download ACS 5year data from Census API, at County resolution
download ACS 5year data from Census API, at County resolution
## also see examples for acs_bybg()
if (FALSE) { # \dontrun{
x <- acs_bycounty(myvars = "B03002_003", myst = "NY", yr = 2022) # nhwa
denom <- acs_bycounty(myvars = "B03002_001", myst = "NY", yr = 2022) # pop
z = x
z$estimate = x$estimate / denom$estimate
z$moe = 0 # x$moe / denom$estimate # need to calculate using census guidance if at all
# z$variable = "pctnhwa" # not used if myvarnames is given
# plot_bycounty(z, myvarnames = "Percent NonHispanic White Alone (i.e., Not People of Color)",
# labeltype = scales::label_percent()) # requires scales package
} # }