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SLOW / needs to be optimized. CDF Line Plots of cumulative share of each residential population group, within each distance


  results_bybg_people = NULL,
  radius_miles =
    na.rm = T), table_rounding_info("distance_min_avgperson")),
  subgroups_type = NULL,
  demogvarname = NULL,
  demoglabel = NULL,
  colorlist = colorspace::diverging_hcl(length(demogvarname)),
  coloroverall = "black",
  returnwhat = "table",



data.table from doaggregate()$results_bybg_people


miles radius that was max distance analyzed


optional, can be set to "nh" or "alone". Specifies types of race ethnicity subgroups to use for demogvarname but only if demogvarname is not specified as a parameter. If neither is specified it tries to use default_subgroups_type if that is a variable set by global.R, since it cannot check the reactive variable input$subgroups_type outside the context of the web app.


optional way to specify names of columns to use from results_bybg_people, e.g., c("pctlowinc", "pctmin"), or namez$d, or could be a vector of subgroups such as namez$d_subgroups_nh that includes "pctnhba" etc. or namez$d_subgroups_alone that includes "pctba" etc., but if demogvarname is not specified here as a parameter, this info could also be specified by the subgroups_type parameter here. If neither is specified, the function will try to use a default


friendly text names for labelling graphic, like "Low income residents"


colors like "red" etc. for the residential population groups of interest


color like "gray" for everyone as a whole


If returnwhat is "table", invisibly returns a full table of sorted distances of blockgroups, cumulative count of demog groups at that block group's distance. If returnwhat is "plotfilename" then it returns the full path including filename of a .png in a tempdir If returnwhat is "plot" then it returns the plot object as needed for table_xls_format()


other parameters passed through to points()


see returnwhat parameter

See also

distance_by_group() ejamit() for examples


 y <- ejamit(testpoints_100, radius = 3)
 # see barplot and table comparing groups to see which are closer to sites analyzed
 plot_distance_mean_by_group(y$results_bybg_people) # or distance_mean_by_group() synonym
 # table - proximity of sites for just one demog group vs rest of population
   demogvarname = 'pctlowinc'))
 # plot cumulative share of group by distance vs overall population
     demogvarname = 'pctlowinc' )
 # plot cum. shares for two groups  
 # about 14% of black and 12% of asian residents have a site within 1 mile. 
 # 29% vs 21% have a site within 1.5 miles.
 round(xyz[findInterval(c(1, 1.5),  xyz$dist), ], 3) 
 # plot is too busy for all groups at once so this is a way to tap through them 1 by 1
 these = c(names_d, names_d_subgroups)
 for (i in 1:length(these)) {
   readline("press any key to see the next plot")
   print(distance_by_group_plot(y$results_bybg_people, demogvarname = these[i]) )