Get URL for and view in browser a 2-page summary report similar to the EJScreen Community Report
ejamitout = testoutput_ejamit_10pts_1miles,
sitenumber = NULL,
analysis_title = "Summary of Analysis",
submitted_upload_method = c("latlon", "SHP", "FIPS")[1],
data_up_shp = NA,
return_html = FALSE,
launch_browser = TRUE,
show_ratios_in_report = TRUE,
extratable_show_ratios_in_report = TRUE,
extratable_title = "EJScreen environmental and socioeconomic indicators data",
extratable_list_of_sections = list(`Breakdown by Race/Ethnicity` = names_d_subgroups,
`Language Spoken at Home` = names_d_language,
`Language in Limited English Speaking Households` = names_d_languageli,
`Breakdown by Sex` = c("pctmale", "pctfemale"), Health = names_health, Community =
names_community[!(names_community %in% c("pctmale", "pctfemale",
"pctownedunits_dupe"))], Poverty = names_d_extra, `Site counts and distance` =
extratable_hide_missing_rows_for = c(names_d_language, names_health)
- ejamitout
output as from
, list with a data.table calledresults_bysite
if sitenumber parameter is used, or a data.table calledresults_overall
otherwise- sitenumber
If a number is provided, the report is about
ejamout$results_bysite[sitenumber, ]
and if no number is provided (param is NULL) then the report is aboutejamout$results_overall
- analysis_title
optional title of analysis
- submitted_upload_method
is the default and other options are not implemented yet.- data_up_shp
not implemented yet, for upload method SHP
- return_html
set TRUE to have function return HTML object instead of URL of local file
- launch_browser
set TRUE to have it launch browser and show report.
- show_ratios_in_report
logical, whether to add columns with ratios to US and State overall values, in main table of envt/demog. info.
- extratable_show_ratios_in_report
logical, whether to add columns with ratios to US and State overall values, in extra table of demog. subgroups, etc.
- extratable_title
Text of overall title of report table, in extra table of demog. subgroups, etc.
- extratable_list_of_sections
This defines what extra indicators are shown. It is a named list of vectors, where each name is text phrase that is title of a section of the table, and each vector is the vector of colnames of output_df that are indicators to show in that section, in extra table of demog. subgroups, etc.
- extratable_hide_missing_rows_for
only for the indicators named in this vector, leave out rows in table where raw value is NA, as with many of names_d_language, in extra table of demog. subgroups, etc.' #'
URL of temp html file or object depending on return_html, and has side effect of launching browser to view it depending on return_html
This relies on build_community_report()
as used in web app
for viewing report on 1 site from a list of sites.
You can customize the report somewhat by using parameters like extratable_list_of_sections
#out <- ejamit(testpoints_10, radius = 3, include_ejindexes = T)
out <- testoutput_ejamit_10pts_1miles
#> [1] "/tmp/RtmpE85Gqo/comm_report.html"
#> Error in loadNamespace(x): there is no package called ‘gt’
#> Error in table_tall_from_overall(out$results_overall): could not find function "table_tall_from_overall"
x <- ejam2report(out, sitenumber = 1)
table_gt_from_ejamit_1site(out$results_bysite[1, ])
#> Error in loadNamespace(x): there is no package called ‘gt’