Source code for wntr.sim.models.constraint

"""Modeling constraints for the WNTRSimulator."""

import logging
from wntr.sim import aml
import warnings
from wntr.utils.polynomial_interpolation import cubic_spline
from import LinkStatus
from wntr.sim.models.utils import ModelUpdater, Definition

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs] class mass_balance_constraint(Definition):
[docs] @classmethod def build(cls, m, wn, updater, index_over=None): """ Adds a mass balance to the model for the specified junctions. Parameters ---------- m: wntr.sim.aml.aml.Model wn: updater: ModelUpdater index_over: list of str list of junction names; default is all junctions in wn """ if not hasattr(m, 'mass_balance'): m.mass_balance = aml.ConstraintDict() if index_over is None: index_over = wn.junction_name_list for node_name in index_over: if node_name in m.mass_balance: del m.mass_balance[node_name] node = wn.get_node(node_name) if not node._is_isolated: expr = m.expected_demand[node_name] for link_name in wn.get_links_for_node(node_name, flag='INLET'): expr -= m.flow[link_name] for link_name in wn.get_links_for_node(node_name, flag='OUTLET'): expr += m.flow[link_name] if node.leak_status: expr += m.leak_rate[node_name] m.mass_balance[node_name] = aml.Constraint(expr) updater.add(node, 'leak_status', mass_balance_constraint.update) updater.add(node, '_is_isolated', mass_balance_constraint.update)
[docs] class pdd_mass_balance_constraint(Definition):
[docs] @classmethod def build(cls, m, wn, updater, index_over=None): """ Adds a mass balance to the model for the specified junctions. Parameters ---------- m: wntr.sim.aml.aml.Model wn: updater: ModelUpdater index_over: list of str list of junction names; default is all junctions in wn """ if not hasattr(m, 'pdd_mass_balance'): m.pdd_mass_balance = aml.ConstraintDict() if index_over is None: index_over = wn.junction_name_list for node_name in index_over: if node_name in m.pdd_mass_balance: del m.pdd_mass_balance[node_name] node = wn.get_node(node_name) if not node._is_isolated: expr = m.demand[node_name] for link_name in wn.get_links_for_node(node_name, flag='INLET'): expr -= m.flow[link_name] for link_name in wn.get_links_for_node(node_name, flag='OUTLET'): expr += m.flow[link_name] if node.leak_status: expr += m.leak_rate[node_name] m.pdd_mass_balance[node_name] = aml.Constraint(expr) updater.add(node, 'leak_status', pdd_mass_balance_constraint.update) updater.add(node, '_is_isolated', pdd_mass_balance_constraint.update)
[docs] class piecewise_hazen_williams_headloss_constraint(Definition):
[docs] @classmethod def build(cls, m, wn, updater, index_over=None): """ Adds a mass balance to the model for the specified junctions. Parameters ---------- m: wntr.sim.aml.aml.Model wn: updater: ModelUpdater index_over: list of str list of pipe names; default is all pipes in wn """ if not hasattr(m, 'piecewise_hazen_williams_headloss'): m.piecewise_hazen_williams_headloss = aml.ConstraintDict() if index_over is None: index_over = wn.pipe_name_list for link_name in index_over: if link_name in m.piecewise_hazen_williams_headloss: del m.piecewise_hazen_williams_headloss[link_name] link = wn.get_link(link_name) f = m.flow[link_name] status = link.status if status == LinkStatus.Closed or link._is_isolated: con = aml.Constraint(f) else: start_node_name = link.start_node_name end_node_name = link.end_node_name start_node = wn.get_node(start_node_name) end_node = wn.get_node(end_node_name) if isinstance(start_node, start_h = m.head[start_node_name] else: start_h = m.source_head[start_node_name] if isinstance(end_node, end_h = m.head[end_node_name] else: end_h = m.source_head[end_node_name] k = m.hw_resistance[link_name] minor_k = m.minor_loss[link_name] a = m.hw_a b = m.hw_b c = m.hw_c d = m.hw_d con = aml.ConditionalExpression() con.add_condition(aml.inequality(body=aml.abs(f), ub=m.hw_q1), -k*m.hw_m*f - aml.sign(f)*minor_k*f**m.hw_minor_exp + start_h - end_h) con.add_condition(aml.inequality(body=aml.abs(f), ub=m.hw_q2), -k*(a*f**3 + aml.sign(f)*b*f**2 + c*f + aml.sign(f)*d) - aml.sign(f)*minor_k*f**m.hw_minor_exp + start_h - end_h) con.add_final_expr(-aml.sign(f)*k*aml.abs(f)**m.hw_exp - aml.sign(f)*minor_k*f**m.hw_minor_exp + start_h - end_h) con = aml.Constraint(con) m.piecewise_hazen_williams_headloss[link_name] = con updater.add(link, 'status', piecewise_hazen_williams_headloss_constraint.update) updater.add(link, '_is_isolated', piecewise_hazen_williams_headloss_constraint.update)
[docs] class approx_hazen_williams_headloss_constraint(Definition):
[docs] @classmethod def build(cls, m, wn, updater, index_over=None): """ Adds a mass balance to the model for the specified junctions. Parameters ---------- m: wntr.sim.aml.aml.Model wn: updater: ModelUpdater index_over: list of str list of pipe names; default is all pipes in wn """ if not hasattr(m, 'approx_hazen_williams_headloss'): m.approx_hazen_williams_headloss = aml.ConstraintDict() if index_over is None: index_over = wn.pipe_name_list for link_name in index_over: if link_name in m.approx_hazen_williams_headloss: del m.approx_hazen_williams_headloss[link_name] link = wn.get_link(link_name) f = m.flow[link_name] status = link.status if status == LinkStatus.Closed or link._is_isolated: con = aml.Constraint(f) else: eps = 1e-5 # Need to provide an options for this start_node_name = link.start_node_name end_node_name = link.end_node_name start_node = wn.get_node(start_node_name) end_node = wn.get_node(end_node_name) if isinstance(start_node, start_h = m.head[start_node_name] else: start_h = m.source_head[start_node_name] if isinstance(end_node, end_h = m.head[end_node_name] else: end_h = m.source_head[end_node_name] k = m.hw_resistance[link_name] minor_k = m.minor_loss[link_name] con = aml.Constraint(expr=-aml.sign(f)*k*aml.abs(f)**m.hw_exp - eps*k**0.5*f - aml.sign(f)*minor_k*f**m.hw_minor_exp + start_h - end_h) m.approx_hazen_williams_headloss[link_name] = con updater.add(link, 'status', approx_hazen_williams_headloss_constraint.update) updater.add(link, '_is_isolated', approx_hazen_williams_headloss_constraint.update)
[docs] class pdd_constraint(Definition):
[docs] @classmethod def build(cls, m, wn, updater, index_over=None): """ Adds a pdd constraint to the model for the specified junctions. Parameters ---------- m: wntr.sim.aml.aml.Model wn: updater: ModelUpdater index_over: list of str list of junction names; default is all junctions in wn """ if not hasattr(m, 'pdd'): m.pdd = aml.ConstraintDict() if index_over is None: index_over = wn.junction_name_list for node_name in index_over: if node_name in m.pdd: del m.pdd[node_name] node = wn.get_node(node_name) h = m.head[node_name] d = m.demand[node_name] d_expected = m.expected_demand[node_name] if node.pressure_exponent is None: pressure_exponent = wn.options.hydraulic.pressure_exponent else: pressure_exponent = node.pressure_exponent if not node._is_isolated: pmin = m.pmin[node_name] pnom = m.pnom[node_name] elev = m.elevation[node_name] delta = m.pdd_smoothing_delta slope = m.pdd_slope a1 = m.pdd_poly1_coeffs_a[node_name] b1 = m.pdd_poly1_coeffs_b[node_name] c1 = m.pdd_poly1_coeffs_c[node_name] d1 = m.pdd_poly1_coeffs_d[node_name] a2 = m.pdd_poly2_coeffs_a[node_name] b2 = m.pdd_poly2_coeffs_b[node_name] c2 = m.pdd_poly2_coeffs_c[node_name] d2 = m.pdd_poly2_coeffs_d[node_name] con = aml.ConditionalExpression() con.add_condition(aml.inequality(body=h - elev - pmin, ub=0), d - d_expected*slope*(h-elev-pmin)) con.add_condition(aml.inequality(body=h - elev - pmin - delta, ub=0), d - d_expected*(a1*(h-elev)**3 + b1*(h-elev)**2 + c1*(h-elev) + d1)) con.add_condition(aml.inequality(body=h - elev - pnom + delta, ub=0), d - d_expected*((h-elev-pmin)/(pnom-pmin))**pressure_exponent) con.add_condition(aml.inequality(body=h - elev - pnom, ub=0), d - d_expected*(a2*(h-elev)**3 + b2*(h-elev)**2 + c2*(h-elev) + d2)) con.add_final_expr(d - d_expected*(slope*(h - elev - pnom) + 1.0)) con = aml.Constraint(con) m.pdd[node_name] = con updater.add(node, '_is_isolated', pdd_constraint.update)
[docs] class head_pump_headloss_constraint(Definition):
[docs] @classmethod def build(cls, m, wn, updater, index_over=None): """ Adds a headloss constraint to the model for the head curve pumps. Parameters ---------- m: wntr.sim.aml.aml.Model wn: updater: ModelUpdater index_over: list of str list of HeadPump names; default is all HeadPumps in wn """ if not hasattr(m, 'head_pump_headloss'): m.head_pump_headloss = aml.ConstraintDict() if index_over is None: index_over = wn.head_pump_name_list for link_name in index_over: if link_name in m.head_pump_headloss: del m.head_pump_headloss[link_name] link = wn.get_link(link_name) f = m.flow[link_name] status = link.status if status == LinkStatus.Closed or link._is_isolated: con = aml.Constraint(f) else: start_node_name = link.start_node_name end_node_name = link.end_node_name start_node = wn.get_node(start_node_name) end_node = wn.get_node(end_node_name) if isinstance(start_node, start_h = m.head[start_node_name] else: start_h = m.source_head[start_node_name] if isinstance(end_node, end_h = m.head[end_node_name] else: end_h = m.source_head[end_node_name] A, B, C = link.get_head_curve_coefficients() if C <= 1: a, b, c, d = get_pump_poly_coefficients(A, B, C, m) con = aml.ConditionalExpression() con.add_condition(aml.inequality(body=f, ub=m.pump_q1), m.pump_slope * f + A - end_h + start_h) con.add_condition(aml.inequality(body=f, ub=m.pump_q2), a*f**3 + b*f**2 + c*f + d - end_h + start_h) con.add_final_expr(A - B*f**C - end_h + start_h) con = aml.Constraint(con) else: q_bar, h_bar = get_pump_line_params(A, B, C, m) con = aml.ConditionalExpression() con.add_condition(aml.inequality(body=f, ub=q_bar), m.pump_slope*(f - q_bar) + h_bar - end_h + start_h) con.add_final_expr(A - B*f**C - end_h + start_h) con = aml.Constraint(con) m.head_pump_headloss[link_name] = con updater.add(link, 'status', head_pump_headloss_constraint.update) updater.add(link, '_is_isolated', head_pump_headloss_constraint.update) updater.add(link, 'pump_curve_name', head_pump_headloss_constraint.update)
[docs] class power_pump_headloss_constraint(Definition):
[docs] @classmethod def build(cls, m, wn, updater, index_over=None): """ Adds a headloss constraint to the model for the power pumps. Parameters ---------- m: wntr.sim.aml.aml.Model wn: updater: ModelUpdater index_over: list of str list of powerPump names; default is all powerPumps in wn """ if not hasattr(m, 'power_pump_headloss'): m.power_pump_headloss = aml.ConstraintDict() if index_over is None: index_over = wn.power_pump_name_list for link_name in index_over: if link_name in m.power_pump_headloss: del m.power_pump_headloss[link_name] link = wn.get_link(link_name) f = m.flow[link_name] status = link.status if status == LinkStatus.Closed or link._is_isolated: con = aml.Constraint(f) else: start_node_name = link.start_node_name end_node_name = link.end_node_name start_node = wn.get_node(start_node_name) end_node = wn.get_node(end_node_name) if isinstance(start_node, start_h = m.head[start_node_name] else: start_h = m.source_head[start_node_name] if isinstance(end_node, end_h = m.head[end_node_name] else: end_h = m.source_head[end_node_name] con = aml.Constraint(m.pump_power[link_name] + (start_h - end_h) * f * (9.81 * 1000.0)) m.power_pump_headloss[link_name] = con updater.add(link, 'status', power_pump_headloss_constraint.update) updater.add(link, '_is_isolated', power_pump_headloss_constraint.update)
[docs] class prv_headloss_constraint(Definition):
[docs] @classmethod def build(cls, m, wn, updater, index_over=None): """ Adds a headloss constraint to the model for the pressure reducing valves. Parameters ---------- m: wntr.sim.aml.aml.Model wn: updater: ModelUpdater index_over: list of str list of powerPump names; default is all powerPumps in wn """ if not hasattr(m, 'prv_headloss'): m.prv_headloss = aml.ConstraintDict() if index_over is None: index_over = wn.prv_name_list for link_name in index_over: if link_name in m.prv_headloss: del m.prv_headloss[link_name] link = wn.get_link(link_name) f = m.flow[link_name] status = link.status if status == LinkStatus.Closed or link._is_isolated: con = aml.Constraint(f) else: start_node_name = link.start_node_name end_node_name = link.end_node_name start_node = wn.get_node(start_node_name) end_node = wn.get_node(end_node_name) if isinstance(start_node, start_h = m.head[start_node_name] else: start_h = m.source_head[start_node_name] if isinstance(end_node, end_h = m.head[end_node_name] else: end_h = m.source_head[end_node_name] if status is con = aml.Constraint(end_h - m.valve_setting[link_name] - m.elevation[end_node_name]) else: assert status == LinkStatus.Open con = aml.Constraint(m.minor_loss[link_name]*f**2 - start_h + end_h) m.prv_headloss[link_name] = con updater.add(link, 'status', prv_headloss_constraint.update) updater.add(link, '_is_isolated', prv_headloss_constraint.update)
[docs] class psv_headloss_constraint(Definition):
[docs] @classmethod def build(cls, m, wn, updater, index_over=None): """ Adds a headloss constraint to the model for the pressure sustaining valves. Parameters ---------- m: wntr.sim.aml.aml.Model wn: updater: ModelUpdater index_over: list of str list of powerPump names; default is all powerPumps in wn """ if not hasattr(m, 'psv_headloss'): m.psv_headloss = aml.ConstraintDict() if index_over is None: index_over = wn.psv_name_list for link_name in index_over: if link_name in m.psv_headloss: del m.psv_headloss[link_name] link = wn.get_link(link_name) f = m.flow[link_name] status = link.status if status == LinkStatus.Closed or link._is_isolated: con = aml.Constraint(f) else: start_node_name = link.start_node_name end_node_name = link.end_node_name start_node = wn.get_node(start_node_name) end_node = wn.get_node(end_node_name) if isinstance(start_node, start_h = m.head[start_node_name] else: start_h = m.source_head[start_node_name] if isinstance(end_node, end_h = m.head[end_node_name] else: end_h = m.source_head[end_node_name] if status is con = aml.Constraint(start_h - m.valve_setting[link_name] - m.elevation[start_node_name]) else: assert status == LinkStatus.Open con = aml.Constraint(m.minor_loss[link_name]*f**2 - start_h + end_h) m.psv_headloss[link_name] = con updater.add(link, 'status', psv_headloss_constraint.update) updater.add(link, '_is_isolated', psv_headloss_constraint.update)
[docs] class fcv_headloss_constraint(Definition):
[docs] @classmethod def build(cls, m, wn, updater, index_over=None): """ Adds a headloss constraint to the model for the power pumps. Parameters ---------- m: wntr.sim.aml.aml.Model wn: updater: ModelUpdater index_over: list of str list of powerPump names; default is all powerPumps in wn """ if not hasattr(m, 'fcv_headloss'): m.fcv_headloss = aml.ConstraintDict() if index_over is None: index_over = wn.fcv_name_list for link_name in index_over: if link_name in m.fcv_headloss: del m.fcv_headloss[link_name] link = wn.get_link(link_name) f = m.flow[link_name] status = link.status if status == LinkStatus.Closed or link._is_isolated: con = aml.Constraint(f) else: start_node_name = link.start_node_name end_node_name = link.end_node_name start_node = wn.get_node(start_node_name) end_node = wn.get_node(end_node_name) if isinstance(start_node, start_h = m.head[start_node_name] else: start_h = m.source_head[start_node_name] if isinstance(end_node, end_h = m.head[end_node_name] else: end_h = m.source_head[end_node_name] if status == LinkStatus.Active: con = aml.Constraint(f - m.valve_setting[link_name]) else: assert status == LinkStatus.Open con = aml.ConditionalExpression() con.add_condition(aml.inequality(body=f, ub=0), -m.minor_loss[link_name] * f ** 2 - start_h + end_h) con.add_final_expr(m.minor_loss[link_name] * f ** 2 - start_h + end_h) con = aml.Constraint(con) m.fcv_headloss[link_name] = con updater.add(link, 'status', fcv_headloss_constraint.update) updater.add(link, '_is_isolated', fcv_headloss_constraint.update)
[docs] class tcv_headloss_constraint(Definition):
[docs] @classmethod def build(cls, m, wn, updater, index_over=None): """ Adds a headloss constraint to the model for the power pumps. Parameters ---------- m: wntr.sim.aml.aml.Model wn: updater: ModelUpdater index_over: list of str list of powerPump names; default is all powerPumps in wn """ if not hasattr(m, 'tcv_headloss'): m.tcv_headloss = aml.ConstraintDict() if index_over is None: index_over = wn.tcv_name_list for link_name in index_over: if link_name in m.tcv_headloss: del m.tcv_headloss[link_name] link = wn.get_link(link_name) f = m.flow[link_name] status = link.status if status == LinkStatus.Closed or link._is_isolated: con = aml.Constraint(f) else: start_node_name = link.start_node_name end_node_name = link.end_node_name start_node = wn.get_node(start_node_name) end_node = wn.get_node(end_node_name) if isinstance(start_node, start_h = m.head[start_node_name] else: start_h = m.source_head[start_node_name] if isinstance(end_node, end_h = m.head[end_node_name] else: end_h = m.source_head[end_node_name] if status == LinkStatus.Active: con = aml.ConditionalExpression() con.add_condition(aml.inequality(f, ub=0), -m.tcv_resistance[link_name] * f ** 2 - start_h + end_h) con.add_final_expr(m.tcv_resistance[link_name] * f ** 2 - start_h + end_h) con = aml.Constraint(con) else: assert status == LinkStatus.Open con = aml.ConditionalExpression() con.add_condition(aml.inequality(f, ub=0), -m.minor_loss[link_name] * f ** 2 - start_h + end_h) con.add_final_expr(m.minor_loss[link_name] * f ** 2 - start_h + end_h) con = aml.Constraint(con) m.tcv_headloss[link_name] = con updater.add(link, 'status', tcv_headloss_constraint.update) updater.add(link, '_is_isolated', tcv_headloss_constraint.update)
[docs] class leak_constraint(Definition):
[docs] @classmethod def build(cls, m, wn, updater, index_over=None): """ Adds a leak constraint to the model for the specified junctions. Parameters ---------- m: wntr.sim.aml.aml.Model wn: updater: ModelUpdater index_over: list of str list of junction/tank names """ if not hasattr(m, 'leak_con'): m.leak_con = aml.ConstraintDict() if index_over is None: index_over = wn.junction_name_list + wn.tank_name_list for node_name in index_over: if node_name in m.leak_con: del m.leak_con[node_name] node = wn.get_node(node_name) if node.leak_status and not node._is_isolated: leak_rate = m.leak_rate[node_name] h = m.head[node_name] elev = m.elevation[node_name] delta = m.leak_delta slope = m.leak_slope a = m.leak_poly_coeffs_a[node_name] b = m.leak_poly_coeffs_b[node_name] c = m.leak_poly_coeffs_c[node_name] d = m.leak_poly_coeffs_d[node_name] area = m.leak_area[node_name] Cd = m.leak_coeff[node_name] con = aml.ConditionalExpression() con.add_condition(aml.inequality(h, ub=elev), leak_rate - slope*(h-elev)) con.add_condition(aml.inequality(h - elev, ub=delta), leak_rate - (a*(h-elev)**3 + b*(h-elev)**2 + c*(h-elev) + d)) con.add_final_expr(leak_rate - Cd*area*(2.0*9.81*(h-elev))**0.5) con = aml.Constraint(con) m.leak_con[node_name] = con updater.add(node, 'leak_status', leak_constraint.update) updater.add(node, '_is_isolated', leak_constraint.update)
[docs] def plot_constraint(con, var_to_vary, lb, ub, show_plot=True): import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt x = np.linspace(lb, ub, 10000, True) y = [] dy = [] for _x in x: var_to_vary.value = _x y.append(con.evaluate()) dy.append(, False)) plt.subplot(2, 1, 1) plt.plot(x, y) plt.title( plt.ylabel('residual') plt.subplot(2, 1, 2) plt.plot(x, dy) plt.ylabel('derivative') plt.xlabel( if show_plot:
[docs] def get_pump_poly_coefficients(A, B, C, m): q1 = m.pump_q1 q2 = m.pump_q2 slope = m.pump_slope f1 = slope*q1 + A f2 = A - B*q2**C df1 = slope df2 = -B*C*q2**(C-1.0) a,b,c,d = cubic_spline(q1, q2, f1, f2, df1, df2) if a <= 0.0 and b <= 0.0: return a, b, c, d elif a > 0.0 and b > 0.0: if df2 < 0.0: return a, b, c, d else: logger.warning('Pump smoothing polynomial is not monotonically decreasing.') warnings.warn('Pump smoothing polynomial is not monotonically decreasing.') return a, b, c, d elif a > 0.0 and b <= 0.0: if df2 < 0.0: return a, b, c, d else: logger.warning('Pump smoothing polynomial is not monotonically decreasing.') warnings.warn('Pump smoothing polynomial is not monotonically decreasing.') return a, b, c, d elif a <= 0.0 and b > 0.0: if q2 <= -2.0*b/(6.0*a) and df2 < 0.0: return a, b, c, d else: logger.warning('Pump smoothing polynomial is not monotonically decreasing.') warnings.warn('Pump smoothing polynomial is not monotonically decreasing.') return a, b, c, d else: logger.warning('Pump smoothing polynomial is not monotonically decreasing.') warnings.warn('Pump smoothing polynomial is not monotonically decreasing.') return a, b, c, d
[docs] def get_pump_line_params(A, B, C, m): q_bar = (m.pump_slope/(-B*C))**(1.0/(C-1.0)) h_bar = A - B*q_bar**C return q_bar, h_bar