The wntr.morph.node module contains functions to modify node coordinates.
import logging
import copy
import numpy as np
from scipy.spatial.distance import pdist
import utm
utm = None
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
def scale_node_coordinates(wn, scale, return_copy=True):
Scales node coordinates, using 1:scale
wn: wntr WaterNetworkModel
Water network model
scale: float
Coordinate scale multiplier, in meters
return_copy: bool, optional
If True, modify and return a copy of the WaterNetworkModel object.
If False, modify and return the original WaterNetworkModel object.
wntr WaterNetworkModel
Water network model with updated node coordinates
if return_copy: # Get a copy of the WaterNetworkModel
wn2 = copy.deepcopy(wn)
wn2 = wn
for name, node in wn2.nodes():
pos = node.coordinates
node.coordinates = (pos[0]*scale, pos[1]*scale)
for name, link in wn2.links():
if link.vertices:
for k in range(len(link.vertices)):
vertex = link.vertices[k]
link.vertices[k] = (vertex[0]*scale, vertex[1]*scale)
return wn2
def translate_node_coordinates(wn, offset_x, offset_y, return_copy=True):
Translate node coordinates
wn: wntr WaterNetworkModel
Water network model
offset_x: tuple
Translation in the x direction, in meters
offset_y: float
Translation in the y direction, in meters
return_copy: bool, optional
If True, modify and return a copy of the WaterNetworkModel object.
If False, modify and return the original WaterNetworkModel object.
wntr WaterNetworkModel
Water network model with updated node coordinates
if return_copy: # Get a copy of the WaterNetworkModel
wn2 = copy.deepcopy(wn)
wn2 = wn
for name, node in wn2.nodes():
pos = node.coordinates
node.coordinates = (pos[0]+offset_x, pos[1]+offset_y)
for name, link in wn2.links():
if link.vertices:
for k in range(len(link.vertices)):
vertex = link.vertices[k]
link.vertices[k] = (vertex[0]+offset_x, vertex[1]+offset_y)
return wn2
def rotate_node_coordinates(wn, theta, return_copy=True):
Rotate node coordinates counter-clockwise by theta degrees
wn: wntr WaterNetworkModel
Water network model
theta: float
Node rotation, in degrees
return_copy: bool, optional
If True, modify and return a copy of the WaterNetworkModel object.
If False, modify and return the original WaterNetworkModel object.
wntr WaterNetworkModel
Water network model with updated node coordinates
if return_copy: # Get a copy of the WaterNetworkModel
wn2 = copy.deepcopy(wn)
wn2 = wn
theta = np.radians(theta)
R = np.array([[np.cos(theta),-np.sin(theta)],
[np.sin(theta), np.cos(theta)]])
for name, node in wn2.nodes():
pos = node.coordinates
node.coordinates = tuple(np.dot(R,pos))
for name, link in wn2.links():
if link.vertices:
for k in range(len(link.vertices)):
link.vertices[k] = tuple(np.dot(R,link.vertices[k]))
return wn2
def convert_node_coordinates_UTM_to_longlat(wn, zone_number, zone_letter, return_copy=True):
Convert node coordinates from UTM coordinates to longitude, latitude coordinates
wn: wntr WaterNetworkModel
Water network model
zone_number: int
Zone number
zone_letter: string
Zone letter
return_copy: bool, optional
If True, modify and return a copy of the WaterNetworkModel object.
If False, modify and return the original WaterNetworkModel object.
wntr WaterNetworkModel
Water network model with updated node coordinates (longitude, latitude)
if utm is None:
raise ImportError('utm package is required')
if return_copy: # Get a copy of the WaterNetworkModel
wn2 = copy.deepcopy(wn)
wn2 = wn
for name, node in wn2.nodes():
pos = node.coordinates
lat, long = utm.to_latlon(pos[0], pos[1], zone_number, zone_letter)
node.coordinates = (long, lat)
for name, link in wn2.links():
if link.vertices:
for k in range(len(link.vertices)):
vertex = link.vertices[k]
lat, long = utm.to_latlon(vertex[0], vertex[1], zone_number, zone_letter)
link.vertices[k] = (long, lat)
return wn2
def convert_node_coordinates_longlat_to_UTM(wn, return_copy=True):
Convert node longitude, latitude coordinates to UTM coordinates
wn: wntr WaterNetworkModel
Water network model
return_copy: bool, optional
If True, modify and return a copy of the WaterNetworkModel object.
If False, modify and return the original WaterNetworkModel object.
wntr WaterNetworkModel
Water network model with updated node coordinates (easting, northing)
if utm is None:
raise ImportError('utm package is required')
if return_copy: # Get a copy of the WaterNetworkModel
wn2 = copy.deepcopy(wn)
wn2 = wn
for name, node in wn2.nodes():
pos = node.coordinates
longitude = pos[0]
latitude = pos[1]
utm_coords = utm.from_latlon(latitude, longitude)
easting = utm_coords[0]
northing = utm_coords[1]
node.coordinates = (easting, northing)
for name, link in wn2.links():
if link.vertices:
for k in range(len(link.vertices)):
vertex = link.vertices[k]
longitude = vertex[0]
latitude = vertex[1]
utm_coords = utm.from_latlon(latitude, longitude)
easting = utm_coords[0]
northing = utm_coords[1]
link.vertices[k] = (easting, northing)
return wn2
def convert_node_coordinates_to_UTM(wn, utm_map, return_copy=True):
Convert node coordinates to UTM coordinates
wn: wntr WaterNetworkModel
Water network model
utm_map: dictionary
Dictionary containing two node names and their x, y coordinates in
UTM easting, northing in the format
{'node name 1': (easting, northing), 'node name 2': (easting, northing)}
return_copy: bool, optional
If True, modify and return a copy of the WaterNetworkModel object.
If False, modify and return the original WaterNetworkModel object.
wntr WaterNetworkModel
Water network model with updated node coordinates (easting, northing)
wn2 = _convert_with_map(wn, utm_map, 'UTM', return_copy)
return wn2
def convert_node_coordinates_to_longlat(wn, longlat_map, return_copy=True):
Convert node coordinates to longitude, latitude coordinates
wn: wntr WaterNetworkModel
Water network model
longlat_map: dictionary
Dictionary containing two node names and their x, y coordinates in
longitude, latitude in the format
{'node name 1': (longitude, latitude), 'node name 2': (longitude, latitude)}
return_copy: bool, optional
If True, modify and return a copy of the WaterNetworkModel object.
If False, modify and return the original WaterNetworkModel object.
wntr WaterNetworkModel
Water network model with updated node coordinates (longitude, latitude)
wn2 = _convert_with_map(wn, longlat_map, 'LONGLAT', return_copy)
return wn2
def _convert_with_map(wn, node_map, flag, return_copy):
if utm is None:
raise ImportError('utm package is required')
if not len(node_map.keys()) == 2:
raise Exception('map must have exactly 2 entries')
if return_copy: # Get a copy of the WaterNetworkModel
wn2 = copy.deepcopy(wn)
wn2 = wn
node_names = list(node_map.keys())
A = []
B = []
for node_name, coords in node_map.items():
if flag == 'LONGLAT':
longitude = coords[0]
latitude = coords[1]
utm_coords = utm.from_latlon(latitude, longitude)
zone_number = utm_coords[2]
zone_letter = utm_coords[3]
B.append(np.array(utm_coords[0:2])) # B is in UTM coords
elif flag == 'UTM':
easting = coords[0]
northing = coords[1]
B.append(np.array(easting, northing)) # B is in UTM coords
# Rotate, if needed
vect1 = A[1] - A[0]
vect2 = B[1] - B[0]
vect1_unit = vect1/np.linalg.norm(vect1)
vect2_unit = vect2/np.linalg.norm(vect2)
dotproduct = np.dot(vect1_unit, vect2_unit)
if dotproduct < 1:
sign = np.sign(np.cross(vect1_unit, vect2_unit))
angle = np.arccos(dotproduct)*180/np.pi
wn2 = rotate_node_coordinates(wn2, sign*angle)
A[0] = np.array(wn2.get_node(node_names[0]).coordinates)
A[1] = np.array(wn2.get_node(node_names[1]).coordinates)
# Compute center points
cpA = np.mean(A, axis=0)
cpB = np.mean(B, axis=0)
# Compute distance to each center point
distA = np.mean([pdist([A[0], cpA])[0], pdist([A[1], cpA])[0]])
distB = np.mean([pdist([B[0], cpB])[0], pdist([B[1], cpB])[0]])
# Compute ratio
ratio = distB/distA
for name, node in wn2.nodes():
pos = node.coordinates
(easting, northing) = (np.array(pos) - cpA)*ratio + cpB
if flag == 'LONGLAT':
lat, long = utm.to_latlon(easting, northing, zone_number, zone_letter)
node.coordinates = (long, lat)
elif flag == 'UTM':
node.coordinates = (easting, northing)
for name, link in wn2.links():
if link.vertices:
for k in range(len(link.vertices)):
pos = link.vertices[k]
(easting, northing) = (np.array(pos) - cpA)*ratio + cpB
if flag == 'LONGLAT':
lat, long = utm.to_latlon(easting, northing, zone_number, zone_letter)
link.vertices[k] = (long, lat)
elif flag == 'UTM':
node.coordinates = (easting, northing)
return wn2