Compare subsets (types) of places that are all from one list
*** DRAFT - May change but works as currently drafted. e.g., change output formats of results_bytype vs results_overall
typeofsite = NULL,
shapefile = NULL,
fips = NULL,
silentinteractive = TRUE,
out <- ejamit_compare_types_of_places(testpoints_10[1:4, ],
typeofsite = c("A", "B", "B", "C"))
cbind(Rows_or_length = sapply(out, NROW))
ejam2barplot_sitegroups(out, names_these_ratio_to_avg[1], topn = 3)
ejam2barplot_sitegroups(out, "sitecount_unique", topn=3, sortby = F)
ejam2barplot_sitegroups(out, "pop", topn = 3, sortby = F)
# use calculated variable not in original table
df <- out$results_bytype
df$share <- df$pop / sum(df$pop)
df$pop_per_site <- df$pop / df$sitecount_unique
"share", ylab = "Share of Total Population",
topn = 3, names.arg = out$types , sortby = F)
"pop_per_site", ylab = "Pop. at Avg. Site in Group",
topn = 3, main = "Nearby Residents per Site, by Site Type",
names.arg = out$types , sortby = F)
if (FALSE) { # \dontrun{
# Analyze by EPA Region
pts <- data.frame(testpoints_1000)
# Get State and EPA Region of each point from lat/lon
x <- state_from_latlon(lat = pts$lat, lon = pts$lon)
pts <- data.frame(pts, x)
out_byregion <- ejamit_compare_types_of_places(
pts, typeofsite = pts$REGION)
dvarname <- names_d[3]
ejam2barplot_sitegroups(out_byregion, dvarname)
abline(h = usastats_means(dvarname))
ejam2barplot_sitegroups(out_byregion, "",
main = "By EPA Region", ylim = c(0, 2))
abline(h = 1)
# Analyze by State (slow)
out_bystate <- ejamit_compare_types_of_places(pts, typeofsite = pts$ST)
ejam2barplot_sitegroups(out_bystate, "sitecount_unique",
names.arg = out_bystate$types, topn = 52, cex.names = 0.5,
main = "Sites by State")
} # }