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FIPS - Analyze US Counties as if they were sites, to get summary indicators summary for each county





County FIPS vector, like fips_counties_from_state_abbrev("DE")


provides table similar to the output of getblocksnearby(), data.table with one row per blockgroup in these counties, or all pairs of county fips - bgid, and ejam_uniq_id (1 through N) assigned to each county but missing blockid and distance so not ready for doaggregate().


This function provides one row per blockgroup. getblocksnearby_from_fips() provides one row per block. See more below under "Value"


 # compare counties within a state:
 fipsRI = fips_counties_from_state_abbrev("RI")
 x = counties_as_sites(fipsRI)
 out = doaggregate(x) # similar to ejamit()
#>  *** For now, if sites2states_or_latlon is not provided to doaggregate(),
#>         for circles covering 2 states, it will use state of nearest block,
#>         and for Shapefiles spanning 2 States, will just use 1 of the States -
#>         not selected by area or population, but just whatever happens to be first in the table.
#>         This should only arise if not in shiny app and not using ejamit() and 
#>         sites2states_or_latlon was not provided to doaggregate() 
 ejam2barplot_sites(out, "pop", names.arg = fipsRI)

 # compare two specific counties:
#>     ejam_uniq_id countyfips   bgid blockid blockwt distance distance_unadjusted
#>            <int>     <char>  <int>   <int>   <num>    <num>               <num>
#>  1:            1      01001      1       1       1        0                   0
#>  2:            1      01001      2      27       1        0                   0
#>  3:            1      01001      3      57       1        0                   0
#>  4:            1      01001      4      71       1        0                   0
#>  5:            1      01001      5      98       1        0                   0
#>  6:            1      01001      6     119       1        0                   0
#>  7:            1      01001      7     140       1        0                   0
#>  8:            1      01001      8     156       1        0                   0
#>  9:            1      01001      9     185       1        0                   0
#> 10:            1      01001     10     214       1        0                   0
#> 11:            1      01001     11     232       1        0                   0
#> 12:            1      01001     12     261       1        0                   0
#> 13:            1      01001     13     279       1        0                   0
#> 14:            1      01001     14     290       1        0                   0
#> 15:            1      01001     15     296       1        0                   0
#> 16:            1      01001     16     303       1        0                   0
#> 17:            1      01001     17     313       1        0                   0
#> 18:            1      01001     18     329       1        0                   0
#> 19:            1      01001     19     361       1        0                   0
#> 20:            1      01001     20     371       1        0                   0
#> 21:            1      01001     21     393       1        0                   0
#> 22:            1      01001     22     422       1        0                   0
#> 23:            1      01001     23     450       1        0                   0
#> 24:            1      01001     24     503       1        0                   0
#> 25:            1      01001     25     564       1        0                   0
#> 26:            1      01001     26     594       1        0                   0
#> 27:            1      01001     27     641       1        0                   0
#> 28:            1      01001     28     669       1        0                   0
#> 29:            1      01001     29     683       1        0                   0
#> 30:            1      01001     30     708       1        0                   0
#> 31:            1      01001     31     738       1        0                   0
#> 32:            1      01001     32     759       1        0                   0
#> 33:            1      01001     33     814       1        0                   0
#> 34:            1      01001     34     835       1        0                   0
#> 35:            1      01001     35     868       1        0                   0
#> 36:            1      01001     36     923       1        0                   0
#> 37:            1      01001     37     970       1        0                   0
#> 38:            1      01001     38    1025       1        0                   0
#> 39:            1      01001     39    1075       1        0                   0
#> 40:            1      01001     40    1162       1        0                   0
#> 41:            1      01001     41    1221       1        0                   0
#> 42:            1      01001     42    1301       1        0                   0
#> 43:            1      01001     43    1346       1        0                   0
#> 44:            1      01001     44    1427       1        0                   0
#> 45:            1      01001     45    1466       1        0                   0
#> 46:            2      72153 242331 8174359       1        0                   0
#> 47:            2      72153 242332 8174393       1        0                   0
#> 48:            2      72153 242333 8174414       1        0                   0
#> 49:            2      72153 242334 8174443       1        0                   0
#> 50:            2      72153 242335 8174469       1        0                   0
#> 51:            2      72153 242336 8174527       1        0                   0
#> 52:            2      72153 242337 8174551       1        0                   0
#> 53:            2      72153 242338 8174561       1        0                   0
#> 54:            2      72153 242339 8174585       1        0                   0
#> 55:            2      72153 242340 8174598       1        0                   0
#> 56:            2      72153 242341 8174618       1        0                   0
#> 57:            2      72153 242342 8174642       1        0                   0
#> 58:            2      72153 242343 8174660       1        0                   0
#> 59:            2      72153 242344 8174686       1        0                   0
#> 60:            2      72153 242345 8174724       1        0                   0
#> 61:            2      72153 242346 8174768       1        0                   0
#> 62:            2      72153 242347 8174783       1        0                   0
#> 63:            2      72153 242348 8174801       1        0                   0
#> 64:            2      72153 242349 8174814       1        0                   0
#> 65:            2      72153 242350 8174837       1        0                   0
#> 66:            2      72153 242351 8174863       1        0                   0
#> 67:            2      72153 242352 8174894       1        0                   0
#> 68:            2      72153 242353 8174906       1        0                   0
#> 69:            2      72153 242354 8174921       1        0                   0
#> 70:            2      72153 242355 8174940       1        0                   0
#>     ejam_uniq_id countyfips   bgid blockid blockwt distance distance_unadjusted
 # Largest US Counties by ACS Population Totals:
 topcounties = blockgroupstats[ , .(ST = ST[1], countypop = sum(pop)),
  by = .(FIPS = substr(bgfips,1,5))][order(-countypop),][1:20, .(
    CountyPopulation = prettyNum(countypop, big.mark = ","), FIPS, ST)]
 myfips = topcounties$FIPS
 # simplest map of top counties
 map_shapes_leaflet(shapes = shapes_counties_from_countyfips(myfips))
#> Error in shapes_counties_from_countyfips(myfips): could not find function "shapes_counties_from_countyfips"
 # simplest way to get and map results county by county
 out_c1 = ejamit(fips = myfips)
#> Finding blocks in each FIPS Census unit.
#> Failed trying to connect to pins board server.
#> Arrow-format datasets (blocks, etc.) are up-to-date -- locally-installed and latest-released data repository versions match.
#> blockid2fips   - is NOT in memory. Checking local disk... blockid2fips  is loading from /home/runner/work/_temp/Library/EJAM/data/blockid2fips.arrow ...done.
#> blockid2fips   - was loaded from local folder, so server copy was not sought.
#> Failed trying to connect to pins board server.
#> Arrow-format datasets (blocks, etc.) are up-to-date -- locally-installed and latest-released data repository versions match.
#> bgid2fips    - is NOT in memory. Checking local disk... bgid2fips   is loading from /home/runner/work/_temp/Library/EJAM/data/bgid2fips.arrow ...done.
#> bgid2fips    - was loaded from local folder, so server copy was not sought.
#> Joining with `by = join_by(blockid)`
#> Aggregating at each FIPS Census unit and overall.
#> Failed trying to connect to pins board server.
#> Arrow-format datasets (blocks, etc.) are up-to-date -- locally-installed and latest-released data repository versions match.
#> bgej         - is NOT in memory. Checking local disk... bgej        is loading from /home/runner/work/_temp/Library/EJAM/data/bgej.arrow ...done.
#> bgej         - was loaded from local folder, so server copy was not sought.
#> loaded bgej data because include_ejindexes = TRUE
#> Reading layer `OGRGeoJSON' from data source 
#>   `' 
#>   using driver `GeoJSON'
#> Simple feature collection with 20 features and 5 fields
#> Geometry type: MULTIPOLYGON
#> Dimension:     XY
#> Bounding box:  xmin: -122.5279 ymin: 25.13742 xmax: -73.70017 ymax: 47.78058
#> Geodetic CRS:  WGS 84
#> Warning: Some values were outside the color scale and will be treated as NA
# another way to get and map results county by county s2b = counties_as_sites(myfips) out_c2 = doaggregate(s2b) #> *** For now, if sites2states_or_latlon is not provided to doaggregate(), #> for circles covering 2 states, it will use state of nearest block, #> and for Shapefiles spanning 2 States, will just use 1 of the States - #> not selected by area or population, but just whatever happens to be first in the table. #> This should only arise if not in shiny app and not using ejamit() and #> sites2states_or_latlon was not provided to doaggregate() # but without URLs/links to reports bysite = out_c2$results_bysite bysite$ejam_uniq_id <- myfips mapfastej_counties(bysite) #> Reading layer `OGRGeoJSON' from data source #> `' #> using driver `GeoJSON' #> Simple feature collection with 20 features and 5 fields #> Geometry type: MULTIPOLYGON #> Dimension: XY #> Bounding box: xmin: -122.5279 ymin: 25.13742 xmax: -73.70017 ymax: 47.78058 #> Geodetic CRS: WGS 84 #> Warning: Some values were outside the color scale and will be treated as NA