Source code for

The module includes methods plot fragility curves and 
pump curves.
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import logging

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs] def plot_fragility_curve(FC, fill=True, key='Default', title='Fragility curve', xmin=0, xmax=1, npoints=100, xlabel='x', ylabel='Probability of exceeding a damage state', ax=None): """ Plot fragility curve. Parameters ----------- FC : wntr.scenario.FragilityCurve object Fragility curve fill : bool, optional If true, fill area under the curve key : string, optional Fragility curve state distribution key title : string, optional Plot title xmin : float, optional X axis minimum xmax : float, optional X axis maximum npoints : int, optional Number of points xlabel : string, optional X axis label ylabel : string, optional Y axis label ax : matplotlib axes object, optional Axes for plotting (None indicates that a new figure with a single axes will be used) Returns --------- ax : matplotlib axes object """ if ax is None: # create a new figure plt.figure(figsize=[8,4]) ax = plt.gca() ax.set_title(title) x = np.linspace(xmin,xmax,npoints) for name, state in FC.states(): try: dist=state.distribution[key] if fill: plt.fill_between(x, dist.cdf(x), label=name) else: plt.plot(x, dist.cdf(x), label=name) except: pass ax.set_xlim((xmin,xmax)) ax.set_ylim((0,1)) ax.set_xlabel(xlabel) ax.set_ylabel(ylabel) ax.legend() return ax
[docs] def plot_pump_curve(pump, title='Pump curve', xmin=0, xmax=None, ymin=0, ymax=None, xlabel='Flow (m$^3$/s)', ylabel='Head (m)', ax=None): """ Plot points in the pump curve along with the pump curve polynomial using head curve coefficients (H = A - B*Q**C) Parameters ----------- pump : object Pump title : string, optional Plot title xmin : float, optional X axis minimum xmax : float, optional X axis maximum ymin : float, optional Y axis minimum ymax : float, optional Y axis maximum xlabel : string, optional X axis label ylabel : string, optional Y axis label ax : matplotlib axes object, optional Axes for plotting (None indicates that a new figure with a single axes will be used) Returns --------- ax : matplotlib axes object """ try: curve = pump.get_pump_curve() except: print("Pump "" has no curve") return if ax is None: # create a new figure plt.figure(figsize=[8,4]) ax = plt.gca() ax.set_title(title) cdata = np.array(curve.points) Q = cdata[:,0] H = cdata[:,1] try: coeff = pump.get_head_curve_coefficients() A = coeff[0] B = coeff[1] C = coeff[2] Q_max = (A/B)**(1/C) q = np.linspace(0, Q_max, 50) h = A - B*q**C ax.plot(q, h, '--', linewidth=1) except: pass ax.plot(Q, H, 'o', ax.set_xlim((xmin,xmax)) ax.set_ylim((ymin,ymax)) ax.set_xlabel(xlabel) ax.set_ylabel(ylabel) ax.legend() return ax
[docs] def plot_tank_volume_curve(tank, title='Tank volume curve', ax=None): """ Plots a tank volume curve and the corresponding axi-symmetric tank profile shape Parameters ----------- tank : object Tank title : string, optional Plot title ax : matplotlib axes object, optional Axes for plotting (None indicates that a new figure with two subplots will be used) Returns --------- ax : matplotlib axes object ax[0] is the left hand plot, ax[1] is the right hand plot """ curve = tank.vol_curve if curve is None: print("Tank "" has no volume curve") return if ax is None: # create a new figure fig,ax = plt.subplots(1,2,figsize=[12,4]) cdata = np.array(curve.points) L = cdata[:,0] V = cdata[:,1] V_min_level = tank.get_volume(tank.min_level) V_max_level = tank.get_volume(tank.max_level) ax[0].plot(L, V, '-o', linewidth=1,label="volume curve") ax[0].plot([tank.min_level,tank.min_level], [V_min_level,V_max_level],'-.', label="min level",color='r') ax[0].plot([tank.max_level,tank.max_level], [V_min_level,V_max_level],'-.', label="max level",color='r') ax[0].grid("on") ax[0].set_xlabel("Tank level (m)") ax[0].set_ylabel("Tank volume (m$^3$)") ax[0].set_title(title) ax[0].legend() # calculate the tank profile assuming an axi-symmetric tank d = [] l = [] #d.append(0.0) #d.append(tank.diameter) #d.append(tank.diameter) #l.append(0.0) #l.append(0.0) #l.append(tank.min_level) lev0 = L[0] vol0 = V[0] for vol,lev in zip(V[1:],L[1:]): dn = np.sqrt(4.0*(vol-vol0)/(np.pi * (lev-lev0))) l.append(lev0) l.append(lev) d.append(dn) d.append(dn) lev0 = lev vol0 = vol #l.append(l[-1]) #d.append(0.0) ax[1].plot(np.array(d)/2,l,label="tank profile") max_d = max([tank.diameter,max(d)]) ax[1].plot([0.0,max_d/2.0],[tank.min_level,tank.min_level],'-.', label="min level",color='r') ax[1].plot([0.0,max_d/2.0],[tank.max_level,tank.max_level],'-.', label="max level",color='r') #ax[1].plot([0.0,max_d/2.0],[0.0,0.0],'-.',label='elevation={0:5.2f}m'.format(tank.elevation),color='k') ax[1].grid("on") ax[1].set_xlabel("Equivalent axisymmetric tank radius (m)") ax[1].set_ylabel("Tank level (m)") ax[1].set_title("Geometric tank profile") xlim = list(ax[1].get_xlim()) ylim = list(ax[1].get_ylim()) if np.diff(xlim) > np.diff(ylim): ylim[1] = ylim[0] + (xlim[1]-xlim[0]) else: xlim[1] = xlim[0] + (ylim[1] - ylim[0]) ax[1].set_xlim(xlim) ax[1].set_ylim(ylim) ax[1].legend() return ax