The required datasets for the N-sink analysis are available from multiple, online resources. This function takes a HUC as input and downloads local copies of those datasets. It will place these in a local directory and inside that directory a new folder for each NHD Plus raster processing unit will be created. If you use the same folder for the data directory, it will act as a cache (imperfect, though) and only download any new datasets that have not already been downloaded.
data_dir = normalizePath("nsink_data", winslash = "/", mustWork = FALSE),
force = FALSE,
year = "2016"
- huc
A character string of a HUC identifier. Currently can run only a single HUC at a time. This package was developed using 12-digit HUCS, but has been (lightly) tested with larger HUCs and appears to work, but is not certain for all cases.
- data_dir
A directory to store N-Sink data downloads. Defaults to "nsink_data" inside of the current working directory. Created if it doesn't exist. May be used for multiple HUCs and only data that doesn't currently exist will be downloaded.
- force
Logical to determine if files should be downloaded again if they already exist locally.
- year
An argument to be passed to FedData's
function. Default is 2016.
if (FALSE) { # \dontrun{
niantic_huc <- nsink_get_huc_id("Niantic River")$huc_12
nsink_get_data(huc = niantic_huc, data_dir = "nsink_data", force = TRUE)
} # }