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This article provides examples of how to use EJAM in RStudio, especially how to use more specialized functions to find specific places to analyze, such as EPA-regulated facilities defined in various ways, and how to explore the results in more detail than the web app can provide.

Running a Basic Analysis

  • run_app() launches the web app locally (to run in RStudio on a single computer rather than on a server)

  • ejamit() provides most results in just one function (if you already have a list of places to analyze), as shown in the Quick Start Guide

Tools for Exploring Results

For a standard analysis, the basic tools like ejam2report(), ejam2excel(), ejam2map(), etc. let you explore results, as shown in the Quick Start Guide.

If you want more ways to visualize and dig into results, examples are provided below in the sections on EXPLORING RESULTS and VISUALIZATION OF FINDINGS (PLOTS). For example, you can check which groups or which facilities have notable findings.

Tools for Selecting Locations to Analyze

EJAM offers a variety of ways to specify the places to be analyzed and compared. The web app helps you select locations in several ways.

If you are working in RStudio, and you already have identified the points or areas to analyze, the [ejamit()] function will accept 1) point coordinates, 2) a shapefile, or 3) a list of FIPS codes.

However, if you first need to get the points (lat, lon values), or you need a more in-depth, custom approach to finding facilities or Census places to analyze, there are several groups of functions to help with that, as shown in all the examples below. They are also shown in the EJAM package reference manual, by category.

You can specify locations for analysis in a variety of ways:


Latitude and Longitude

You can define locations as all residents within X miles of any one or more of the specified points, and you can define those points in a few ways. One way is to upload a table of coordinates – latitude and longitude for each point, one row per site, with columns called lat and lon (or some synonyms that work). There are also more detailed functions for working with latlon coordinates.

The simplest way to do that in the RStudio console is something like x <- ejamit(), which prompts you to upload a spreadsheet with lat lon columns, and asks you for the radius.

As explained below, you can get the latitudes and longitudes of EPA-regulated facilities if you want to specify a set of facilities by uploading their Registry ID numbers in a table, or using other identifiers. For example, there is a function latlon_from_programid() in the examples below.

You can also get coordinates in a few other ways, such as by NAICS (or SIC) industry names or codes, EPA program covering the set of facilities (e.g., all greenhouse gas reporters), or a Clean Air Act MACT subpart.

Facilities by ID

EPA-regulated facilities can be found in the Facility Registry Services by identification number.

by Facility, using EPA Registry ID

# note frs_from_regid() and latlon_from_regid() require the frs dataset, which they try to load on demand.

frs_from_regid(c(110071293460, 110000333826))

## interactively upload file with table of REGISTRY_ID values
x <- latlon_from_regid(read_csv_or_xl()$REGISTRY_ID)

## and run through EJAM
y <- ejamit(latlon_from_regid(read_csv_or_xl()$REGISTRY_ID), radius = 1)
#  # still debugging Island Areas validation here!

by Facility, using EPA Program System ID

# latlon_from_programid() requires access to the frs_by_programid dataset, which it tries to load on demand.

if (exists("frs_by_programid")) {
  latlon_from_programid(c("XJW000012435", "00768SRTRSROAD1"))

Facilities by Type

by Industry (NAICS)

You can specify sites by NAICS, but it is important to note the FRS lacks NAICS info for many regulated facilities!

naics_from_any("paint and coating", children = T) 
#>      code     n2     n3     n4     n5     n6                            name
#>     <num> <char> <char> <char> <char> <char>                          <char>
#> 1:  32551     32    325   3255  32551  32551 Paint and Coating Manufacturing
#> 2: 325510     32    325   3255  32551 325510 Paint and Coating Manufacturing
#> 3: 325510     32    325   3255  32551 325510 Paint and Coating Manufacturing
#>                                    num_name
#>                                      <char>
#> 1:  32551 - Paint and Coating Manufacturing
#> 2: 325510 - Paint and Coating Manufacturing
#> 3: 325510 - Paint and Coating Manufacturing
## note latlon_from_naics() requires the frs_by_naics dataset, which it tries to load on demand. 
# head(latlon_from_naics(325510)) 
# has about 1,000 facilities  
# All sectors with this phrase in their NAICS title
#  x <- ejamit(frs_from_naics("paint and coating"), 1)}

See many more examples of Working with NAICS Codes (Industry Codes), in a section below.

by EPA Regulatory Program

# note latlon_from_programid() requires the frs and frs_by_programid datasets, which it tries to load on demand.
if (exists("frs_by_programid") && exists("frs")) {
  ## Map of over 10,000 facilities in FRS identified as in the E-Grid power plant database
  pts <- latlon_from_program("EGRID")[, 1:4]
  ## In just 1 State
  pts[, ST := state_from_latlon(lat = lat, lon = lon)$ST]
  mapfast(pts[ST == "TX", ], radius = 1)

  ## Largest lists
  epa_programs_counts <- frs_by_programid[, .N, by = "program"][order(N), ]
  epa_programs_counts[order(-N), ][1:25, ]

by MACT Subpart (hazardous air pollutant source category)

# note latlon_from_mactsubpart() requires the frs_by_mact dataset, which it tries to load on demand
if (exists("frs_by_mact")) {
  # Search by name of category
  mact_table[grepl("ethylene", mact_table$title, = T), ]
  eto <- rbind(
    latlon_from_mactsubpart("O" ), 
  #  Map the category
  # Browse the full list of categories
  # mact_table[ , c("N", "subpart", "title")]
  # The 10 largest categories
  tail(mact_table[order(mact_table$N), c("N", "subpart", "title")], 10)
  # Many facilities lack latitude longitude information in this database
  nrow(latlon_from_mactsubpart("A", include_if_no_latlon = TRUE))
  nrow(latlon_from_mactsubpart("A", include_if_no_latlon = FALSE))
  head(latlon_from_mactsubpart("OOOO"), 2)

Working with NAICS Codes (Industry Codes)

NAICS Codes to Map or Analyze Facilities in one Industrial Sector

Overview of NAICS / industry categories, at n-digit level

# see NAICS categories at the top (2-digit) level


# see NAICS categories at the 3-digit level

  # sorted alphabetical
  # sorted by code

Find NAICS codes, from the name of an industry

Find industry names, from the NAICS codes

# get name from one code

# get the name from each code

Count facilities by NAICS code

mycode = c(33611, 336111, 336112)

# see counts of facilities by code (parent) and subcategories (children)
naics_counts[NAICS %in% mycode, ]

# see parent codes that contain each code
naicstable[code %in% mycode, ]

Find facilities, by name of industry

# See a data table of facilities in one industry
#> Connecting to Posit Connect 2024.11.0 at
#> <>
#> Successfully connected to Posit Connect pins board.
#> frs          - is NOT in memory. Checking local disk... frs         is loading from C:/Users/mcorrale/R/myinstalled/EJAM/data/frs.arrow ...done.
#> frs          - was loaded from local folder, so server copy was not sought.
#> [1] "frs"
if (exists("frs")) {
industryword <- "pulp"

head( frs_from_naics(naics_from_any(industryword)$code)[,1:4] )
#> Connecting to Posit Connect 2024.11.0 at
#> <>
#> Successfully connected to Posit Connect pins board.
#> frs_by_naics   - is NOT in memory. Checking local disk... frs_by_naics  is loading from C:/Users/mcorrale/R/myinstalled/EJAM/data/frs_by_naics.arrow ...done.
#> frs_by_naics   - was loaded from local folder, so server copy was not sought.
#>         lat       lon  REGISTRY_ID                       PRIMARY_NAME
#>       <num>     <num>       <char>                             <char>
#> 1: 42.60008 -72.37838 110000308612                 ERVING PAPER MILLS
#> 2: 42.61366 -71.63378 110000308881               HOLLINGSWORTH & VOSE
#> 3: 42.74216 -73.69249 110000324426       LYDALLTHERMAL/ACOUSTICAL INC
#> 4: 43.55572 -76.09925 110000325443   FELIX SCHOELLER TECHNICAL PAPERS
#> 5: 43.97535 -75.90653 110000325988          KNOWLTON TECHNOLOGIES LLC
#> 6: 44.22767 -74.99753 110000326120 NEWTON FALLS LAND RECLAMATION, LLC

Quick map of EPA-regulated facilities in one industrial category, which you can click on to see popup windows about sites.

# note frs_from_naics() requires the frs dataset, which it tries to load on demand.
#> Connecting to Posit Connect 2024.11.0 at
#> <>
#> Successfully connected to Posit Connect pins board.
#> frs          - was already in memory (in specified envir), so local and/or server copies were not sought.
#> [1] "frs"
if (exists("frs")) {
mapfast(frs_from_naics("smelt")) # may be slow the 1st time, if it loads frs dataset

(but note that this FRS dataset lacks NAICS for most facilities!)

Table of facilities in an industry, plus links to each facility in ECHO and EJScreen

industryword <- "chemical manuf"
#  industryword <- "smelt"
if (exists("frs")) {
mysites <- frs_from_naics(industryword, children = FALSE)[,1:5]

regids <- mysites$REGISTRY_ID
link1 <- url_echo_facility_webpage(regids, as_html = T)
link2 <- url_ejscreen_report(lat = mysites$lat, lon = mysites$lon, radius = 3, as_html = T)
link3 <- url_ejscreenmap(lat = mysites$lat, lon = mysites$lon,  as_html = T)
# # same:
# my_industry <- naics_from_any("chemical manuf",children = F)[,.(code,name)]
# mysites <- frs_from_naics(my_industry$code)[,1:5]
mysites <- cbind(`ECHO report` = link1, 
                 `EJScreen Report` = link2, `EJScreen Map` = link3,
caption = paste0(nrow(mysites), ' sites have NAICS matching "', industryword, '"')
if (nrow(mysites) > 1500) {mysites <- mysites[1:1500, ]} # >2k rows is too much for client-side DataTables

    mysites[1:5, ],
    escape = FALSE,     rownames = FALSE,
    caption = caption,
    filter = "top"

Map of facilities in an industry, plus popups with links to each facility in ECHO and EJScreen


Facilities searches using industry codes or text in industry names

naics_from_any("plastics and rubber") 
#>     code     n2     n3     n4     n5     n6
#>    <num> <char> <char> <char> <char> <char>
#> 1:   326     32    326    326    326    326
#>                                          name
#>                                        <char>
#> 1: Plastics and Rubber Products Manufacturing
#>                                            num_name
#>                                              <char>
#> 1: 326 - Plastics and Rubber Products Manufacturing

#>     code     n2     n3     n4     n5     n6
#>    <num> <char> <char> <char> <char> <char>
#> 1:   326     32    326    326    326    326
#>                                          name
#>                                        <char>
#> 1: Plastics and Rubber Products Manufacturing
#>                                            num_name
#>                                              <char>
#> 1: 326 - Plastics and Rubber Products Manufacturing

head(naics_from_any(326, children = T)[,.(code,name)])
#>      code
#>     <num>
#> 1:    326
#> 2:   3261
#> 3:  32611
#> 4: 326111
#> 5: 326112
#> 6: 326113
#>                                                                         name
#>                                                                       <char>
#> 1:                                Plastics and Rubber Products Manufacturing
#> 2:                                            Plastics Product Manufacturing
#> 3: Plastics Packaging Materials and Unlaminated Film and Sheet Manufacturing
#> 4:                                      Plastics Bag and Pouch Manufacturing
#> 5:     Plastics Packaging Film and Sheet (including Laminated) Manufacturing
#> 6:      Unlaminated Plastics Film and Sheet (except Packaging) Manufacturing

#>      code     n2     n3     n4     n5     n6
#>     <num> <char> <char> <char> <char> <char>
#> 1:   1122     11    112   1122   1122   1122
#> 2:  11221     11    112   1122  11221  11221
#> 3: 112210     11    112   1122  11221 112210
#> 4:  32513     32    325   3251  32513  32513
#> 5: 325130     32    325   3251  32513 325130
#>                                       name
#>                                     <char>
#> 1:                     Hog and Pig Farming
#> 2:                     Hog and Pig Farming
#> 3:                     Hog and Pig Farming
#> 4: Synthetic Dye and Pigment Manufacturing
#> 5: Synthetic Dye and Pigment Manufacturing
#>                                            num_name
#>                                              <char>
#> 1:                       1122 - Hog and Pig Farming
#> 2:                      11221 - Hog and Pig Farming
#> 3:                     112210 - Hog and Pig Farming
#> 4:  32513 - Synthetic Dye and Pigment Manufacturing
#> 5: 325130 - Synthetic Dye and Pigment Manufacturing
naics_from_any("pig ") # space after g
#>      code     n2     n3     n4     n5     n6                name
#>     <num> <char> <char> <char> <char> <char>              <char>
#> 1:   1122     11    112   1122   1122   1122 Hog and Pig Farming
#> 2:  11221     11    112   1122  11221  11221 Hog and Pig Farming
#> 3: 112210     11    112   1122  11221 112210 Hog and Pig Farming
#>                        num_name
#>                          <char>
#> 1:   1122 - Hog and Pig Farming
#> 2:  11221 - Hog and Pig Farming
#> 3: 112210 - Hog and Pig Farming

# a OR b,  a AND b,  etc.
a = naics_from_any("plastics")

b = naics_from_any("rubber")

data.table::fintersect(a,b)[,.(name,code)] #  a AND b
#>                                                   name   code
#>                                                 <char>  <num>
#> 1:          Plastics and Rubber Products Manufacturing    326
#> 2: Rubber and Plastics Hoses and Belting Manufacturing  32622
#> 3: Rubber and Plastics Hoses and Belting Manufacturing 326220

head(data.table::funion(a,b)[,.(name,code)])     #  a OR  b
#>                                                                         name
#>                                                                       <char>
#> 1:                                 Plastics Material and Resin Manufacturing
#> 2:                                Plastics and Rubber Products Manufacturing
#> 3:                                            Plastics Product Manufacturing
#> 4: Plastics Packaging Materials and Unlaminated Film and Sheet Manufacturing
#> 5:                                      Plastics Bag and Pouch Manufacturing
#> 6:     Plastics Packaging Film and Sheet (including Laminated) Manufacturing
#>      code
#>     <num>
#> 1: 325211
#> 2:    326
#> 3:   3261
#> 4:  32611
#> 5: 326111
#> 6: 326112

# naics_subcodes_from_code(funion(a,b)[,code])[,.(name,code)]   #  plus children

head(naics_from_any(funion(a,b)[,code], children = T)[,.(name,code)] ) #  same
#>                                                                         name
#>                                                                       <char>
#> 1:                                Plastics and Rubber Products Manufacturing
#> 2:                                            Plastics Product Manufacturing
#> 3: Plastics Packaging Materials and Unlaminated Film and Sheet Manufacturing
#> 4:                                      Plastics Bag and Pouch Manufacturing
#> 5:     Plastics Packaging Film and Sheet (including Laminated) Manufacturing
#> 6:      Unlaminated Plastics Film and Sheet (except Packaging) Manufacturing
#>      code
#>     <num>
#> 1:    326
#> 2:   3261
#> 3:  32611
#> 4: 326111
#> 5: 326112
#> 6: 326113

A NAICS code can have many “children” or subcategories under it

dataload_from_pins("frs", "frs_by_naics")
#> Connecting to Posit Connect 2024.11.0 at
#> <>
#> Successfully connected to Posit Connect pins board.
#> frs          - was already in memory (in specified envir), so local and/or server copies were not sought.
#> [1] "frs"
if (exists("frs") & exists("frs_from_naics")) {

# about 20
NROW(naics_from_any("chem", children = T))
# >100
# a few thousand
NROW(frs_from_naics(naics_from_any("chem", children = T)$code))
# >10,000
#> [1] 13560


Polygons in shapefiles as the places to compare

You can upload polygons in a shapefile, and use EJAM to analyze them. See the Shiny app.

See shapefile_from_any() and related functions:


Counties as the places to compare

You can compare places defined by FIPS code, such as a group of US Counties.

Compare all Counties in a State, using EJAM indicators

# Get FIPS of each county in Delaware
mystate <- "Delaware"
cfips <- fips_counties_from_statename(mystate)

## You could launch a web browser tab for each of the counties,
##  to see each of the County reports from EJScreen, like this:
# sapply(url_ejscreen_report(areaid = cfips), browseURL)

## Analyze EJ stats for each county in the State

x <- ejamit(fips = cfips) # radius not used
DT::datatable(x$results_bysite, escape = F)


t(x$results_bysite[ , c(
  'ejam_uniq_id', 'pop', names_d_subgroups_ratio_to_state_avg), with = F])


cnames <- fips2countyname(x$results_bysite$ejam_uniq_id)
#cnames <- c("Kent County", "New Castle County", "Sussex County")
#cnames <- gsub(" County", "", cnames)

barplot(x$results_bysite$pctlowinc, names.arg = cnames,
        main = paste0('% Low Income by County in ', mystate))

# Another example
mystate <- "Maryland"
vname <- "% low income"
xmd <- ejamit(fips = fips_counties_from_statename(mystate))
ggblanket::gg_col(data = xmd$results_bysite,
                  y = pctlowinc,
                  x = ejam_uniq_id,
                  title = paste0(vname, ' by County in ', mystate),
                  y_title = vname

mapfastej_counties(xmd$results_bysite, 'state.pctile.pctlowinc')


The most striking findings (e.g., which group is most overrepresented?)

See examples above using ejam2report() but also you can check some key findings like this:

x <- testoutput_ejamit_1000pts_1miles 
out <- x$results_bysite
out <- setDF(copy(out))
ratio_benchmarks <- c(1.01, 1.50, 2, 3, 5, 10)
ratiodata <- out[, names_d_ratio_to_state_avg]

findings <- count_sites_with_n_high_scores(ratiodata, quiet = TRUE)  # long output to console !

tail(findings$text[findings$text != ""], 1) # the most extreme finding!
#> [1] "At at least 3% of these sites, 1 of the indicators is 5 times the average "

The key facilities (e.g., which has the max of – or has multiple elevated – Summary Indexes?)

out2 <- ejamit(
  sitepoints =  testpoints_100,
  radius = 3.1
x <- out2$results_summarized$cols
x <- x[order(x[,1], decreasing = T), ]
head(x, 3)
x <- x[order(x[,2], decreasing = T), ]
head(x, 3)

More summary findings

#> [1] "At at least 93% of these sites, 1 of the indicators is 1.01 times the average "
head(findings$stats[ , , 1], 15)
#>      cut
#> count 1.01   2   5  10
#>     0   67 709 974 997
#>     1  189 165  26   3
#>     2  171  52   0   0
#>     3  117  36   0   0
#>     4   92  19   0   0
#>     5   91  11   0   0
#>     6   73   5   0   0
#>     7   90   3   0   0
#>     8  106   0   0   0
#>     9    4   0   0   0
head(findings$stats[ , 1, ], 21)
#>      stat
#> count count  cum pct cum_pct
#>     0    67 1000   7     100
#>     1   189  933  19      93
#>     2   171  744  17      74
#>     3   117  573  12      57
#>     4    92  456   9      46
#>     5    91  364   9      36
#>     6    73  273   7      27
#>     7    90  200   9      20
#>     8   106  110  11      11
#>     9     4    4   0       0
x = findings$stats[ , 1, ] 
x[x[, "cum_pct"] >= 50 & x[, "cum_pct"] <= 80, ]
#>      stat
#> count count cum pct cum_pct
#>     2   171 744  17      74
#>     3   117 573  12      57
findings$stats[ 1, , ]
#>       stat
#> cut    count  cum pct cum_pct
#>   1.01    67 1000   7     100
#>   2      709 1000  71     100
#>   5      974 1000  97     100
#>   10     997 1000 100     100

Site by site detailed results in datatable format in RStudio viewer:

out2 <- testoutput_ejamit_100pts_1miles
DT::datatable(out2$results_bysite[1:5,   ], escape = FALSE, rownames = FALSE)

# To see all 1,000 sites in table:
#DT::datatable(out2$results_bysite[1:1000, ], escape = FALSE, rownames = FALSE)

Overall results for a few key indicators, as raw output in console:

out2 <- testoutput_ejamit_100pts_1miles

#> [1] "results_overall"                     "results_bysite"                     
#> [3] "results_bybg_people"                 "longnames"                          
#> [5] "count_of_blocks_near_multiple_sites" "results_summarized"                 
#> [7] "formatted"                           "sitetype"
cbind(overall = as.list( out2$results_overall[ , ..names_d]))
#>                  overall   
#> Demog.Index      1.640289  
#> Demog.Index.Supp 1.631243  
#> pctlowinc        0.3199508 
#> pctlingiso       0.07993421
#> pctunemployed    0.06199302
#> pctlths          0.1343483 
#> pctunder5        0.05552895
#> pctover64        0.1447244 
#> pctmin           0.5595154
cbind(overall = as.list( out2$results_overall[ , ..names_d_subgroups]))
#>                 overall    
#> pcthisp         0.2788923  
#> pctnhba         0.1472757  
#> pctnhaa         0.0873758  
#> pctnhaiana      0.002454578
#> pctnhnhpia      0.001571147
#> pctnhotheralone 0.005819709
#> pctnhmulti      0.03612613 
#> pctnhwa         0.4404846

Overall results for the very long list of all indicators, as raw output in console:

out2 <- testoutput_ejamit_100pts_1miles

  , 20)
# head(
#   cbind(as.list(out2$results_overall))
#   , 12)

Just one site, all the indicators

  ejam2table_tall(out2, sitenumber = 1)
  , 20)
See indicators aggregated over all people across all sites
## view output of batch run aggregation ####
out <- testoutput_ejamit_1000pts_1miles
head(cbind(overall = as.list( out$results_overall)))
#>                 overall
#> EJScreen Report NA     
#> EJScreen Map    NA     
#> ECHO report     NA     
#> ejam_uniq_id    NA     
#> valid           TRUE   
#> invalid_msg     ""

## To see just some subset of indicators, like Environmental only:
cbind(overall = as.list( out$results_overall[ , ..names_e])); cat("\n")
#>                 overall  
#> pm              9.4237   
#> o3              65.9796  
#> no2             11.08754 
#> dpm             0.3321597
#> rsei            4227.326 
#> traffic.score   4083324  
#> pctpre1960      0.4255891
#> proximity.npl   1.036089 
#> proximity.rmp   0.7589651
#> proximity.tsdf  10.38343 
#> ust             8.573221 
#> proximity.npdes 50125.2  
#> drinking        2.38881
cbind(overall = as.list( out$results_overall[ , ..names_d])); cat("\n")
#>                  overall   
#> Demog.Index      1.718163  
#> Demog.Index.Supp 1.765287  
#> pctlowinc        0.3356696 
#> pctlingiso       0.09735858
#> pctunemployed    0.06679282
#> pctlths          0.1511022 
#> pctunder5        0.05880198
#> pctover64        0.1396016 
#> pctmin           0.5856438
cbind(overall = as.list( out$results_overall[ , ..names_d_subgroups])); cat("\n")
#>                 overall    
#> pcthisp         0.3341704  
#> pctnhba         0.1156517  
#> pctnhaa         0.09142377 
#> pctnhaiana      0.002953629
#> pctnhnhpia      0.001746431
#> pctnhotheralone 0.00578322 
#> pctnhmulti      0.03391459 
#> pctnhwa         0.4143562
cbind(overall = as.list( out$results_overall[ , ..names_e_pctile])); cat("\n")
#>                        overall
#>              81     
#> pctile.o3              74     
#> pctile.no2             82     
#> pctile.dpm             87     
#> pctile.rsei            84     
#> pctile.traffic.score   88     
#> pctile.pctpre1960      69     
#> pctile.proximity.npl   91     
#> pctile.proximity.rmp   74     
#> pctile.proximity.tsdf  91     
#> pctile.ust             87     
#> pctile.proximity.npdes 95     
#> pctile.drinking        87
cbind(overall = as.list( out$results_overall[ , ..names_d_pctile])); cat("\n")
#>                         overall
#> pctile.Demog.Index      70     
#> pctile.Demog.Index.Supp 63     
#> pctile.pctlowinc        61     
#> pctile.pctlingiso       85     
#> pctile.pctunemployed    69     
#> pctile.pctlths          73     
#> pctile.pctunder5        61     
#> pctile.pctover64        41     
#> pctile.pctmin           71
# cbind(overall = as.list( out$results_overall[ , ..names_ej_pctile])); cat("\n")



Barplot showing which indicator is most elevated overall

out <- testoutput_ejamit_1000pts_1miles

  varnames = c(names_d_ratio_to_state_avg, names_d_subgroups_ratio_to_state_avg),
  main = "Residential population group percentages at Selected Sites Compared to State Averages")

Barplot of ratios of residential population indicators at selected sites to State averages. It is a series of bars where some are above a ratio of 1, and one is more than 2 times the State average of supplemental demog. index.

Histogram of indicators distribution over all people across all sites

hist(out$results_bysite$pctile.traffic.score, 10, xlab = "Local traffic scores (expressed as a percentile)", 
     ylab = "count of sites in each bin, out of 1,000 sites", freq = TRUE, 
     main = "Actual distribution of scores nearby, as percentiles, 
     vs flat line = USA overall")
abline(h = nrow(out$results_bysite)/10)

Histogram of distribution of scores nearby, in ten decile bins, as percentiles versus a flat line representing the US overall, an expected count of 100 sites per decile, out of 1,000 sites total. Bars in the first three deciles (low traffic scores) are above the expected 100 line, meaning these sites have an overrepresentation of sites with low traffic scores compared to the US overall.