Source code for wntr.sim.core

"""The core abstract and base classes for WNTR simulations.

import wntr.sim.hydraulics
from wntr.sim.solvers import NewtonSolver, SolverStatus
import wntr.sim.results
import numpy as np
import warnings
import time
import sys
import logging
import scipy.optimize
import scipy.sparse
import scipy.sparse.csr
import itertools
from collections import OrderedDict
from wntr.utils.ordered_set import OrderedSet
from import Junction, Pipe, Valve, Pump, Tank, Reservoir, LinkStatus, WaterNetworkModel, Link
from wntr.sim.network_isolation import check_for_isolated_junctions, get_long_size
from wntr.sim.aml.aml import VarDict, ParamDict
from wntr.sim.aml.expr import Var, Param
from import (AndCondition, Comparison, Control, ControlAction,
                                   ControlChangeTracker, ControlChecker, ControlPriority, OrCondition,
                                   RelativeCondition, Rule, SimTimeCondition,
                                   TankLevelCondition, TimeOfDayCondition, ValueCondition,
                                   _ActiveFCVCondition, _ActivePRVCondition,
                                   _ActivePSVCondition, _CloseCVCondition,
                                   _CloseHeadPumpCondition, _ClosePowerPumpCondition,
                                   _ClosePRVCondition, _ClosePSVCondition, _ControlType,
                                   _InternalControlAction, _OpenCVCondition,
                                   _OpenFCVCondition, _OpenHeadPumpCondition,
                                   _OpenPowerPumpCondition, _OpenPRVCondition,
                                   _OpenPSVCondition, FunctionCondition, Observer,
                                   ControlBase, BaseControlAction)
from typing import Optional
import networkx as nx
import enum
import pandas as pd
import json
import os
    import plotly
except ImportError:

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

# TODO: allow user to turn of demand status and leak model status controls
# TODO: allow user to switch between wntr and ipopt models

[docs] class WaterNetworkSimulator(object): """ Base water network simulator class. wn : WaterNetworkModel object Water network model .. warning:: The mode parameter has been deprecated. Please set the mode using the network option, wn.options.hydraulic.demand_model. """
[docs] def __init__(self, wn=None): self._wn = wn # self.mode = mode self.mode = self._wn.options.hydraulic.demand_model
def _get_link_type(self, name): if isinstance(self._wn.get_link(name), Pipe): return 'pipe' elif isinstance(self._wn.get_link(name), Valve): return 'valve' elif isinstance(self._wn.get_link(name), Pump): return 'pump' else: raise RuntimeError('Link name ' + name + ' was not recognised as a pipe, valve, or pump.') def _get_node_type(self, name): if isinstance(self._wn.get_node(name), Junction): return 'junction' elif isinstance(self._wn.get_node(name), Tank): return 'tank' elif isinstance(self._wn.get_node(name), Reservoir): return 'reservoir' else: raise RuntimeError('Node name ' + name + ' was not recognised as a junction, tank, reservoir, or leak.')
class _DiagnosticsOptions(enum.IntEnum): # pragma: no cover plot_network = 1 disable = 2 run_until_time = 3 perform_next_step = 4 load_solution_from_json = 5 display_residuals = 6 compare_link_status_to_solution = 7 compare_link_sol = 8 store_var_values_in_network = 9 class _Diagnostics(object): # pragma: no cover def __init__(self, wn, model, mode, enable=False): self.wn = wn self.model = model # self.mode = mode self.mode = wn.options.hydraulic.demand_model self.enabled = enable self.time_to_enable = -1 def get_command(self): print('please select what you would like to do:') for option in _DiagnosticsOptions: print(' {0} - {1}'.format(option.value, selection = int(input()) return selection def run(self, last_step, next_step): if self.enabled and self.wn.sim_time >= self.time_to_enable: print('last step: ', last_step) print('next step: ', next_step) selection = self.get_command() if selection == _DiagnosticsOptions.plot_network: self._plot_interactive_network(self.wn), next_step) elif selection == _DiagnosticsOptions.disable: self.enabled = False elif selection == _DiagnosticsOptions.run_until_time: self.time_to_enable = float(input('What sim time should diagnostics be enabled at? ')) elif selection == _DiagnosticsOptions.perform_next_step: pass elif selection == _DiagnosticsOptions.load_solution_from_json: self.load_solution_from_json(), next_step) elif selection == _DiagnosticsOptions.display_residuals: self.display_residuals(), next_step) elif selection == _DiagnosticsOptions.compare_link_status_to_solution: self.compare_link_status_to_solution(), next_step) elif selection == _DiagnosticsOptions.compare_link_sol: self.compare_link_sol(), next_step) elif selection == _DiagnosticsOptions.store_var_values_in_network: self.store_var_values_in_network(), next_step) def compare_link_status_to_solution(self): if int(self.wn.sim_time) != self.wn.sim_time: raise ValueError('wn.sim_time must be an int') t = int(self.wn.sim_time) json_file = input('path to json file: ') f = open(json_file, 'r') sol = json.load(f) f.close() if str(t) not in sol: print('no solution found for sim_time {0}'.format(t)) return sol = sol[str(t)] index = list() wntr_stat = list() sol_stat = list() stat_diff = list() for link_name, stat in sol.items(): link = self.wn.get_link(link_name) index.append(link_name) wntr_stat.append(link.status) sol_stat.append(stat) if link.status == stat: stat_diff.append(0) else: stat_diff.append(1) df = pd.DataFrame({'wntr status': wntr_stat, 'sol status': sol_stat, 'diff': stat_diff}, index=index) df.sort_values(by=['diff'], axis=0, ascending=False, inplace=True) html_str = df.to_html() f = open('status_comparison_' + str(int(self.wn.sim_time)) + '.html', 'w') f.write(html_str) f.close() os.system('open status_comparison_' + str(int(self.wn.sim_time)) + '.html') def load_solution_from_json(self): if int(self.wn.sim_time) != self.wn.sim_time: raise ValueError('wn.sim_time must be an int') t = int(self.wn.sim_time) json_file = input('Path to json file: ') f = open(json_file, 'r') sol = json.load(f) f.close() if str(t) not in sol: print('no solution found for sim_time {0}'.format(t)) return sol = sol[str(t)] for v_name, val in sol.items(): if not hasattr(self.model, v_name): print('could not load {0} into the model because {0} is not an attribute of the model'.format(v_name)) continue v = getattr(self.model, v_name) if isinstance(val, dict): for key, _val in val.items(): if key not in v: print('could not load {0}[{1}] into the model because {1} is not an element in model.{0}'.format(v_name, key)) continue _v = v[key] if isinstance(_v, Var): _v.value = _val else: if abs(_v.value - _val) > 1e-6: if abs(_val) <= 1e-8 or abs(_v.value - _val)/abs(_val) > 1e-6: print('found difference between {0} values for {1}'.format(type(_v), str(_v))) print(' from solution file: {0}'.format(_val)) print(' from model: {0}'.format(_v.value)) else: if isinstance(v, Var): v.value = val else: if abs(v.value - val) > 1e-6: if abs(val) <= 1e-8 or abs(v.value - val)/abs(val) > 1e-6: print('found difference between {0} values for {1}'.format(type(v), str(v))) print(' from solution file: {0}'.format(val)) print(' from model: {0}'.format(v.value)) def display_residuals(self): self.model.set_structure() r = abs(self.model.evaluate_residuals()) index = list() resids = list() for c in self.model.cons(): index.append( resids.append(r[c.index]) all_resids = pd.DataFrame({'resids': resids}, index=index) all_resids.sort_values(by=['resids'], axis=0, ascending=False, inplace=True) html_str = all_resids.to_html() f = open('resids_' + str(int(self.wn.sim_time)) + '.html', 'w') f.write(html_str) f.close() os.system('open resids_' + str(int(self.wn.sim_time)) + '.html') def compare_link_sol(self): link_name = input('link: ') if int(self.wn.sim_time) != self.wn.sim_time: raise ValueError('wn.sim_time must be an int') t = int(self.wn.sim_time) json_file = input('Path to json file: ') f = open(json_file, 'r') sol = json.load(f) f.close() if str(t) not in sol: print('no solution found for sim_time {0}'.format(t)) return sol = sol[str(t)] link = self.wn.get_link(link_name) start_node = link.start_node end_node = link.end_node df = pd.DataFrame({'wntr': np.ones(7) * np.nan, 'sol': np.ones(7) * np.nan}, index=['flow', 'start_head', 'end_head', 'x_coord', 'y_coord', 'start_node', 'end_node'])['flow', 'wntr'] = self.model.flow[link_name].value['flow', 'sol'] = sol['flow'][link_name] if isinstance(start_node,['start_head', 'wntr'] = self.model.head[].value['start_head', 'sol'] = sol['head'][] else:['start_head', 'wntr'] = self.model.source_head[].value['start_head', 'sol'] = sol['source_head'][] if isinstance(end_node,['end_head', 'wntr'] = self.model.head[].value['end_head', 'sol'] = sol['head'][] else:['end_head', 'wntr'] = self.model.source_head[].value['end_head', 'sol'] = sol['source_head'][]['x_coord', 'wntr'] = 0.5 * (start_node.coordinates[0] + end_node.coordinates[0])['x_coord', 'sol'] = 0.5 * (start_node.coordinates[0] + end_node.coordinates[0])['y_coord', 'wntr'] = 0.5 * (start_node.coordinates[1] + end_node.coordinates[1])['y_coord', 'sol'] = 0.5 * (start_node.coordinates[1] + end_node.coordinates[1])['start_node', 'wntr'] =['start_node', 'sol'] =['end_node', 'wntr'] =['end_node', 'sol'] = html_str = df.to_html() f = open('link_comparison_' + link_name + '_' + str(t) + '.html', 'w') f.write(html_str) f.close() os.system('open link_comparison_' + link_name + '_' + str(t) + '.html') def store_var_values_in_network(self): # self.mode = self._wn.options.hydraulic.demand_model wntr.sim.hydraulics.store_results_in_network(self.wn, self.model) #, self.mode) @classmethod def _plot_interactive_network(cls, wn, title=None, node_size=8, link_width=2, figsize=None, round_ndigits=3, filename=None, auto_open=True): """ Create an interactive scalable network graphic using networkx and plotly. Parameters ---------- wn : wntr WaterNetworkModel A WaterNetworkModel object title : str, optional Plot title (default = None) node_size : int, optional Node size (default = 8) link_width : int, optional Link width (default = 1) figsize: list, optional Figure size in pixels, default= [700, 450] round_ndigits : int, optional Number of digits to round node values used in the label (default = 2) filename : string, optional HTML file name (default=None, temp-plot.html) """ if figsize is None: figsize = [1000, 700] node_attributes = ['_is_isolated', 'head', 'demand'] link_attributes = ['status', '_is_isolated', 'flow'] # Graph G = wn.to_graph() open_edges = dict() closed_edges = dict() isolated_edges = dict() for edge_dict in [open_edges, closed_edges, isolated_edges]: edge_dict['x'] = list() edge_dict['y'] = list() for edge in G.edges: x0, y0 = G.nodes[edge[0]]['pos'] x1, y1 = G.nodes[edge[1]]['pos'] link = wn.get_link(edge[2]) if link._is_isolated: edge_dict = isolated_edges elif link.status == LinkStatus.Opened or link.status == LinkStatus.Active: edge_dict = open_edges elif link.status == LinkStatus.Closed: edge_dict = closed_edges else: raise ValueError('Unexpected link status: {0}'.format(str(link.status))) edge_dict['x'] += tuple([x0, x1, None]) edge_dict['y'] += tuple([y0, y1, None]) open_edge_trace = plotly.graph_objs.Scatter(x=open_edges['x'], y=open_edges['y'], mode='lines', line=dict(color='Blue', width=link_width)) closed_edge_trace = plotly.graph_objs.Scatter(x=closed_edges['x'], y=closed_edges['y'], mode='lines', line=dict(color='Yellow', width=link_width)) isolated_edge_trace = plotly.graph_objs.Scatter(x=isolated_edges['x'], y=isolated_edges['y'], mode='lines', line=dict(color='Red', width=link_width)) edge_name_trace = plotly.graph_objs.Scatter(x=[], y=[], text=[], hoverinfo='text', mode='markers', marker=dict(size=1)) for edge in G.edges: x0, y0 = G.nodes[edge[0]]['pos'] x1, y1 = G.nodes[edge[1]]['pos'] link = wn.get_link(edge[2]) edge_name_trace['x'] += tuple([0.5 * (x0 + x1)]) edge_name_trace['y'] += tuple([0.5 * (y0 + y1)]) link_text = str(link.link_type) + ' ' + str(link) for _attr in link_attributes: val = getattr(link, _attr) if isinstance(val, float): val = round(val, round_ndigits) link_text += '<br />{0}: {1}'.format(_attr, str(val)) link_text += '<br />{0}: {1}'.format('x_coord', 0.5 * (x0 + x1)) link_text += '<br />{0}: {1}'.format('y_coord', 0.5 * (y0 + y1)) edge_name_trace['text'] += tuple([link_text]) # Create node trace node_trace = plotly.graph_objs.Scatter(x=[], y=[], text=[], hoverinfo='text', mode='markers', marker=dict(size=node_size, color='Black', line=dict(width=1))) for node in G.nodes(): x, y = G.nodes[node]['pos'] node_trace['x'] += tuple([x]) node_trace['y'] += tuple([y]) _node = wn.get_node(node) node_text = str(_node.node_type) + ' ' + str(_node) for _attr in node_attributes: val = getattr(_node, _attr) if isinstance(val, float): val = round(val, round_ndigits) node_text += '<br />{0}: {1}'.format(_attr, str(val)) try: if hasattr(_node, 'elevation'): node_text += '<br />{0}: {1}'.format('pressure', round(_node.head-_node.elevation, round_ndigits)) except: pass node_text += '<br />{0}: {1}'.format('x_coord', x) node_text += '<br />{0}: {1}'.format('y_coord', y) node_trace['text'] += tuple([node_text]) # Create figure data = [open_edge_trace, closed_edge_trace, isolated_edge_trace, edge_name_trace, node_trace] layout = plotly.graph_objs.Layout(title=title, titlefont=dict(size=16), showlegend=False, width=figsize[0], height=figsize[1], hovermode='closest', margin=dict(b=20, l=5, r=5, t=40), xaxis=dict(showgrid=False, zeroline=False, showticklabels=False), yaxis=dict(showgrid=False, zeroline=False, showticklabels=False)) fig = plotly.graph_objs.Figure(data=data, layout=layout) if filename: plotly.offline.plot(fig, filename=filename, auto_open=auto_open) else: plotly.offline.plot(fig, filename='network_state_at_' + str(int(wn.sim_time)) + '.html', auto_open=auto_open) @classmethod def _write_DD_results_to_json_for_diagnostics(cls, wn, res, filename): d = dict() mode = wn.options.hydraulic.demand_model if mode in ['DD','DDA']: demand_key = 'expected_demand' elif mode in ['PDD','PDA']: demand_key = 'demand' else: raise ValueError('Unexpected mode: {0}'.format(mode)) for t in res.node['head'].index: d[t] = dict() d[t]['head'] = dict() d[t]['source_head'] = dict() d[t][demand_key] = dict() d[t]['flow'] = dict() for col in res.node['head'].columns: node = wn.get_node(col) if node.node_type in {'Tank', 'Reservoir'}: d[t]['source_head'][col] = float(res.node['head'].at[t, col]) else: d[t]['head'][col] = float(res.node['head'].at[t, col]) for col in res.node['demand'].columns: node = wn.get_node(col) if node.node_type in {'Tank', 'Reservoir'}: pass else: d[t][demand_key][col] = float(res.node['demand'].at[t, col]) for col in['flowrate'].columns: d[t]['flow'][col] = float(['flowrate'].at[t, col]) f = open(filename, 'w') json.dump(d, f) f.close() @classmethod def _write_status_to_json(cls, wn, res, filename): d = dict() for t in['status'].index: d[t] = dict() for col in['status'].columns: d[t][col] = int(['status'].at[t, col]) f = open(filename, 'w') json.dump(d, f) f.close() def _check_upstream_sources(graph, wn, valve): if valve.status != LinkStatus.Active: return False graph.remove_edge(valve.start_node, valve.end_node, valve) res = False upstream_nodes = nx.algorithms.descendants(graph, valve.start_node) has_upstream_source = False for tank_name, tank in wn.tanks(): if tank in upstream_nodes: has_upstream_source = True break for r_name, reservoir in wn.reservoirs(): if reservoir in upstream_nodes: has_upstream_source = True break if not has_upstream_source: res = True graph.add_edge(valve.start_node, valve.end_node, valve) return res def _check_downstream_sources(graph, wn, valve): if valve.status != LinkStatus.Active: return False graph.remove_edge(valve.start_node, valve.end_node, valve) res = False downstream_nodes = nx.algorithms.descendants(graph, valve.end_node) has_downstream_source = False for tank_name, tank in wn.tanks(): if tank in downstream_nodes: has_downstream_source = True break for r_name, reservoir in wn.reservoirs(): if reservoir in downstream_nodes: has_downstream_source = True break if not has_downstream_source: res = True graph.add_edge(valve.start_node, valve.end_node, valve) return res class _ValveSourceChecker(Observer): def __init__(self, wn): self.wn = wn self.graph = nx.MultiGraph() self.graph.add_nodes_from([n for n_name, n in wn.nodes()]) self.graph.add_edges_from([(l.start_node, l.end_node, l) for l_name, l in wn.links() if l.status != LinkStatus.Closed]) self._previous_values = dict() self._values_at_last_compute = dict() self._needs_compute = True self._cached_results = dict() self._first_compute = True def update(self, action: BaseControlAction): obj, attr = val = getattr(obj, attr) if val != self._previous_values[(obj, attr)]: self._needs_compute = True if val == self.graph.remove_edge(obj.start_node, obj.end_node, obj) else: self.graph.add_edge(obj.start_node, obj.end_node, obj) self._previous_values[(obj, attr)] = val def register_control(self, control: ControlBase): for action in control.actions(): obj, attr = if isinstance(obj, Link) and attr == 'status': action.subscribe(self) self._previous_values[(obj, attr)] = getattr(obj, attr) def _cache_values_at_compute(self): for key, val in self._previous_values.items(): self._values_at_last_compute[key] = val def _changes_since_compute(self): for k, v in self._values_at_last_compute.items(): if v != self._previous_values[k]: return True return False def _compute(self): if self._first_compute or (self._needs_compute and self._changes_since_compute()): self._first_compute = False self._cache_values_at_compute() for valve_name, valve in self.wn.prvs(): self._cached_results[valve] = _check_upstream_sources(self.graph, self.wn, valve) for valve_name, valve in self.wn.psvs(): self._cached_results[valve] = _check_downstream_sources(self.graph, self.wn, valve) for valve_name, valve in self.wn.fcvs(): upstream_res = _check_upstream_sources(self.graph, self.wn, valve) downstream_res = _check_downstream_sources(self.graph, self.wn, valve) self._cached_results[valve] = upstream_res or downstream_res self._needs_compute = False def should_valve_be_opened(self, valve: Valve): """ This is a function to be used with a FunctionCondition to ensure PRVs are connected to at least one upstream source, PSVs are connected to at least one downstream source, and FCVs are connected to at least one upstream source and at least one downstream source. If these conditions are not satisifed, the valve should be opened (the internal status). """ self._compute() return self._cached_results[valve]
[docs] class WNTRSimulator(WaterNetworkSimulator): """ WNTR simulator class. The WNTR simulator uses a custom newton solver and linear solvers from scipy.sparse. Parameters ---------- wn : WaterNetworkModel object Water network model .. note:: The mode parameter has been deprecated. Please set the mode using Options.hydraulic.demand_model """
[docs] def __init__(self, wn): super(WNTRSimulator, self).__init__(wn) # attributes needed isolated junctions/links self._prev_isolated_junctions = OrderedSet() self._prev_isolated_links = OrderedSet() self._internal_graph = None self._node_pairs_with_multiple_links = None self._link_name_to_id = OrderedDict() self._link_id_to_name = OrderedDict() self._node_name_to_id = OrderedDict() self._node_id_to_name = OrderedDict() self._source_ids = None # attributes needed for controls self._presolve_controls = ControlChecker() self._rules = ControlChecker() self._postsolve_controls = ControlChecker() self._feasibility_controls = ControlChecker() self._change_tracker = ControlChangeTracker() self._model_updater = None self._rule_iter = 0 # attributes needed for solver self._model = None self._solver = NewtonSolver() self._backup_solver = None self._solver_options = dict() self._backup_solver_options = dict() self._convergence_error = False # other attributes self._hydraulic_timestep = None self._report_timestep = None self._Htol = 0.0001524 # Head tolerance in meters. self._Qtol = 2.83168e-6 # Flow tolerance in m^3/s. self._valve_source_checker: Optional[_ValveSourceChecker] = None long_size = get_long_size() if long_size == 4: self._int_dtype = np.int32 else: assert long_size == 8 self._int_dtype = np.int64 self._initialize_name_id_maps()
def _get_time(self): s = int(self._wn.sim_time) h = int(s/3600) s -= h*3600 m = int(s/60) s -= m*60 s = int(s) return '{:02}:{:02}:{:02}'.format(h, m, s) def _setup_sim_options(self, solver, backup_solver, solver_options, backup_solver_options, convergence_error): self._report_timestep = self._wn.options.time.report_timestep self._hydraulic_timestep = self._wn.options.time.hydraulic_timestep if isinstance(self._report_timestep, str): if self._report_timestep.upper() != 'ALL': raise ValueError('report timestep must be either an integer number of seconds or "ALL".') else: if self._report_timestep < self._hydraulic_timestep: msg = 'The report timestep must be an integer multiple of the hydraulic timestep. Reducing the hydraulic timestep from {0} seconds to {1} seconds for this simulation.'.format(self._hydraulic_timestep, self._report_timestep) logger.warning(msg) warnings.warn(msg) self._hydraulic_timestep = self._report_timestep elif self._report_timestep%self._hydraulic_timestep != 0: new_report = self._report_timestep - (self._report_timestep%self._hydraulic_timestep) msg = 'The report timestep must be an integer multiple of the hydraulic timestep. Reducing the report timestep from {0} seconds to {1} seconds for this simulation.'.format(self._report_timestep, new_report) logger.warning(msg) warnings.warn(msg) self._report_timestep = new_report if solver_options is None: self._solver_options = dict() else: self._solver_options = dict(solver_options) if backup_solver_options is None: self._backup_solver_options = dict() else: self._backup_solver_options = dict(backup_solver_options) self._solver = solver self._backup_solver = backup_solver if self._solver is scipy.optimize.fsolve: self._solver_options.pop('fprime', False) self._solver_options['full_output'] = True use_jac = self._solver_options.pop('use_jac', False) if use_jac: dense_jac = _DenseJac(self._model) self._solver_options['fprime'] = dense_jac.eval if self._backup_solver is scipy.optimize.fsolve: self._backup_solver_options.pop('fprime', False) self._backup_solver_options['full_output'] = True use_jac = self._backup_solver_options.pop('use_jac', False) if use_jac: dense_jac = _DenseJac(self._model) self._backup_solver_options['fprime'] = dense_jac.eval self._convergence_error = convergence_error def _get_all_tank_controls(self): tank_controls = [] for tank_name, tank in self._wn.nodes(Tank): # add the tank controls all_links = self._wn.get_links_for_node(tank_name, 'ALL') # First take care of the min level min_head = tank.min_level + tank.elevation for link_name in all_links: link = self._wn.get_link(link_name) link_has_cv = False # flow leaving the tank (start node = tank) if isinstance(link, Pipe): if link.check_valve: if link.end_node_name == tank_name: continue else: link_has_cv = True elif isinstance(link, Pump): if link.end_node_name == tank_name: continue else: link_has_cv = True close_control_action = _InternalControlAction(link, '_internal_status', LinkStatus.Closed, 'status') open_control_action = _InternalControlAction(link, '_internal_status', LinkStatus.Open, 'status') close_condition = ValueCondition(tank, 'head', Comparison.le, min_head) close_control_1 = Control(condition=close_condition, then_action=close_control_action, priority=ControlPriority.medium) close_control_1._control_type = _ControlType.pre_and_postsolve tank_controls.append(close_control_1) if not link_has_cv: open_condition_1 = ValueCondition(tank, 'head',, min_head + self._Htol) open_control_1 = Control(condition=open_condition_1, then_action=open_control_action, priority=ControlPriority.low) open_control_1._control_type = _ControlType.postsolve tank_controls.append(open_control_1) if link.start_node is tank: other_node = link.end_node elif link.end_node is tank: other_node = link.start_node else: raise RuntimeError('Tank is neither the start node nore the end node.') open_condition_2a = RelativeCondition(tank, 'head', Comparison.le, other_node, 'head') open_condition_2b = ValueCondition(tank, 'head', Comparison.le, min_head + self._Htol) open_condition_2 = AndCondition(open_condition_2a, open_condition_2b) open_control_2 = Control(condition=open_condition_2, then_action=open_control_action, priority=ControlPriority.high) open_control_2._control_type = _ControlType.postsolve tank_controls.append(open_control_2) # Now take care of the max level max_head = tank.max_level + tank.elevation for link_name in all_links: link = self._wn.get_link(link_name) link_has_cv = False # flow entering the tank (end node = tank) if isinstance(link, Pipe): if link.check_valve: if link.start_node_name == tank_name: continue else: link_has_cv = True if isinstance(link, Pump): if link.start_node_name == tank_name: continue else: link_has_cv = True close_control_action = _InternalControlAction(link, '_internal_status', LinkStatus.Closed, 'status') open_control_action = _InternalControlAction(link, '_internal_status', LinkStatus.Open, 'status') close_condition = ValueCondition(tank, 'head',, max_head) close_control = Control(condition=close_condition, then_action=close_control_action, priority=ControlPriority.medium) close_control._control_type = _ControlType.pre_and_postsolve tank_controls.append(close_control) if not link_has_cv: open_condition_1 = ValueCondition(tank, 'head', Comparison.le, max_head - self._Htol) open_control_1 = Control(condition=open_condition_1, then_action=open_control_action, priority=ControlPriority.low) open_control_1._control_type = _ControlType.postsolve tank_controls.append(open_control_1) if link.start_node is tank: other_node = link.end_node elif link.end_node is tank: other_node = link.start_node else: raise RuntimeError('Tank is neither the start node nore the end node.') open_condition_2a = RelativeCondition(tank, 'head',, other_node, 'head') open_condition_2b = ValueCondition(tank, 'head',, max_head - self._Htol) open_condition_2 = AndCondition(open_condition_2a, open_condition_2b) open_control_2 = Control(condition=open_condition_2, then_action=open_control_action, priority=ControlPriority.high) open_control_2._control_type = _ControlType.postsolve tank_controls.append(open_control_2) return tank_controls def _get_cv_controls(self): cv_controls = [] for pipe_name, pipe in self._wn.pipes(): if pipe.check_valve: pipe = self._wn.get_link(pipe_name) open_condition = _OpenCVCondition(self._wn, pipe) close_condition = _CloseCVCondition(self._wn, pipe) open_action = _InternalControlAction(pipe, '_internal_status', LinkStatus.Open, 'status') close_action = _InternalControlAction(pipe, '_internal_status', LinkStatus.Closed, 'status') open_control = Control(condition=open_condition, then_action=open_action, priority=ControlPriority.very_low) close_control = Control(condition=close_condition, then_action=close_action, priority=ControlPriority.very_high) open_control._control_type = _ControlType.postsolve close_control._control_type = _ControlType.postsolve cv_controls.append(open_control) cv_controls.append(close_control) return cv_controls def _get_pump_controls(self): pump_controls = [] for control_name, control in self._wn.controls(): for action in control.actions(): target_obj, target_attr = if target_attr == 'base_speed': if not isinstance(target_obj, Pump): raise ValueError('base_speed can only be changed on pumps; ' + str(control)) new_status = LinkStatus.Open new_action = ControlAction(target_obj, 'status', new_status) condition = control.condition new_control = type(control)(condition, new_action, priority=control.priority) pump_controls.append(new_control) for pump_name, pump in self._wn.pumps(): close_control_action = _InternalControlAction(pump, '_internal_status', LinkStatus.Closed, 'status') open_control_action = _InternalControlAction(pump, '_internal_status', LinkStatus.Open, 'status') if pump.pump_type == 'HEAD': close_condition = _CloseHeadPumpCondition(self._wn, pump) open_condition = _OpenHeadPumpCondition(self._wn, pump) elif pump.pump_type == 'POWER': close_condition = _ClosePowerPumpCondition(self._wn, pump) open_condition = _OpenPowerPumpCondition(self._wn, pump) else: raise ValueError('Unrecognized pump pump_type: {0}'.format(pump.pump_type)) close_control = Control(condition=close_condition, then_action=close_control_action, priority=ControlPriority.very_high) open_control = Control(condition=open_condition, then_action=open_control_action, priority=ControlPriority.very_low) close_control._control_type = _ControlType.postsolve open_control._control_type = _ControlType.postsolve pump_controls.append(close_control) pump_controls.append(open_control) return pump_controls def _get_valve_controls(self): valve_controls = [] for control_name, control in self._wn.controls(): for action in control.actions(): target_obj, target_attr = if target_attr == 'setting': if isinstance(target_obj, Valve): new_status = LinkStatus.Active elif isinstance(target_obj, Pump): raise ValueError('Cannot control settings on pumps; use "base_speed"; ' + str(control)) else: raise ValueError('Settings can only be changed on valves: ' + str(control)) new_action = ControlAction(target_obj, 'status', new_status) condition = control.condition new_control = type(control)(condition, new_action, priority=control.priority) valve_controls.append(new_control) for valve_name, valve in self._wn.valves(): if valve.valve_type == 'PRV': close_condition = _ClosePRVCondition(self._wn, valve) open_condition = _OpenPRVCondition(self._wn, valve) active_condition = _ActivePRVCondition(self._wn, valve) close_action = _InternalControlAction(valve, '_internal_status', LinkStatus.Closed, 'status') open_action = _InternalControlAction(valve, '_internal_status', LinkStatus.Open, 'status') active_action = _InternalControlAction(valve, '_internal_status', LinkStatus.Active, 'status') close_control = Control(condition=close_condition, then_action=close_action, priority=ControlPriority.very_high) open_control = Control(condition=open_condition, then_action=open_action, priority=ControlPriority.very_low) active_control = Control(condition=active_condition, then_action=active_action, priority=ControlPriority.very_low) close_control._control_type = _ControlType.postsolve open_control._control_type = _ControlType.postsolve active_control._control_type = _ControlType.postsolve valve_controls.append(close_control) valve_controls.append(open_control) valve_controls.append(active_control) elif valve.valve_type == 'PSV': close_condition = _ClosePSVCondition(self._wn, valve) open_condition = _OpenPSVCondition(self._wn, valve) active_condition = _ActivePSVCondition(self._wn, valve) close_action = _InternalControlAction(valve, '_internal_status', LinkStatus.Closed, 'status') open_action = _InternalControlAction(valve, '_internal_status', LinkStatus.Open, 'status') active_action = _InternalControlAction(valve, '_internal_status', LinkStatus.Active, 'status') close_control = Control(condition=close_condition, then_action=close_action, priority=ControlPriority.very_high) open_control = Control(condition=open_condition, then_action=open_action, priority=ControlPriority.very_low) active_control = Control(condition=active_condition, then_action=active_action, priority=ControlPriority.very_low) close_control._control_type = _ControlType.postsolve open_control._control_type = _ControlType.postsolve active_control._control_type = _ControlType.postsolve valve_controls.append(close_control) valve_controls.append(open_control) valve_controls.append(active_control) elif valve.valve_type == 'FCV': open_condition = _OpenFCVCondition(self._wn, valve) active_condition = _ActiveFCVCondition(self._wn, valve) open_action = _InternalControlAction(valve, '_internal_status', LinkStatus.Open, 'status') active_action = _InternalControlAction(valve, '_internal_status', LinkStatus.Active, 'status') open_control = Control(condition=open_condition, then_action=open_action, priority=ControlPriority.very_low) active_control = Control(condition=active_condition, then_action=active_action, priority=ControlPriority.very_low) open_control._control_type = _ControlType.postsolve active_control._control_type = _ControlType.postsolve valve_controls.append(open_control) valve_controls.append(active_control) if valve.valve_type in {'PSV', 'PRV', 'FCV'}: active_condition = ValueCondition(source_obj=valve, source_attr='status', relation=Comparison.eq, threshold=LinkStatus.Active) upstream_source_condition = FunctionCondition(self._valve_source_checker.should_valve_be_opened, func_kwargs={'valve': valve}, requires=[valve]) condition = AndCondition(cond1=active_condition, cond2=upstream_source_condition) action = _InternalControlAction(valve, '_internal_status', LinkStatus.Open, 'status') control = Control(condition=condition, then_action=action, priority=ControlPriority.very_high) control._control_type = _ControlType.feasibility valve_controls.append(control) return valve_controls def _register_controls_with_observers(self): for mgr in [self._presolve_controls, self._postsolve_controls, self._rules, self._feasibility_controls]: for control in mgr._controls: self._valve_source_checker.register_control(control) self._change_tracker.register_control(control) def _get_control_managers(self): self._presolve_controls = ControlChecker() self._postsolve_controls = ControlChecker() self._rules = ControlChecker() self._feasibility_controls = ControlChecker() self._change_tracker = ControlChangeTracker() def categorize_control(control): if control.epanet_control_type in {_ControlType.presolve, _ControlType.pre_and_postsolve}: self._presolve_controls.register_control(control) if control.epanet_control_type in {_ControlType.postsolve, _ControlType.pre_and_postsolve}: self._postsolve_controls.register_control(control) if control.epanet_control_type == _ControlType.rule: self._rules.register_control(control) if control.epanet_control_type == _ControlType.feasibility: self._feasibility_controls.register_control(control) for c_name, c in self._wn.controls(): categorize_control(c) for c in self._get_all_tank_controls(): categorize_control(c) for c in self._get_cv_controls(): categorize_control(c) for c in self._get_pump_controls(): categorize_control(c) for c in self._get_valve_controls(): categorize_control(c) if logger.getEffectiveLevel() <= 1: logger.log(1, 'collected presolve controls:') for c in self._presolve_controls: logger.log(1, '\t' + str(c)) logger.log(1, 'collected rules:') for c in self._rules: logger.log(1, '\t' + str(c)) logger.log(1, 'collected postsolve controls:') for c in self._postsolve_controls: logger.log(1, '\t' + str(c)) logger.log(1, 'collected feasibility controls:') for c in self._feasibility_controls: logger.log(1, '\t' + str(c)) def _compute_next_timestep_and_run_presolve_controls_and_rules(self, first_step): """ 1) Determine the next time step. This depends on both presolve controls and rules. Note that (unless this is the first time step) the current value of wn.sim_time is the next hydraulic timestep. If there are presolve controls or rules that need activated before the next hydraulic timestep, then the wn.sim_time will be adjusted within this if statement. a) check the presolve controls to see which ones need activated. b) if there is a presolve control(s) that need activated and it needs activated at a time that is earlier than the next rule timestep, then the next simulation time is determined by that presolve controls c) if there are any rules that need activated before the next hydraulic timestep, then wn.sim_time will be adjusted to the appropriate rule timestep. 2) Activate the appropriate controls """ self._change_tracker.set_reference_point('presolve') # check which presolve controls need to be activated before the next hydraulic timestep presolve_controls_to_run = self._presolve_controls.check() presolve_controls_to_run.sort(key=lambda i: i[0]._priority) # sort them by priority # now sort them from largest to smallest "backtrack"; this way they are in the time-order # in which they need to be activated presolve_controls_to_run.sort(key=lambda i: i[1], reverse=True) if first_step: # we don't want to backtrack if the sim time is 0 presolve_controls_to_run = [(c, 0) for c, b in presolve_controls_to_run] if logger.getEffectiveLevel() <= 1: logger.log(1, 'presolve_controls that need activated before the next hydraulic timestep:') for pctr in presolve_controls_to_run: logger.log(1, '\tcontrol: {0} \tbacktrack: {1}'.format(pctr[0], pctr[1])) cnt = 0 # loop until we have checked all of the presolve_controls_to_run and all of the rules prior to the next # hydraulic timestep while cnt < len(presolve_controls_to_run) or self._rule_iter * self._wn.options.time.rule_timestep <= self._wn.sim_time: if cnt >= len(presolve_controls_to_run): # We have already checked all of the presolve_controls_to_run, and nothing changed # Now we just need to check the rules if logger.getEffectiveLevel() <= 1: logger.log(1, 'no presolve controls need activated; checking rules at rule timestep {0}'.format( self._rule_iter * self._wn.options.time.rule_timestep)) old_time = self._wn.sim_time self._wn.sim_time = self._rule_iter * self._wn.options.time.rule_timestep if not first_step: wntr.sim.hydraulics.update_tank_heads(self._wn) self._rule_iter += 1 rules_to_run = self._rules.check() rules_to_run.sort(key=lambda i: i[0]._priority) for rule, rule_back in rules_to_run: # rule_back is the "backtrack" which is not actually used for rules if logger.getEffectiveLevel() <= 1: logger.log(1, '\tactivating rule {0}'.format(rule)) rule.run_control_action() if self._change_tracker.changes_made(ref_point='presolve'): # If changes were made, then we found the next timestep; break break # if no changes were made, then set the wn.sim_time back if logger.getEffectiveLevel() <= 1: logger.log(1, 'no changes made by rules at rule timestep {0}'.format( (self._rule_iter - 1) * self._wn.options.time.rule_timestep)) self._wn.sim_time = old_time else: # check the next presolve control in presolve_controls_to_run control, backtrack = presolve_controls_to_run[cnt] if logger.getEffectiveLevel() <= 1: logger.log(1, 'checking control {0}; backtrack: {1}'.format(control, backtrack)) if self._wn.sim_time - backtrack < self._rule_iter * self._wn.options.time.rule_timestep: # The control needs activated before the next rule timestep; Activate the control and # any controls with the samve value for backtrack if logger.getEffectiveLevel() <= 1: logger.log(1, 'control {0} needs run before the next rule timestep.'.format(control)) control.run_control_action() cnt += 1 while cnt < len(presolve_controls_to_run) and presolve_controls_to_run[cnt][1] == backtrack: # Also activate all of the controls that have the same value for backtrack if logger.getEffectiveLevel() <= 1: logger.log(1, '\talso activating control {0}; backtrack: {1}'.format( presolve_controls_to_run[cnt][0], presolve_controls_to_run[cnt][1])) presolve_controls_to_run[cnt][0].run_control_action() cnt += 1 if self._change_tracker.changes_made(ref_point='presolve'): # changes were actually made; we found the next timestep; update wn.sim_time and break self._wn.sim_time -= backtrack break if logger.getEffectiveLevel() <= 1: logger.log(1, 'controls with backtrack {0} did not make any changes'.format(backtrack)) elif self._wn.sim_time - backtrack == self._rule_iter * self._wn.options.time.rule_timestep: # the control needs activated at the same time as the next rule timestep; # activate the control, any controls with the same value for backtrack, and any rules at # this rule timestep # the rules need run first (I think to match epanet) if logger.getEffectiveLevel() <= 1: logger.log(1, 'control has backtrack equivalent to next rule timestep') self._rule_iter += 1 self._wn.sim_time -= backtrack if not first_step: wntr.sim.hydraulics.update_tank_heads(self._wn) rules_to_run = self._rules.check() rules_to_run.sort(key=lambda i: i[0]._priority) for rule, rule_back in rules_to_run: if logger.getEffectiveLevel() <= 1: logger.log(1, '\tactivating rule {0}'.format(rule)) rule.run_control_action() if logger.getEffectiveLevel() <= 1: logger.log(1, '\tactivating control {0}; backtrack: {1}'.format(control, backtrack)) control.run_control_action() cnt += 1 while cnt < len(presolve_controls_to_run) and presolve_controls_to_run[cnt][1] == backtrack: if logger.getEffectiveLevel() <= 1: logger.log(1, '\talso activating control {0}; backtrack: {1}'.format( presolve_controls_to_run[cnt][0], presolve_controls_to_run[cnt][1])) presolve_controls_to_run[cnt][0].run_control_action() cnt += 1 if self._change_tracker.changes_made(ref_point='presolve'): break if logger.getEffectiveLevel() <= 1: logger.log(1, 'no changes made by presolve controls or rules at backtrack {0}'.format(backtrack)) self._wn.sim_time += backtrack else: if logger.getEffectiveLevel() <= 1: logger.log(1, 'The next rule timestep is before this control needs activated; checking rules') old_time = self._wn.sim_time self._wn.sim_time = self._rule_iter * self._wn.options.time.rule_timestep self._rule_iter += 1 if not first_step: wntr.sim.hydraulics.update_tank_heads(self._wn) rules_to_run = self._rules.check() rules_to_run.sort(key=lambda i: i[0]._priority) for rule, rule_back in rules_to_run: if logger.getEffectiveLevel() <= 1: logger.log(1, '\tactivating rule {0}'.format(rule)) rule.run_control_action() if self._change_tracker.changes_made(ref_point='presolve'): break if logger.getEffectiveLevel() <= 1: logger.log(1, 'no changes made by rules at rule timestep {0}'.format( (self._rule_iter - 1) * self._wn.options.time.rule_timestep)) self._wn.sim_time = old_time if logger.getEffectiveLevel() <= logging.DEBUG: logger.debug('changes made by presolve controls and/or rules: ') for obj, attr in self._change_tracker.get_changes(ref_point='presolve'): logger.debug('\t{0}.{1} changed to {2}'.format(obj, attr, getattr(obj, attr))) self._change_tracker.remove_reference_point(key='presolve') def _run_feasibility_controls(self): self._change_tracker.set_reference_point('feasibility') feasibility_controls_to_run = self._feasibility_controls.check() feasibility_controls_to_run.sort(key=lambda i: i[0]._priority) for c, b in feasibility_controls_to_run: assert b == 0 c.run_control_action() logger.debug('changes made by feasibility controls:') for obj, attr in self._change_tracker.get_changes(ref_point='feasibility'): logger.debug('\t{0}.{1} changed to {2}'.format(obj, attr, getattr(obj, attr))) self._change_tracker.remove_reference_point(key='feasibility') def _run_postsolve_controls(self): self._change_tracker.set_reference_point('postsolve') logger.debug('checking postsolve controls') postsolve_controls_to_run = self._postsolve_controls.check() postsolve_controls_to_run.sort(key=lambda i: i[0]._priority) for control, unused in postsolve_controls_to_run: if logger.getEffectiveLevel() <= 1: logger.log(1, '\tactivating control {0}'.format(control)) control.run_control_action() if logger.getEffectiveLevel() <= logging.DEBUG: logger.debug('postsolve controls made changes:') for obj, attr in self._change_tracker.get_changes(ref_point='postsolve'): logger.debug('\t{0}.{1} changed to {2}'.format(obj, attr, getattr(obj, attr))) self._change_tracker.remove_reference_point('postsolve')
[docs] def run_sim(self, solver=NewtonSolver, backup_solver=None, solver_options=None, backup_solver_options=None, convergence_error=False, HW_approx='default', diagnostics=False): """ Run an extended period simulation (hydraulics only). Parameters ---------- solver: object :py:class:`~wntr.sim.solvers.NewtonSolver` or Scipy solver backup_solver: object :py:class:`~wntr.sim.solvers.NewtonSolver` or Scipy solver solver_options: dict See :py:class:`~wntr.sim.solvers.NewtonSolver` for possible options backup_solver_options: dict convergence_error: bool (optional) If convergence_error is True, an error will be raised if the simulation does not converge. If convergence_error is False, partial results are returned, a warning will be issued, and results.error_code will be set to 0 if the simulation does not converge. Default = False. HW_approx: str Specifies which Hazen-Williams headloss approximation to use. Options are 'default' and 'piecewise'. Please see the WNTR documentation on hydraulics for details. diagnostics: bool If True, then run with diagnostics on """ logger.debug('creating hydraulic model') self.mode = self._wn.options.hydraulic.demand_model self._model, self._model_updater = wntr.sim.hydraulics.create_hydraulic_model(wn=self._wn, HW_approx=HW_approx) if diagnostics: diagnostics = _Diagnostics(self._wn, self._model, self.mode, enable=True) else: diagnostics = _Diagnostics(self._wn, self._model, self.mode, enable=False) self._setup_sim_options(solver=solver, backup_solver=backup_solver, solver_options=solver_options, backup_solver_options=backup_solver_options, convergence_error=convergence_error) self._valve_source_checker = _ValveSourceChecker(self._wn) self._get_control_managers() self._register_controls_with_observers() node_res, link_res = wntr.sim.hydraulics.initialize_results_dict(self._wn) results = wntr.sim.results.SimulationResults() results.error_code = None results.time = [] results.network_name = self._initialize_internal_graph() self._change_tracker.set_reference_point('graph') self._change_tracker.set_reference_point('model') if self._wn.sim_time == 0: first_step = True else: first_step = False trial = -1 max_trials = self._wn.options.hydraulic.trials resolve = False self._rule_iter = 0 # this is used to determine the rule timestep if first_step: wntr.sim.hydraulics.update_network_previous_values(self._wn) self._wn._prev_sim_time = -1 logger.debug('starting simulation')'{0:<10}{1:<10}{2:<10}{3:<15}{4:<15}'.format('Sim Time', 'Trial', 'Solver', '# isolated', '# isolated'))'{0:<10}{1:<10}{2:<10}{3:<15}{4:<15}'.format('', '', '# iter', 'junctions', 'links')) while True: if logger.getEffectiveLevel() <= logging.DEBUG: logger.debug('\n\n') if not resolve: if not first_step: """ The tank levels/heads must be done before checking the controls because the TankLevelControls depend on the tank levels. These will be updated again after we determine the next actual timestep. """ wntr.sim.hydraulics.update_tank_heads(self._wn) trial = 0 self._compute_next_timestep_and_run_presolve_controls_and_rules(first_step) self._run_feasibility_controls() # Prepare for solve self._update_internal_graph() num_isolated_junctions, num_isolated_links = self._get_isolated_junctions_and_links() if not first_step and not resolve: wntr.sim.hydraulics.update_tank_heads(self._wn) wntr.sim.hydraulics.update_model_for_controls(self._model, self._wn, self._model_updater, self._change_tracker) wntr.sim.models.param.source_head_param(self._model, self._wn) wntr.sim.models.param.expected_demand_param(self._model, self._wn)'presolve controls, rules, and model updates', next_step='solve') solver_status, mesg, iter_count = _solver_helper(self._model, self._solver, self._solver_options) if solver_status == 0 and self._backup_solver is not None: solver_status, mesg, iter_count = _solver_helper(self._model, self._backup_solver, self._backup_solver_options) if solver_status == 0: if self._convergence_error: logger.error('Simulation did not converge at time ' + self._get_time() + '. ' + mesg) raise RuntimeError('Simulation did not converge at time ' + self._get_time() + '. ' + mesg) warnings.warn('Simulation did not converge at time ' + self._get_time() + '. ' + mesg) logger.warning('Simulation did not converge at time ' + self._get_time() + '. ' + mesg) results.error_code = wntr.sim.results.ResultsStatus.error'solve', next_step='break') break'{0:<10}{1:<10}{2:<10}{3:<15}{4:<15}'.format(self._get_time(), trial, iter_count, num_isolated_junctions, num_isolated_links)) # Enter results in network and update previous inputs logger.debug('storing results in network') wntr.sim.hydraulics.store_results_in_network(self._wn, self._model)'solve and store results in network', next_step='postsolve controls') self._run_postsolve_controls() self._run_feasibility_controls() if self._change_tracker.changes_made(ref_point='graph'): resolve = True self._update_internal_graph() wntr.sim.hydraulics.update_model_for_controls(self._model, self._wn, self._model_updater, self._change_tracker)'postsolve controls and model updates', next_step='solve next trial') trial += 1 if trial > max_trials: if convergence_error: logger.error('Exceeded maximum number of trials at time ' + self._get_time() + '. ') raise RuntimeError('Exceeded maximum number of trials at time ' + self._get_time() + '. ' ) results.error_code = wntr.sim.results.ResultsStatus.error warnings.warn('Exceeded maximum number of trials at time ' + self._get_time() + '. ') logger.warning('Exceeded maximum number of trials at time ' + self._get_time() + '. ' ) break continue'postsolve controls and model updates', next_step='advance time') logger.debug('no changes made by postsolve controls; moving to next timestep') resolve = False if isinstance(self._report_timestep, (float, int)): if self._wn.sim_time % self._report_timestep == 0: wntr.sim.hydraulics.save_results(self._wn, node_res, link_res) if len(results.time) > 0 and int(self._wn.sim_time) == results.time[-1]: if int(self._wn.sim_time) != self._wn.sim_time: raise RuntimeError('Time steps increments smaller than 1 second are forbidden.'+ ' Keep time steps as an integer number of seconds.') else: raise RuntimeError('Simulation already solved this timestep') results.time.append(int(self._wn.sim_time)) elif self._report_timestep.upper() == 'ALL': wntr.sim.hydraulics.save_results(self._wn, node_res, link_res) if len(results.time) > 0 and int(self._wn.sim_time) == results.time[-1]: raise RuntimeError('Simulation already solved this timestep') results.time.append(int(self._wn.sim_time)) wntr.sim.hydraulics.update_network_previous_values(self._wn) first_step = False self._wn.sim_time += self._hydraulic_timestep overstep = float(self._wn.sim_time) % self._hydraulic_timestep self._wn.sim_time -= overstep if self._wn.sim_time > self._wn.options.time.duration: break wntr.sim.hydraulics.get_results(self._wn, results, node_res, link_res) return results
def _initialize_name_id_maps(self): n = 0 for link_name, link in self._wn.links(): self._link_name_to_id[link_name] = n self._link_id_to_name[n] = link_name n += 1 n = 0 for node_name, node in self._wn.nodes(): self._node_name_to_id[node_name] = n self._node_id_to_name[n] = node_name n += 1 def _initialize_internal_graph(self): n_links = OrderedDict() rows = [] cols = [] vals = [] for link_name, link in itertools.chain(self._wn.pipes(), self._wn.pumps(), self._wn.valves()): from_node_name = link.start_node_name to_node_name = link.end_node_name from_node_id = self._node_name_to_id[from_node_name] to_node_id = self._node_name_to_id[to_node_name] if (from_node_id, to_node_id) not in n_links: n_links[(from_node_id, to_node_id)] = 0 n_links[(to_node_id, from_node_id)] = 0 n_links[(from_node_id, to_node_id)] += 1 n_links[(to_node_id, from_node_id)] += 1 rows.append(from_node_id) cols.append(to_node_id) rows.append(to_node_id) cols.append(from_node_id) if link.status == vals.append(0) vals.append(0) else: vals.append(1) vals.append(1) rows = np.array(rows, dtype=self._int_dtype) cols = np.array(cols, dtype=self._int_dtype) vals = np.array(vals, dtype=self._int_dtype) self._internal_graph = scipy.sparse.csr_matrix((vals, (rows, cols))) ndx_map = OrderedDict() for link_name, link in self._wn.links(): from_node_name = link.start_node_name to_node_name = link.end_node_name from_node_id = self._node_name_to_id[from_node_name] to_node_id = self._node_name_to_id[to_node_name] ndx1 = _get_csr_data_index(self._internal_graph, from_node_id, to_node_id) ndx2 = _get_csr_data_index(self._internal_graph, to_node_id, from_node_id) ndx_map[link] = (ndx1, ndx2) self._map_link_to_internal_graph_data_ndx = ndx_map self._number_of_connections = [0 for i in range(self._wn.num_nodes)] for node_id in self._node_id_to_name.keys(): self._number_of_connections[node_id] = self._internal_graph.indptr[node_id+1] - self._internal_graph.indptr[node_id] self._number_of_connections = np.array(self._number_of_connections, dtype=self._int_dtype) self._node_pairs_with_multiple_links = OrderedDict() for from_node_id, to_node_id in n_links.keys(): if n_links[(from_node_id, to_node_id)] > 1: if (to_node_id, from_node_id) in self._node_pairs_with_multiple_links: continue self._internal_graph[from_node_id, to_node_id] = 0 self._internal_graph[to_node_id, from_node_id] = 0 from_node_name = self._node_id_to_name[from_node_id] to_node_name = self._node_id_to_name[to_node_id] tmp_list = self._node_pairs_with_multiple_links[(from_node_id, to_node_id)] = [] for link_name in self._wn.get_links_for_node(from_node_name): link = self._wn.get_link(link_name) if link.start_node_name == to_node_name or link.end_node_name == to_node_name: tmp_list.append(link) if link.status != ndx1, ndx2 = ndx_map[link][ndx1] = 1[ndx2] = 1 self._source_ids = [] for node_name, node in self._wn.tanks(): node_id = self._node_name_to_id[node_name] self._source_ids.append(node_id) for node_name, node in self._wn.reservoirs(): node_id = self._node_name_to_id[node_name] self._source_ids.append(node_id) self._source_ids = np.array(self._source_ids, dtype=self._int_dtype) def _update_internal_graph(self): data = ndx_map = self._map_link_to_internal_graph_data_ndx for obj, attr in self._change_tracker.get_changes(ref_point='graph'): if 'status' == attr: if obj.status == ndx1, ndx2 = ndx_map[obj] data[ndx1] = 0 data[ndx2] = 0 else: ndx1, ndx2 = ndx_map[obj] data[ndx1] = 1 data[ndx2] = 1 for key, link_list in self._node_pairs_with_multiple_links.items(): first_link = link_list[0] ndx1, ndx2 = ndx_map[first_link] data[ndx1] = 0 data[ndx2] = 0 for link in link_list: if link.status != ndx1, ndx2 = ndx_map[link] data[ndx1] = 1 data[ndx2] = 1 self._change_tracker.reset_reference_point(key='graph') def _get_isolated_junctions_and_links(self): logger_level = logger.getEffectiveLevel() if logger_level <= logging.DEBUG: logger.debug('checking for isolated junctions and links') for j in self._prev_isolated_junctions: junction = self._wn.get_node(j) junction._is_isolated = False for l in self._prev_isolated_links: link = self._wn.get_link(l) link._is_isolated = False node_indicator = np.ones(self._wn.num_nodes, dtype=self._int_dtype) check_for_isolated_junctions(self._source_ids, node_indicator, self._internal_graph.indptr, self._internal_graph.indices,, self._number_of_connections) isolated_junction_ids = [i for i in range(len(node_indicator)) if node_indicator[i] == 1] isolated_junctions = OrderedSet() isolated_links = OrderedSet() for j_id in isolated_junction_ids: j = self._node_id_to_name[j_id] junction = self._wn.get_node(j) junction._is_isolated = True isolated_junctions.add(j) connected_links = self._wn.get_links_for_node(j) for l in connected_links: link = self._wn.get_link(l) link._is_isolated = True isolated_links.add(l) if logger_level <= logging.DEBUG: if len(isolated_junctions) > 0 or len(isolated_links) > 0: logger.debug('isolated junctions: {0}'.format(isolated_junctions)) logger.debug('isolated links: {0}'.format(isolated_links)) wntr.sim.hydraulics.update_model_for_isolated_junctions_and_links(self._model, self._wn, self._model_updater, self._prev_isolated_junctions, self._prev_isolated_links, isolated_junctions, isolated_links) self._prev_isolated_junctions = isolated_junctions self._prev_isolated_links = isolated_links return len(isolated_junctions), len(isolated_links)
def _get_csr_data_index(a, row, col): """ Parameters: a: scipy.sparse.csr.csr_matrix row: int col: int """ row_indptr = a.indptr[row] num = a.indptr[row+1] - row_indptr cols = a.indices[row_indptr:row_indptr+num] n = 0 for j in cols: if j == col: return row_indptr + n n += 1 raise RuntimeError('Unable to find csr data index.') def _solver_helper(model, solver, solver_options): """ Parameters ---------- model: wntr.aml.Model solver: class or function solver_options: dict Returns ------- solver_status: int message: str """ logger.debug('solving') model.set_structure() if solver is NewtonSolver: _solver = NewtonSolver(solver_options) sol = _solver.solve(model) elif solver is scipy.optimize.fsolve: x, infodict, ier, mesg = solver(model.evaluate_residuals, model.get_x(), **solver_options) if ier != 1: sol = SolverStatus.error, mesg, None else: model.load_var_values_from_x(x) sol = SolverStatus.converged, mesg, None elif solver in {scipy.optimize.newton_krylov, scipy.optimize.anderson, scipy.optimize.broyden1, scipy.optimize.broyden2, scipy.optimize.excitingmixing, scipy.optimize.linearmixing, scipy.optimize.diagbroyden}: try: x = solver(model.evaluate_residuals, model.get_x(), **solver_options) model.load_var_values_from_x(x) sol = SolverStatus.converged, '', None except: sol = SolverStatus.error, '', None else: raise ValueError('Solver not recognized.') return sol class _DenseJac(object): def __init__(self, model): self.model = model def eval(self, x): return self.model.evaluate_jacobian(x).toarray()