Source code for wntr.metrics.topographic

The wntr.metrics.topographic module contains topographic metrics that are not
available directly with NetworkX.  Functions in this module operate on a 
NetworkX MultiDiGraph, which can be created by calling ``G = wn.to_graph()``
import networkx as nx
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import logging
import warnings

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs] def terminal_nodes(G): """ Nodes with degree 1 Parameters ---------- G: networkx MultiDiGraph Graph Returns ------- List of terminal nodes """ node_degree = dict( terminal_nodes = [k for k,v in node_degree.items() if v == 1] return terminal_nodes
[docs] def bridges(G): """ Bridge links Parameters ---------- G: networkx MultiDiGraph Graph Returns ------- List of links that are bridges """ uG = G.to_undirected() # uses an undirected graph bridge_links = [] bridges = nx.bridges(nx.Graph(uG)) # not implemented for multigraph for br in bridges: for key in uG[br[0]][br[1]].keys(): bridge_links.append(key) return bridge_links
[docs] def central_point_dominance(G): """ Central point dominance Parameters ---------- G: networkx MultiDiGraph Graph Returns ------- Central point dominance (float) """ uG = G.to_undirected() # uses an undirected graph bet_cen = nx.betweenness_centrality(nx.Graph(uG)) # not implemented for multigraph bet_cen = list(bet_cen.values()) cpd = sum(max(bet_cen) - np.array(bet_cen))/(len(bet_cen)-1) return cpd
[docs] def spectral_gap(G): """ Spectral gap Difference in the first and second eigenvalue of the adjacency matrix Parameters ---------- G: networkx MultiDiGraph Graph Returns ------- Spectral gap (float) """ uG = G.to_undirected() # uses an undirected graph eig = nx.adjacency_spectrum(uG) spectral_gap = abs(eig[0] - eig[1]) return spectral_gap.real
[docs] def algebraic_connectivity(G): """ Algebraic connectivity Second smallest eigenvalue of the normalized Laplacian matrix of a network Parameters ---------- G: networkx MultiDiGraph Graph Returns ------- Algebraic connectivity (float) """ uG = G.to_undirected() # uses an undirected graph eig = nx.laplacian_spectrum(uG) eig = np.sort(eig) alg_con = eig[1] return alg_con
[docs] def critical_ratio_defrag(G): """ Critical ratio of defragmentation Parameters ---------- G: networkx MultiDiGraph Graph Returns ------- Critical ratio of defragmentation (float) """ node_degree = dict( tmp = np.mean(pow(np.array(list(node_degree.values())),2)) fc = 1-(1/((tmp/np.mean(list(node_degree.values())))-1)) return fc
def _links_in_simple_paths(G, sources, sinks): """ Count all links in a simple path between sources and sinks Parameters ----------- G: networkx MultiDiGraph Graph sources: list List of source nodes sinks: list List of sink nodes Returns ------- Dictionary with the number of times each link is involved in a path """ link_names = [name for (node1, node2, name) in list(G.edges(keys=True))] link_count = pd.Series(data = 0, index=link_names) for sink in sinks: for source in sources: if nx.has_path(G, source, sink): paths = nx.all_simple_paths(G,source,target=sink) for path in paths: for i in range(len(path)-1): links = list(G[path[i]][path[i+1]].keys()) for link in links: link_count[link] = link_count[link]+1 return link_count
[docs] def valve_segments(G, valve_layer): """ Valve segmentation Parameters ----------- G: networkx MultiDiGraph Graph valve_layer: pandas DataFrame Valve layer, defined by node and link pairs (for example, valve 0 is on link A and protects node B). The valve_layer DataFrame is indexed by valve number, with columns named 'node' and 'link'. Returns ------- node_segments: pandas Series Segment number for each node, indexed by node name link_segments: pandas Series Segment number for each link, indexed by link name segment_size: pandas DataFrame Number of nodes and links in each segment. The DataFrame is indexed by segment number, with columns named 'node' and 'link'. """ # First check for duplicate valves if valve_layer.duplicated().any(): valve_layer.drop_duplicates(inplace = True) warnings.warn('One or more valves were duplicated in `valve_layer`; duplicates are ignored.', stacklevel=0) # Convert the graph to an undirected graph uG = G.to_undirected() # Node and link names # Append N_ and L_ to node and link names to account for naming overlap node_names = ['N_'+n for n in uG.nodes()] link_names = ['L_'+k for u,v,k in uG.edges(keys=True)] all_names = node_names + link_names # Initialization for labelling seg_index = 0 seg_label = np.zeros(shape=(len(all_names)), dtype=int) # Find and label links isolated by valves, EG 0|----|0 for start_node, end_node, link_name in uG.edges(keys=True): link_valves = valve_layer[valve_layer['link']==link_name] if set(link_valves['node']) >= set([start_node, end_node]): seg_index += 1 seg_label[all_names.index('L_'+link_name)] = seg_index # Find and label nodes isolated by valves, EG 0----|0|----0 for node_name in node_names: node_valves = valve_layer[valve_layer['node']==node_name] node_links = [k for u,v,k in uG.edges(node_name[2:], keys=True)] if set(node_valves['link']) >= set(node_links): seg_index += 1 seg_label[all_names.index(node_name)] = seg_index # Collect valved link names valved_link_names = list(valve_layer['link'].unique()) # Remove valved edges from G valved_edges = [] for edge in uG.edges: link_name = edge[2] if link_name in valved_link_names: valved_edges.append(edge) uG.remove_edges_from(valved_edges) ## Label unvalved portion of graph using connected components # Assign labels to nodes for component in nx.connected_components(uG): # component is a set of node names seg_index += 1 for node in component: index = all_names.index('N_'+node) seg_label[index] = seg_index # Assign labels to links based on labelling of their nodes for edge in uG.edges(keys=True): node1, node2, link_name = edge node1 = all_names.index('N_'+node1) link_index = all_names.index('L_'+link_name) seg_label[link_index] = seg_label[node1] ## Label valved portion of graph for valved_edge in valved_edges: node1_name, node2_name, link_name = valved_edge link_valves = valve_layer[valve_layer['link']==link_name] link_index = all_names.index('L_'+link_name) # When link only has one valved node, locate unvalved node # and label link and unvalved node together if link_valves.shape[0] == 1: both_node_names = [node1_name, node2_name] valved_node_name = link_valves.iloc[0]['node'] both_node_names.remove(valved_node_name) unvalved_node_name = both_node_names[0] unvalved_node_index = all_names.index('N_'+unvalved_node_name) if seg_label[unvalved_node_index] == 0: seg_index += 1 seg_label[unvalved_node_index] = seg_index seg_label[link_index] = seg_index else: seg_label[link_index] = seg_label[unvalved_node_index] # Links with link_valves.size == 2 are already labelled (isolated link) elif link_valves.shape[0] == 2: continue else: raise Exception("Each link should have a maximum of two valves.") # Finalize results seg_labels_index = all_names seg_label = pd.Series(seg_label, index=seg_labels_index, dtype=int) node_segments = seg_label[node_names] link_segments = seg_label[link_names] # Remove "N_" and "L_" from nodes and links node_segments.index = node_segments.index.str[2::] link_segments.index = link_segments.index.str[2::] # Extract segment sizes, for nodes and links seg_link_sizes = link_segments.value_counts().rename('link') seg_node_sizes = node_segments.value_counts().rename('node') seg_sizes = pd.concat([seg_link_sizes, seg_node_sizes], axis=1).fillna(0) seg_sizes = seg_sizes.astype(int) return node_segments, link_segments, seg_sizes
[docs] def valve_segment_attributes(valve_layer, node_segments, link_segments, demand=None, length=None): """ Valve segment attributes include 1) the number of valves surrounding each valve and (optionally) the increase in segment demand if a given valve is removed and the increase in segment pipe length if a given valve is removed. The increase in segment demand is expressed as a fraction of the max segment demand associated with that valve. Likewise, the increase in segment pipe length is expressed as a fraction of the max segment pipe length associated with that valve. Parameters ---------- valve_layer: pandas DataFrame Valve layer, defined by node and link pairs (for example, valve 0 is on link A and protects node B). The valve_layer DataFrame is indexed by valve number, with columns named 'node' and 'link'. node_segments: pandas Series Segment number for each node, indexed by node name. node_segments can be computed using `wntr.metrics.topographic.valve_segments` link_segments: pandas Series Segment number for each link, indexed by link name. link_segments can be computed using `wntr.metrics.topographic.valve_segments` demands: pandas Series, optional Node demand, the average expected node demand can be computed using wntr.metrics.average_expected_demand(wn). Demand from simulation results can also be used. lengths: pandas Series, optional A list of 'length' attributes for each link in the network. The output from wn.query_link_attribute('length') Returns ------- pandas DataFrame Valve segement attributes, indexed by valve number, that contains: * num_surround: number of valves surrounding each valve * demand_increase: increase in segment demand if a given valve is removed, expressed as a fraction * length_increase: increase in segment pipe length if a given valve is removed, expressed as a fraction """ valve_attr = pd.DataFrame() valve_attr['num_surround'] = _valve_criticality(valve_layer, node_segments, link_segments) if demand is not None: valve_attr['demand_increase'] = _valve_criticality_demand(demand, valve_layer, node_segments, link_segments) if length is not None: valve_attr['length_increase'] = _valve_criticality_length(length, valve_layer, node_segments, link_segments) return valve_attr
def _valve_criticality(valve_layer, node_segments, link_segments): """ Returns the number of valves surrounding each valve """ # Assess the number of valves in the system n_valves = len(valve_layer) # Calculate valve-based valve criticality VC = {} for i in range(n_valves): # identify the node-side and link-side segments node_seg = node_segments[valve_layer.loc[i,'node']] link_seg = link_segments[valve_layer.loc[i,'link']] # if the node and link are in the same segment, set criticality to 0 if node_seg == link_seg: VC_val_i = 0 else: V_list = [] # identify links and nodes in surrounding segments links_in_segs = link_segments[(link_segments == link_seg) | (link_segments == node_seg)].index nodes_in_segs = node_segments[(node_segments == link_seg) | (node_segments == node_seg)].index # add unique valves to the V_list from the link list for link in links_in_segs: valves = valve_layer[valve_layer['link'] == link].index if len(valves) == 0: pass else: for valve in valves: if valve in V_list: pass else: V_list.append(valve) # add unique valves to the V_list from the node list for node in nodes_in_segs: valves = valve_layer[valve_layer['node'] == node].index if len(valves) == 0: pass else: for valve in valves: if valve in V_list: pass else: V_list.append(valve) # calculate valve-based criticality for the valve # count the number of valves in the list, minus the valve in question VC_val_i = len(V_list) - 1 VC[i] = VC_val_i VC = pd.Series(VC) return VC def _valve_criticality_length(link_lengths, valve_layer, node_segments, link_segments): """ Returns the ratio of the segment lengths on either side of the valve """ # Assess the number of valves in the system n_valves = len(valve_layer) # Calculate the length-based valve crticiality VC = {} for i in range(n_valves): # identify the node-side and link-side segments node_seg = node_segments[valve_layer.loc[i,'node']] link_seg = link_segments[valve_layer.loc[i,'link']] # if the node and link are in the same segment, set criticality to 0 if node_seg == link_seg: VC_len_i = 0 else: # calculate total length of links in the node segment links_in_node_seg = link_segments[link_segments == node_seg].index n_ixs = link_lengths.index.intersection(links_in_node_seg) L_node = link_lengths[n_ixs].sum() # calculate total length of links in the link segment links_in_link_seg = link_segments[link_segments == link_seg].index l_ixs = link_lengths.index.intersection(links_in_link_seg) L_link = link_lengths[l_ixs].sum() # calculate link length criticality for the valve if L_node == 0 and L_link == 0: VC_len_i = 0.0 else: VC_len_i = (L_link + L_node) / max(L_link, L_node) - 1 VC[i] = VC_len_i VC = pd.Series(VC) return VC def _valve_criticality_demand(node_demands, valve_layer, node_segments, link_segments): """ Returns the ratio of node demands on either side of a valve. """ # Assess the number of valves in the system n_valves = len(valve_layer) # Calculate the demand-based valve crticiality VC = {} for i in range(n_valves): # identify the node-side and link-side segments node_seg = node_segments[valve_layer.loc[i,'node']] link_seg = link_segments[valve_layer.loc[i,'link']] # if the node and link are in the same segment, set criticality to 0 if node_seg == link_seg: VC_dem_i = 0.0 else: # calculate total demand in the node segment nodes_in_node_seg = node_segments[node_segments == node_seg].index n_ixs = node_demands.index.intersection(nodes_in_node_seg) D_node = node_demands.loc[n_ixs].sum() # calculate total demand in the link segment nodes_in_link_seg = node_segments[node_segments == link_seg].index l_ixs = node_demands.index.intersection(nodes_in_link_seg) D_link = node_demands[l_ixs].sum() # calculate demand criticality for the valve if D_node == 0 and D_link == 0: VC_dem_i = 0 else: VC_dem_i = (D_link + D_node) / max(D_link, D_node) - 1 VC[i] = VC_dem_i VC = pd.Series(VC) return VC