Source code for wntr.metrics.misc

The wntr.metrics.misc module contains metrics that do not fall into the
topographic, hydraulic, water quality, water security, or economic categories.
from wntr.metrics.hydraulic import average_expected_demand
import logging

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs] def query(arg1, operation, arg2): """ Returns a boolean mask using comparison operators, i.e. "arg1 operation arg2". For example, this can be used to return the node-time pairs when demand < 90% expected demand. Parameters ----------- arg1 : pandas DataFrame, pandas Series, numpy array, list, scalar Argument 1 operation : numpy ufunc Numpy universal comparison function, options = np.greater, np.greater_equal, np.less, np.less_equal, np.equal, np.not_equal arg2 : same size and type as arg1, or a scalar Argument 2 Returns ------- A boolean mask (same size and type as arg1) """ try: mask = operation(arg1, arg2) except AttributeError: logger.error('operation(arg1, arg2) failed') return mask
[docs] def population(wn, R=0.00000876157): r""" Compute population per node, rounded to the nearest integer :cite:p:`usepa15`. .. math:: pop=\dfrac{Average\ expected\ demand}{R} Parameters ----------- wn : wntr WaterNetworkModel Water network model. The water network model is needed to get demand timeseries at junctions and options related to duration, timestep, and demand multiplier. R : float (optional, default = 0.00000876157 m3/s = 200 gallons/day) Average volume of water consumed per capita per day in m3/s Returns ------- A pandas Series that contains population per node """ ave_ex_dem = average_expected_demand(wn) pop = ave_ex_dem/R return pop.round()
[docs] def population_impacted(pop, arg1, operation=None, arg2=None): """ Computes population impacted using comparison operators. For example, this can be used to find the population impacted when demand < 90% expected. Parameters ----------- pop : pd.Series (index = node names) A pandas Series that contains population per node arg1 : pd.DataFrame (columns = node names) or pd.Series (index = node names) Argument 1 operation : numpy.ufunc Numpy universal comparison function, options = np.greater, np.greater_equal, np.less, np.less_equal, np.equal, np.not_equal arg2 : same size and type as arg1, or a scalar Argument 2 Returns -------- A pandas Series that contains population impacted per node """ mask = query(arg1, operation, arg2) pop_impacted = mask.multiply(pop) return pop_impacted