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Quick view of summary stats by type of stat, but lacks rounding specific to each type, etc.


ejam2ratios(ejamitout, sitenumber = NULL, decimals = 1)



list as from ejamit() that includes results_overall


if NULL, uses overall results. If an integer, uses that site, based on just one row from ejamitout$results_bysite


optional number of decimal places to round to


prints to console and returns a simple data.frame



#> Average Resident in Place(s) Analyzed vs US or State
#>                       Ratio_to_US_avg Ratio_to_State_avg
#> Demog.Ind.                        1.3                1.2
#> Suppl Demog.Ind.                  1.0                1.1
#> %Low-inc.                         1.0                1.2
#> %Limited English                  1.5                1.2
#> %Unemployed                       1.1                1.1
#> %< High School                    1.2                1.2
#> %< age 5                          1.1                1.1
#> %> age 64                         0.8                0.8
#> %POC                              1.5                1.3
#> %Hispanic                         1.4                1.1
#> %Black NHA                        1.4                1.8
#> %Asian NHA                        2.2                1.4
#> %AmerIndian/AK NHA                0.6                0.8
#> %Hawaiian/PI NHA                  1.6                1.1
#> %Other race NHA                   1.4                1.2
#> %multirace NH                     1.1                1.1
#> %White NHA                        0.7                0.8
#> PM2.5                             1.1                1.0
#> Ozone                             1.1                1.0
#> NO2                               1.4                1.3
#> Diesel PM                         1.8                1.4
#> Toxic Releases to Air             0.5                0.8
#> Traffic                           2.4                1.6
#> %pre-1960                         1.5                1.3
#> NPL                               2.9                1.8
#> RMP                               1.1                1.1
#> TSDF                              2.9                1.7
#> UST                               1.8                1.6
#> NPDES                             0.1                2.6
#> Drinking                          2.3                2.7