Source code for

The module includes methods plot
water network data layers.
import logging
import networkx as nx
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs] def plot_valve_layer(wn, valve_layer, valve_attribute=None, title=None, valve_size=15, valve_range=[None,None], valve_cmap=None, add_colorbar=True, colorbar_label=None, include_network=True, ax=None, filename=None): """ Plot valve layer Parameters ---------- wn: wntr WaterNetworkModel A WaterNetworkModel object valve_layer: pd.Dataframe, optional Valve layer, defined by node and link pairs (for example, valve 0 is on link A and protects node B). The valve_layer DataFrame is indexed by valve number, with columns named 'node' and 'link'. valve_attribute: pd.Series, optional Attribute for each valve title: str, optional Plot title valve_size: int, optional Node size valve_range: list, optional Value range used to scale colormap ([None,None] indicates autoscale) valve_cmap: colormap or named color, optional Valve colormap add_colorbar: bool, optional Add colorbar colorbar_label: str, optional Node colorbar label include_network: bool, options Include a plot of the water network ax: matplotlib axes object, optional Axes for plotting (None indicates that a new figure with a single axes will be used) filename : str, optional Filename used to save the figure Returns ------- ax : matplotlib axes object """ if ax is None: # create a new figure plt.figure(facecolor='w', edgecolor='k') ax = plt.gca() # Graph, undirected G = wn.to_graph().to_undirected() # Position pos = nx.get_node_attributes(G,'pos') if len(pos) == 0: pos = None if title is not None: ax.set_title(title) if include_network: nx.draw_networkx_edges(G, pos, edge_color='grey', width=0.5, ax=ax) ax.axis('off') valve_coordinates = [] for valve_name, (pipe_name, node_name) in valve_layer.iterrows(): pipe = wn.get_link(pipe_name) if node_name == pipe.start_node_name: start_node = pipe.start_node end_node = pipe.end_node elif node_name == pipe.end_node_name: start_node = pipe.end_node end_node = pipe.start_node else: print("Not valid") continue x0 = start_node.coordinates[0] dx = end_node.coordinates[0] - x0 y0 = start_node.coordinates[1] dy = end_node.coordinates[1] - y0 valve_coordinates.append((x0 + dx * 0.1, y0 + dy * 0.1)) valve_coordinates = np.array(valve_coordinates) if valve_attribute is not None: sc = ax.scatter(valve_coordinates[:,0], valve_coordinates[:,1], s=valve_size, c=valve_attribute, marker='v', cmap=valve_cmap) else: sc = ax.scatter(valve_coordinates[:,0], valve_coordinates[:,1], valve_size, 'k', 'v') if add_colorbar: clb = plt.colorbar(sc, shrink=0.5, pad=0.05, ax=ax), fontsize=10) clb.mappable.set_clim(valve_range[0],valve_range[1]) if filename: plt.savefig(filename) return ax