Source code for wntr.epanet.exceptions

# coding: utf-8
"""Exceptions for EPANET toolkit and IO operations."""

from typing import List

    # Runtime errors
    1: "At %s, system hydraulically unbalanced - convergence to a hydraulic solution was not achieved in the allowed number of trials",
    2: "At %s, system may be hydraulically unstable - hydraulic convergence was only achieved after the status of all links was held fixed",
    3: "At %s, system disconnected - one or more nodes with positive demands were disconnected for all supply sources",
    4: "At %s, pumps cannot deliver enough flow or head - one or more pumps were forced to either shut down (due to insufficient head) or operate beyond the maximum rated flow",
    5: "At %s, valves cannot deliver enough flow - one or more flow control valves could not deliver the required flow even when fully open",
    6: "At %s, system has negative pressures - negative pressures occurred at one or more junctions with positive demand",
    101: "insufficient memory available",
    102: "no network data available",
    103: "hydraulics not initialized",
    104: "no hydraulics for water quality analysis",
    105: "water quality not initialized",
    106: "no results saved to report on",
    107: "hydraulics supplied from external file",
    108: "cannot use external file while hydraulics solver is active",
    109: "cannot change time parameter when solver is active",
    110: "cannot solve network hydraulic equations",
    120: "cannot solve water quality transport equations",
    # Apply only to an input file
    200: "one or more errors in input file %s",
    201: "syntax error (%s)",
    # Apply to both IO file and API functions
    202: "illegal numeric value, %s",
    203: "undefined node, %s",
    204: "undefined link, %s",
    205: "undefined time pattern, %s",
    206: "undefined curve, %s",
    207: "attempt to control a CV/GPV link",
    208: "illegal PDA pressure limits",
    209: "illegal node property value",
    211: "illegal link property value",
    212: "undefined trace node",
    213: "invalid option value %s",
    214: "too many characters in input line",
    215: "duplicate ID label",
    216: "reference to undefined pump",
    217: "pump has no head curve or power defined",
    219: "illegal valve connection to tank node",
    220: "illegal valve connection to another valve",
    221: "misplaced rule clause in rule-based control",
    222: "link assigned same start and end nodes",
    # Network consistency
    223: "not enough nodes in network",
    224: "no tanks or reservoirs in network",
    225: "invalid lower/upper levels for tank",
    226: "no head curve or power rating for pump",
    227: "invalid head curve for pump",
    230: "nonincreasing x-values for curve",
    233: "network has unconnected node",
    234: "network has an unconnected node with ID %s",
    # API functions only
    240: "nonexistent water quality source",
    241: "nonexistent control",
    250: "invalid format (e.g. too long an ID name)",
    251: "invalid parameter code",
    252: "invalid ID name",
    253: "nonexistent demand category",
    254: "node with no coordinates",
    255: "invalid link vertex",
    257: "nonexistent rule",
    258: "nonexistent rule clause",
    259: "attempt to delete a node that still has links connected to it",
    260: "attempt to delete node assigned as a Trace Node",
    261: "attempt to delete a node or link contained in a control",
    262: "attempt to modify network structure while a solver is open",
    263: "node is not a tank",
    # File errors
    301: "identical file names used for different types of files",
    302: "cannot open input file %s",
    303: "cannot open report file %s",
    304: "cannot open binary output file %s",
    305: "cannot open hydraulics file %s",
    306: "hydraulics file does not match network data",
    307: "cannot read hydraulics file %s",
    308: "cannot save results to binary file %s",
    309: "cannot save results to report file %s",
"""A dictionary of the error codes and their meanings from the EPANET toolkit.

:meta hide-value:

[docs] class EpanetException(Exception):
[docs] def __init__(self, code: int, *args: List[object], line_num=None, line=None) -> None: """An Exception class for EPANET Toolkit and IO exceptions. Parameters ---------- code : int The EPANET error code args : additional non-keyword arguments, optional If there is a string-format within the error code's text, these will be used to replace the format, otherwise they will be output at the end of the Exception message. line_num : int, optional The line number, if reading an INP file, by default None line : str, optional The contents of the line, by default None """ msg = EN_ERROR_CODES.get(code, "unknown error") if args is not None: args = [*args] if r"%" in msg and len(args) > 0: msg = msg % repr(args.pop(0)) if len(args) > 0: msg = msg + " " + repr(args) if line_num: msg = msg + ", at line {}".format(line_num) if line: msg = msg + ":\n " + str(line) msg = "(Error {}) ".format(code) + msg super().__init__(msg)
[docs] class ENSyntaxError(EpanetException, SyntaxError):
[docs] def __init__(self, code, *args, line_num=None, line=None) -> None: """An EPANET exception class that also subclasses SyntaxError Parameters ---------- code : int The EPANET error code args : additional non-keyword arguments, optional If there is a string-format within the error code's text, these will be used to replace the format, otherwise they will be output at the end of the Exception message. line_num : int, optional The line number, if reading an INP file, by default None line : str, optional The contents of the line, by default None """ super().__init__(code, *args, line_num=line_num, line=line)
[docs] class ENKeyError(EpanetException, KeyError):
[docs] def __init__(self, code, name, *args, line_num=None, line=None) -> None: """An EPANET exception class that also subclasses KeyError. Parameters ---------- code : int The EPANET error code name : str The key/name/id that is missing args : additional non-keyword arguments, optional If there is a string-format within the error code's text, these will be used to replace the format, otherwise they will be output at the end of the Exception message. line_num : int, optional The line number, if reading an INP file, by default None line : str, optional The contents of the line, by default None """ super().__init__(code, name, *args, line_num=line_num, line=line)
[docs] class ENValueError(EpanetException, ValueError):
[docs] def __init__(self, code, value, *args, line_num=None, line=None) -> None: """An EPANET exception class that also subclasses ValueError Parameters ---------- code : int The EPANET error code value : Any The value that is invalid args : additional non-keyword arguments, optional If there is a string-format within the error code's text, these will be used to replace the format, otherwise they will be output at the end of the Exception message. line_num : int, optional The line number, if reading an INP file, by default None line : str, optional The contents of the line, by default None """ super().__init__(code, value, *args, line_num=line_num, line=line)