | 1481.0924717 | 3489.6370649 | 63.54643 | 1 | 9.110378 | 21.5327678 | 0 | 65.73806 | 13.467831 | 63.55100 | 1 | 9.128809 | 21.5149002 | 65.56287 | 1 | 9.029228 | 21.4643822 | 62.98698 | 1 | 8.155247 | 24.092702 | 58.33552 | 1 | 5.064097 | 24.9575242 | 62.50680 | 1 | 5.122303 | 24.995340 | 58.50680 | 1 | 5.122297 | 24.9953309 | 1.911553 | 1.910701 | 1.3079523 | 24.870523 | 0.7451573 | 5.871582 | 2.600097e+04 | 25.07763 | 6.041157e+04 | NA | 23.612105 | NA | NA | 13.263285 | 14.4281425 | 14.2572581 | 11.0750192 | NA | NA | 11.076201 | 5.6132273 | 61.54656 | 1 | 9.121070 | 21.5240468 | 63.55663 | 1 | 9.136999 | 21.5253584 | 0.3503244 | 0.3377543 | NA | 0.3189840 | 16.4376588 | 9.402421 | 0.2866421 | 10.8118485 | 4.504679 | NA | NA | NA | NA | 0.2889738 | 4.654460 | 4.624285 | 0.1259128 | 25 | 1.524435e+04 | 25.17656 | 35357.406071 | 0.3376543 | 0.3378940 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 4057.2571963 | 7.999999 | 1.591995 | 14.428142 | 24.957524 | 10.4199297 | 1.339174e+01 | 7.920764 | -25.16776 | 24.9575242 | 11.4009741 | 12.5221895 | 14.428142 | 6.3461389 | 16.86891 | 5.064097 | 1.281354e+01 | 0.0240971 | 0.3882324 | 0.9882944 | NA | NA | Borderline , Average number of replicates per conc is less than 2, Multiple points above baseline, inactive | 11, 13, 8 | 623 |
1834094 | TP0000904H05 | 45232 | 51-24-1 | Tiratricol | DTXSID2045232 | 4.884792 | 29.656961 | -0.8775429 | 29.656961 | 1.30103 | 29.656961 | 1.30103 | 1.69897 | -1.69897 | 8 | 8 | 1 | 2 | 127 | 5028740 | exp4 | 0.0195469 | 13 | 29.30875 | NA | 2 | 1 | 20 | mM | uM | -1.1549020, 1.6989700, 0.7781513, -0.2218487, -1.6989700, 1.3010300, 0.3010300, -0.6989700 | -0.8775429, 14.8185082, 7.8181093, 0.6182688, 0.8775429, 29.6569605, 14.0007978, 11.2285600 | 6.1047690 | 0.3000006 | 2626.4817743 | 6939.137998 | 120.1571108 | 23397.76529 | 0.3000003 | 0.5948942 | 0.8731493 | 7.968129 | 0.6998374 | 1.733525 | 2.380613 | 2.060944 | 1.854638 | 1.742284 | 2.819398 | 19.007524 | 1.697838 | 1.6927867 | 18.1155782 | 1.632783 | 1.7354530 | 54.8798424 | 24.193903 | 1.693848 | 1.813379 | 19.4406865 | 0.3798458 | 2264.1081941 | 6022.2350226 | 60.00264 | 1 | 6.885998 | 19.7406426 | 0 | 66.57834 | 13.621085 | 65.81072 | 1 | 10.228927 | 18.9934766 | 62.22880 | 1 | 6.886284 | 20.5812144 | 59.58183 | 1 | 6.490263 | 19.007524 | 60.93040 | 1 | 6.304211 | 18.1155782 | 64.01084 | 1 | 5.921059 | 22.158867 | 61.05595 | 1 | 6.438554 | 19.4406865 | 2.059622 | 2.060558 | 3.1499598 | 4.960652 | 0.1482676 | 7.091262 | 3.093821e+04 | 25.04503 | 8.131238e+04 | 303.1118 | 5.644139 | 141170.3 | 0.1778352 | 2.819398 | 1.6927867 | 0.4013548 | 1.4306730 | NA | NA | 1.813379 | 0.6752166 | 63.80341 | 1 | 10.223629 | 18.9922890 | 65.82010 | 1 | 10.238689 | 18.9539772 | 0.3335636 | 0.3494704 | 0.3437177 | 0.3221439 | 4.9692711 | 7.484673 | 0.3208268 | 2.2579559 | 5.794590 | NA | NA | NA | NA | 0.3258697 | 3.805619 | 9.540592 | 0.1600752 | 25 | 1.787144e+04 | 25.10293 | 47059.403661 | 0.3493877 | 0.3495083 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 55.4285449 | NA | 1.742284 | 2.819398 | 19.007524 | 0.2086371 | 2.846171e+00 | 9.566112 | -26.79092 | 19.0075236 | 0.4285571 | 0.9076433 | 2.819398 | 0.4238115 | 10.47832 | 6.490263 | 1.899256e+00 | 0.0293619 | 0.0195469 | 0.6485272 | NA | NA | Average number of replicates per conc is less than 2, Multiple points above baseline, inactive , Bmd > ac50, indication of high baseline variability | 13, 8, 9 | 626 |
1836233 | TP0000904H05 | 45232 | 51-24-1 | Tiratricol | DTXSID2045232 | 3.426557 | 7.386364 | -9.0909091 | 7.386364 | 1.69897 | 7.386364 | 1.69897 | 1.69897 | -1.69897 | 8 | 8 | 1 | 0 | 134 | 5030879 | poly1 | 0.0000448 | 13 | 20.55934 | NA | 2 | 1 | 20 | mM | uM | 0.7781513, -1.6989700, -1.1549020, -0.6989700, -0.2218487, 1.3010300, 0.3010300, 1.6989700 | -7.7020202, 2.9040404, -2.9040404, -0.9469697, -8.1439394, -3.5984848, -9.0909091, 7.3863636 | 0.0000001 | 4.7073443 | 0.0000010 | 3.155293 | 10.9924753 | 54.33735 | 7.9972919 | 7.9999985 | 7.9999999 | 2.960700 | 7.9999961 | 1.563513 | 1.719985 | 1.559109 | 1.559420 | 1.688392 | 74.804800 | 8.863636 | 1.560774 | 44.4176608 | 8.8636031 | 1.561195 | 41.1621771 | 1968.4261785 | 8.863621 | 1.561542 | 41.134292 | 8.8588577 | 0.0916727 | 0.0000328 | 0.1108483 | 56.80253 | 1 | 5.474107 | 7.3478315 | 0 | 54.82950 | 6.057646 | 56.76808 | 1 | 5.465880 | 7.4077867 | 58.76914 | 1 | 5.466134 | 7.3888902 | 58.38620 | 1 | 5.919318 | 8.863636 | 58.77145 | 1 | 5.466684 | 8.8636031 | 62.77764 | 1 | 5.468147 | 8.859895 | 58.77767 | 1 | 5.468154 | 8.8588577 | 1.670819 | 1.603520 | 0.0000015 | 43.153994 | 0.1487141 | 9.788806 | 2.300000e-06 | 47.81292 | 1.144483e-01 | NA | 46.540170 | NA | NA | 74.804800 | 44.4176608 | 30.8379172 | 41.1579611 | 20.62365 | 917.2489 | 41.134292 | 20.7551672 | 56.20209 | 1 | 5.879174 | 4.5836363 | 57.24726 | 1 | 5.591374 | 6.6794508 | 0.3147662 | 0.3149424 | NA | 0.3050999 | 206.2390399 | 24.866384 | 0.3151258 | 133.0544286 | 82.181210 | 0.3151961 | 64.74141 | 2232418 | 23.21626 | 0.3152310 | 66.031279 | 23.585312 | 0.1010594 | 25 | 8.285000e-04 | 35.33913 | 1.405232 | 0.3056359 | 0.3114861 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1968.9852136 | NA | 1.670819 | NA | NA | 2.5000000 | 1.440461e+02 | 13.205100 | -26.10104 | 4.5836363 | 5.0000000 | 10.0000000 | 25.000000 | 52.7459474 | NA | 5.879174 | 1.067799e+02 | 0.6651420 | 0.0000448 | 0.2229466 | 0.0916727 | NA | Average number of replicates per conc is less than 2, Bmd > ac50, indication of high baseline variability | 13, 9 | 645 |
1836494 | TP0000904H05 | 45232 | 51-24-1 | Tiratricol | DTXSID2045232 | 2.872463 | 24.591121 | -15.3441769 | 24.591121 | -0.69897 | 24.591121 | -0.69897 | 1.69897 | -1.69897 | 8 | 8 | 1 | 1 | 176 | 5031140 | poly1 | 0.0007691 | 13 | 20.00000 | NA | 2 | 1 | 20 | mM | uM | -0.2218487, -1.1549020, -1.6989700, 1.6989700, 0.3010300, -0.6989700, 1.3010300, 0.7781513 | 0.3100288, -4.2370597, 4.2370597, -10.6533070, -15.3441769, 24.5911215, -3.3384256, 4.0842919 | 0.0000015 | 0.3766871 | 0.0000012 | 75.258358 | 0.0006569 | 96.83529 | 7.8006639 | 7.9375420 | 0.7291621 | 8.000000 | 7.8748241 | 2.149367 | 2.149647 | 2.149931 | 2.150316 | 2.149640 | 19.434544 | 0.000000 | 2.149683 | 116.5095828 | 0.0024033 | 2.162324 | 0.0149517 | 0.4728128 | 11.220620 | 2.149646 | 158.067232 | 0.0908773 | 0.0000000 | 0.0000106 | 65.9149422 | 67.28831 | 1 | 11.277678 | 0.0000067 | 0 | 63.28831 | 11.277677 | 67.28831 | 1 | 11.277677 | 0.0000011 | 69.28831 | 1 | 11.277677 | 0.0000038 | 67.28831 | 1 | 11.277677 | 0.000000 | 69.28831 | 1 | 11.277677 | 0.0024033 | 72.17919 | 1 | 9.771294 | 9.896104 | 69.28831 | 1 | 11.277678 | 0.0908773 | 2.149685 | 2.148966 | NA | 7.939967 | NA | 10.104414 | NA | 29.07817 | NA | NA | 45.757245 | NA | NA | 19.434544 | 116.5095828 | NA | 0.0107998 | NA | NA | 158.067232 | NA | 65.28831 | 1 | 11.277677 | 0.0000001 | 67.28831 | 1 | 11.277679 | 0.0000142 | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | 0.4105029 | 25 | NA | 30.16201 | NA | 0.6280287 | NA | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 0.4784753 | NA | 2.149685 | NA | NA | 2.5000000 | 1.089512e+10 | 13.630854 | -30.64415 | 0.0000001 | 5.0000000 | 10.0000000 | 25.000000 | 86.0084084 | NA | 11.277677 | 8.076440e+09 | 0.7310586 | 0.0007691 | 0.0000000 | 0.0000000 | NA | Average number of replicates per conc is less than 2, Bmd > ac50, indication of high baseline variability | 13, 9 | 647 |
1839401 | TP0000904H05 | 45232 | 51-24-1 | Tiratricol | DTXSID2045232 | 5.621579 | 14.081238 | -6.6124867 | 14.081238 | 0.30103 | 14.081238 | 0.30103 | 1.69897 | -1.69897 | 8 | 8 | 1 | 0 | 133 | 5034047 | exp4 | 0.0000000 | 13 | 33.72948 | NA | 2 | 1 | 20 | mM | uM | -1.6989700, 0.3010300, -1.1549020, 0.7781513, -0.2218487, -0.6989700, 1.3010300, 1.6989700 | 2.278092, 14.081238, -2.278092, -6.612487, 10.679150, 13.089524, 4.467468, 6.318616 | 2.2400454 | 0.3000005 | 112.9808307 | 865.825493 | 4.5450286 | 65.72860 | 0.3000003 | 7.9999990 | 0.3000911 | 7.550849 | 0.3000000 | 1.908433 | 2.050384 | 1.951409 | 1.920377 | 1.675455 | 0.073293 | 7.710786 | 1.513227 | 0.1453439 | 8.6101902 | 1.847020 | 0.2923163 | 59.6697750 | 9.655899 | 1.882784 | 54.873457 | 16.8419218 | 0.1342723 | 163.9460468 | 1270.0524641 | 62.22501 | 1 | 7.635078 | 7.2435035 | 0 | 60.31638 | 8.643268 | 63.20845 | 1 | 8.236056 | 6.7165251 | 64.52332 | 1 | 7.810212 | 6.8737217 | 59.07676 | 1 | 6.585986 | 7.710786 | 59.34964 | 1 | 6.313572 | 8.6101902 | 66.68700 | 1 | 7.005486 | 7.690740 | 63.70371 | 1 | 7.371749 | 16.8419218 | 1.951416 | 1.953270 | NA | 4.960647 | NA | 9.193702 | 2.618100e+03 | 25.36088 | 1.953418e+04 | NA | 9.693473 | NA | NA | 0.073293 | 0.1453439 | 21.2576083 | 0.0738657 | NA | NA | 54.873457 | NA | 61.20659 | 1 | 8.235017 | 6.7136174 | 63.20908 | 1 | 8.236417 | 6.7083980 | NA | 0.3217658 | NA | 0.3229019 | 0.0792581 | 2.776801 | 0.3377591 | 0.1497222 | 2.407156 | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | 0.1170799 | 25 | 3.437348e+03 | 25.47330 | 25758.507158 | 0.3217981 | 0.3219087 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 60.3477905 | NA | 1.675455 | 0.073293 | 7.710786 | 0.0054237 | NA | 12.402304 | -26.53838 | 7.7107861 | 0.0111408 | 0.0235951 | 0.073293 | NA | NA | 6.585986 | NA | 0.3498247 | 0.0000000 | 0.2286068 | NA | NA | Average number of replicates per conc is less than 2 | 13 | 679 |
1842443 | TP0000904H05 | 45232 | 51-24-1 | Tiratricol | DTXSID2045232 | 3.763468 | 5.412235 | -10.4972251 | 5.412235 | -0.69897 | 5.412235 | -0.69897 | 1.69897 | -1.69897 | 8 | 8 | 1 | 0 | 42 | 5037089 | poly1 | 0.0000013 | 13 | 22.58081 | NA | 2 | 1 | 20 | mM | uM | 0.7781513, 1.3010300, -0.6989700, -1.6989700, 1.6989700, -0.2218487, 0.3010300, -1.1549020 | -10.4972251, -8.2713017, 5.4122348, -0.5697089, -5.4107316, -1.1526459, -9.9353328, 0.5697089 | 0.0000001 | 0.3101047 | 0.0000082 | 63.674129 | 0.0000151 | 66.76827 | 4.0450121 | 2.5184567 | 1.0041462 | 7.988324 | 2.6387178 | 1.748992 | 1.749321 | 1.750258 | 1.749432 | 1.749310 | 3.343289 | 0.000000 | 1.749311 | 3.1857223 | 0.0000000 | 1.716546 | 0.0157066 | 0.4966876 | 2.580846 | 1.749346 | 33.736571 | 0.0000000 | 0.0000000 | 0.0000052 | 60.3011801 | 59.65799 | 1 | 6.498683 | 0.0000002 | 0 | 55.65799 | 6.498683 | 59.65800 | 1 | 6.498685 | 0.0000098 | 61.65799 | 1 | 6.498684 | 0.0000055 | 59.65799 | 1 | 6.498683 | 0.000000 | 61.65799 | 1 | 6.498683 | 0.0000000 | 65.24298 | 1 | 6.371148 | 2.422031 | 61.65799 | 1 | 6.498683 | 0.0000000 | 1.749338 | 1.749869 | NA | 5.348517 | NA | 6.885946 | NA | 29.78666 | NA | NA | 42.908530 | NA | NA | 3.343289 | 3.1857223 | NA | 0.0138927 | NA | NA | 33.736571 | NA | 57.65799 | 1 | 6.498683 | 0.0000000 | 59.65800 | 1 | 6.498684 | 0.0000079 | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | 0.3237947 | 25 | NA | 30.40176 | NA | 0.7320995 | NA | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 0.5007494 | NA | 1.749338 | NA | NA | 2.5000000 | 3.476996e+11 | 9.289142 | -26.82899 | 0.0000000 | 5.0000000 | 10.0000000 | 25.000000 | 108.3553281 | NA | 6.498683 | 2.577462e+11 | 0.7310586 | 0.0000013 | 0.0000000 | 0.0000000 | NA | Bmd > ac50, indication of high baseline variability , Average number of replicates per conc is less than 2 | 9, 13 | 704 |
# By m4id
m4id_data <- get_bioactivity_details(m4id = 739695)
m4id | spid | chid | casn | chnm | dtxsid | bmad | respMax | respMin | maxMean | maxMeanConc | maxMed | maxMedConc | logcMax | logcMin | nconc | npts | nrep | nmedGtbl | tmpi | m5id | modl | hitc | fitc | coff | actp | modelType | chidRep | stkc | stkcUnit | testedConcUnit | logc | resp | pow_a | pow_p | exp2_a | exp2_b | exp3_a | exp3_b | exp3_p | exp5_p | gnls_p | gnls_q | hill_p | pow_er | cnst_er | exp2_er | exp3_er | exp4_er | exp4_ga | exp4_tp | exp5_er | exp5_ga | exp5_tp | gnls_er | gnls_ga | gnls_la | gnls_tp | hill_er | hill_ga | hill_tp | poly1_a | poly2_a | poly2_b | pow_aic | pow_cov | pow_rme | pow_top | all_bmed | cnst_aic | cnst_rme | exp2_aic | exp2_cov | exp2_rme | exp2_top | exp3_aic | exp3_cov | exp3_rme | exp3_top | exp4_aic | exp4_cov | exp4_rme | exp4_top | exp5_aic | exp5_cov | exp5_rme | exp5_top | gnls_aic | gnls_cov | gnls_rme | gnls_top | hill_aic | hill_cov | hill_rme | hill_top | poly1_er | poly2_er | pow_a_sd | pow_ac50 | pow_p_sd | all_onesd | exp2_a_sd | exp2_ac50 | exp2_b_sd | exp3_a_sd | exp3_ac50 | exp3_b_sd | exp3_p_sd | exp4_ac50 | exp5_ac50 | exp5_p_sd | gnls_ac50 | gnls_p_sd | gnls_q_sd | hill_ac50 | hill_p_sd | poly1_aic | poly1_cov | poly1_rme | poly1_top | poly2_aic | poly2_cov | poly2_rme | poly2_top | pow_er_sd | exp2_er_sd | exp3_er_sd | exp4_er_sd | exp4_ga_sd | exp4_tp_sd | exp5_er_sd | exp5_ga_sd | exp5_tp_sd | gnls_er_sd | gnls_ga_sd | gnls_la_sd | gnls_tp_sd | hill_er_sd | hill_ga_sd | hill_tp_sd | poly1_a_sd | poly1_ac50 | poly2_a_sd | poly2_ac50 | poly2_b_sd | poly1_er_sd | poly2_er_sd | pow_success | cnst_success | exp2_success | exp3_success | exp4_success | exp5_success | gnls_success | hill_success | poly1_success | poly2_success | gnls_ac50_loss | a | er | ac5 | bmd | bmr | mll | top | ac10 | ac20 | ac50 | bmdl | rmse | ac1sd | caikwt | hitcall | top_over_cutoff | flag | mc6MthdId | aeid |
739695 | TP0001055F12 | 20182 | 80-05-7 | Bisphenol A | DTXSID7020182 | 0.0991996 | 0.2791189 | -0.1881068 | 0.1676119 | -0.39794 | 0.1676119 | -0.39794 | 1 | -1.39794 | 6 | 11 | 2 | 0 | 188 | 5593410 | poly1 | 1e-07 | 13 | 0.5951977 | NA | 2 | 0 | 100 | mM | uM | -0.3979400, -1.0000000, -0.3979400, -1.0000000, -1.3979400, 0.4771213, 1.0000000, 0.0000000, 1.0000000, -1.3979400, 0.0000000 | 0.056105017, 0.002824334, 0.279118851, 0.099641900, -0.052393175, 0.136489149, -0.138943493, 0.105769222, -0.188106833, -0.126433032, 0.226491396 | 0 | 8.195719 | -8e-06 | 1.008149 | -0.1785159 | 10.55655 | 7.948369 | 7.999984 | 7.999999 | 8 | 7.99999 | -2.224154 | -2.009263 | -2.225708 | -2.224426 | -2.124036 | 0.1179271 | 0.0848946 | -2.17178 | 0.0985282 | 0.0943547 | -2.409216 | 0.1107359 | 3.615988 | 0.1667108 | -2.172019 | 0.0980335 | 0.0944007 | -0.0130687 | -5e-07 | 0.0183138 | -6.832651 | 1 | 0.132132 | -0.1635246 | 0 | -7.14737 | 0.1494007 | -6.828917 | 1 | 0.1321495 | -0.1629407 | -4.83266 | 1 | 0.132132 | -0.1635027 | -4.925186 | 1 | 0.141419 | 0.0848946 | -3.632093 | 1 | 0.139027 | 0.0943547 | -5.940066 | 1 | 0.1001421 | 0.1667105 | -3.631379 | 1 | 0.1390355 | 0.0944007 | -2.136508 | -2.206001 | 8e-07 | 9.189034 | 0.1852213 | 0.1818332 | 5.1e-06 | 9.301254 | 0.056466 | 3.979003 | 9.337383 | 27.39661 | 129.2584 | 0.1179271 | 0.0985282 | 41.93496 | 0.1107359 | 34.65357 | 22.96654 | 0.0980335 | 34.01112 | -7.127003 | 1 | 0.1411356 | -0.1306874 | -6.451942 | 1 | 0.1339787 | -0.157399 | 0.2759428 | 0.2757017 | 0.2759003 | 0.2776341 | 0.1562203 | 0.0610385 | 0.2828948 | 0.0308902 | 0.0576805 | 0.2593752 | 0.0564664 | 2.387358 | 0.0557089 | 0.2828774 | 0.0432924 | 0.0576301 | 0.0077698 | 5 | 1.4e-06 | 7.068389 | 0.0041468 | 0.2737045 | 0.2761542 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 3.61599 | -0.0130687 | -2.136508 | 0.5 | 18.76945 | 0.245293 | 5.563501 | -0.1306874 | 1 | 2 | 5 | 9.512878 | 0.1411356 | 13.9136 | 0.5025459 | 1e-07 | 0.2195697 | Bmd > ac50, indication of high baseline variability | 9 | 891 |
dtxsid_data <- get_bioactivity_details(DTXSID = "DTXSID30944145")
m4id | spid | chid | casn | chnm | dtxsid | bmad | respMax | respMin | maxMean | maxMeanConc | maxMed | maxMedConc | logcMax | logcMin | nconc | npts | nrep | nmedGtbl | tmpi | m5id | modl | hitc | fitc | coff | actp | modelType | chidRep | stkc | stkcUnit | testedConcUnit | logc | resp | pow_a | pow_p | exp2_a | exp2_b | exp3_a | exp3_b | exp3_p | exp5_p | gnls_p | gnls_q | hill_p | pow_er | cnst_er | exp2_er | exp3_er | exp4_er | exp4_ga | exp4_tp | exp5_er | exp5_ga | exp5_tp | gnls_er | gnls_ga | gnls_la | gnls_tp | hill_er | hill_ga | hill_tp | poly1_a | poly2_a | poly2_b | pow_aic | pow_cov | pow_rme | pow_top | all_bmed | cnst_aic | cnst_rme | exp2_aic | exp2_cov | exp2_rme | exp2_top | exp3_aic | exp3_cov | exp3_rme | exp3_top | exp4_aic | exp4_cov | exp4_rme | exp4_top | exp5_aic | exp5_cov | exp5_rme | exp5_top | gnls_aic | gnls_cov | gnls_rme | gnls_top | hill_aic | hill_cov | hill_rme | hill_top | poly1_er | poly2_er | pow_a_sd | pow_ac50 | pow_p_sd | all_onesd | exp2_a_sd | exp2_ac50 | exp2_b_sd | exp3_a_sd | exp3_ac50 | exp3_b_sd | exp3_p_sd | exp4_ac50 | exp5_ac50 | exp5_p_sd | gnls_ac50 | gnls_p_sd | gnls_q_sd | hill_ac50 | hill_p_sd | poly1_aic | poly1_cov | poly1_rme | poly1_top | poly2_aic | poly2_cov | poly2_rme | poly2_top | pow_er_sd | exp2_er_sd | exp3_er_sd | exp4_er_sd | exp4_ga_sd | exp4_tp_sd | exp5_er_sd | exp5_ga_sd | exp5_tp_sd | gnls_er_sd | gnls_ga_sd | gnls_la_sd | gnls_tp_sd | hill_er_sd | hill_ga_sd | hill_tp_sd | poly1_a_sd | poly1_ac50 | poly2_a_sd | poly2_ac50 | poly2_b_sd | poly1_er_sd | poly2_er_sd | pow_success | cnst_success | exp2_success | exp3_success | exp4_success | exp5_success | gnls_success | hill_success | poly1_success | poly2_success | gnls_ac50_loss | p | er | ga | tp | ac5 | acc | bmd | bmr | mll | top | ac10 | ac20 | ac50 | bmdl | bmdu | rmse | ac1sd | caikwt | hitcall | top_over_cutoff | flag | mc6MthdId | aeid |
822141 | ES211_47_47 | 944145 | 21535-47-7 | Mianserin hydrochloride | DTXSID30944145 | 6.7521122 | 101.97489 | -5.8524748 | 101.289440 | 2.30103 | 101.164780 | 2.30103 | 2.30103 | -6 | 9 | 36 | 4 | 3 | 42 | 7598924 | exp5 | 1.0000000 | 42 | 20.2563365 | NA | 2 | 1 | 100 | NA | NA | -0.301030, -3.000000, 2.301030, 1.903090, 0.698970, 0.698970, -1.301030, -6.000000, 2.301030, 1.477121, 1.000000, 1.477121, 1.000000, -1.301030, -0.301030, -3.000000, -6.000000, 1.903090, 1.903090, 1.000000, 1.477121, -0.301030, 0.698970, -1.301030, -3.000000, 2.301030, 1.477121, 1.903090, 0.698970, -0.301030, -1.301030, -6.000000, 2.301030, -6.000000, 1.000000, -3.000000 | 7.4272329, -3.7500518, 101.0730723, 98.9002718, 17.0269923, 17.6998059, 2.9964941, -2.3418378, 100.8533066, 58.6457028, 5.9648724, 49.1156507, 14.8351297, -3.9755251, 8.8610383, -2.5030181, 10.0197919, 99.3135621, 101.3930578, 19.7711786, 52.0849735, 6.9653865, 12.3375289, -5.8524748, 2.4837212, 101.2564884, 45.2735042, 101.2564884, 10.3734129, 8.4397273, -3.9875659, 1.7693316, 101.9748907, 14.2962961, 6.8991620, -0.9777668 | 8.9802634 | 0.4658605 | 20906.9204 | 38271.29 | 1485.9514344 | 65459.19750 | 0.4615703 | 1.459814 | 2.088229 | 7.9934676 | 2.088233 | 2.1530057 | 3.5592260 | 2.6995030 | 2.1600744 | 1.7944789 | 28.42184 | 105.358496 | 1.6323861 | 29.13630 | 102.861948 | 1.7852653 | 29.22449 | 3787.922 | 106.404809 | 1.7852569 | 29.22431 | 106.404503 | 0.5474828 | 27146.7616 | 49818.74 | 286.2962 | 1 | 12.749288 | 105.985894 | 0 | 384.3252 | 51.114626 | 328.2753 | 1 | 23.287318 | 109.542385 | 288.7695 | 1 | 12.853976 | 106.233987 | 252.1510 | 1 | 7.153206 | 105.358496 | 242.3782 | 1 | 6.046713 | 102.861948 | 256.4329 | 1 | 6.883033 | 106.348522 | 252.4329 | 1 | 6.883035 | 106.404503 | 2.6982312 | 2.6982333 | 1.6459871 | 45.16993 | 0.0359071 | 13.1774634 | 80054.916 | 100.1306 | 146042.6 | 1557.21081 | 46.23219 | 126993.039 | 0.0417501 | 28.42184 | 29.13630 | 0.1607743 | 29.20969 | NA | NA | 29.22431 | 0.3854704 | 326.2063 | 1 | 23.266336 | 109.496560 | 328.3118 | 1 | 23.312628 | 109.419645 | 0.1758881 | 0.1841409 | 0.1761656 | 0.1495154 | 2.50450 | 3.090966 | 0.1494115 | 1.684065 | 2.1361083 | NA | NA | NA | NA | 0.1483257 | 1.967877 | 3.5042257 | 0.0391873 | 100 | 84355.297 | 100.1999 | 154185.6 | 0.1840572 | 0.1841145 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 3788.386 | 1.459814 | 1.6323861 | 29.13630 | 102.861948 | 4.895975 | 13.24600 | 11.99451 | 17.7763981 | -117.18909 | 102.861948 | 8.016557 | 13.40417 | 29.13630 | 11.03986 | 12.96307 | 6.046713 | 9.600739 | 0 | 1.0000000 | 5.078013 | NULL | NULL | 3094 |
822345 | ES211_47_47 | 944145 | 21535-47-7 | Mianserin hydrochloride | DTXSID30944145 | 6.2923613 | 98.60945 | -15.4878926 | 97.611143 | 2.30103 | 97.673862 | 2.30103 | 2.30103 | -6 | 9 | 36 | 4 | 3 | 42 | 7599128 | exp5 | 1.0000000 | 42 | 18.8770838 | NA | 2 | 1 | 100 | NA | NA | -6.000000, 1.477121, -1.301030, -3.000000, 1.903090, 1.903090, 1.477121, -0.301030, 0.698970, -1.301030, -3.000000, 2.301030, 1.477121, 0.698970, -0.301030, -1.301030, -6.000000, 2.301030, 1.000000, -3.000000, 0.698970, 1.477121, -0.301030, -3.000000, 2.301030, 1.903090, 1.000000, 0.698970, -1.301030, 2.301030, 1.903090, 1.000000, 1.000000, -0.301030, -6.000000, -6.000000 | -15.4878926, 40.4459362, -3.3085591, 2.4871891, 95.0506187, 94.2402094, 41.2239555, 13.2858393, 12.4031853, 5.9669303, 3.2590462, 97.7474239, 37.5828021, 13.2039300, 1.8653867, 7.4288208, -0.5751258, 96.4874005, 10.0469074, 6.5779426, 0.2397507, 45.6266475, 10.7408295, 3.4763846, 98.6094462, 96.6195157, 36.8496763, 25.0843645, 14.1357330, 97.6003000, 94.1768512, 5.5868016, 16.4629763, 6.7098011, -0.6374203, 4.3307516 | 8.7188523 | 0.4621192 | 30733.6386 | 58053.23 | 95.1637175 | 487.21469 | 0.3644895 | 1.592161 | 2.500615 | 7.8847017 | 2.500562 | 2.1386687 | 3.5130386 | 2.6970290 | 2.2185745 | 2.0110512 | 32.65031 | 102.356177 | 1.7482328 | 33.60824 | 99.056240 | 1.8712350 | 33.56039 | 5782.339 | 101.448159 | 1.8712201 | 33.56046 | 101.448470 | 0.5305416 | 27673.0818 | 52368.25 | 284.1191 | 1 | 12.167746 | 100.881044 | 0 | 380.5441 | 48.521480 | 324.7773 | 1 | 21.596357 | 106.063494 | 288.1658 | 1 | 12.654705 | 100.904137 | 266.6071 | 1 | 8.542516 | 102.356177 | 257.6591 | 1 | 8.397684 | 99.056240 | 269.9181 | 1 | 9.432637 | 101.438151 | 265.9181 | 1 | 9.432603 | 101.448470 | 2.6974151 | 2.6974910 | 1.6532681 | 44.62909 | 0.0376325 | 13.0146016 | 144770.529 | 100.0861 | 273004.7 | 144.74203 | 46.69029 | 1335.788 | 0.0993875 | 32.65031 | 33.60824 | 0.1861700 | 33.55774 | NA | NA | 33.56046 | 0.6962069 | 322.7320 | 1 | 21.576689 | 106.108321 | 324.8320 | 1 | 21.612975 | 106.090117 | 0.1720104 | 0.1724789 | 0.1778244 | 0.1481674 | 3.88001 | 3.881301 | 0.1667586 | 1.909161 | 2.4422287 | NA | NA | NA | NA | 0.1680733 | 1.963092 | 4.0603355 | 0.0390993 | 100 | 88278.609 | 100.1902 | 166328.9 | 0.1724633 | 0.1725193 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 5782.480 | 1.592161 | 1.7482328 | 33.60824 | 99.056240 | 6.549950 | 15.94280 | 15.15769 | 17.5566976 | -124.82957 | 99.056240 | 10.294040 | 16.49226 | 33.60824 | 13.96329 | 16.36543 | 8.397684 | 12.353375 | 0 | 1.0000000 | 5.247433 | NULL | NULL | 3098 |
1150437 | ES211_47_47 | 944145 | 21535-47-7 | Mianserin hydrochloride | DTXSID30944145 | 0.1635842 | 11.45832 | 0.0498132 | 4.937025 | 1.90309 | 5.454861 | 1.90309 | 2.30103 | -6 | 9 | 36 | 4 | 2 | 42 | 7598992 | exp5 | 0.9999999 | 42 | 0.4907527 | NA | 2 | 1 | 100 | NA | NA | -0.301030, -1.301030, 2.301030, 0.698970, -0.301030, -6.000000, 2.301030, 1.000000, -3.000000, 0.698970, 1.477121, -0.301030, -3.000000, 2.301030, 1.903090, 1.000000, 0.698970, -1.301030, -6.000000, 2.301030, 1.477121, 1.903090, 1.000000, 1.000000, -1.301030, -0.301030, -3.000000, -6.000000, 1.903090, -6.000000, 1.903090, 1.477121, 0.698970, -3.000000, 1.477121, -1.301030 | 0.2882675, 0.2293578, 2.1276573, 0.2760906, 0.2223210, 0.2859185, 3.7267058, 0.1697793, 0.2335357, 0.3364576, 0.2644337, 1.1012624, 0.4222553, 1.7241350, 6.3829742, 0.1518603, 0.5005005, 0.4657933, 0.6850737, 11.4583214, 0.3623188, 4.5267471, 0.2382843, 0.2294894, 0.3481086, 0.3596198, 0.4614201, 0.5216095, 6.5656532, 0.2280502, 2.2727264, 0.3340757, 0.0498132, 0.2229378, 0.4805767, 0.1649776 | 0.0730634 | 0.6909309 | 489.2546 | 30770.90 | 16.8614438 | 2819.13160 | 0.6927530 | 4.565817 | 7.955761 | 0.5644747 | 8.000000 | -0.4956760 | -0.0636729 | -0.4920846 | -0.4952316 | -0.4878082 | 62.93659 | 3.160546 | -0.5427394 | 45.24973 | 3.609272 | -0.5743685 | 40.39442 | 1277.384 | 4.974388 | -0.5418421 | 39.36283 | 3.598558 | 0.0159513 | 689.1657 | 43422.64 | 119.2711 | 1 | 1.970613 | 2.841533 | 0 | 147.0232 | 2.721308 | 121.5366 | 1 | 1.980607 | 3.190339 | 121.4157 | 1 | 1.964500 | 2.924534 | 117.4065 | 1 | 1.914392 | 3.160546 | 108.6937 | 1 | 1.583969 | 3.609272 | 110.2353 | 1 | 1.540743 | 4.114035 | 108.7803 | 1 | 1.587007 | 3.598558 | -0.4932228 | -0.4931858 | 0.0609820 | 73.34026 | 0.1766431 | 0.8923598 | 3184.620 | 100.1625 | 199490.6 | 58.61912 | 77.81122 | 9986.109 | 0.2968322 | 62.93659 | 45.24973 | 4.2130449 | 39.82732 | NA | NA | 39.36283 | 5.5730243 | 119.5129 | 1 | 1.980115 | 3.190252 | 121.5464 | 1 | 1.981069 | 3.188843 | 0.1987586 | 0.1966980 | 0.1972499 | 0.1965661 | 34.81822 | 1.039040 | 0.1840458 | 16.991769 | 0.6631623 | NA | NA | NA | NA | 0.1839257 | 7.865147 | 0.6707173 | 0.0034228 | 100 | 3794.628 | 100.2292 | 237831.7 | 0.1965936 | 0.1966073 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 2372.257 | 4.565817 | -0.5427394 | 45.24973 | 3.609272 | 25.583338 | 32.17748 | 40.24215 | 1.2037933 | -50.34686 | 3.609272 | 29.952032 | 35.30254 | 45.24973 | 33.26445 | 53.79376 | 1.583969 | 37.217573 | 0 | 0.9999999 | 7.354563 | Noisy data | 10 | 3095 |
1150505 | ES211_47_47 | 944145 | 21535-47-7 | Mianserin hydrochloride | DTXSID30944145 | 0.2579902 | 12.49999 | 0.0000000 | 5.541738 | 2.30103 | 4.833483 | 2.30103 | 2.30103 | -6 | 9 | 36 | 4 | 7 | 42 | 7599060 | exp5 | 0.9999999 | 42 | 0.7739705 | NA | 2 | 1 | 100 | NA | NA | 1.903090, -1.301030, 2.301030, -6.000000, -0.301030, -3.000000, 2.301030, 1.903090, 0.698970, 0.698970, -1.301030, -6.000000, 2.301030, 1.477121, 1.000000, 1.477121, 1.000000, -1.301030, -0.301030, -3.000000, -6.000000, 1.903090, 1.903090, 1.000000, 1.477121, -0.301030, 0.698970, -1.301030, -3.000000, 2.301030, 1.477121, 0.698970, -0.301030, -6.000000, 1.000000, -3.000000 | 4.5267471, 0.8248880, 4.3478234, 0.4561003, 0.7789417, 0.8941878, 0.0000000, 5.6737548, 1.0574381, 1.6016015, 0.7860262, 1.2663483, 12.4999870, 0.5233494, 0.6619010, 0.3966505, 0.6597820, 0.7658389, 0.8219882, 0.7946680, 1.3412816, 5.0505025, 3.0303019, 0.9870918, 0.7423905, 0.9801095, 0.2988792, 0.6880734, 0.9165221, 5.3191433, 0.8810572, 0.7454445, 0.5113384, 1.1198475, 0.5093378, 0.4670715 | 0.2561292 | 0.5644407 | 1129.3097 | 39317.04 | 0.8720019 | 22.67001 | 0.3000031 | 3.190253 | 4.264094 | 0.6791167 | 7.176326 | -0.0347738 | 0.3936757 | 0.0497176 | -0.0686664 | -0.0334256 | 54.83942 | 5.528448 | -0.1247042 | 47.98250 | 4.790645 | -0.1234182 | 48.10589 | 1521.242 | 5.939436 | -0.1222695 | 38.87908 | 4.727067 | 0.0288099 | 1571.4798 | 54739.71 | 131.0855 | 1 | 1.765526 | 5.096288 | 0 | 163.6015 | 2.940288 | 137.6945 | 1 | 1.839830 | 5.759268 | 132.2182 | 1 | 1.767692 | 5.085764 | 129.8610 | 1 | 1.741178 | 5.528448 | 126.4266 | 1 | 1.710837 | 4.790645 | 130.5160 | 1 | 1.714785 | 4.942678 | 126.5674 | 1 | 1.715450 | 4.727067 | 0.0487519 | 0.0492089 | 0.1568794 | 58.57409 | 0.1274396 | 0.4008291 | 6523.333 | 100.1272 | 226568.1 | NA | 63.97392 | NA | NA | 54.83942 | 47.98250 | 1.6269772 | 46.10405 | NA | NA | 38.87908 | 78.0904648 | 135.6643 | 1 | 1.839223 | 5.761975 | 137.7075 | 1 | 1.839901 | 5.762623 | 0.1600595 | 0.1651236 | NA | 0.1553648 | 22.62317 | 1.074649 | 0.1550298 | 11.027655 | 0.5822266 | NA | NA | NA | NA | 0.1551748 | 110.917554 | 1.3037185 | 0.0044380 | 100 | 7620.572 | 100.1820 | 264301.5 | 0.1650477 | 0.1650896 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 2505.473 | 3.190253 | -0.1247042 | 47.98250 | 4.790645 | 21.214814 | 31.23504 | 27.67407 | 0.5407184 | -59.21330 | 4.790645 | 26.584629 | 33.63470 | 47.98250 | 21.83223 | 34.85028 | 1.710837 | 25.069977 | 0 | 0.9999999 | 6.189700 | Noisy data | 10 | 3096 |
# By aeid
aeid_data <- get_bioactivity_details(AEID = 704)
m4id | spid | chid | casn | chnm | dtxsid | bmad | respMax | respMin | maxMean | maxMeanConc | maxMed | maxMedConc | logcMax | logcMin | nconc | npts | nrep | nmedGtbl | tmpi | m5id | modl | hitc | fitc | coff | actp | modelType | chidRep | stkc | stkcUnit | testedConcUnit | logc | resp | pow_a | pow_p | exp2_a | exp2_b | exp3_a | exp3_b | exp3_p | exp5_p | gnls_p | gnls_q | hill_p | pow_er | cnst_er | exp2_er | exp3_er | exp4_er | exp4_ga | exp4_tp | exp5_er | exp5_ga | exp5_tp | gnls_er | gnls_ga | gnls_la | gnls_tp | hill_er | hill_ga | hill_tp | poly1_a | poly2_a | poly2_b | pow_aic | pow_cov | pow_rme | pow_top | all_bmed | cnst_aic | cnst_rme | exp2_aic | exp2_cov | exp2_rme | exp2_top | exp3_aic | exp3_cov | exp3_rme | exp3_top | exp4_aic | exp4_cov | exp4_rme | exp4_top | exp5_aic | exp5_cov | exp5_rme | exp5_top | gnls_aic | gnls_cov | gnls_rme | gnls_top | hill_aic | hill_cov | hill_rme | hill_top | poly1_er | poly2_er | pow_a_sd | pow_ac50 | pow_p_sd | all_onesd | exp2_a_sd | exp2_ac50 | exp2_b_sd | exp3_a_sd | exp3_ac50 | exp3_b_sd | exp3_p_sd | exp4_ac50 | exp5_ac50 | exp5_p_sd | gnls_ac50 | gnls_p_sd | gnls_q_sd | hill_ac50 | hill_p_sd | poly1_aic | poly1_cov | poly1_rme | poly1_top | poly2_aic | poly2_cov | poly2_rme | poly2_top | pow_er_sd | exp2_er_sd | exp3_er_sd | exp4_er_sd | exp4_ga_sd | exp4_tp_sd | exp5_er_sd | exp5_ga_sd | exp5_tp_sd | gnls_er_sd | gnls_ga_sd | gnls_la_sd | gnls_tp_sd | hill_er_sd | hill_ga_sd | hill_tp_sd | poly1_a_sd | poly1_ac50 | poly2_a_sd | poly2_ac50 | poly2_b_sd | poly1_er_sd | poly2_er_sd | pow_success | cnst_success | exp2_success | exp3_success | exp4_success | exp5_success | gnls_success | hill_success | poly1_success | poly2_success | gnls_ac50_loss | er | ga | tp | ac5 | bmd | bmr | mll | top | ac10 | ac20 | ac50 | bmdl | bmdu | rmse | ac1sd | caikwt | hitcall | top_over_cutoff | a | acc | p | flag | mc6MthdId | aeid |
1842410 | LEGTV002G10 | 32577 | 79538-32-2 | Tefluthrin | DTXSID5032577 | 3.763468 | 22.88978 | -26.552798 | 22.88978 | 0.7781513 | 22.88978 | 0.7781513 | 1.69897 | -1.69897 | 8 | 8 | 1 | 4 | 9 | 5037056 | exp4 | 0.2411318 | 15 | 22.58081 | NA | 2 | 1 | 20 | mM | uM | -1.6989700, -0.2218487, 0.7781513, -1.1549020, 1.3010300, -0.6989700, 1.6989700, 0.3010300 | -26.552798, 7.643489, 22.889780, 7.941247, 19.249049, 22.726260, 20.266453, 10.220170 | 8.0518750 | 0.3000002 | 2.586527e+03 | 5061.90352 | 16.9916203 | 61.30793 | 0.3000002 | 0.4110936 | 0.5634256 | 7.9506654 | 0.5634499 | 2.176743 | 2.869802 | 2.623207 | 2.319285 | 2.105614 | 1.0188231 | 20.26025 | 1.982013 | 0.4248867 | 20.73774 | 1.996259 | 0.3960986 | 4930.7797364 | 21.817429 | 1.996272 | 0.3960555 | 21.817115 | 0.5150479 | 2.323882e+03 | 4567.20786 | 68.57590 | 1 | 12.721054 | 26.036849 | 0 | 72.96029 | 18.549492 | 73.57241 | 1 | 15.498839 | 25.6755589 | 71.90187 | 1 | 13.226439 | 26.5356427 | 67.91716 | 1 | 12.291600 | 20.26025 | 68.74655 | 1 | 12.205391 | 20.73774 | 72.70908 | 0 | 12.089079 | 21.624063 | 68.70908 | 1 | 12.089053 | 21.817115 | 2.623381 | 2.623494 | 18.2631790 | 4.9606373 | 0.6979411 | 6.885946 | 32716.58151 | 25.06174 | 63813.2655 | NA | 9.809731 | NA | NA | 1.0188231 | 0.4248867 | 0.3479967 | 0.3838307 | NA | NA | 0.3960555 | 0.6357448 | 71.56606 | 1 | 15.493294 | 25.75240 | 73.57995 | 1 | 15.504311 | 25.7194710 | 1.1565515 | 0.3073701 | NA | 0.3877011 | 1.3010600 | 4.791142 | 0.3929732 | 0.8430162 | 5.937095 | NA | NA | NA | NA | 0.3920891 | 1.2602582 | 10.912262 | 0.2454617 | 25 | 20164.12446 | 25.135359 | 39136.751 | 0.3073969 | 0.3073430 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 4935.7199341 | 2.105614 | 1.0188231 | 20.26025 | 0.0753935 | 9.016000e-01 | 9.289142 | -30.95858 | 20.26025 | 0.1548643 | 0.3279878 | 1.0188231 | 0.0152498 | 3.8114359 | 12.291600 | 6.104667e-01 | 0.0743603 | 0.2411318 | 0.8972333 | NA | NA | NA | Multiple points above baseline, inactive , Borderline , Average number of replicates per conc is less than 2 | 8, 11, 13 | 704 |
1842408 | LEGTV002F02 | 34634 | 68157-60-8 | Forchlorfenuron | DTXSID1034634 | 3.763468 | 30.30548 | -15.782463 | 30.30548 | 1.6989700 | 30.30548 | 1.6989700 | 1.69897 | -1.69897 | 8 | 8 | 1 | 2 | 7 | 5037054 | poly1 | 0.6460865 | 15 | 22.58081 | NA | 2 | 1 | 20 | mM | uM | 0.7781513, 1.3010300, -0.6989700, 1.6989700, 0.3010300, -1.6989700, -0.2218487, -1.1549020 | 17.3121974, 5.8924444, -5.6216376, 30.3054804, -12.0479211, -0.9033803, 3.9506691, -15.7824631 | 0.1234505 | 1.4039572 | 1.170413e+01 | 39.21885 | 6.7978766 | 27.22775 | 0.8670700 | 2.2435723 | 3.4172760 | 7.9999995 | 3.4100314 | 2.053160 | 2.483165 | 2.047714 | 2.045418 | 2.144069 | 27.4449818 | 36.36658 | 2.056169 | 33.2937462 | 36.36658 | 2.058394 | 31.6120510 | 1534.1122638 | 36.366576 | 2.058280 | 31.6102945 | 36.366576 | 0.5785182 | 1.245939e+01 | 44.18199 | 65.09953 | 1 | 9.387362 | 29.976035 | 0 | 67.93444 | 14.556444 | 65.01102 | 1 | 9.336855 | 30.1771389 | 67.00414 | 1 | 9.328883 | 30.1845127 | 65.86497 | 1 | 9.540602 | 36.36658 | 67.25572 | 1 | 9.530979 | 36.36658 | 71.33940 | 1 | 9.604562 | 36.360430 | 67.33939 | 1 | 9.604376 | 36.366576 | 2.085652 | 2.049820 | 0.5753788 | 30.5178998 | 1.2086408 | 6.885946 | 41.73861 | 32.48058 | 80.2182 | 55.46148 | 32.614093 | 155.3113 | 1.7685351 | 27.4449818 | 33.2937462 | 3.4351652 | 31.6089243 | NA | NA | 31.6102945 | 23.4324362 | 63.26368 | 1 | 9.335380 | 28.92591 | 65.04408 | 1 | 9.347373 | 30.0568815 | 0.3330141 | 0.3322759 | 0.3319876 | 0.3157482 | 34.0596397 | 26.977496 | 0.3343896 | 37.9192731 | 50.504063 | NA | NA | NA | NA | 0.3364007 | 126.4453566 | 150.739897 | 0.1378894 | 25 | 81.28656 | 31.224686 | 189.871 | 0.3179897 | 0.3317698 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1534.1764212 | 2.085652 | NA | NA | 2.5000000 | 1.605678e+01 | 9.289142 | -29.63184 | 28.92591 | 5.0000000 | 10.0000000 | 25.0000000 | 11.3111898 | 29.5138438 | 9.335380 | 1.190273e+01 | 0.0882352 | 0.6460865 | 1.2809954 | 0.5785182 | 39.0321473 | NA | Multiple points above baseline, inactive , Average number of replicates per conc is less than 2 | 8, 13 | 704 |
1842409 | LEGTV002F07 | 32392 | 66441-23-4 | Fenoxaprop-ethyl | DTXSID2032392 | 3.763468 | 11.82202 | -15.519376 | 11.82202 | -1.6989700 | 11.82202 | -1.6989700 | 1.69897 | -1.69897 | 8 | 8 | 1 | 1 | 8 | 5037055 | poly1 | 0.0000143 | 13 | 22.58081 | NA | 2 | 1 | 20 | mM | uM | -1.6989700, 0.3010300, 0.7781513, -1.1549020, 1.3010300, -0.6989700, -0.2218487, 1.6989700 | 11.8220200, 1.5536962, -15.5193758, -3.1801084, -2.1405891, 8.7844128, -2.3157498, -0.3023092 | 0.0000012 | 0.3712752 | 1.800000e-06 | 72.74913 | 0.0000055 | 57.76084 | 6.2208543 | 0.8997003 | 6.7450150 | 8.0000000 | 7.5402901 | 1.802254 | 1.801580 | 1.800750 | 1.802189 | 1.801589 | 7.7828626 | 0.00000 | 1.801591 | 8.4417550 | 0.00000 | 1.563319 | 0.0021571 | 0.3339308 | 7.623929 | 1.801589 | 157.9445290 | 1.895515 | 0.0000000 | 2.230000e-05 | 56.36270 | 61.57800 | 1 | 7.748713 | 0.000005 | 0 | 57.57800 | 7.748712 | 61.57800 | 1 | 7.748713 | 0.0000018 | 63.57800 | 1 | 7.748712 | 0.0000028 | 61.57800 | 1 | 7.748712 | 0.00000 | 63.57800 | 1 | 7.748712 | 0.00000 | 64.94555 | 1 | 6.978799 | 7.623929 | 63.57801 | 1 | 7.748714 | 1.895515 | 1.801569 | 1.801792 | NA | 7.7298264 | NA | 6.885946 | NA | 29.21361 | NA | NA | 45.426457 | NA | NA | 7.7828626 | 8.4417550 | NA | 0.0021571 | 1886.6181379 | 1.389760e+01 | 157.9445290 | NA | 59.57800 | 1 | 7.748712 | 0.00000 | 61.57800 | 1 | 7.748714 | 0.0000374 | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | 0.3905957 | 1.3433819 | 3.212711e-01 | 3.818736 | NA | NA | NA | 0.1026000 | 25 | NA | 30.583061 | NA | 0.3470793 | NA | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 0.3339308 | 1.801569 | NA | NA | 2.5000000 | 1.640489e+10 | 9.289142 | -27.78900 | 0.00000 | 5.0000000 | 10.0000000 | 25.0000000 | 62.4144360 | NA | 7.748712 | 1.216078e+10 | 0.7310586 | 0.0000143 | 0.0000000 | 0.0000000 | NA | NA | Bmd > ac50, indication of high baseline variability , Average number of replicates per conc is less than 2 | 9, 13 | 704 |
1842411 | LEGTV002H08 | 34742 | NOCAS_34742 | Milbemectin (mixture of 70% Milbemcin A4, 30% Milbemycin A3) | DTXSID8034742 | 3.763468 | 73.67532 | -5.395088 | 73.67532 | 0.7781513 | 73.67532 | 0.7781513 | 1.69897 | -1.69897 | 8 | 8 | 1 | 6 | 10 | 5037057 | exp4 | 0.9999995 | 42 | 22.58081 | NA | 2 | 1 | 20 | mM | uM | 0.3010300, -1.6989700, 0.7781513, -1.1549020, 1.3010300, -0.2218487, -0.6989700, 1.6989700 | 52.505653, -5.395088, 73.675321, 5.395088, 72.536914, 19.223173, 30.263301, 69.879723 | 28.1478864 | 0.3000001 | 6.119261e+03 | 3551.23900 | 975.1669227 | 153230.61180 | 0.3000004 | 1.0948059 | 1.3647130 | 0.5619058 | 1.5905071 | 2.635533 | 3.795907 | 3.395499 | 2.727846 | 1.468967 | 1.0998784 | 72.48761 | 1.385098 | 1.1329807 | 72.29652 | 1.358123 | 1.3915858 | 524.1224235 | 88.410381 | 1.597002 | 1.0772826 | 73.263057 | 1.7397505 | 8.413505e+03 | 4888.58386 | 73.54170 | 1 | 15.286148 | 91.020026 | 0 | 88.28391 | 49.589928 | 86.10952 | 1 | 34.328944 | 86.7660936 | 75.92330 | 1 | 15.630161 | 91.8010727 | 59.27933 | 1 | 8.238704 | 72.48761 | 61.10191 | 1 | 8.628490 | 72.29652 | 65.36002 | 1 | 9.055177 | 75.013515 | 63.48642 | 1 | 9.621897 | 73.263057 | 3.393357 | 3.395444 | 8.4633442 | 4.9606320 | 0.0920296 | 6.885946 | 44830.33043 | 25.08800 | 25840.4954 | 1604.02810 | 5.342280 | 660507.3822 | 0.1054190 | 1.0998784 | 1.1329807 | 0.2147453 | 1.1589041 | 0.3461608 | 7.944943e-01 | 1.0772826 | 0.4118849 | 84.09047 | 1 | 34.282456 | 86.98752 | 86.11783 | 1 | 34.341736 | 86.9327126 | 0.3277274 | 0.3154107 | 0.3499555 | 0.3801021 | 0.1580467 | 2.557861 | 0.4212709 | 0.1485230 | 2.346998 | 0.4418044 | 0.4322859 | 1.067601e+03 | 26.852332 | 0.3965733 | 0.1694908 | 3.405356 | 0.5875702 | 25 | 52103.42623 | 25.126551 | 29886.906 | 0.3150764 | 0.3153392 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 902.1729968 | 1.468967 | 1.0998784 | 72.48761 | 0.0813916 | 2.176053e-01 | 9.289142 | -26.63967 | 72.48761 | 0.1671849 | 0.3540818 | 1.0998784 | 0.1727659 | 0.2697433 | 8.238704 | 1.583847e-01 | 0.0000005 | 0.9999995 | 3.2101423 | NA | 0.5922823 | NA | Average number of replicates per conc is less than 2 | 13 | 704 |
1842412 | LEGTV003B07 | 23892 | 71751-41-2 | Abamectin | DTXSID8023892 | 3.763468 | 77.95706 | -28.220282 | 77.95706 | 1.6989700 | 77.95706 | 1.6989700 | 1.69897 | -1.69897 | 8 | 8 | 1 | 5 | 11 | 5037058 | hill | 0.9999987 | 41 | 22.58081 | NA | 2 | 1 | 20 | mM | uM | -0.2218487, -1.6989700, 0.7781513, -1.1549020, 1.3010300, -0.6989700, 0.3010300, 1.6989700 | 64.238549, -28.220282, 71.525513, -8.367156, 77.909113, 1.215720, 77.605539, 77.957058 | 30.8222881 | 0.3000004 | 9.745304e+03 | 4985.40955 | 743.0734774 | 48000.25080 | 0.3003650 | 4.3877195 | 5.3121297 | 6.0444674 | 5.3121127 | 3.250041 | 4.016144 | 3.676700 | 3.320917 | 2.559835 | 0.4227744 | 77.51175 | 1.566159 | 0.4808130 | 76.49260 | 1.566171 | 0.4392199 | 3693.1460652 | 76.498291 | 1.566183 | 0.4392211 | 76.498287 | 1.9648647 | 1.331550e+04 | 6833.36145 | 83.17122 | 1 | 27.538008 | 99.668199 | 0 | 91.47566 | 59.455986 | 90.43011 | 1 | 44.393259 | 98.2300155 | 85.41740 | 1 | 27.915242 | 100.7298808 | 73.13302 | 1 | 15.554089 | 77.51175 | 64.42879 | 1 | 10.586878 | 76.49260 | 68.42787 | 1 | 10.586541 | 76.498291 | 64.42787 | 1 | 10.586541 | 76.498287 | 3.675480 | 3.675301 | 14.1096932 | 4.9606448 | 0.1304029 | 6.885946 | 95296.73354 | 25.06268 | 48443.7784 | 1550.68118 | 5.520304 | 261983.9706 | 0.1466564 | 0.4227744 | 0.4808130 | 3.3678396 | 0.4392199 | 3.3958255 | 1.511239e+05 | 0.4392211 | 3.3956061 | 88.41948 | 1 | 44.366489 | 98.24323 | 90.43489 | 1 | 44.406685 | 98.1429623 | 0.3035886 | 0.3103301 | 0.3148286 | 0.3265561 | 0.1873471 | 6.138861 | 0.4233460 | 0.0838100 | 2.371479 | 0.4232676 | 0.0913463 | 3.974721e+08 | 2.374786 | 0.4232685 | 0.0913401 | 2.374806 | 0.7445259 | 25 | 108969.20708 | 25.090798 | 55447.956 | 0.3102154 | 0.3101964 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 3693.1460653 | 1.566183 | 0.4392211 | 76.49829 | 0.2523243 | 3.026161e-01 | 9.289142 | -28.21393 | 76.49829 | 0.2904344 | 0.3383343 | 0.4392211 | 0.2465293 | 0.3414014 | 10.586541 | 2.841484e-01 | 0.0000013 | 0.9999987 | 3.3877569 | NA | 0.3728438 | 5.312113 | Average number of replicates per conc is less than 2 | 13 | 704 |
1842413 | Strychnine nitrate | NA | NA | NA | NA | 3.763468 | 101.90303 | -13.656252 | 90.10575 | 0.0000000 | 92.78949 | 1.0000000 | 1.00000 | -2.00000 | 5 | 120 | 28 | 4 | 12 | 5037059 | hill | 1.0000000 | 41 | 22.58081 | NA | 2 | NA | NA | NA | NA | 0.00000, -1.00000, -1.30103, -1.30103, 0.00000, -2.00000, -1.00000, 1.00000, 1.00000, -2.00000, -2.00000, 0.00000, 0.00000, 0.00000, -2.00000, -2.00000, -2.00000, 0.00000, 0.00000, -2.00000, -1.30103, 0.00000, 0.00000, -1.00000, -1.30103, 1.00000, -2.00000, -1.30103, -2.00000, 1.00000, -1.30103, 0.00000, -1.00000, -1.30103, 0.00000, -1.00000, -1.30103, 1.00000, -2.00000, -1.30103, 0.00000, -2.00000, -1.30103, -1.00000, 0.00000, -2.00000, -1.30103, 0.00000, -2.00000, -1.30103, -1.30103, 1.00000, -2.00000, 0.00000, 0.00000, -2.00000, -1.30103, 0.00000, -1.30103, -1.00000, -1.30103, -2.00000, -1.30103, 1.00000, -2.00000, 0.00000, 0.00000, -2.00000, -1.30103, 0.00000, 0.00000, -1.00000, -2.00000, 0.00000, 0.00000, 0.00000, 0.00000, -2.00000, -2.00000, 0.00000, 0.00000, -1.00000, -1.30103, 0.00000, -2.00000, -1.30103, 1.00000, 0.00000, -1.30103, 0.00000, -1.00000, 0.00000, 0.00000, -1.00000, -1.30103, 1.00000, -2.00000, -1.30103, -1.30103, 1.00000, -2.00000, 0.00000, 1.00000, 0.00000, 0.00000, 1.00000, -2.00000, 0.00000, 0.00000, -2.00000, -2.00000, 0.00000, -1.30103, 0.00000, 0.00000, -2.00000, -1.00000, -1.30103, -1.30103, -1.30103 | 87.546580, 78.132320, 70.933176, 57.126984, 99.126174, 37.512667, 67.395668, 87.169172, 97.844126, 36.182154, 18.676760, 86.146395, 92.147010, 88.863375, 52.588582, 15.582134, 6.743711, 90.999109, 93.537388, 4.532945, 98.290296, 87.512582, 95.779485, 76.697190, 79.442823, 93.418488, 43.828556, 60.078635, 48.555738, 93.389368, 68.380889, 94.441741, 70.230633, 67.589511, 88.254767, 78.286635, 73.357095, 87.414185, 34.296246, 51.689531, 94.776716, 9.717713, 68.426962, 89.145702, 98.636216, 21.819867, 73.314424, 84.446849, 101.903027, 52.379687, 76.703924, 95.969544, 37.932664, 85.539955, 93.197619, 9.374939, 97.007728, 94.520680, 70.039350, 70.220785, 80.600567, 49.653326, 50.621182, -13.656252, 25.103929, 84.067753, 93.895451, 13.052342, 68.046695, 88.310176, 95.749092, 71.265733, 29.657483, 89.449675, 87.911222, 89.160838, 94.231058, 11.031715, 35.957565, 83.964843, 91.133448, 74.374683, 75.903414, 84.579254, 98.096973, 80.870252, 95.690388, 88.168497, 80.803497, 81.035261, 70.737559, 89.622114, 92.837676, 69.728526, 77.483044, 85.860027, 32.278445, 46.170151, 80.624101, 95.951067, 10.207249, 79.025458, 87.980835, 91.893399, 95.375177, 92.189622, 25.413154, 85.264672, 94.339524, 21.432041, 30.458994, 93.864666, 70.852504, 84.706949, 90.171073, 42.173489, 67.852181, 80.669238, 52.404704, 66.299387 | 87.0992826 | 0.3000000 | 3.188345e+04 | 2940.87569 | 91.7640783 | 10.74788 | 5.7058701 | 0.7347141 | 1.1424918 | 7.1666617 | 1.1425174 | 3.260956 | 4.280418 | 4.136619 | 4.195353 | 2.220082 | 0.0220516 | 89.00271 | 2.177704 | 0.0201747 | 90.09084 | 2.141473 | 0.0192394 | 152.6017397 | 90.961741 | 2.141464 | 0.0192394 | 90.961584 | 10.8572856 | 4.395672e+04 | 4063.95852 | 1201.40514 | 1 | 38.552277 | 173.785924 | 0 | 1403.09041 | 74.890448 | 1374.43117 | 1 | 65.817468 | 108.5993408 | 1391.16250 | 1 | 70.114894 | 86.2494119 | 958.55852 | 1 | 17.136859 | 89.00271 | 951.46292 | 1 | 16.563670 | 90.09084 | 949.10764 | 1 | 16.523175 | 90.942233 | 945.10764 | 1 | 16.523187 | 90.961584 | 4.136729 | 4.136766 | NA | 0.9921258 | NA | 6.885946 | 199788.20127 | 5.00425 | 18377.6397 | NA | 9.093200 | NA | NA | 0.0220516 | 0.0201747 | 0.0740315 | 0.0192321 | 0.1132872 | 5.416430e+03 | 0.0192394 | 0.1132891 | 1372.40551 | 1 | 65.810459 | 108.57286 | 1374.44259 | 1 | 65.821341 | 108.4284867 | NA | 0.0755054 | NA | 0.0875508 | 0.0017581 | 1.264875 | 0.0879343 | 0.0018963 | 1.229549 | 0.0884129 | 0.0016388 | 3.143101e+05 | 1.359208 | 0.0884126 | 0.0016388 | 1.359187 | 1.7244138 | 5 | 229686.48293 | 5.006137 | 21186.122 | 0.0755102 | 0.0755130 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 152.6093800 | 2.141464 | 0.0192394 | 90.96158 | 0.0014620 | 2.869800e-03 | 9.289142 | -468.55382 | 90.96158 | 0.0028118 | 0.0057178 | 0.0192394 | 0.0025561 | 0.0032196 | 16.523187 | 2.153000e-03 | 0.0000000 | 1.0000000 | 4.0282697 | NA | 0.0072949 | 1.142517 | NULL | NULL | 704 |
Similar to the other _batch
retrieves data for a list
(or vector) of assay endpoint ids (aeid), sample ids (spid), Level 4 IDs
(m4id), or chemical DTXSIDs.
aeid_data_batch <- get_bioactivity_details_batch(AEID = c(759,700,891))
In this vignette, a variety of functions that access different types
of data found in the Bioactivity
endpoints of the CTX APIs
were listed. Users are encouraged to explore the data accessible through
these endpoints to get a better understanding of what data is available.
Additionally, experienced ToxCast users may find it easier to use the tcpl R package, since
it has been integrated ctxR’s bioactivity functions and will retrieve
API data in a more familiar, ‘invitrodb’-like format.