Quick view of summary stats by type of stat, but lacks rounding specific to each type, etc.
Quick view of summary stats by type of stat, but lacks rounding specific to each type, etc.
#> Average Resident in Place(s) Analyzed vs US or State
#> Ratio_to_US_avg Ratio_to_State_avg
#> Demog.Ind. 1.3 1.2
#> Suppl Demog.Ind. 1.0 1.1
#> %Low-inc. 1.0 1.2
#> %Limited English 1.5 1.2
#> %Unemployed 1.1 1.1
#> %< High School 1.2 1.2
#> %< age 5 1.1 1.1
#> %> age 64 0.8 0.8
#> %POC 1.5 1.3
#> %Hispanic 1.4 1.1
#> %Black NHA 1.4 1.8
#> %Asian NHA 2.2 1.4
#> %AmerIndian/AK NHA 0.6 0.8
#> %Hawaiian/PI NHA 1.6 1.1
#> %Other race NHA 1.4 1.2
#> %multirace NH 1.1 1.1
#> %White NHA 0.7 0.8
#> PM2.5 1.1 1.0
#> Ozone 1.1 1.0
#> NO2 1.4 1.3
#> Diesel PM 1.8 1.4
#> Toxic Releases to Air 0.5 0.8
#> Traffic 2.4 1.6
#> %pre-1960 1.5 1.3
#> NPL 2.9 1.8
#> RMP 1.1 1.1
#> TSDF 2.9 1.7
#> UST 1.8 1.6
#> NPDES 0.1 2.6
#> Drinking 2.3 2.7