The wntr.graphics.network module includes methods plot the
water network model.
import logging
import networkx as nx
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib import animation
import plotly
plotly = None
import folium
folium = None
from wntr.graphics.color import custom_colormap
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
def _format_node_attribute(node_attribute, wn):
if isinstance(node_attribute, str):
node_attribute = wn.query_node_attribute(node_attribute)
if isinstance(node_attribute, list):
node_attribute = dict(zip(node_attribute,[1]*len(node_attribute)))
if isinstance(node_attribute, pd.Series):
node_attribute = dict(node_attribute)
return node_attribute
def _format_link_attribute(link_attribute, wn):
if isinstance(link_attribute, str):
link_attribute = wn.query_link_attribute(link_attribute)
if isinstance(link_attribute, list):
link_attribute = dict(zip(link_attribute,[1]*len(link_attribute)))
if isinstance(link_attribute, pd.Series):
link_attribute = dict(link_attribute)
return link_attribute
def plot_network(wn, node_attribute=None, link_attribute=None, title=None,
node_size=20, node_range=[None,None], node_alpha=1, node_cmap=None, node_labels=False,
link_width=1, link_range=[None,None], link_alpha=1, link_cmap=None, link_labels=False,
add_colorbar=True, node_colorbar_label='Node', link_colorbar_label='Link',
directed=False, ax=None, show_plot=True, filename=None):
Plot network graphic
wn : wntr WaterNetworkModel
A WaterNetworkModel object
node_attribute : None, str, list, pd.Series, or dict, optional
- If node_attribute is a string, then a node attribute dictionary is
created using node_attribute = wn.query_node_attribute(str)
- If node_attribute is a list, then each node in the list is given a
value of 1.
- If node_attribute is a pd.Series, then it should be in the format
{nodeid: x} where nodeid is a string and x is a float.
- If node_attribute is a dict, then it should be in the format
{nodeid: x} where nodeid is a string and x is a float
link_attribute : None, str, list, pd.Series, or dict, optional
- If link_attribute is a string, then a link attribute dictionary is
created using edge_attribute = wn.query_link_attribute(str)
- If link_attribute is a list, then each link in the list is given a
value of 1.
- If link_attribute is a pd.Series, then it should be in the format
{linkid: x} where linkid is a string and x is a float.
- If link_attribute is a dict, then it should be in the format
{linkid: x} where linkid is a string and x is a float.
title: str, optional
Plot title
node_size: int, optional
Node size
node_range: list, optional
Node color range ([None,None] indicates autoscale)
node_alpha: int, optional
Node transparency
node_cmap: matplotlib.pyplot.cm colormap or list of named colors, optional
Node colormap
node_labels: bool, optional
If True, the graph will include each node labelled with its name.
link_width: int, optional
Link width
link_range : list, optional
Link color range ([None,None] indicates autoscale)
link_alpha : int, optional
Link transparency
link_cmap: matplotlib.pyplot.cm colormap or list of named colors, optional
Link colormap
link_labels: bool, optional
If True, the graph will include each link labelled with its name.
add_colorbar: bool, optional
Add colorbar
node_colorbar_label: str, optional
Node colorbar label
link_colorbar_label: str, optional
Link colorbar label
directed: bool, optional
If True, plot the directed graph
ax: matplotlib axes object, optional
Axes for plotting (None indicates that a new figure with a single
axes will be used)
show_plot: bool, optional
If True, show plot with plt.show()
filename : str, optional
Filename used to save the figure
ax : matplotlib axes object
if ax is None: # create a new figure
plt.figure(facecolor='w', edgecolor='k')
ax = plt.gca()
# Graph
G = wn.to_graph()
if not directed:
G = G.to_undirected()
# Position
pos = nx.get_node_attributes(G,'pos')
if len(pos) == 0:
pos = None
# Define node properties
add_node_colorbar = add_colorbar
if node_attribute is not None:
if isinstance(node_attribute, list):
if node_cmap is None:
node_cmap = ['red', 'red']
add_node_colorbar = False
if node_cmap is None:
node_cmap = plt.get_cmap('Spectral_r')
elif isinstance(node_cmap, list):
if len(node_cmap) == 1:
node_cmap = node_cmap*2
node_cmap = custom_colormap(len(node_cmap), node_cmap)
node_attribute = _format_node_attribute(node_attribute, wn)
nodelist,nodecolor = zip(*node_attribute.items())
nodelist = None
nodecolor = 'k'
add_link_colorbar = add_colorbar
if link_attribute is not None:
if isinstance(link_attribute, list):
if link_cmap is None:
link_cmap = ['red', 'red']
add_link_colorbar = False
if link_cmap is None:
link_cmap = plt.get_cmap('Spectral_r')
elif isinstance(link_cmap, list):
if len(link_cmap) == 1:
link_cmap = link_cmap*2
link_cmap = custom_colormap(len(link_cmap), link_cmap)
link_attribute = _format_link_attribute(link_attribute, wn)
# Replace link_attribute dictionary defined as
# {link_name: attr} with {(start_node, end_node, link_name): attr}
attr = {}
for link_name, value in link_attribute.items():
link = wn.get_link(link_name)
attr[(link.start_node_name, link.end_node_name, link_name)] = value
link_attribute = attr
linklist,linkcolor = zip(*link_attribute.items())
linklist = None
linkcolor = 'k'
if title is not None:
edge_background = nx.draw_networkx_edges(G, pos, edge_color='grey',
width=0.5, ax=ax)
nodes = nx.draw_networkx_nodes(G, pos,
nodelist=nodelist, node_color=nodecolor, node_size=node_size,
alpha=node_alpha, cmap=node_cmap, vmin=node_range[0], vmax = node_range[1],
linewidths=0, ax=ax)
edges = nx.draw_networkx_edges(G, pos, edgelist=linklist, arrows=directed,
edge_color=linkcolor, width=link_width, alpha=link_alpha, edge_cmap=link_cmap,
edge_vmin=link_range[0], edge_vmax=link_range[1], ax=ax)
if node_labels:
labels = dict(zip(wn.node_name_list, wn.node_name_list))
nx.draw_networkx_labels(G, pos, labels, font_size=7, ax=ax)
if link_labels:
labels = {}
for link_name in wn.link_name_list:
link = wn.get_link(link_name)
labels[(link.start_node_name, link.end_node_name)] = link_name
nx.draw_networkx_edge_labels(G, pos, labels, font_size=7, ax=ax)
if add_node_colorbar and node_attribute:
clb = plt.colorbar(nodes, shrink=0.5, pad=0, ax=ax)
clb.ax.set_title(node_colorbar_label, fontsize=10)
if add_link_colorbar and link_attribute:
if link_range[0] is None:
vmin = min(link_attribute.values())
vmin = link_range[0]
if link_range[1] is None:
vmax = max(link_attribute.values())
vmax = link_range[1]
sm = plt.cm.ScalarMappable(cmap=link_cmap, norm=plt.Normalize(vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax))
clb = plt.colorbar(sm, shrink=0.5, pad=0.05, ax=ax)
clb.ax.set_title(link_colorbar_label, fontsize=10)
if filename:
if show_plot is True:
return ax
def plot_interactive_network(wn, node_attribute=None, node_attribute_name = 'Value', title=None,
node_size=8, node_range=[None,None], node_cmap='Jet', node_labels=True,
link_width=1, add_colorbar=True, reverse_colormap=False,
figsize=[700, 450], round_ndigits=2, add_to_node_popup=None,
filename='plotly_network.html', auto_open=True):
Create an interactive scalable network graphic using plotly.
wn : wntr WaterNetworkModel
A WaterNetworkModel object
node_attribute : None, str, list, pd.Series, or dict, optional
- If node_attribute is a string, then a node attribute dictionary is
created using node_attribute = wn.query_node_attribute(str)
- If node_attribute is a list, then each node in the list is given a
value of 1.
- If node_attribute is a pd.Series, then it should be in the format
{nodeid: x} where nodeid is a string and x is a float.
The time index is not used in the plot.
- If node_attribute is a dict, then it should be in the format
{nodeid: x} where nodeid is a string and x is a float
node_attribute_name : str, optional
The node attribute name, which is used in the node popup and node legend
title : str, optional
Plot title
node_size : int, optional
Node size
node_range : list, optional
Node range ([None,None] indicates autoscale)
node_cmap : palette name string, optional
Node colormap, options include Greys, YlGnBu, Greens, YlOrRd, Bluered,
RdBu, Reds, Blues, Picnic, Rainbow, Portland, Jet, Hot, Blackbody,
Earth, Electric, Viridis
node_labels: bool, optional
If True, the graph will include each node labelled with its name and
attribute value.
link_width : int, optional
Link width
add_colorbar : bool, optional
Add colorbar
reverse_colormap : bool, optional
Reverse colormap
figsize: list, optional
Figure size in pixels
round_ndigits : int, optional
Number of digits to round node values used in the label
add_to_node_popup : None or pd.DataFrame, optional
To add additional information to the node popup, use a DataFrame with
node name as index and attributes as values. Column names will be added
to the popup along with each value for a given node.
filename : string, optional
HTML file name
auto_open : bool, optional
Open the HTML file after creation
if plotly is None:
raise ImportError('plotly is required')
# Graph
G = wn.to_graph()
# Node attribute
if node_attribute is not None:
if isinstance(node_attribute, list):
node_cmap = 'Reds'
add_colorbar = False
node_attribute = _format_node_attribute(node_attribute, wn)
add_colorbar = False
# Create edge trace
edge_trace = plotly.graph_objs.Scatter(
color='#888', #[],
for edge in G.edges():
x0, y0 = G.nodes[edge[0]]['pos']
x1, y1 = G.nodes[edge[1]]['pos']
edge_trace['x'] += tuple([x0, x1, None])
edge_trace['y'] += tuple([y0, y1, None])
# try:
# # Add link attributes
# link_name = G[edge[0]][edge[1]].keys()[0]
# edge_trace['line']['color'] += tuple([pipe_attr[link_name]])
# edge_info = 'Edge ' + str(link_name)
# edge_trace['text'] += tuple([edge_info])
# except:
# pass
# edge_trace['colorbar']['title'] = 'Link colorbar title'
# Create node trace
node_trace = plotly.graph_objs.Scatter(
cmin=node_range[0], # TODO: Not sure this works
cmax=node_range[1], # TODO: Not sure this works
for node in G.nodes():
x, y = G.nodes[node]['pos']
node_trace['x'] += tuple([x])
node_trace['y'] += tuple([y])
# Add node attributes
node_trace['marker']['color'] += tuple([node_attribute[node]])
# Add node labels
if node_labels:
node_info = wn.get_node(node).node_type + ': ' + str(node) + '<br>'+ \
node_attribute_name + ': ' + str(round(node_attribute[node],round_ndigits))
if add_to_node_popup is not None:
if node in add_to_node_popup.index:
for key, val in add_to_node_popup.loc[node].iteritems():
node_info = node_info + '<br>' + \
key + ': ' + '{:.{prec}f}'.format(val, prec=round_ndigits)
node_trace['text'] += tuple([node_info])
node_trace['marker']['color'] += tuple(['#888'])
if node_labels:
node_info = wn.get_node(node).node_type + ': ' + str(node)
node_trace['text'] += tuple([node_info])
#node_trace['marker']['size'] += tuple([5])
#node_trace['marker']['colorbar']['title'] = 'Node colorbar title'
# Create figure
data = [edge_trace, node_trace]
layout = plotly.graph_objs.Layout(
xaxis=dict(showgrid=False, zeroline=False, showticklabels=False),
yaxis=dict(showgrid=False, zeroline=False, showticklabels=False))
fig = plotly.graph_objs.Figure(data=data,layout=layout)
if filename:
plotly.offline.plot(fig, filename=filename, auto_open=auto_open)
plotly.offline.plot(fig, auto_open=auto_open)
def plot_leaflet_network(wn, node_attribute=None, link_attribute=None,
node_attribute_name = 'Value',
link_attribute_name = 'Value',
node_size=2, node_range=[None,None],
node_cmap=['cornflowerblue', 'forestgreen', 'gold', 'firebrick'],
node_cmap_bins = 'cut', node_labels=True,
link_width=2, link_range=[None,None],
link_cmap=['cornflowerblue', 'forestgreen', 'gold', 'firebrick'],
link_cmap_bins='cut', link_labels=True,
add_legend=False, round_ndigits=2, zoom_start=13,
add_to_node_popup=None, add_to_link_popup=None,
Create an interactive scalable network graphic on a Leaflet map using folium.
wn : wntr WaterNetworkModel
A WaterNetworkModel object
node_attribute : None, str, list, pd.Series, or dict, optional
- If node_attribute is a string, then a node attribute dictionary is
created using node_attribute = wn.query_node_attribute(str)
- If node_attribute is a list, then each node in the list is given a
value of 1.
- If node_attribute is a pd.Series, then it should be in the format
{nodeid: x} where nodeid is a string and x is a float.
- If node_attribute is a dict, then it should be in the format
{nodeid: x} where nodeid is a string and x is a float
link_attribute : None, str, list, pd.Series, or dict, optional
- If link_attribute is a string, then a link attribute dictionary is
created using edge_attribute = wn.query_link_attribute(str)
- If link_attribute is a list, then each link in the list is given a
value of 1.
- If link_attribute is a pd.Series, then it should be in the format
{linkid: x} where linkid is a string and x is a float.
- If link_attribute is a dict, then it should be in the format
{linkid: x} where linkid is a string and x is a float.
node_attribute_name : str, optional
The node attribute name, which is used in the node popup and node legend
link_attribute_name : str, optional
The link attribute name, which is used in the link popup and link legend
node_size : int, optional
Node size
node_range : list, optional
Node range ([None,None] indicates autoscale)
node_cmap : list of color names, optional
Node colors
node_cmap_bins: string, optional
Node color bins, 'cut' or 'qcut'
node_labels: bool, optional
If True, the graph will include each node labelled with its name.
link_width : int, optional
Link width
link_range : list, optional
Link range ([None,None] indicates autoscale)
link_cmap : list of color names, optional
Link colors
link_cmap_bins: string, optional
Link color bins, 'cut' or 'qcut'
link_labels: bool, optional
If True, the graph will include each link labelled with its name.
add_legend: bool, optional
Add a legend to the map
round_ndigits : int, optional
Rounds digits in the popup
zoom_start : int, optional
Zoom start used to set initial scale of the map
add_to_node_popup : None or pd.DataFrame, optional
To add additional information to the node popup, use a DataFrame with
node name as index and attributes as values. Column names will be added
to the popup along with each value for a given node.
add_to_link_popup : None or pd.DataFrame, optional
To add additional information to the link popup, use a DataFrame with
link name as index and attributes as values. Column names will be added
to the popup along with each value for a given link.
filename : str, optional
Filename used to save the map
if folium is None:
raise ImportError('folium is required')
if node_attribute is not None:
if isinstance(node_attribute, list):
node_attribute = _format_node_attribute(node_attribute, wn)
node_attribute = pd.Series(node_attribute)
if node_range[0] is not None:
node_attribute[node_attribute < node_range[0]] = node_range[0]
if node_range[1] is not None:
node_attribute[node_attribute > node_range[1]] = node_range[1]
if node_cmap_bins == 'cut':
node_colors, node_bins = pd.cut(node_attribute, len(node_cmap),
labels=node_cmap, retbins =True)
elif node_cmap_bins == 'qcut':
node_colors, node_bins = pd.qcut(node_attribute, len(node_cmap),
labels=node_cmap, retbins =True)
if link_attribute is not None:
if isinstance(link_attribute, list):
link_attribute = _format_link_attribute(link_attribute, wn)
link_attribute = pd.Series(link_attribute)
if link_range[0] is not None:
link_attribute[link_attribute < link_range[0]] = link_range[0]
if link_range[1] is not None:
link_attribute[link_attribute > link_range[1]] = link_range[1]
if link_cmap_bins == 'cut':
link_colors, link_bins = pd.cut(link_attribute, len(link_cmap),
labels=link_cmap, retbins =True)
elif link_cmap_bins == 'qcut':
link_colors, link_bins = pd.qcut(link_attribute, len(link_cmap),
labels=link_cmap, retbins =True)
G = wn.to_graph()
pos = nx.get_node_attributes(G,'pos')
center = pd.DataFrame(pos).mean(axis=1)
m = folium.Map(location=[center.iloc[1], center.iloc[0]], zoom_start=zoom_start,
# Node popup
node_popup = {k: '' for k in wn.node_name_list}
if node_labels:
for name, node in wn.nodes():
node_popup[name] = node.node_type + ': ' + name
if node_attribute is not None:
if name in node_attribute.index:
node_popup[name] = node_popup[name] + '<br>' + \
node_attribute_name + ': ' + '{:.{prec}f}'.format(node_attribute[name], prec=round_ndigits)
if add_to_node_popup is not None:
if name in add_to_node_popup.index:
for key, val in add_to_node_popup.loc[name].iteritems():
node_popup[name] = node_popup[name] + '<br>' + \
key + ': ' + '{:.{prec}f}'.format(val, prec=round_ndigits)
# Link popup
link_popup = {k: '' for k in wn.link_name_list}
if link_labels:
for name, link in wn.links():
link_popup[name] = link.link_type + ': ' + name
if link_attribute is not None:
if name in link_attribute.index:
link_popup[name] = link_popup[name] + '<br>' + \
link_attribute_name + ': ' + '{:.{prec}f}'.format(link_attribute[name], prec=round_ndigits)
if add_to_link_popup is not None:
if name in add_to_link_popup.index:
for key, val in add_to_link_popup.loc[name].iteritems():
link_popup[name] = link_popup[name] + '<br>' + \
key + ': ' + '{:.{prec}f}'.format(val, prec=round_ndigits)
if node_size > 0:
for name, node in wn.nodes():
loc = (node.coordinates[1], node.coordinates[0])
radius = node_size
color = 'black'
if node_labels:
popup = node_popup[name]
popup = None
if node_attribute is not None:
if name in node_attribute.index:
color = node_colors[name]
radius = 0.1
folium.CircleMarker(loc, popup=popup, color=color, fill=True,
fill_color=color, radius=radius, fill_opacity=0.7, opacity=0.7).add_to(m)
if link_width > 0:
for name, link in wn.links():
start_loc = (link.start_node.coordinates[1], link.start_node.coordinates[0])
end_loc = (link.end_node.coordinates[1], link.end_node.coordinates[0])
weight = link_width
if link_labels:
popup = link_popup[name]
popup = None
if link_attribute is not None:
if name in link_attribute.index:
color = link_colors[name]
weight = 1.5
folium.PolyLine([start_loc, end_loc], popup=popup, color=color,
weight=weight, opacity=0.7).add_to(m)
if (add_legend) & ((len(node_cmap) >= 1) or (len(link_cmap) >= 1)):
if node_attribute is not None: #Produce node legend
height = 50+len(node_cmap)*20 + (int(len(node_attribute_name)/20) + 1)*20
node_legend_html = """<div style="position: fixed;
bottom: 50px; left: 50px; width: 150px; height: """+str(height)+"""px;
background-color:white;z-index:9999; font-size:14px; "><br>
<b><P ALIGN=CENTER>""" + "Node Legend: " + node_attribute_name + """</b> </P>"""
for color, val in zip(node_cmap, node_bins[0:-1]):
val = '{:.{prec}f}'.format(val, prec=round_ndigits)
node_legend_html += """
 <i class="fa fa-circle fa-1x"
style="color:"""+ color +""" "></i> >= """+ val +""" <br>"""
node_legend_html += """</div>"""
if link_attribute is not None: #Produce link legend
height = 50+len(link_cmap)*20 + (int(len(link_attribute_name)/20) + 1)*20
link_legend_html = """<div style="position: fixed;
bottom: 50px; left: 250px; width: 150px; height: """+str(height)+"""px;
background-color:white;z-index:9999; font-size:14px; "><br>
<b><P ALIGN=CENTER>""" + "Link Legend: " + link_attribute_name + """</b> </P>"""
for color, val in zip(link_cmap, link_bins[0:-1]):
val = '{:.{prec}f}'.format(val, prec=round_ndigits)
link_legend_html += """
 <i class="fa fa-minus fa-1x"
style="color:"""+ color +""" "></i> >= """+ val +""" <br>"""
link_legend_html += """</div>"""
#plugins.Search(points, search_zoom=20, ).add_to(m)
#if add_longlat_popup:
# m.add_child(folium.LatLngPopup())
def network_animation(wn, node_attribute=None, link_attribute=None, title=None,
node_size=20, node_range=[None,None], node_alpha=1, node_cmap=None, node_labels=False,
link_width=1, link_range=[None,None], link_alpha=1, link_cmap=None, link_labels=False,
add_colorbar=True, directed=False, ax=None, repeat=True):
Create a network animation
wn : wntr WaterNetworkModel
A WaterNetworkModel object
node_attribute : pd.DataFrame, optional
Node attributes stored in a pandas DataFrames, where the index is
time and columns are the node name
link_attribute : pd.DataFrame, optional
Link attributes stored in a pandas DataFrames, where the index is
time and columns are the link name
title : str, optional
Plot title
node_size : int, optional
Node size
node_range : list, optional
Node range ([None,None] indicates autoscale)
node_alpha : int, optional
Node transparency
node_cmap : matplotlib.pyplot.cm colormap or list of named colors, optional
Node colormap
node_labels: bool, optional
If True, the graph will include each node labelled with its name.
link_width : int, optional
Link width
link_range : list, optional
Link range ([None,None] indicates autoscale)
link_alpha : int, optional
Link transparency
link_cmap : matplotlib.pyplot.cm colormap or list of named colors, optional
Link colormap
link_labels: bool, optional
If True, the graph will include each link labelled with its name.
add_colorbar : bool, optional
Add colorbar
directed : bool, optional
If True, plot the directed graph
repeat : bool, optional
If True, the animation will repeat
matplotlib animation
if node_attribute is not None:
node_index = node_attribute.index
initial_node_values = node_attribute.iloc[0, :]
if node_range[0] is None:
node_range[0] = node_attribute.min().min()
if node_range[1] is None:
node_range[1] = node_attribute.max().max()
node_index = None
initial_node_values = None
if link_attribute is not None:
link_index = link_attribute.index
initial_link_values = link_attribute.iloc[0, :]
if link_range[0] is None:
link_range[0] = link_attribute.min().min()
if link_range[1] is None:
link_range[1] = link_attribute.max().max()
link_index = None
initial_link_values = None
if (node_index is not None) & (link_index is not None):
if len(node_index.symmetric_difference(link_index)) > 0:
print('Node attribute index does not equal link attribute index')
index = node_index
elif node_index is not None:
index = node_index
elif link_index is not None:
index = link_index
print('Node attributes or link attributes must be included')
if ax is None: # create a new figure
fig = plt.figure(facecolor='w', edgecolor='k')
ax = plt.gca()
if title is not None:
title_name = title + ', ', str(index[0])
title_name = '0'
ax = plot_network(wn, node_attribute=initial_node_values, link_attribute=initial_link_values, title=title_name,
node_size=node_size, node_range=node_range, node_alpha=node_alpha, node_cmap=node_cmap, node_labels=node_labels,
link_width=link_width, link_range=link_range, link_alpha=link_alpha, link_cmap=link_cmap, link_labels=link_labels,
add_colorbar=add_colorbar, directed=directed, ax=ax, show_plot=False)
def update(n):
if node_attribute is not None:
node_values = node_attribute.iloc[n, :]
node_values = None
if link_attribute is not None:
link_values = link_attribute.iloc[n, :]
link_values = None
if title is not None:
title_name = title + ', ' + str(index[n])
title_name = str(n)
ax = plt.gca()
ax = plot_network(wn, node_attribute=node_values, link_attribute=link_values, title=title_name,
node_size=node_size, node_range=node_range, node_alpha=node_alpha, node_cmap=node_cmap, node_labels=node_labels,
link_width=link_width, link_range=link_range, link_alpha=link_alpha, link_cmap=link_cmap, link_labels=link_labels,
add_colorbar=add_colorbar, directed=directed, ax=ax, show_plot=False)
return ax
anim = animation.FuncAnimation(fig, update, interval=50, frames=len(index), blit=False, repeat=repeat)
return anim