Source code for

The module includes elements of a water network model, 
including junction, tank, reservoir, pipe, pump, valve, pattern, timeseries, 
demands, curves, and sources.
import numpy as np
import sys
import logging
import math
import six
import copy
from scipy.optimize import curve_fit, OptimizeWarning

from import MutableSequence

from .base import Node, Link, Registry, LinkStatus
from .options import TimeOptions
from wntr.epanet.util import MixType

import warnings
warnings.simplefilter("ignore", OptimizeWarning) # ignore scipy.optimize.OptimizeWarning

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs] class Junction(Node): """ Junction class, inherited from Node. Junctions are the nodes that contain demand, emitters, and water quality sources. .. rubric:: Constructor This class is intended to be instantiated through the :class:`` method. Direct creation through the constructor is highly discouraged. Parameters ---------- name : string Name of the junction. wn : :class:`` WaterNetworkModel object the junction will belong to .. rubric:: Attributes .. autosummary:: name node_type base_demand demand_timeseries_list elevation coordinates emitter_coefficient initial_quality minimum_pressure required_pressure pressure_exponent tag .. rubric:: Read-only simulation results .. autosummary:: demand head pressure quality leak_demand leak_status leak_area leak_discharge_coeff """ # base and optional attributes used to create a Junction in _from_dict # base attributes are used in add_junction _base_attributes = ["name", "base_demand", "demand_pattern", "elevation", "coordinates", "demand_category"] _optional_attributes = ["emitter_coefficient", "initial_quality", "minimum_pressure", "required_pressure", "pressure_exponent", "tag"]
[docs] def __init__(self, name, wn): super(Junction, self).__init__(wn, name) self._demand_timeseries_list = Demands(self._pattern_reg) self._elevation = 0.0 self._required_pressure = None self._minimum_pressure = None self._pressure_exponent = None self._emitter_coefficient = None self._leak = False self._leak_status = False self._leak_area = 0.0 self._leak_discharge_coeff = 0.0 self._leak_start_control_name = 'junction'+self._name+'start_leak_control' self._leak_end_control_name = 'junction'+self._name+'end_leak_control'
def __repr__(self): return "<Junction '{}', elevation={}, demand_timeseries_list={}>".format(self._name, self.elevation, repr(self.demand_timeseries_list)) def _compare(self, other): if not super(Junction, self)._compare(other): return False if abs(self.elevation - other.elevation)<1e-9 and \ self.required_pressure == other.required_pressure and \ self.minimum_pressure == other.minimum_pressure and \ self.pressure_exponent == other.pressure_exponent and \ self.emitter_coefficient == other.emitter_coefficient: return True return False @property def elevation(self): """float : elevation of the junction""" return self._elevation @elevation.setter def elevation(self, value): self._elevation = value @property def demand_timeseries_list(self): """Demands : list of demand patterns and base multipliers""" return self._demand_timeseries_list @demand_timeseries_list.setter def demand_timeseries_list(self, value): self._demand_timeseries_list = value @property def required_pressure(self): """float: The required pressure attribute is used for pressure-dependent demand simulations. This is the lowest pressure at which the junction receives the full requested demand. If set to None, the global value in wn.options.hydraulic.required_pressure is used.""" return self._required_pressure @required_pressure.setter def required_pressure(self, value): self._required_pressure = value @property def minimum_pressure(self): """float: The minimum pressure attribute is used for pressure-dependent demand simulations. Below this pressure, the junction will not receive any water. If set to None, the global value in wn.options.hydraulic.minimum_pressure is used.""" return self._minimum_pressure @minimum_pressure.setter def minimum_pressure(self, value): self._minimum_pressure = value @property def pressure_exponent(self): """float: The pressure exponent attribute is used for pressure-dependent demand simulations. If set to None, the global value in wn.options.hydraulic.pressure_exponent is used.""" return self._pressure_exponent @pressure_exponent.setter def pressure_exponent(self, value): self._pressure_exponent = value @property def emitter_coefficient(self): """float : if not None, then activate an emitter with the specified coefficient""" return self._emitter_coefficient @emitter_coefficient.setter def emitter_coefficient(self, value): self._emitter_coefficient = value @property def nominal_pressure(self): """deprecated - use required pressure""" raise DeprecationWarning('The nominal_pressure property has been renamed required_pressure. Please update your code') @nominal_pressure.setter def nominal_pressure(self, value): """deprecated - use required pressure""" raise DeprecationWarning('The nominal_pressure property has been renamed required_pressure. Please update your code') @property def node_type(self): """str : ``"Junction"`` (read only)""" return 'Junction'
[docs] def add_demand(self, base, pattern_name, category=None): """Add a new demand entry to the Junction Parameters ---------- base : float The base demand value for this new entry pattern_name : str or None The name of the pattern to use or ``None`` for a constant value category : str, optional A category name for this demand """ if pattern_name is not None: self._pattern_reg.add_usage(pattern_name, (, 'Junction')) self.demand_timeseries_list.append((base, pattern_name, category))
@property def base_demand(self): """Get the base_value of the first demand in the demand_timeseries_list. This is a read-only property. """ if len(self.demand_timeseries_list) > 0: return self.demand_timeseries_list[0].base_value return 0.0 @base_demand.setter def base_demand(self, value): raise RuntimeWarning('The base_demand property is read-only. Please modify using demand_timeseries_list[0].base_value.') @property def demand_pattern(self): """Get the pattern_name of the first demand in the demand_timeseries_list. This is a read-only property. """ if len(self.demand_timeseries_list) > 0: return self.demand_timeseries_list[0].pattern_name return None @demand_pattern.setter def demand_pattern(self, value): raise RuntimeWarning('The demand_pattern property is read-only. Please modify using demand_timeseries_list[0].pattern_name') @property def demand_category(self): """Get the category of the first demand in the demand_timeseries_list. This is a read-only property. """ if len(self.demand_timeseries_list) > 0: return self.demand_timeseries_list[0].category return None @demand_category.setter def demand_category(self, value): raise RuntimeWarning('The demand_category property is read-only. Please modify using demand_timeseries_list[0].category.')
[docs] def add_leak(self, wn, area, discharge_coeff=0.75, start_time=None, end_time=None): """ Add a leak control to the water network model Leaks are modeled by: Q = discharge_coeff*area*sqrt(2*g*h) where: Q is the volumetric flow rate of water out of the leak g is the acceleration due to gravity h is the gauge head at the junction, P_g/(rho*g); Note that this is not the hydraulic head (P_g + elevation) Parameters ---------- wn : :class:`` Water network model containing the junction with the leak. This information is needed because the WaterNetworkModel object stores all controls, including when the leak starts and stops. area : float Area of the leak in m^2. discharge_coeff : float Leak discharge coefficient; Takes on values between 0 and 1. start_time : int Start time of the leak in seconds. If the start_time is None, it is assumed that an external control will be used to start the leak (otherwise, the leak will not start). end_time : int Time at which the leak is fixed in seconds. If the end_time is None, it is assumed that an external control will be used to end the leak (otherwise, the leak will not end). """ from import ControlAction, Control self._leak = True self._leak_area = area self._leak_discharge_coeff = discharge_coeff if start_time is not None: start_control_action = ControlAction(self, 'leak_status', True) control = Control._time_control(wn, start_time, 'SIM_TIME', False, start_control_action) wn.add_control(self._leak_start_control_name, control) if end_time is not None: end_control_action = ControlAction(self, 'leak_status', False) control = Control._time_control(wn, end_time, 'SIM_TIME', False, end_control_action) wn.add_control(self._leak_end_control_name, control)
[docs] def remove_leak(self,wn): """ Remove a leak control from the water network model Parameters ---------- wn : :class:`` Water network model """ self._leak = False wn._discard_control(self._leak_start_control_name) wn._discard_control(self._leak_end_control_name)
[docs] def add_fire_fighting_demand(self, wn, fire_flow_demand, fire_start, fire_end, pattern_name=None): """Add a new fire flow demand entry to the Junction Parameters ---------- wn : :class:`` Water network model fire_flow_demand : float Fire flow demand fire_start : int Start time of the fire flow in seconds. fire_end : int End time of the fire flow in seconds. pattern_name : str or None Pattern name. If pattern name is None, the pattern name is assigned to junction name + '_fire' """ if 'Fire_Flow' in self.demand_timeseries_list.category_list(): raise ValueError('A single junction can not have multiple fire flow demands') if pattern_name is None: pattern_name = self._name+'_fire' fire_flow_pattern = Pattern(pattern_name).binary_pattern(pattern_name, step_size=wn.options.time.pattern_timestep, start_time=fire_start, end_time=fire_end, duration=wn.options.time.duration) wn.add_pattern(pattern_name, fire_flow_pattern) self._pattern_reg.add_usage(pattern_name, (, 'Junction')) self.demand_timeseries_list.append((fire_flow_demand, fire_flow_pattern, 'Fire_Flow'))
[docs] def remove_fire_fighting_demand(self, wn): """Removes a fire flow demand entry to the Junction Parameters ---------- wn : :class:`` Water network model """ if 'Fire_Flow' in self.demand_timeseries_list.category_list(): pattern_name = self.demand_timeseries_list.pattern_list('Fire_Flow')[0].name self._pattern_reg.remove_usage(pattern_name, (, 'Junction')) self.demand_timeseries_list.remove_category('Fire_Flow') wn.remove_pattern(pattern_name)
[docs] class Tank(Node): """ Tank class, inherited from Node. Tank volume can be defined using a constant diameter or a volume curve. If the tank has a volume curve, the diameter has no effect on hydraulic simulations. .. rubric:: Constructor This class is intended to be instantiated through the :class:`` method. Direct creation through the constructor is highly discouraged. Parameters ---------- name : string Name of the tank. wn : :class:`` WaterNetworkModel object the tank will belong to .. rubric:: Attributes .. autosummary:: name node_type head demand elevation init_level min_level max_level diameter min_vol vol_curve_name vol_curve overflow mixing_model mixing_fraction bulk_coeff coordinates initial_quality tag .. rubric:: Read-only simulation results .. autosummary:: head level pressure quality leak_demand leak_status leak_area leak_discharge_coeff """ # base and optional attributes used to create a Tank in _from_dict # base attributes are used in add_tank _base_attributes = ["name", "elevation", "init_level", "min_level", "max_level", "diameter", "min_vol", "vol_curve_name", "overflow", "coordinates"] _optional_attributes = ["initial_quality", "mixing_fraction", "mixing_model", "bulk_coeff", "tag"]
[docs] def __init__(self, name, wn): super(Tank, self).__init__(wn, name) self._elevation=0.0 self._init_level=3.048 self._min_level=0.0 self._max_level=6.096 self._diameter=15.24 self._head = self.elevation + self._init_level self._prev_head = self.head self._min_vol=0 self._vol_curve_name = None self._mixing_model = None self._mixing_fraction = None self._bulk_coeff = None self._overflow = False self._leak = False self._leak_status = False self._leak_area = 0.0 self._leak_discharge_coeff = 0.0 self._leak_start_control_name = 'tank'+self._name+'start_leak_control' self._leak_end_control_name = 'tank'+self._name+'end_leak_control'
def __repr__(self): return "<Tank '{}', elevation={}, min_level={}, max_level={}, diameter={}, min_vol={}, vol_curve='{}'>".format(self._name, self.elevation, self.min_level, self.max_level, self.diameter, self.min_vol, ( if self.vol_curve else None)) def _compare(self, other): if not super(Tank, self)._compare(other): return False if abs(self.elevation - other.elevation)<1e-9 and \ abs(self.min_level - other.min_level)<1e-9 and \ abs(self.max_level - other.max_level)<1e-9 and \ abs(self.diameter - other.diameter)<1e-9 and \ abs(self.min_vol - other.min_vol)<1e-9 and \ self.bulk_coeff == other.bulk_coeff and \ self.overflow == other.overflow and \ self.vol_curve == other.vol_curve: return True return False @property def elevation(self): """float : elevation to the bottom of the tank. head = level + elevation""" return self._elevation @elevation.setter def elevation(self, value): self._elevation = value @property def min_level(self): """float : minimum level for the tank to be able to drain""" return self._min_level @min_level.setter def min_level(self, value): self._min_level = value @property def max_level(self): """float : maximum level before tank begins to overflow (if permitted)""" return self._max_level @max_level.setter def max_level(self, value): self._max_level = value @property def diameter(self): """float : diameter of the tank as a cylinder""" return self._diameter @diameter.setter def diameter(self, value): self._diameter = value @property def min_vol(self): """float : minimum volume to be able to drain (when using a tank curve)""" return self._min_vol @min_vol.setter def min_vol(self, value): self._min_vol = value @property def mixing_model(self): """ The mixing model to be used by EPANET. This only affects water quality simulations and has no impact on the WNTRSimulator. Uses the `MixType` enum object, or it will convert string values from MIXED, 2COMP, FIFO and LIFO. By default, this is set to None, and will produce no output in the EPANET INP file and EPANET will assume complete and instantaneous mixing (MIXED). """ return self._mixing_model @mixing_model.setter def mixing_model(self, value): if isinstance(value, MixType): self._mixing_model = value elif isinstance(value, str): value = value.upper() if value == 'MIXED': self._mixing_model = MixType.Mixed elif value == '2COMP': self._mixing_model = MixType.TwoComp elif value == 'FIFO': self._mixing_model = MixType.FIFO elif value == 'LIFO': self._mixing_model = MixType.LIFO else: raise ValueError('Mixing model must be MIXED, 2COMP, FIFO or LIFO or a MixType object') else: raise ValueError('Mixing model must be MIXED, 2COMP, FIFO or LIFO or a MixType object') @property def mixing_fraction(self): """float : for water quality simulations only, the compartment size for 2-compartment mixing""" return self._mixing_fraction @mixing_fraction.setter def mixing_fraction(self, value): self._mixing_fraction = value @property def bulk_coeff(self): """float : bulk reaction coefficient for this tank only; leave None to use global value""" return self._bulk_coeff @bulk_coeff.setter def bulk_coeff(self, value): self._bulk_coeff = value @property def init_level(self): """The initial tank level at the start of simulation""" return self._init_level @init_level.setter def init_level(self, value): self._init_level = value self._head = self.elevation+self._init_level @property def node_type(self): """returns ``"Tank"``""" return 'Tank' @property def vol_curve(self): """The volume curve, if defined (read only) Set this using the vol_curve_name. """ return self._curve_reg[self._vol_curve_name] @property def vol_curve_name(self): """Name of the volume curve to use, or None""" return self._vol_curve_name @vol_curve_name.setter def vol_curve_name(self, name): self._curve_reg.remove_usage(self._vol_curve_name, (self._name, 'Tank')) self._curve_reg.add_usage(name, (self._name, 'Tank')) self._vol_curve_name = name @property def overflow(self): """bool : Is this tank allowed to overflow""" return self._overflow @overflow.setter def overflow(self, value): if isinstance(value, six.string_types): value = value.upper() if value in ["YES", "TRUE", "1"]: value = True elif value in ["NO", "FALSE", "0"]: value = False else: raise ValueError('The overflow entry must "YES" or "NO"') elif isinstance(value, int): value = bool(value) elif value is None: value = False elif not isinstance(value, bool): raise ValueError('The overflow entry must be blank, "YES"/"NO", 1/0, of True/False') self._overflow = value @property def level(self): """float : (read-only) the current simulation tank level (= head - elevation)""" return self.head - self.elevation @property def pressure(self): """float : (read-only) the current simulation pressure (head - elevation)""" return self._head - self.elevation
[docs] def get_volume(self, level=None): """ Returns tank volume at a given level Parameters ---------- level: float or NoneType (optional) The level at which the volume is to be calculated. If level=None, then the volume is calculated at the current tank level (self.level) Returns ------- vol: float Tank volume at a given level """ if self.vol_curve is None: A = (np.pi / 4.0 * self.diameter ** 2) if level is None: level = self.level vol = A * level else: arr = np.array(self.vol_curve.points) if level is None: level = self.level vol = np.interp(level,arr[:,0],arr[:,1]) return vol
[docs] def add_leak(self, wn, area, discharge_coeff = 0.75, start_time=None, end_time=None): """ Add a leak to a tank. Leaks are modeled by: Q = discharge_coeff*area*sqrt(2*g*h) where: Q is the volumetric flow rate of water out of the leak g is the acceleration due to gravity h is the gauge head at the bottom of the tank, P_g/(rho*g); Note that this is not the hydraulic head (P_g + elevation) Note that WNTR assumes the leak is at the bottom of the tank. Parameters ---------- wn: :class:`` The WaterNetworkModel object containing the tank with the leak. This information is needed because the WaterNetworkModel object stores all controls, including when the leak starts and stops. area: float Area of the leak in m^2. discharge_coeff: float Leak discharge coefficient; Takes on values between 0 and 1. start_time: int Start time of the leak in seconds. If the start_time is None, it is assumed that an external control will be used to start the leak (otherwise, the leak will not start). end_time: int Time at which the leak is fixed in seconds. If the end_time is None, it is assumed that an external control will be used to end the leak (otherwise, the leak will not end). """ from import ControlAction, Control self._leak = True self._leak_area = area self._leak_discharge_coeff = discharge_coeff if start_time is not None: start_control_action = ControlAction(self, 'leak_status', True) control = Control._time_control(wn, start_time, 'SIM_TIME', False, start_control_action) wn.add_control(self._leak_start_control_name, control) if end_time is not None: end_control_action = ControlAction(self, 'leak_status', False) control = Control._time_control(wn, end_time, 'SIM_TIME', False, end_control_action) wn.add_control(self._leak_end_control_name, control)
[docs] def remove_leak(self,wn): """ Remove a leak from a tank Parameters ---------- wn: :class:`` Water network model """ self._leak = False wn._discard_control(self._leak_start_control_name) wn._discard_control(self._leak_end_control_name)
[docs] class Reservoir(Node): """ Reservoir class, inherited from Node .. rubric:: Constructor This class is intended to be instantiated through the :class:`` method. Direct creation through the constructor is highly discouraged. Parameters ---------- name : string Name of the reservoir. wn : :class:`` The water network model this reservoir will belong to. base_head : float, optional Base head at the reservoir. Internal units must be meters (m). head_pattern : str, optional Head pattern **name** .. rubric:: Attributes .. autosummary:: name node_type base_head head_pattern_name head_timeseries coordinates initial_quality tag .. rubric:: Read-only simulation results .. autosummary:: demand head pressure quality """ # base and optional attributes used to create a Reservoir in _from_dict # base attributes are used in add_reservoir _base_attributes = ["name", "base_head", "head_pattern_name", "coordinates"] _optional_attributes = ["initial_quality", "tag"]
[docs] def __init__(self, name, wn, base_head=0.0, head_pattern=None): super(Reservoir, self).__init__(wn, name) self._head_timeseries = TimeSeries(wn._pattern_reg, base_head) self.head_pattern_name = head_pattern """str : Name of the head pattern to use"""
def __repr__(self): return "<Reservoir '{}', head={}>".format(self._name, self._head_timeseries) def _compare(self, other): if not super(Reservoir, self)._compare(other): return False if self._head_timeseries == other._head_timeseries: return True return False @property def node_type(self): """``"Reservoir"`` (read only)""" return 'Reservoir' @property def head_timeseries(self): """The head timeseries for the reservoir (read only)""" return self._head_timeseries @property def base_head(self): """The constant head (elevation) for the reservoir, or the base value for a head timeseries""" return self._head_timeseries.base_value @base_head.setter def base_head(self, value): self._head_timeseries.base_value = value @property def head_pattern_name(self): """The name of the multiplier pattern to use for the head timeseries""" return self._head_timeseries.pattern_name @head_pattern_name.setter def head_pattern_name(self, name): self._pattern_reg.remove_usage(self._head_timeseries.pattern_name, (, 'Reservoir')) if name is not None: self._pattern_reg.add_usage(name, (, 'Reservoir')) self._head_timeseries.pattern_name = name @property def pressure(self): """float : (read-only) the current simulation pressure (0.0 for reservoirs)""" return 0.0
[docs] class Pipe(Link): """ Pipe class, inherited from Link. .. rubric:: Constructor This class is intended to be instantiated through the :class:`` method. Direct creation through the constructor is highly discouraged. Parameters ---------- name : string Name of the pipe start_node_name : string Name of the start node end_node_name : string Name of the end node wn : :class:`` The water network model this pipe will belong to. .. rubric:: Attributes .. autosummary:: name link_type start_node start_node_name end_node end_node_name length diameter roughness minor_loss initial_status cv bulk_coeff wall_coeff vertices tag .. rubric:: Read-only simulation results .. autosummary:: flow velocity headloss friction_factor reaction_rate quality status """ # base and optional attributes used to create a Pipe in _from_dict # base attributes are used in add_pipe _base_attributes = ["name", "start_node_name", "end_node_name", "length", "diameter", "roughness", "minor_loss", "initial_status", "check_valve"] _optional_attributes = ["initial_quality", "bulk_coeff", "wall_coeff", "vertices", "tag"]
[docs] def __init__(self, name, start_node_name, end_node_name, wn): super(Pipe, self).__init__(wn, name, start_node_name, end_node_name) self._length = 304.8 self._diameter = 0.3048 self._roughness = 100 self._minor_loss = 0.0 self._cv = False self._bulk_coeff = None self._wall_coeff = None self._velocity = None self._friction_factor = None self._reaction_rate = None
def __repr__(self): return "<Pipe '{}' from '{}' to '{}', length={}, diameter={}, roughness={}, minor_loss={}, check_valve={}, status={}>".format(self._link_name, self.start_node, self.end_node, self.length, self.diameter, self.roughness, self.minor_loss, self.check_valve, str(self.status)) def _compare(self, other): if not super(Pipe, self)._compare(other): return False if abs(self.length - other.length)<1e-9 and \ abs(self.diameter - other.diameter)<1e-9 and \ abs(self.roughness - other.roughness)<1e-9 and \ abs(self.minor_loss - other.minor_loss)<1e-9 and \ self.check_valve == other.check_valve and \ self.bulk_coeff == other.bulk_coeff and \ self.wall_coeff == other.wall_coeff: return True return False @property def link_type(self): """returns ``"Pipe"``""" return 'Pipe' @property def length(self): """float : length of the pipe""" return self._length @length.setter def length(self, value): self._length = value @property def diameter(self): """float : diameter of the pipe""" return self._diameter @diameter.setter def diameter(self, value): self._diameter = value @property def roughness(self): """float : pipe roughness""" return self._roughness @roughness.setter def roughness(self, value): self._roughness = value @property def minor_loss(self): """float : minor loss coefficient""" return self._minor_loss @minor_loss.setter def minor_loss(self, value): self._minor_loss = value @property def cv(self): """bool : does this pipe have a check valve""" return self._cv @cv.setter def cv(self, value): self._cv = value @property def bulk_coeff(self): """float or None : if not None, then a pipe specific bulk reaction coefficient""" return self._bulk_coeff @bulk_coeff.setter def bulk_coeff(self, value): self._bulk_coeff = value @property def wall_coeff(self): """float or None : if not None, then a pipe specific wall reaction coefficient""" return self._wall_coeff @wall_coeff.setter def wall_coeff(self, value): self._wall_coeff = value @property def status(self): """LinkStatus : the current status of the pipe""" if self._internal_status == LinkStatus.Closed: return LinkStatus.Closed else: return self._user_status @property def friction_factor(self): """float : (read-only) the current simulation friction factor in the pipe""" return self._friction_factor @property def reaction_rate(self): """float : (read-only) the current simulation reaction rate in the pipe""" return self._reaction_rate
[docs] class Pump(Link): """ Pump class, inherited from Link. For details about the different subclasses, please see one of the following: :class:`` and :class:`` .. rubric:: Constructor This class is intended to be instantiated through the :class:`` method. Direct creation through the constructor is highly discouraged. Parameters ---------- name : string Name of the pump start_node_name : string Name of the start node end_node_name : string Name of the end node wn : :class:`` The water network model this pump will belong to. .. rubric:: Attributes .. autosummary:: name link_type start_node start_node_name end_node end_node_name base_speed speed_pattern_name speed_timeseries initial_status initial_setting initial_quality efficiency energy_price energy_pattern vertices tag .. rubric:: Read-only simulation results .. autosummary:: flow headloss velocity quality status setting """ # base and optional attributes used to create a Pump in _from_dict # base attributes are used in add_pump _base_attributes = ["name", "start_node_name", "end_node_name", "pump_type", "pump_curve_name", "power", "base_speed", "speed_pattern_name", "initial_status"] _optional_attributes = ["initial_quality", "initial_setting", "efficiency", "energy_pattern", "energy_price", "vertices", "tag"]
[docs] def __init__(self, name, start_node_name, end_node_name, wn): super(Pump, self).__init__(wn, name, start_node_name, end_node_name) self._speed_timeseries = TimeSeries(wn._pattern_reg, 1.0) self._base_power = None self._pump_curve_name = None self._efficiency = None self._energy_price = None self._energy_pattern = None self._outage_rule_name = name+'_outage' self._after_outage_rule_name = name+'_after_outage'
def _compare(self, other): if not super(Pump, self)._compare(other): return False return True @property def efficiency(self): """Curve : pump efficiency""" return self._efficiency @efficiency.setter def efficiency(self, value): self._efficiency = value @property def energy_price(self): """float : energy price surcharge (only used by EPANET)""" return self._energy_price @energy_price.setter def energy_price(self, value): self._energy_price = value @property def energy_pattern(self): """str : energy pattern name""" return self._energy_pattern @energy_pattern.setter def energy_pattern(self, value): self._energy_pattern = value @property def status(self): """LinkStatus : the current status of the pump""" if self._internal_status == LinkStatus.Closed: return LinkStatus.Closed else: return self._user_status @property def link_type(self): """str : ``"Pump"`` (read only)""" return 'Pump' @property def speed_timeseries(self): """TimeSeries : timeseries of speed values (retrieve only)""" return self._speed_timeseries @property def base_speed(self): """float : base multiplier for a speed timeseries""" return self._speed_timeseries.base_value @base_speed.setter def base_speed(self, value): self._speed_timeseries.base_value = value @property def speed_pattern_name(self): """str : pattern name for the speed""" return self._speed_timeseries.pattern_name @speed_pattern_name.setter def speed_pattern_name(self, name): self._pattern_reg.remove_usage(self._speed_timeseries.pattern_name, (, 'Pump')) self._pattern_reg.add_usage(name, (, 'Pump')) self._speed_timeseries.pattern_name = name @property def setting(self): """Alias to speed for consistency with other link types""" return self._speed_timeseries
[docs] def add_outage(self, wn, start_time, end_time=None, priority=6, add_after_outage_rule=False): """ Add a pump outage rule to the water network model. Parameters ---------- model : :class:`` The water network model this outage will belong to. start_time : int The time at which the outage starts. end_time : int The time at which the outage stops. priority : int The outage rule priority, default = 6 (very high) add_after_outage_rule : bool Flag indicating if a rule is added to open the pump after the outage. Pump status after the outage is generally defined by existing controls/rules in the water network model. For example, the pump opens based on the level of a specific tank. """ from import ControlAction, SimTimeCondition, AndCondition, Rule # Outage act = ControlAction(self, 'status', LinkStatus.Closed) cond1 = SimTimeCondition(wn, 'Above' , start_time) if end_time is not None: cond2 = SimTimeCondition(wn, 'Below' , end_time) cond = AndCondition(cond1, cond2) else: cond = cond1 rule = Rule(cond, act, priority=priority) wn.add_control(self._outage_rule_name, rule) # After outage if add_after_outage_rule and end_time is not None: act = ControlAction(self, 'status', LinkStatus.Open) cond = SimTimeCondition(wn, 'Above' , end_time) rule = Rule(cond, act, priority=priority) wn.add_control(self._after_outage_rule_name, rule)
[docs] def remove_outage(self,wn): """ Remove an outage control from the water network model Parameters ---------- wn : :class:`` Water network model """ wn._discard_control(self._outage_rule_name) wn._discard_control(self._after_outage_rule_name)
[docs] class HeadPump(Pump): """ Head pump class, inherited from Pump. This type of pump uses a pump curve (see curves). The curve is set using the ``pump_curve_name`` attribute. The curve itself can be accessed using the ``get_pump_curve()`` method. .. rubric:: Constructor This class is intended to be instantiated through the :class:`` method. Direct creation through the constructor is highly discouraged. Parameters ---------- name : string Name of the pump start_node_name : string Name of the start node end_node_name : string Name of the end node wn : :class:`` The water network model this pump will belong to. .. rubric:: Attributes .. autosummary:: name link_type start_node start_node_name end_node end_node_name base_speed speed_pattern_name speed_timeseries initial_status initial_setting initial_quality pump_type pump_curve_name efficiency energy_price energy_pattern vertices tag .. rubric:: Read-only simulation results .. autosummary:: flow headloss velocity quality status setting """ # def __init__(self, name, start_node_name, end_node_name, wn): # super(HeadPump,self).__init__(name, start_node_name, # end_node_name, wn) # self._curve_coeffs = None # self._coeffs_curve_points = None # these are used to verify whether # # the pump curve was changed since # # the _curve_coeffs were calculated def __repr__(self): return "<Pump '{}' from '{}' to '{}', pump_type='{}', pump_curve={}, speed={}, status={}>".format(self._link_name, self.start_node, self.end_node, 'HEAD', self.pump_curve_name, self.speed_timeseries, str(self.status)) def _compare(self, other): if not super(HeadPump, self)._compare(other): return False if self.pump_type == other.pump_type and \ self.pump_curve_name == other.pump_curve_name: return True return False @property def pump_type(self): """str : ``"HEAD"`` (read only)""" return 'HEAD' @property def pump_curve_name(self): """str : the pump curve name""" return self._pump_curve_name @pump_curve_name.setter def pump_curve_name(self, name): self._curve_reg.remove_usage(self._pump_curve_name, (self._link_name, 'Pump')) self._curve_reg.add_usage(name, (self._link_name, 'Pump')) self._curve_reg.set_curve_type(name, 'HEAD') self._pump_curve_name = name # delete the pump curve coefficients because they have to be recaulcated # if a new curve is associated with the pump self._curve_coeffs = None
[docs] def get_pump_curve(self): """ Get the pump curve object Returns ------- Curve the head curve for this pump """ curve = self._curve_reg[self.pump_curve_name] return curve
[docs] def get_head_curve_coefficients(self): """ Returns the A, B, C coefficients pump curves. * For a single point curve, the coefficients are generated according to the following equation: :math:`A = 4/3 * H` :math:`B = 1/3 * H/Q^2` :math:`C = 2` * For a two point curve, C is set to 1 and a straight line is fit between the points. * For three point and multi-point curves, the coefficients are generated using ``scipy.optimize.curve_fit`` with the following equation: :math:`H = A - B*Q^C` Returns ------- Tuple of pump curve coefficient (A, B, C). All floats. The coefficients are only calculated the first time this function is called for a given HeadPump """ def calculate_coefficients(curve): Q = [] H = [] for pt in curve.points: Q.append(pt[0]) H.append(pt[1]) # 1-Point curve - Replicate EPANET for a one point curve if curve.num_points == 1: A = (4.0/3.0)*H[0] B = (1.0/3.0)*(H[0]/(Q[0]**2)) C = 2 # 2-Point curve - Replicate EPANET - generate a straight line elif curve.num_points == 2: B = - (H[1] - H[0]) / (Q[1]**2 - Q[0]**2) A = H[0] + B * Q[0] ** 2 C = 1 # 3 - Multi-point curve (3 or more points) - Replicate EPANET for # 3 point curves. For multi-point curves, this is not a perfect # replication of EPANET. EPANET uses a mult-linear fit # between points whereas this uses a regression fit of the same # H = A - B * Q **C curve used for the three point fit. elif curve.num_points >= 3: A0 = H[0] C0 = math.log((H[0] - H[1])/(H[0] - H[-1]))/math.log(Q[1]/Q[-1]) B0 = (H[0] - H[1])/(Q[1]**C0) def flow_vs_head_func(Q, a, b, c): return a - b * Q ** c try: coeff, cov = curve_fit(flow_vs_head_func, Q, H, [A0, B0, C0]) except RuntimeError: raise RuntimeError('Head pump ' + + ' results in a poor regression fit to H = A - B * Q^C') A = float(coeff[0]) # convert to native python floats B = float(coeff[1]) C = float(coeff[2]) else: raise RuntimeError('Head pump ' + + ' has an empty pump curve.') if A<=0 or B<0 or C<=0: raise RuntimeError('Head pump ' + + ' has a negative head curve coefficient.') # with using scipy curve_fit, I think this is a waranted check elif np.isnan(A+B+C): raise RuntimeError('Head pump ' + + ' has a coefficient which is NaN!') self._coeffs_curve_points = curve.points self._curve_coeffs = [A,B,C] # main procedure curve = self.get_pump_curve() if self._curve_coeffs is None or curve.points != self._coeffs_curve_points: calculate_coefficients(curve) A = self._curve_coeffs[0] B = self._curve_coeffs[1] C = self._curve_coeffs[2] return A,B,C
[docs] def get_design_flow(self): """ Returns the design flow value for the pump. Equals to the first point on the pump curve. """ curve = self._curve_reg[self.pump_curve_name] try: return curve.points[-1][0] except IndexError: raise IndexError("Curve point does not exist")
[docs] class PowerPump(Pump): """ Power pump class, inherited from Pump. This is a constant power type of pump. The constant power is set and modified through the ``power`` attribute. .. rubric:: Constructor This class is intended to be instantiated through the :class:`` method. Direct creation through the constructor is highly discouraged. Parameters ---------- name : string Name of the pump start_node_name : string Name of the start node end_node_name : string Name of the end node wn : :class:`` The water network model this pump will belong to. .. rubric:: Attributes .. autosummary:: name link_type start_node start_node_name end_node end_node_name base_speed speed_pattern_name speed_timeseries initial_status initial_setting initial_quality pump_type power efficiency energy_price energy_pattern vertices tag .. rubric:: Read-only simulation results .. autosummary:: flow headloss velocity quality status setting """ def __repr__(self): return "<Pump '{}' from '{}' to '{}', pump_type='{}', power={}, speed={}, status={}>".format(self._link_name, self.start_node, self.end_node, 'POWER', self._base_power, self.speed_timeseries, str(self.status)) def _compare(self, other): if not super(PowerPump, self)._compare(other): return False if self.pump_type == other.pump_type and \ abs(self.power - other.power)<1e-9: return True return False @property def pump_type(self): """str : ``"POWER"`` (read only)""" return 'POWER' @property def power(self): """float : the fixed power value""" return self._base_power @power.setter def power(self, value): self._curve_reg.remove_usage(self._pump_curve_name, (self._link_name, 'Pump')) self._base_power = value
[docs] class Valve(Link): """ Valve class, inherited from Link. For details about the subclasses, please see one of the following: :class:``, :class:``, :class:``, :class:``, :class:``, and :class:``. .. rubric:: Constructor This class is intended to be instantiated through the :class:`` method. Direct creation through the constructor is highly discouraged. Parameters ---------- name : string Name of the valve start_node_name : string Name of the start node end_node_name : string Name of the end node wn : :class:`` The water network model this valve will belong to. .. rubric:: Attributes .. autosummary:: name link_type start_node start_node_name end_node end_node_name valve_type initial_status initial_setting initial_quality vertices tag .. rubric:: Result attributes .. autosummary:: flow velocity headloss quality status setting """ # base and optional attributes used to create a Valve in _from_dict # base attributes are used in add_valve _base_attributes = ["name", "start_node_name", "end_node_name", "diameter", "valve_type", "minor_loss", "initial_setting", "initial_status"] _optional_attributes = ["initial_quality", "vertices", "tag"]
[docs] def __init__(self, name, start_node_name, end_node_name, wn): super(Valve, self).__init__(wn, name, start_node_name, end_node_name) self.diameter = 0.3048 self.minor_loss = 0.0 self._initial_status = LinkStatus.Active self._user_status = LinkStatus.Active self._initial_setting = 0.0 self._velocity = None
def __repr__(self): fmt = "<Valve '{}' from '{}' to '{}', valve_type='{}', diameter={}, minor_loss={}, setting={}, status={}>" return fmt.format(self._link_name, self.start_node, self.end_node, self.__class__.__name__, self.diameter, self.minor_loss, self.setting, str(self.status)) def _compare(self, other): if not super(Valve, self)._compare(other): return False if abs(self.diameter - other.diameter)<1e-9 and \ self.valve_type == other.valve_type and \ abs(self.minor_loss - other.minor_loss)<1e-9: return True return False @property def status(self): if self._user_status == LinkStatus.Closed: return LinkStatus.Closed elif self._user_status == LinkStatus.Open: return LinkStatus.Open else: return self._internal_status @property def link_type(self): """returns ``"Valve"``""" return 'Valve' @property def valve_type(self): """returns ``None`` because this is an abstact class""" return None
[docs] class PRValve(Valve): """ Pressure reducing valve class, inherited from Valve. .. rubric:: Constructor This class is intended to be instantiated through the :class:`` method. Direct creation through the constructor is highly discouraged. Parameters ---------- name : string Name of the pump start_node_name : string Name of the start node end_node_name : string Name of the end node wn : :class:`` The water network model this valve will belong to. .. rubric:: Attributes .. autosummary:: name link_type start_node start_node_name end_node end_node_name initial_status initial_setting valve_type tag vertices .. rubric:: Result attributes .. autosummary:: flow velocity headloss quality status setting """
[docs] def __init__(self, name, start_node_name, end_node_name, wn): super(PRValve, self).__init__(name, start_node_name, end_node_name, wn)
@property def valve_type(self): """returns ``"PRV"``""" return 'PRV'
[docs] class PSValve(Valve): """ Pressure sustaining valve class, inherited from Valve. .. rubric:: Constructor This class is intended to be instantiated through the :class:`` method. Direct creation through the constructor is highly discouraged. Parameters ---------- name : string Name of the pump start_node_name : string Name of the start node end_node_name : string Name of the end node wn : :class:`` The water network model this valve will belong to. .. rubric:: Attributes .. autosummary:: name link_type start_node start_node_name end_node end_node_name initial_status initial_setting valve_type tag vertices .. rubric:: Result attributes .. autosummary:: flow velocity headloss quality status setting """
[docs] def __init__(self, name, start_node_name, end_node_name, wn): super(PSValve, self).__init__(name, start_node_name, end_node_name, wn)
@property def valve_type(self): """returns ``"PSV"``""" return 'PSV'
[docs] class PBValve(Valve): """ Pressure breaker valve class, inherited from Valve. .. rubric:: Constructor This class is intended to be instantiated through the :class:`` method. Direct creation through the constructor is highly discouraged. Parameters ---------- name : string Name of the pump start_node_name : string Name of the start node end_node_name : string Name of the end node wn : :class:`` The water network model this valve will belong to. .. rubric:: Attributes .. autosummary:: name link_type start_node start_node_name end_node end_node_name initial_status initial_setting valve_type tag vertices .. rubric:: Result attributes .. autosummary:: flow velocity headloss quality status setting """
[docs] def __init__(self, name, start_node_name, end_node_name, wn): super(PBValve, self).__init__(name, start_node_name, end_node_name, wn)
@property def valve_type(self): """returns ``"PBV"``""" return 'PBV'
[docs] class FCValve(Valve): """ Flow control valve class, inherited from Valve. .. rubric:: Constructor This class is intended to be instantiated through the :class:`` method. Direct creation through the constructor is highly discouraged. Parameters ---------- name : string Name of the pump start_node_name : string Name of the start node end_node_name : string Name of the end node wn : :class:`` The water network model this valve will belong to .. rubric:: Attributes .. autosummary:: name link_type start_node start_node_name end_node end_node_name initial_status initial_setting valve_type tag vertices .. rubric:: Result attributes .. autosummary:: flow velocity headloss quality status setting """
[docs] def __init__(self, name, start_node_name, end_node_name, wn): super(FCValve, self).__init__(name, start_node_name, end_node_name, wn)
@property def valve_type(self): """returns ``"FCV"``""" return 'FCV'
[docs] class TCValve(Valve): """ Throttle control valve class, inherited from Valve. .. rubric:: Constructor This class is intended to be instantiated through the :class:`` method. Direct creation through the constructor is highly discouraged. Parameters ---------- name : string Name of the pump start_node_name : string Name of the start node end_node_name : string Name of the end node wn : :class:`` The water network model this valve will belong to .. rubric:: Attributes .. autosummary:: name link_type start_node start_node_name end_node end_node_name initial_status initial_setting valve_type tag vertices .. rubric:: Result attributes .. autosummary:: flow velocity headloss quality status setting """
[docs] def __init__(self, name, start_node_name, end_node_name, wn): super(TCValve, self).__init__(name, start_node_name, end_node_name, wn)
@property def valve_type(self): """returns ``"TCV"``""" return 'TCV'
[docs] class GPValve(Valve): """ General purpose valve class, inherited from Valve. .. rubric:: Constructor This class is intended to be instantiated through the :class:`` method. Direct creation through the constructor is highly discouraged. Parameters ---------- name : string Name of the pump start_node_name : string Name of the start node end_node_name : string Name of the end node wn : :class:`` The water network model this valve will belong to .. rubric:: Attributes .. autosummary:: name link_type start_node start_node_name end_node end_node_name initial_status initial_setting valve_type headloss_curve headloss_curve_name tag vertices .. rubric:: Result attributes .. autosummary:: flow velocity headloss quality status setting """
[docs] def __init__(self, name, start_node_name, end_node_name, wn): super(GPValve, self).__init__(name, start_node_name, end_node_name, wn) self._headloss_curve_name = None
@property def valve_type(self): """returns ``"GPV"``""" return 'GPV' @property def headloss_curve(self): """Curve : the headloss curve object (read only)""" return self._curve_reg[self._headloss_curve_name] @property def headloss_curve_name(self): """Returns the pump curve name if pump_type is 'HEAD', otherwise returns None""" return self._headloss_curve_name @headloss_curve_name.setter def headloss_curve_name(self, name): self._curve_reg.remove_usage(self._headloss_curve_name, (self._link_name, 'Valve')) self._curve_reg.add_usage(name, (self._link_name, 'Valve')) self._curve_reg.set_curve_type(name, 'HEADLOSS') self._headloss_curve_name = name
[docs] class Pattern(object): """ Pattern class. .. rubric:: Constructor This class is intended to be instantiated through the :class:`` method. Parameters ---------- name : string Name of the pattern. multipliers : list A list of multipliers that makes up the pattern. time_options : wntr TimeOptions or tuple The water network model options.time object or a tuple of (pattern_start, pattern_timestep) in seconds. wrap : bool, optional Boolean indicating if the pattern should be wrapped. If True (the default), then the pattern repeats itself forever; if False, after the pattern has been exhausted, it will return 0.0. """
[docs] def __init__(self, name, multipliers=[], time_options=None, wrap=True): = name if isinstance(multipliers, (int, float)): multipliers = [multipliers] self._multipliers = np.array(multipliers, dtype=np.float64) if time_options: if isinstance(time_options, (tuple, list)) and len(time_options) >= 2: tmp = TimeOptions() tmp.pattern_start = time_options[0] tmp.pattern_timestep = time_options[1] time_options = tmp elif not isinstance(time_options, TimeOptions): raise ValueError('Pattern->time_options must be a TimeOptions class or null') self._time_options = time_options self.wrap = wrap
def __eq__(self, other): if type(self) == type(other) and \ == and \ len(self._multipliers) == len(other._multipliers) and \ self._time_options == other._time_options and \ self.wrap == other.wrap and \ np.all(np.abs(np.array(self._multipliers)-np.array(other._multipliers))<1.0e-10): return True return False def __hash__(self): return hash('Pattern/' def __str__(self): return '%s' def __repr__(self): return "<Pattern '{}', multipliers={}>".format(, repr(self.multipliers)) def __len__(self): return len(self._multipliers) def __getitem__(self, index): """Returns the pattern value at a specific index (not time!)""" nmult = len(self._multipliers) if nmult == 0: return 1.0 elif self.wrap: return self._multipliers[int(index%nmult)] elif index < 0 or index >= nmult: return 0.0 return self._multipliers[index]
[docs] @classmethod def binary_pattern(cls, name, start_time, end_time, step_size, duration, wrap=False): """ Creates a binary pattern (single instance of step up, step down). Parameters ---------- name : string Name of the pattern. start_time : int The time at which the pattern turns "on" (1.0). end_time : int The time at which the pattern turns "off" (0.0). step_size : int Pattern step size. duration : int Total length of the pattern. wrap : bool, optional Boolean indicating if the pattern should be wrapped. If True, then the pattern repeats itself forever; if False (the default), after the pattern has been exhausted, it will return 0.0. Returns ------- A new pattern object with a list of 1's and 0's as multipliers. """ tmp = TimeOptions() tmp.pattern_start = 0 tmp.pattern_timestep = step_size time_options = tmp patternstep = time_options.pattern_timestep patternstart = int(start_time/time_options.pattern_timestep) patternend = int(end_time/patternstep) patterndur = int(duration/patternstep) pattern_list = [0.0]*patterndur pattern_list[patternstart:patternend] = [1.0]*(patternend-patternstart) return cls(name, multipliers=pattern_list, time_options=None, wrap=wrap)
@property def multipliers(self): """Returns the pattern multiplier values""" return self._multipliers @multipliers.setter def multipliers(self, values): if isinstance(values, (int, float, complex)): self._multipliers = np.array([values]) else: self._multipliers = np.array(values) @property def time_options(self): """Returns the TimeOptions object""" return self._time_options @time_options.setter def time_options(self, object): if object and not isinstance(object, TimeOptions): raise ValueError('Pattern->time_options must be a TimeOptions or null') self._time_options = object
[docs] def to_dict(self): """Dictionary representation of the pattern""" d = dict(, multipliers=list(self._multipliers)) if not self.wrap: d['wrap'] = False return d
[docs] def at(self, time): """ Returns the pattern value at a specific time Parameters ---------- time : int Time in seconds """ nmult = len(self._multipliers) if nmult == 0: return 1.0 if nmult == 1: return self._multipliers[0] if self._time_options is None: raise RuntimeError('Pattern->time_options cannot be None at runtime') step = int(time//self._time_options.pattern_timestep) if self.wrap: ndx = int(step%nmult) last_mult = self._multipliers[ndx] if self._time_options.pattern_interpolation: if ndx + 1 == nmult: next_mult = self._multipliers[0] else: next_mult = self._multipliers[ndx + 1] last_time = step * self._time_options.pattern_timestep next_time = (step + 1) * self._time_options.pattern_timestep slope = (next_mult - last_mult) / (next_time - last_time) intercept = next_mult - slope * next_time return slope * time + intercept else: return last_mult elif step < 0 or step >= nmult: return 0.0 return self._multipliers[step]
[docs] class TimeSeries(object): """ Time series class. A TimeSeries object contains a base value, Pattern object, and category. The object can be used to store changes in junction demand, source injection, pricing, pump speed, and reservoir head. The class provides methods to calculate values using the base value and a multiplier pattern. .. rubric:: Constructor Parameters ---------- base : number A number that represents the baseline value. pattern_registry : PatternRegistry The pattern registry for looking up patterns pattern : str, optional If None, then the value will be constant. Otherwise, the Pattern will be used. (default = None) category : string, optional A category, description, or other name that is useful to the user (default = None). Raises ------ ValueError If `base` or `pattern` are invalid types """
[docs] def __init__(self, model, base, pattern_name=None, category=None): if not isinstance(base, (int, float, complex)): raise ValueError('TimeSeries->base must be a number') if isinstance(model, Registry): self._pattern_reg = model else: raise ValueError('Must pass in a pattern registry') self._pattern = pattern_name if base is None: base = 0.0 self._base = base self._category = category
def __nonzero__(self): return self._base __bool__ = __nonzero__ def __str__(self): return repr(self) def __repr__(self): fmt = "<TimeSeries: base_value={}, pattern_name={}, category='{}'>" return fmt.format(self._base, (repr(self._pattern) if self.pattern else None), str(self._category)) def __eq__(self, other): if type(self) == type(other) and \ self.pattern == other.pattern and \ self.category == other.category and \ abs(self._base - other._base)<1e-9 : return True return False def __getitem__(self, index): """Returns the value at a specific index (not time!).""" if not self._pattern: return self._base return self._base * self._pattern[index] @property def base_value(self): """Returns the baseline value.""" return self._base @base_value.setter def base_value(self, value): if not isinstance(value, (int, float, complex)): raise ValueError('TimeSeries->base_value must be a number') self._base = value @property def pattern(self): """Returns the Pattern object.""" return self._pattern_reg[self._pattern] @property def pattern_name(self): """Returns the name of the pattern.""" if self._pattern: return str(self._pattern) return None @pattern_name.setter def pattern_name(self, pattern_name): self._pattern = pattern_name @property def category(self): """Returns the category.""" return self._category @category.setter def category(self, category): self._category = category
[docs] def at(self, time): """ Returns the value at a specific time. Parameters ---------- time : int Time in seconds """ if not self.pattern: return self._base return self._base *
[docs] def to_dict(self): """Dictionary representation of the time series""" d = dict(base_val=self._base) # if isinstance(self._pattern, six.string_types): d['pattern_name'] = self.pattern_name # if self._category: d['category'] = self.category return d
# def tostring(self): # """String representation of the time series""" # fmt = ' {:12.6g} {:20s} {:14s}\n' # return fmt.format(self._base, self._pattern, self._category)
[docs] class Demands(MutableSequence): """ Demands class. The Demands object is used to store multiple demands per junction in a list. The class includes specialized demand-specific calls and type checking. A demand list is a list of demands and can be used with all normal list- like commands. The demand list does not have any attributes, but can be created by passing in demand objects or demand tuples as ``(base_demand, pattern, category_name)`` """
[docs] def __init__(self, patterns, *args): self._list = [] self._pattern_reg = patterns for object in args: self.append(object)
def __getitem__(self, index): """Get the demand at index <==> y = S[index]""" return self._list.__getitem__(index) def __setitem__(self, index, obj): """Set demand and index <==> S[index] = object""" return self._list.__setitem__(index, self.to_ts(obj)) def __delitem__(self, index): """Remove demand at index <==> del S[index]""" return self._list.__delitem__(index) def __len__(self): """Number of demands in list <==> len(S)""" return len(self._list) def __nonzero__(self): """True if demands exist in list NOT if demand is non-zero""" return len(self._list) > 0 __bool__ = __nonzero__ def __repr__(self): return '<Demands: {}>'.format(repr(self._list))
[docs] def to_ts(self, obj): """Time series representation of demands""" if isinstance(obj, (list, tuple)) and len(obj) >= 2: o1 = obj[0] o2 = self._pattern_reg.default_pattern if obj[1] is None else obj[1] o3 = obj[2] if len(obj) >= 3 else None obj = TimeSeries(self._pattern_reg, o1, o2, o3) elif isinstance(obj, TimeSeries): obj._pattern_reg = self._pattern_reg else: raise ValueError('object must be a TimeSeries or demand tuple') return obj
[docs] def insert(self, index, obj): """S.insert(index, object) - insert object before index""" self._list.insert(index, self.to_ts(obj))
[docs] def append(self, obj): """S.append(object) - append object to the end""" self._list.append(self.to_ts(obj))
[docs] def extend(self, iterable): """S.extend(iterable) - extend list by appending elements from the iterable""" for obj in iterable: self._list.append(self.to_ts(obj))
[docs] def clear(self): """S.clear() - remove all entries""" self._list = []
[docs] def at(self, time, category=None, multiplier=1): """Return the total demand at a given time.""" demand = 0.0 if category: for dem in self._list: if dem.category == category: demand +=*multiplier else: for dem in self._list: demand +=*multiplier return demand
[docs] def remove_category(self, category): """Remove all demands from a specific category""" def search(): for ct, dem in enumerate(self._list): if dem.category == category: return ct return None idx = search() while idx is not None: self.pop(idx) idx = search()
[docs] def base_demand_list(self, category=None): """Returns a list of the base demands, optionally of a single category.""" res = [] for dem in self._list: if category is None or dem.category == category: res.append(dem.base_value) return res
[docs] def pattern_list(self, category=None): """Returns a list of the patterns, optionally of a single category.""" res = [] for dem in self._list: if category is None or dem.category == category: res.append(dem.pattern) return res
[docs] def category_list(self): """Returns a list of all the pattern categories.""" res = [] for dem in self._list: res.append(dem.category) return res
[docs] def to_list(self): res = [] for dem in self: res.append(dem.to_dict()) return res
[docs] class Curve(object): """ Curve base class. .. rubric:: Constructor This class is intended to be instantiated through the :class:`` method. Parameters ---------- name : str Name of the curve. curve_type : str The type of curve: None (unspecified), HEAD, HEADLOSS, VOLUME or EFFICIENCY points : list The points in the curve. List of 2-tuples (x,y) ordered by increasing x original_units : str The units the points were defined in current_units : str The units the points are currently defined in. This MUST be 'SI' by the time one of the simulators is run. options : Options, optional Water network options to lookup headloss function """
[docs] def __init__(self, name, curve_type=None, points=[], original_units=None, current_units='SI', options=None): self._name = name self._curve_type = curve_type self._points = list(points) self._options = options self._original_units = None self._current_units = 'SI'
def __eq__(self, other): if type(self) != type(other): return False if != return False if self.curve_type != other.curve_type: return False if self.num_points != other.num_points: return False for point1, point2 in zip(self.points, other.points): for value1, value2 in zip(point1, point2): if abs(value1 - value2) > 1e-9: return False return True def __hash__(self): return hash('Curve/'+self._name) def __repr__(self): return "<Curve: '{}', curve_type='{}', points={}>".format(str(, str(self.curve_type), repr(self.points)) def __getitem__(self, index): return self.points.__getitem__(index) def __getslice__(self, i, j): return self.points.__getslice__(i, j) def __len__(self): return len(self.points) @property def original_units(self): """The original units the points were written in.""" return self._original_units @property def current_units(self): """The current units that the points are in""" return self._current_units @property def name(self): """Curve names must be unique among curves""" return self._name @property def points(self): """The points in the curve. List of 2-tuples (x,y) ordered by increasing x""" return self._points @points.setter def points(self, points): self._points = copy.deepcopy(points) self._points.sort() @property def curve_type(self): """The type of curve: None (unspecified), HEAD, HEADLOSS, VOLUME or EFFICIENCY""" return self._curve_type @curve_type.setter def curve_type(self, curve_type): curve_type = str(curve_type) curve_type = curve_type.upper() if curve_type == 'HEAD': self._curve_type = 'HEAD' elif curve_type == 'VOLUME': self._curve_type = 'VOLUME' elif curve_type == 'EFFICIENCY': self._curve_type = 'EFFICIENCY' elif curve_type == 'HEADLOSS': self._curve_type = 'HEADLOSS' else: raise ValueError('curve_type must be HEAD, HEADLOSS, VOLUME, or EFFICIENCY') @property def num_points(self): """Returns the number of points in the curve.""" return len(self.points)
[docs] def to_dict(self): """Dictionary representation of the curve""" d = dict(name=self._name, curve_type=self._curve_type, points=list(self._points)) return d
[docs] def set_units(self, original=None, current=None): """Set the units flags for the curve. Use this after converting the points, if necessary, to indicate that conversion to SI units is complete. """ if original: self._original_units = original if current: self._current_units = current
[docs] class Source(object): """ Water quality source class. .. rubric:: Constructor This class is intended to be instantiated through the :class:`` method. Parameters ---------- name : string Name of the source. node_name: string Injection node. source_type: string Source type, options = CONCEN, MASS, FLOWPACED, or SETPOINT. strength: float Source strength in Mass/Time for MASS and Mass/Volume for CONCEN, FLOWPACED, or SETPOINT. pattern: Pattern, optional If None, then the value will be constant. Otherwise, the Pattern will be used (default = None). .. rubric:: Attributes .. autosummary:: name node_name source_type strength_timeseries """ # def __init__(self, name, node_registry, pattern_registry):
[docs] def __init__(self, model, name, node_name, source_type, strength, pattern=None, species=None): self._strength_timeseries = TimeSeries(model._pattern_reg, strength, pattern, name) self._pattern_reg = model._pattern_reg self._pattern_reg.add_usage(pattern, (name, 'Source')) self._node_reg = model._node_reg self._node_reg.add_usage(node_name, (name, 'Source')) self._name = name self._node_name = node_name self._source_type = source_type self._species = None
def __eq__(self, other): if not type(self) == type(other): return False if self.node_name == other.node_name and \ self.source_type == other.source_type and \ self.strength_timeseries == other.strength_timeseries: return True return False def __repr__(self): fmt = "<Source: '{}', '{}', '{}', {}, {}, {}>" return fmt.format(, self.node_name, self.source_type, self._strength_timeseries.base_value, self._strength_timeseries.pattern_name, repr(self._species)) @property def strength_timeseries(self): """TimeSeries : timeseries of the source values (read only)""" return self._strength_timeseries @property def name(self): """str : the name for this source""" return self._name @name.setter def name(self, value): self._name = value @property def node_name(self): """str : the node where this source is located""" return self._node_name @node_name.setter def node_name(self, value): self._node_name = value @property def source_type(self): """str : the source type for this source""" return self._source_type @source_type.setter def source_type(self, value): self._source_type = value @property def species(self): """str : species name for multispecies reactions, by default None""" @species.setter def species(self, value): self._species = str(value)
[docs] def to_dict(self): ret = dict() ret['name'] = ret['node_name'] = self.node_name ret['source_type'] = self.source_type ret['strength'] = self.strength_timeseries.base_value ret['pattern'] = self.strength_timeseries.pattern_name if self.species: ret['species'] = self.species return ret