geocode, but only if AOI package is installed and attached and what it imports like tidygeocoder etc.
geocode, but only if AOI package is installed and attached and what it imports like tidygeocoder etc.
- address
vector of addresses
- xy
set it to TRUE if you want only x,y returned, see help for AOI pkg
- pt
see help for AOI pkg, return geometry if set to TRUE, allowing map. param as provided is ignored and set to TRUE if aoimap=TRUE
- aoimap
see help for AOI pkg, create map if set to TRUE
- batchsize
how many to request per geocode query, done in batches if necessary
- ...
passed to geocode() see
help(geocode, package = "AOI")
returns NULL if you have not installed and attached the AOI package. If AOI is attached via library() or require() or package imports, this returns a tibble table of x,y or lat,lon values or geometries. see the AOI package.
# only works if AOI package installed already and attached too
# #test_addresses2b <- c("1200 Pennsylvania Ave, NW Washington DC", "Research Triangle Park")
# #x <- geocode(test_addresses2b)
# out <- ejamit(x, radius = 3)
# fname = system.file("testdata/address/street_address_9.xlsx", package="EJAM")
#x1 <- read_csv_or_xl(fname)
#x2 <- latlon_from_anything(fname)