A Brief Intro to Using EJAM in RStudio
This document is about analysts or coders using the EJAM R package in RStudio. After you install the EJAM R package, this document explains how you can run an EJAM analysis and view results right away using R.
This document is not about using EJAM as a web application, but you can launch a local web app after installing the EJAM R package.
To start using EJAM in RStudio/R, you first attach/load the R package
using library()
or require()
Analyze Places with ejamit()
To quickly try EJAM in RStudio:
# EJAM analysis of 100 places, for everyone within 3 miles
out <- ejamit(testpoints_100, radius = 3)
pts <- sitepoints_from_any(c("30.97740, -83.36900", "32.51581, -86.37732"))
out2 <- ejamit(pts, radius = 2)
To quickly try EJAM with an example input file (spreadsheet with latitude and longitude of each point)
myfile <- system.file("testdata/latlon/testpoints_10.xlsx", package = "EJAM")
out <- ejamit(myfile, radius = 3)
If you already have your own spreadsheet of point locations to
analyze, then in RStudio you can just use the ejamit()
function without specifying the locations or radius – EJAM will prompt
you to select the file and a radius.
out <- ejamit()
Note: The file should be an Excel file or .csv file and the first sheet (tab) needs to be just a table of one header row (with at least two columns named lat and lon), and one row per site (point). No extra rows, no merged cells, etc.
If you need examples of spreadsheets (and other input files you can try), you can find the ones installed with the EJAM package in your local folder, like this in the RStudio console:
## See where the folder is and see what files are there:
# or see just the latlon files:
dir(system.file("testdata/latlon", package = "EJAM"))
Pick a Radius
You can specify the radius in miles. EJAM will analyze all residents within that many miles of each point (site).
radius <- 3 # radius (in miles). 5 km = 3.106856 miles, 10 km = 6.2 miles
Converting between miles and kilometers – If you know you want to analyze for 5 kilometers, for example, you can turn it into miles.
5000 / meters_per_mile
#> [1] 3.106856
convert_units(5, 'km', 'miles')
#> [1] 3.106856
Map your sites before analyzing them
This creates an interactive map. Click a point on the map to see a popup with details about that point.
# input to EJAM
pts <- testpoints_100
Map results with ejam2map()
This also creates an interactive map. Click a point on the map to see a popup with details about people near that point.
out <- testoutput_ejamit_100pts_1miles
Report via ejam2report()
(interactive html file)
out <- testoutput_ejamit_100pts_1miles
y <- ejam2report(out, sitenumber = 1, analysis_title = "Site #1")

Table of Results in RStudio console
As an alternative to the pdf report created by
, this gives you a quick, simple list of
results for all the indicators:
ejam2table_tall(out, sitenumber = 1)
out <- testoutput_ejamit_100pts_1miles
# Check long list of indicators for any that are elevated
varnames = names_these_ratio_to_avg,
main = "Envt & Demog Indicators at Selected Sites Compared to State Averages")
varnames = names_these_ratio_to_state_avg,
main = "Envt & Demog Indicators at Selected Sites Compared to State Averages")
# residential population data only
# vs nationwide avg
# vs statewide avg
varnames = c(names_d_ratio_to_state_avg, names_d_subgroups_ratio_to_state_avg),
main = "Residential population group percentages at Selected Sites Compared to State Averages")
# Environmental only
varnames = c(names_e_ratio_to_avg, names_e_ratio_to_state_avg),
main = "Environmental Indicators at Selected Sites Compared to Averages")
# see more examples at ?ejam2barplot
View Results Spreadsheet via ejam2excel()
(to Launch
out <- testoutput_ejamit_100pts_1miles
ejam2excel(out, launchexcel = T, save_now = F)
Save Results as a Spreadsheet file
ejam2excel(out, save_now = T)

More about points
Use one point
pts <- data.frame(lon = -92.380556, lat = 31.316944)
Use a few points
pts <- sitepoints_from_any(c(
"34.8799123, -92.1",
"30.2906971, -91.8",
"30, -95"
## or
pts <- data.frame(
lon = c(-92.1, -91.8),
lat = c(34.8799123, 30.2906971)
#> lon lat
#> 1 -92.1 34.87991
#> 2 -91.8 30.29070
Create a random sample of points representative of the average facility, average resident, or average area
You can create a set of random points with function
that can be weighted to represent the
average resident, average regulated facility, average point on a map
weighted by square meters, etc. See more details in the documentation of
the function testpoints_n()
Create random test data points in States of LA and TX
# p1k <- testpoints_n(1000)
# mapfast(p1k)
mapfast(testpoints_n(300, ST = c('LA','TX'), weighting = 'bg'), radius = 0.1)
#> Including only these States:
#> REGION ST statename
#> 1 6 LA Louisiana
#> 2 6 TX Texas
# weighting = "frs" better represents regulated facilities,
# but requires loading the (large) frs dataset
Documentation of Functions and Data
- Function Reference Document
- In RStudio, see