API documentation#
The wntr.epanet package provides EPANET2 compatibility functions for WNTR. |
The wntr.gis package contains methods to convert between water network models and GIS formatted data and geospatial functions to snap data and find intersections. |
The wntr.graphics package contains graphic functions |
The wntr.metrics package contains methods to compute resilience, including hydraulic, water quality, water security, and economic metrics. |
The wntr.morph package contains methods to modify water network model morphology, including network skeletonization, modifying node coordinates, and splitting or breaking pipes. |
The wntr.msx package contains methods to define EPANET Multi-species Extension (MSX) water quality models. |
The wntr.network package contains methods to define a water network model, network controls, and water network model I/O. |
The wntr.scenario package contains methods to define disaster scenarios and fragility/survival curves. |
The wntr.sim package contains methods to run hydraulic and water quality simulations using the water network model. |
The wntr.utils package contains helper functions. |