The wntr.network.base module includes base classes for network elements and
the network model.
import logging
import six
from six import string_types
import types
from wntr.utils.ordered_set import OrderedSet
import enum
import sys
from collections.abc import MutableSequence, MutableMapping
from collections import OrderedDict
from wntr.utils.ordered_set import OrderedSet
import abc
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class AbstractModel(object):
Base class for water network models.
class Subject(object):
Base class for the subject in an observer design pattern.
def __init__(self):
self._observers = OrderedSet()
def subscribe(self, observer):
def unsubscribe(self, observer):
def notify(self):
for o in self._observers:
class Observer(six.with_metaclass(abc.ABCMeta, object)):
Base class for the observer in an observer design pattern.
def update(self, subject):
class Node(six.with_metaclass(abc.ABCMeta, object)):
"""Base class for nodes.
For details about the different subclasses, see one of the following:
:class:`~wntr.network.elements.Tank`, and
.. rubric:: Constructor
This is an abstract class and should not be instantiated directly.
wn : :class:`~wntr.network.model.WaterNetworkModel`
WaterNetworkModel object
name : string
Name of the node (must be unique among nodes of all types)
.. rubric:: Attributes
.. autosummary::
.. rubric:: Read-only simulation results
The following attributes are read-only. The values are the final calculated
value from a simulation.
.. autosummary::
def __init__(self, wn, name):
self._name = name
self._head = None
self._demand = None
self._pressure = None
self._quality = None
self._leak_demand = None
self._initial_quality = None
self._tag = None
self._leak = False
self._leak_status = False
self._leak_area = 0.0
self._leak_discharge_coeff = 0.0
self._options = wn._options
self._node_reg = wn._node_reg
self._link_reg = wn._link_reg
self._controls = wn._controls
self._pattern_reg = wn._pattern_reg
self._curve_reg = wn._curve_reg
self._coordinates = [0,0]
self._source = None
self._is_isolated = False
def _compare(self, other):
Comparison function
other : Node
object to compare with
is these the same items
if not type(self) == type(other):
return False
if self.name == other.name and \
self.initial_quality == other.initial_quality and \
self.tag == other.tag:
return True
return False
def __str__(self):
return self._name
def __repr__(self):
return "<Node '{}'>".format(self._name)
def head(self):
"""float: (read-only) the current simulation head at the node (total head)"""
return self._head
# @head.setter
# def head(self, value):
# self._head = value
def demand(self):
"""float: (read-only) the current simulation demand at the node (actual demand)"""
return self._demand
# @demand.setter
# def demand(self, value):
# self._demand = value
def pressure(self):
"""float : (read-only) the current simulation pressure at the node"""
return self._pressure
def quality(self):
"""float : (read-only) the current simulation quality at the node"""
return self._quality
def leak_demand(self):
"""float: (read-only) the current simulation leak demand at the node"""
return self._leak_demand
# @leak_demand.setter
# def leak_demand(self, value):
# self._leak_demand = value
def leak_status(self):
"""bool:(read-only) the current simulation leak status at the node"""
return self._leak_status
# @leak_status.setter
# def leak_status(self, value):
# self._leak_status = value
def leak(self):
"""float: (read-only) the current simulation leak area at the node"""
return self._leak
def leak_area(self):
"""float: (read-only) the current simulation leak area at the node"""
return self._leak_area
# @leak_area.setter
# def leak_area(self, value):
# self._leak_area = value
def leak_discharge_coeff(self):
"""float: (read-only) the current simulation leak discharge coefficient"""
return self._leak_discharge_coeff
# @leak_discharge_coeff.setter
# def leak_discharge_coeff(self, value):
# self._leak_discharge_coeff = value
def node_type(self):
"""str: The node type (read only)"""
return 'Node'
def name(self):
"""str: The name of the node (read only)"""
return self._name
def tag(self):
"""str: A tag or label for the node"""
return self._tag
def tag(self, tag):
self._tag = tag
def initial_quality(self):
"""float or dict: Initial quality (concentration) at the node, or
a dict of species-->quality for multi-species quality"""
if not self._initial_quality:
return 0.0
return self._initial_quality
def initial_quality(self, value):
if value and not isinstance(value, (list, float, int, dict)):
raise ValueError('Initial quality must be a float or a list')
self._initial_quality = value
def coordinates(self):
"""tuple: Node coordinates, (x,y)"""
return self._coordinates
def coordinates(self, coordinates):
if isinstance(coordinates, (list, tuple)) and len(coordinates) == 2:
self._coordinates = tuple(coordinates)
raise ValueError('coordinates must be a 2-tuple or len-2 list')
def to_dict(self):
"""Dictionary representation of the node"""
d = {}
d['name'] = self.name
d['node_type'] = self.node_type
for k in dir(self):
if not k.startswith('_') and \
k not in ['demand', 'head', 'leak_demand', 'leak_status',
'level', 'pressure', 'quality', 'vol_curve', 'head_timeseries']:
val = getattr(self, k)
if not isinstance(val, types.MethodType):
if hasattr(val, "to_ref"):
d[k] = val.to_ref()
elif hasattr(val, "to_list"):
d[k] = val.to_list()
elif hasattr(val, "to_dict"):
d[k] = val.to_dict()
elif isinstance(val, (enum.IntEnum, enum.Enum)):
d[k] = str(val)
d[k] = val
except DeprecationWarning: pass
return d
def to_ref(self):
return self._name
class Link(six.with_metaclass(abc.ABCMeta, object)):
"""Base class for links.
For details about the different subclasses, see one of the following:
:class:`~wntr.network.elements.Pump`, and
.. rubric:: Constructor
This is an abstract class and should not be instantiated directly.
wn : :class:`~wntr.network.model.WaterNetworkModel`
WaterNetworkModel object
link_name : string
Name of the link
start_node_name : string
Name of the start node
end_node_name : string
Name of the end node
.. rubric:: Attributes
.. autosummary::
.. rubric:: Read-only simulation results
The following attributes are read-only. The values are the final calculated
value from a simulation.
.. autosummary::
def __init__(self, wn, link_name, start_node_name, end_node_name):
# Set the registries
self._options = wn._options
self._node_reg = wn._node_reg
self._link_reg = wn._link_reg
self._controls = wn._controls
self._pattern_reg = wn._pattern_reg
self._curve_reg = wn._curve_reg
# Set the link name
self._link_name = link_name
# Set and register the starting node
self._start_node = self._node_reg[start_node_name]
self._node_reg.add_usage(start_node_name, (link_name, self.link_type))
# Set and register the ending node
self._end_node = self._node_reg[end_node_name]
self._node_reg.add_usage(end_node_name, (link_name, self.link_type))
# Set up other metadata fields
self._initial_status = LinkStatus.Opened
self._initial_setting = None
self._vertices = []
self._tag = None
# Model state variables
self._user_status = LinkStatus.Opened
self._internal_status = LinkStatus.Active
self._initial_quality = None
self._prev_setting = None
self._setting = None
self._flow = None
self._velocity = None
self._is_isolated = False
self._quality = None
self._headloss = None
def _compare(self, other):
other: Link
if not type(self) == type(other):
return False
if self.name != other.name:
return False
if self.tag != other.tag:
return False
if self.initial_status != other.initial_status:
return False
if (self.initial_setting is not None) ^ (other.initial_setting is not None):
return False
elif (self.initial_setting is not None) and (other.initial_setting is not None):
if abs(self.initial_setting - other.initial_setting) > 1e-9:
return False
if self.start_node_name != other.start_node_name:
return False
if self.end_node_name != other.end_node_name:
return False
return True
def __str__(self):
return self._link_name
def __repr__(self):
return "<Link '{}'>".format(self._link_name)
def link_type(self):
"""str: the link type (read only)"""
return 'Link'
def initial_status(self):
""":class:`~wntr.network.base.LinkStatus`: The initial status (`Opened`, `Closed`, `Active`) of the Link"""
return self._initial_status
def initial_status(self, status):
if not isinstance(status, LinkStatus):
if isinstance(status, int): status = LinkStatus(status)
elif isinstance(status, str): status = LinkStatus[status]
else: status = LinkStatus(int(status))
self._initial_status = status
def initial_setting(self):
"""float: The initial setting for the link (if `Active`)"""
return self._initial_setting
def initial_setting(self, setting):
# TODO: typechecking
self._initial_setting = setting
def start_node(self):
""":class:`~wntr.network.base.Node`: The start node object."""
return self._start_node
def start_node(self, node):
self._node_reg.remove_usage(self.start_node_name, (self._link_name, self.link_type))
self._node_reg.add_usage(node.name, (self._link_name, self.link_type))
self._start_node = self._node_reg[node.name]
def end_node(self):
""":class:`~wntr.network.base.Node`: The end node object."""
return self._end_node
def end_node(self, node):
self._node_reg.remove_usage(self.end_node_name, (self._link_name, self.link_type))
self._node_reg.add_usage(node.name, (self._link_name, self.link_type))
self._end_node = self._node_reg[node.name]
def start_node_name(self):
"""str: The name of the start node (read only)"""
return self._start_node.name
def end_node_name(self):
"""str: The name of the end node (read only)"""
return self._end_node.name
def name(self):
"""str: The link name (read-only)"""
return self._link_name
def flow(self):
"""float: (read-only) current simulated flow through the link"""
return self._flow
def velocity(self):
"""float: (read-only) current simulated velocity through the link"""
return self._velocity
def status(self):
""":class:`~wntr.network.base.LinkStatus`: (**abstract**) current status of the link"""
# @abc.abstractmethod
def status(self, status):
raise RuntimeError("The status attribute is an output (result) property. Setting status by"
" the user has been deprecated to avoid confusion. To change the simulation"
" behavior, use initial_status.")
# self._user_status = status
def initial_quality(self):
"""float or dict : a dict of species and quality if multispecies is active"""
if not self._initial_quality:
return 0.0
return self._initial_quality
def initial_quality(self, value):
if value and not isinstance(value, (list, float, int, dict)):
raise ValueError('Initial quality must be a float or a list')
self._initial_quality = value
def quality(self):
"""float : (read-only) current simulated average link quality"""
return self._quality
def headloss(self):
"""float : (read-only) current simulated headloss"""
return self._headloss
def setting(self):
"""float: (read-only) current simulated setting of the link"""
return self._setting
def setting(self, setting):
raise RuntimeError("The setting attribute is an output (result) property. Setting the setting by"
" the user has been deprecated to avoid confusion. To change the simulation"
" behavior, use initial_setting.")
# self._setting = setting
def tag(self):
"""str: A tag or label for this link"""
return self._tag
def tag(self, tag):
self._tag = tag
def vertices(self):
"""A list of curve points, in the direction of start node to end node.
The vertices should be listed as a list of (x,y) tuples when setting.
return self._vertices
def vertices(self, points):
if not isinstance(points, list):
raise ValueError('vertices must be a list of 2-tuples')
for pt in points:
if not isinstance(pt, tuple) or len(pt) != 2:
raise ValueError('vertices must be a list of 2-tuples')
self._vertices = points
def to_dict(self):
"""Dictionary representation of the link"""
d = {}
d['name'] = self.name
d['link_type'] = self.link_type
d['start_node_name'] = self.start_node_name
d['end_node_name'] = self.end_node_name
if hasattr(self, 'pump_type'):
d['pump_type'] = self.pump_type
if hasattr(self, 'valve_type'):
d['valve_type'] = self.valve_type
for k in dir(self):
if not k.startswith('_') and k not in [
'flow', 'cv', 'friction_factor', 'headloss',
'quality', 'reaction_rate', 'setting', 'status', 'velocity', 'speed_timeseries',
val = getattr(self, k)
if not isinstance(val, types.MethodType):
if hasattr(val, "to_ref"):
if hasattr(self, k+"_name") and getattr(self, k+"_name") is not None:
d[k] = val.to_ref()
elif hasattr(val, "to_list"):
d[k] = val.to_list()
elif hasattr(val, "to_dict"):
d[k] = val.to_dict()
elif isinstance(val, (enum.IntEnum, enum.Enum)):
d[k] = str(val)
d[k] = val
return d
def to_ref(self):
return self._name
class Registry(MutableMapping):
"""Base class for registries.
wn : :class:`~wntr.network.model.WaterNetworkModel`
WaterNetworkModel object
def __init__(self, wn):
if not isinstance(wn, AbstractModel):
raise ValueError('Registry must be initialized with a model')
# self._m = model
self._data = OrderedDict()
self._usage = OrderedDict()
def _finalize_(self, wn):
self._options = wn._options
self._pattern_reg = wn._pattern_reg
self._curve_reg = wn._curve_reg
self._node_reg = wn._node_reg
self._link_reg = wn._link_reg
self._controls = wn._controls
self._sources = wn._sources
def __getitem__(self, key):
if not key:
return None
return self._data[key]
except KeyError:
return self._data[key.name]
return self._data[str(key)]
def __setitem__(self, key, value):
if not isinstance(key, string_types):
raise ValueError('Registry keys must be strings')
self._data[key] = value
def __delitem__(self, key):
if self._usage and key in self._usage and len(self._usage[key]) > 0:
raise RuntimeError('cannot remove %s %s, still used by %s',
elif key in self._usage:
return self._data.pop(key)
except KeyError:
# Do not raise an exception if there is no key of that name
def __iter__(self):
return self._data.__iter__()
def __len__(self):
return len(self._data)
def __call__(self):
for key, value in self._data.items():
yield key, value
def usage(self):
"""Generator to get the usage for all objects in the registry
key : str
The name of the object in the registry
value : tuple of (str, str)
Tuple of (name, typestr) of the external items using the object
for k, v in self._usage.items():
yield k, v
def get_usage(self, key):
"""Get a set of items using an object by key.
set of 2-tuples
Set of (name, typestr) of the external object using the item
return self._usage[key]
except KeyError:
return self._usage[str(key)]
except KeyError:
return None
return None
def orphaned(self):
"""Get a list of orphaned usages.
If removed without appropriate checks, it is possible that a some other
item will point to an object that has been deleted. (This is why the user
should always use the "remove_*" methods). This method returns a list of
names for objects that are referenced, but no longer exist.
The names of any orphaned items
defined = set(self._data.keys())
assigned = set(self._usage.keys())
return assigned.difference(defined)
def unused(self):
"""Get a list of items which are unused by other objects in the model.
In most cases, this method will give little information. For nodes, however,
this method could be important to identify a node which has become completely
disconnected from the network. For patterns or curves, it may be used to find
extra patterns or curves that are no longer necessary (or which the user
forgot ot assign). It is not terribly useful for links.
The names of any unused objects in the registry
defined = set(self._data.keys())
assigned = set(self._usage.keys())
return defined.difference(assigned)
def clear_usage(self, key):
"""if key in usage, clear usage[key]"""
if not key:
def add_usage(self, key, *args):
"""add args to usage[key]"""
if not key:
if not (key in self._usage):
self._usage[key] = OrderedSet()
for arg in args:
def remove_usage(self, key, *args):
"""remove args from usage[key]"""
if not key:
for arg in args:
if len(self._usage[key]) < 1:
def to_dict(self):
"""Dictionary representation of the registry"""
d = dict()
for k, v in self._data.items():
d[k] = v.to_dict()
return d
def to_list(self):
"""List representation of the registry"""
l = list()
for k, v in self._data.items():
return l
class NodeType(enum.IntEnum):
Enum class for node types.
.. rubric:: Enum Members
.. autosummary::
Junction = 0 #: node is a junction
Reservoir = 1 #: node is a reservoir
Tank = 2 #: node is a tank
def __init__(self, val):
mmap = getattr(self, '_member_map_')
if self.name != str(self.name).upper():
mmap[str(self.name).upper()] = self
if self.name != str(self.name).lower():
mmap[str(self.name).lower()] = self
def __str__(self):
return self.name
def __eq__(self, other):
return int(self) == int(other) and (isinstance(other, int) or \
self.__class__.__name__ == other.__class__.__name__)
class LinkType(enum.IntEnum):
Enum class for link types.
.. rubric:: Enum Members
.. autosummary::
CV = 0 #: pipe with a check valve
Pipe = 1 #: pipe with no check valve
Pump = 2 #: a pump of any type
PRV = 3 #: a pressure reducing valve
PSV = 4 #: a pressure sustaining valve
PBV = 5 #: a pressure breaker valve
FCV = 6 #: a flow control valve
TCV = 7 #: a throttle control valve
GPV = 8 #: a general purpose valve
Valve = 9 #: a valve of any type
def __init__(self, val):
mmap = getattr(self, '_member_map_')
if self.name != str(self.name).upper():
mmap[str(self.name).upper()] = self
if self.name != str(self.name).lower():
mmap[str(self.name).lower()] = self
def __str__(self):
return self.name
def __eq__(self, other):
return int(self) == int(other) and (isinstance(other, int) or \
self.__class__.__name__ == other.__class__.__name__)
class LinkStatus(enum.IntEnum):
Enum class for link statuses.
.. warning::
This is NOT the class for determining output status from an EPANET **binary** file.
The class for output status is wntr.epanet.util.LinkTankStatus.
.. rubric:: Enum Members
.. autosummary::
Closed = 0 #: pipe/valve/pump is closed
Open = 1 #: alias for `Opened`
Opened = 1 #: pipe/valve/pump is open
Active = 2 #: valve is partially open or pump has a specific setting
CV = 3 #: pipe has a check valve
def __init__(self, val):
mmap = getattr(self, '_member_map_')
if self.name != str(self.name).upper():
mmap[str(self.name).upper()] = self
if self.name != str(self.name).lower():
mmap[str(self.name).lower()] = self
def __str__(self):
return self.name
def __eq__(self, other):
return int(self) == int(other) and (isinstance(other, int) or
self.__class__.__name__ == other.__class__.__name__)