The wntr.gis.geospatial module contains functions to snap data and find
intersects with polygons.
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
from shapely.geometry import MultiPoint, LineString, Point, shape
has_shapely = True
except ModuleNotFoundError:
has_shapely = False
import geopandas as gpd
has_geopandas = True
except ModuleNotFoundError:
gpd = None
has_geopandas = False
import rasterio
has_rasterio = True
except ModuleNotFoundError:
rasterio = None
has_rasterio = False
def snap(A, B, tolerance):
Snap Points in A to Points or Lines in B
For each Point geometry in A, the function returns snapped Point geometry
and associated element in B. Note the CRS of A must equal the CRS of B.
A : geopandas GeoDataFrame
GeoDataFrame containing Point geometries.
B : geopandas GeoDataFrame
GeoDataFrame containing Point, LineString, or MultiLineString geometries.
tolerance : float
Maximum allowable distance (in the coordinate reference system units)
between Points in A and Points or Lines in B.
GeoPandas GeoDataFrame
Snapped points (index = A.index, columns = defined below)
If B contains Points, columns include:
- node: closest Point in B to Point in A
- snap_distance: distance between Point in A and snapped point
- geometry: GeoPandas Point object of the snapped point
If B contains Lines or MultiLineString, columns include:
- link: closest Line in B to Point in A
- node: start or end node of Line in B that is closest to the snapped point (if B contains columns "start_node_name" and "end_node_name")
- snap_distance: distance between Point A and snapped point
- line_position: normalized distance of snapped point along Line in B from the start node (0.0) and end node (1.0)
- geometry: GeoPandas Point object of the snapped point
if not has_shapely or not has_geopandas:
raise ModuleNotFoundError('shapley and geopandas are required')
assert isinstance(A, gpd.GeoDataFrame)
assert isinstance(B, gpd.GeoDataFrame)
assert (B['geometry'].geom_type).isin(['Point', 'LineString', 'MultiLineString']).all()
assert A.crs == B.crs
# Modify B to include "indexB" as a separate column
B = B.reset_index(names='indexB')
# Define the coordinate reference system, based on B
crs = B.crs
# Determine which Bs are closest to each A
bbox = A.bounds + [-tolerance, -tolerance, tolerance, tolerance]
hits = bbox.apply(lambda row: list(B.loc[list(B.sindex.intersection(row))]['indexB']), axis=1)
closest = pd.DataFrame({
# index of points table
"point": np.repeat(hits.index, hits.apply(len)),
# name of link
"indexB": np.concatenate(hits.values)
# Merge the closest dataframe with the lines dataframe on the line names
closest = pd.merge(closest, B, on="indexB")
# Join back to the original points to get their geometry
# rename the point geometry as "points"
closest = closest.join(A.geometry.rename("points"), on="point")
# Convert back to a GeoDataFrame, so we can do spatial ops
closest = gpd.GeoDataFrame(closest, geometry="geometry", crs=crs)
# Calculate distance between the point and nearby links
closest["snap_distance"] = closest.geometry.distance(gpd.GeoSeries(closest.points, crs=crs))
# Collect only point/link pairs within snap distance radius
# This is needed because B.sindex.intersection(row) above can return false positives
closest = closest[closest['snap_distance'] <= tolerance]
# Sort on ascending snap distance, so that closest goes to top
closest = closest.sort_values(by=["snap_distance", "indexB"])
# group by the index of the points and take the first, which is the closest line
closest = closest.groupby("point").first()
# construct a GeoDataFrame of the closest elements of B
closest = gpd.GeoDataFrame(closest, geometry="geometry", crs=crs)
# Reset B index
B.set_index('indexB', inplace=True)
B.index.name = None
# snap to points
if B['geometry'].geom_type.isin(['Point']).all():
snapped_points = closest.rename(columns={"indexB":"node"})
snapped_points = snapped_points[["node", "snap_distance", "geometry"]]
snapped_points.index.name = None
# snap to lines
if B['geometry'].geom_type.isin(['LineString', 'MultiLineString']).all():
closest = closest.rename(columns={"indexB":"link"})
# position of nearest point from start of the line
pos = closest.geometry.project(gpd.GeoSeries(closest.points))
# get new point location geometry
snapped_points = closest.geometry.interpolate(pos)
snapped_points = gpd.GeoDataFrame(data=closest ,geometry=snapped_points, crs=crs)
# determine whether the snapped point is closer to the start or end node
snapped_points["line_position"] = closest.geometry.project(snapped_points, normalized=True)
if ("start_node_name" in closest.columns) and ("end_node_name" in closest.columns):
snapped_points.loc[snapped_points["line_position"]<0.5, "node"] = closest["start_node_name"]
snapped_points.loc[snapped_points["line_position"]>=0.5, "node"] = closest["end_node_name"]
snapped_points = snapped_points[["link", "node", "snap_distance", "line_position", "geometry"]]
snapped_points = snapped_points[["link", "snap_distance", "line_position", "geometry"]]
snapped_points.index.name = None
return snapped_points
def _backgound(A, B):
hull_geom = A.unary_union.convex_hull
hull_data = gpd.GeoDataFrame(pd.DataFrame([{'geometry': hull_geom}]), crs=A.crs)
background_geom = hull_data.overlay(B, how='difference').unary_union
background = gpd.GeoDataFrame(pd.DataFrame([{'geometry': background_geom}]), crs=A.crs)
background.index = ['BACKGROUND']
return background
def intersect(A, B, B_value=None, include_background=False, background_value=0):
Intersect Points, Lines or Polygons in A with Points, Lines, or Polygons in B.
Return statistics on the intersection.
The function returns information about the intersection for each geometry
in A. Each geometry in B is assigned a value based on a column of data in
that GeoDataFrame. Note the CRS of A must equal the CRS of B.
A : geopandas GeoDataFrame
GeoDataFrame containing Point, LineString, or Polygon geometries
B : geopandas GeoDataFrame
GeoDataFrame containing Point, LineString, or Polygon geometries
B_value : str or None (optional)
Column name in B used to assign a value to each geometry.
Default is None.
include_background : bool (optional)
Include background, defined as space covered by A that is not covered by B
(overlay difference between A and B). The background geometry is added
to B and is given the name 'BACKGROUND'. Default is False.
background_value : int or float (optional)
The value given to background space. This value is used in the intersection
statistics if a B_value column name is provided. Default is 0.
intersects : DataFrame
Intersection statistics (index = A.index, columns = defined below)
Columns include:
- n: number of intersecting B geometries
- intersections: list of intersecting B indices
If B_value is given:
- values: list of intersecting B values
- sum: sum of the intersecting B values
- min: minimum of the intersecting B values
- max: maximum of the intersecting B values
- mean: mean of the intersecting B values
If A contains Lines and B contains Polygons:
- weighted_mean: weighted mean of intersecting B values
if not has_shapely or not has_geopandas:
raise ModuleNotFoundError('shapley and geopandas are required')
assert isinstance(A, gpd.GeoDataFrame)
assert (A['geometry'].geom_type).isin(['Point', 'LineString',
'MultiLineString', 'Polygon',
assert isinstance(B, gpd.GeoDataFrame)
assert (B['geometry'].geom_type).isin(['Point', 'LineString',
'MultiLineString', 'Polygon',
if isinstance(B_value, str):
assert B_value in B.columns
assert isinstance(include_background, bool)
assert isinstance(background_value, (int, float))
assert A.crs == B.crs, "A and B must have the same crs."
if include_background:
background = _backgound(A, B)
if B_value is not None:
background[B_value] = background_value
B = pd.concat([B, background])
intersects = gpd.sjoin(A, B, predicate='intersects')
intersects.index.name = '_tmp_index_name' # set a temp index name for grouping
# Sort values by index and intersecting object
intersects['sort_order'] = 1 # make sure 'BACKGROUND' is listed first
intersects.loc[intersects['index_right'] == 'BACKGROUND', 'sort_order'] = 0
intersects.sort_values(['_tmp_index_name', 'sort_order', 'index_right'], inplace=True)
n = intersects.groupby('_tmp_index_name')['geometry'].count()
B_indices = intersects.groupby('_tmp_index_name')['index_right'].apply(list)
stats = pd.DataFrame(index=A.index.copy(), data={'intersections': B_indices,
'n': n,})
stats['n'] = stats['n'].fillna(0)
stats['n'] = stats['n'].apply(int)
stats.loc[stats['intersections'].isnull(), 'intersections'] = stats.loc[stats['intersections'].isnull(), 'intersections'] .apply(lambda x: [])
if B_value is not None:
stats['values'] = intersects.groupby('_tmp_index_name')[B_value].apply(list)
stats['sum'] = intersects.groupby('_tmp_index_name')[B_value].sum()
stats['min'] = intersects.groupby('_tmp_index_name')[B_value].min()
stats['max'] = intersects.groupby('_tmp_index_name')[B_value].max()
stats['mean'] = intersects.groupby('_tmp_index_name')[B_value].mean()
stats = stats.reindex(['intersections', 'values', 'n', 'sum', 'min', 'max', 'mean'], axis=1)
stats.loc[stats['values'].isnull(), 'values'] = stats.loc[stats['values'].isnull(), 'values'] .apply(lambda x: [])
weighted_mean = False
if (A['geometry'].geom_type).isin(['LineString', 'MultiLineString']).all():
if (B['geometry'].geom_type).isin(['Polygon', 'MultiPolygon']).all():
weighted_mean = True
if weighted_mean and B_value is not None:
stats['weighted_mean'] = 0.0
A_length = A.length
covered_length = pd.Series(0.0, index = A.index)
for i in B.index:
B_geom = gpd.GeoDataFrame(B.loc[[i],:], crs=B.crs)
val = float(B_geom.iloc[0][B_value])
A_subset = A.loc[stats['intersections'].apply(lambda x: i in x),:]
#print(i, lines_subset)
A_clip = gpd.clip(A_subset, B_geom)
A_clip_length = A_clip.length
A_clip_index = A_clip.index
if A_clip_length.shape[0] > 0:
fraction_length = A_clip_length/A_length[A_clip_index]
covered_length[A_clip_index] = covered_length[A_clip_index] + fraction_length
weighed_val = fraction_length*val
stats.loc[A_clip_index, 'weighted_mean'] = stats.loc[A_clip_index, 'weighted_mean'] + weighed_val
# Normalize weighted mean by covered length (can be over 1 if polygons overlap)
# Can be less than 1 if there are gaps (when background is not used)
stats['weighted_mean'] = stats['weighted_mean']/covered_length
# Covered_length is NaN if length A is 0, set weighted mean to mean
stats.loc[covered_length.isna(), 'weighted_mean'] = stats.loc[covered_length.isna(), 'mean']
# No intersection, set weighted mean to NaN
stats.loc[stats['n']==0, 'weighted_mean'] = np.NaN
stats.index.name = None
return stats
def sample_raster(A, filepath, bands=1):
"""Sample a raster (e.g., GeoTIFF file) using Points in GeoDataFrame A.
This function can take either a filepath to a raster or a virtual raster
(VRT), which combines multiple raster tiles into a single object. The
function opens the raster(s) and samples it at the coordinates of the point
geometries in A. This function assigns nan to values that match the
raster's `nodata` attribute. These sampled values are returned as a Series
which has an index matching A.
A : GeoDataFrame
GeoDataFrame containing Point geometries
filepath : str
Path to raster or alternatively a virtual raster (VRT)
bands : int or list[int] (optional, default = 1)
Index or indices of the bands to sample (using 1-based indexing)
Pandas Series containing the sampled values for each geometry in gdf
# further functionality could include other geometries (Line, Polygon),
# and use of multiprocessing to speed up querying.
if not has_rasterio:
raise ModuleNotFoundError('rasterio is required')
assert (A['geometry'].geom_type == "Point").all()
assert isinstance(filepath, str)
assert isinstance(bands, (int, list))
with rasterio.open(filepath) as raster:
xys = zip(A.geometry.x, A.geometry.y)
values = np.array(
tuple(raster.sample(xys, bands)), dtype=float # force to float to allow for conversion of nodata to nan
values[values == raster.nodata] = np.nan
values = pd.Series(values, index=A.index)
return values