FIPS - Analyze US Counties as if they were sites, to get summary indicators summary for each county
FIPS - Analyze US Counties as if they were sites, to get summary indicators summary for each county
provides table similar to the output of getblocksnearby(), data.table with one row per blockgroup in these counties, or all pairs of county fips - bgid, and ejam_uniq_id (1 through N) assigned to each county but missing blockid and distance so not ready for doaggregate().
This function provides one row per blockgroup.
provides one row per block.
See more below under "Value"
# compare counties within a state:
fipsRI = fips_counties_from_state_abbrev("RI")
x = counties_as_sites(fipsRI)
out = doaggregate(x) # similar to ejamit()
ejam2barplot_sites(out, "pop", names.arg = fipsRI)
# compare two specific counties:
# Largest US Counties by ACS Population Totals:
topcounties = blockgroupstats[ , .(ST = ST[1], countypop = sum(pop)),
by = .(FIPS = substr(bgfips,1,5))][order(-countypop),][1:20, .(
CountyPopulation = prettyNum(countypop, big.mark = ","), FIPS, ST)]
myfips = topcounties$FIPS
# simplest map of top counties
map_shapes_leaflet(shapes = shapes_counties_from_countyfips(myfips))
# simplest way to get and map results county by county
out_c1 = ejamit(fips = myfips)
# another way to get and map results county by county
s2b = counties_as_sites(myfips)
out_c2 = doaggregate(s2b)
# but without URLs/links to reports
bysite = out_c2$results_bysite
bysite$ejam_uniq_id <- myfips