Local Development Environment

This chapter provides everything you need to know to set up a local development environment to work on Haztrak.

If you find something missing or inaccurate, please submit an issue here


  1. Set up with Docker Compose
  2. Fixtures
  3. Using RCRAInfo interfacing features
  4. Development Configs
  5. Developing without Docker

Docker Compose

docker compose --env-file configs/.env.dev up --build

or copy the config file to the project root as a .env file, modify it if needed, and docker will apply it by default.

cp ./configs/.env.dev .env
docker compose up --build

You may find that after some changes (e.g., to the database) you need to rebuild the containers instead of restarting them. In that case, use the --build flag, or you'll be running the last built image instead of the Dockerfile's build target that we've specified in the docker-compose.yaml file.

After all containers are successfully running (you can inspect with docker ps), visit one of the following

  • localhost:3000 to visit the browser client (React.js application)
  • localhost:8000/admin to login to the admin interface
  • The database will be exposed on port 5432 and Redis will be exposed on port 6379 of your local machine.

Fixtures (logging in)

  • On start, fixtures will be loaded to the database, including 2 users to aid local development.

Fixtures will also load a couple of sites.

  1. VATESTGEN001 - a preproduction site hazardous waste generator
  2. MOCKTRANS001 - a mock transporter site
  3. MOCKTRANS002 - a mock transporter site
  4. MOCKTSDF001 - a mock TSDF site

By Default, testuser1 only has access to VATESTGEN001, the mock sites can be used to draft electronic manifests.

Searching for mock sites without RCRAInfo API credentials

RCRAInfo API credentials

Haztrak's docker-compose file will load fixtures, however this data is limited. If you'd like to start using features that push/pull information from RCRAInfo/e-Manifest, you will need API credentials to the appropriate RCRAInfo deployment (e.g., 'preproduction').

For development, **ONLY USE THE PREPRODUCTION ** environment. See Haztrak's config documentation.

The general steps for obtaining an API ID and key (in preprod) are as follows.

  1. Register for an account in RCRAInfo (PreProduction)

  2. Request access to one fo the test site EPA IDs (e.g., VATESTGEN001)

    • You'll need 'Site Manager' level access to obtain API credentials
    • Await approval, or contact EPA via the "Feedback/Report an issue".
  3. Login after approval, generate your API Key.

For additional information on obtaining API credentials, see the USEPA/e-Manifest GitHub repository

Development Configs

Haztrak includes a couple configs to help ensure contributions use a consistent style guide. Most popular IDEs have a plugin to support these configs.

  • pre-commit
    • pre-commit hooks are set to run a number of linting and formatting checks before commits on any branch is accepted.
     pip install -r requirements_dev.txt
     pre-commit install
  • .editorconfig
    • Universal IDE configs for formatting files, most IDEs will have a plugin you can install that will apply these configs.
  • runhaz.sh
    • A bash script to help with development
    • See usage with $ ./runhaz.sh -h
  • Prettier
    • Prettier is used to autoformat source files, specifically the most of our non-python files. If you're using an IDE, it will likely have a prettier plugin available.
    • The configs are found in .prettierrc.json and .prettierignore
  • Black
  • Ruff
    • ruff is a Python linter and (recently) formatter. It provides a fast and pleasant developer experience.
  • MyPy
    • Haztrak is (currently in the process) incrementally adopting type hints. MyPy is a static type checker for Python.

Local Development Without Docker

While it is possible, local development without containerization (docker) is not supported.