This is a data.table snapshot version of the EPA FRS. You can look up sites by REGISTRY_ID in frs, and get their location, etc.
This dataset can be updated by a package maintainer by using frs_update_datasets() (which is not an exported function)
The definitions of active/inactive here are not quite the same as used in ECHO. See attributes(frs) to see date created, etc.
Also, EJScreen has maps of EPA-regulated facilities of a few program types, as provided here: and for a table of acronym definitions see and epa_programs_defined
Count of all REGISTRY_ID rows: Approx 7 million
Count of unique REGISTRY_ID values: Approx 4-5 million
Clearly inactive unique IDs: Approx 1-2 million
Assumed active unique IDs: Approx 3 million
frs rows total: Approx 2-3 million
frs_by_programid rows: Approx 3-4 million
frs_by_naics rows: Approx 700k
frs_by_sic rows: Approx 700k
Classes ‘data.table’ and 'data.frame'
1, "lat"
2, "lon"
5, "NAICS"
6, "SIC"