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Get lat lon, Registry ID, and NAICS, for given FRS Program System ID


latlon_from_programid(programname, programid)



name of EPA program that the programid is from: "RCRAINFO" is the programname and "XJW000000174" is the programid if the full record was RCRAINFO:XJW000000174


like "XJW000000174" "RCRAINFO" is the programname and "XJW000000174" is the programid if the full record was RCRAINFO:XJW000000174


data.table with lat lon REGISTRY_ID program pgm_sys_id


The ID is the identification number, such as the permit number, assigned by an information management system that represents a facility site, waste site, operable unit, or other feature tracked by that Environmental Information System.

see epa_programs for a list of programs and their acronyms and a count of FRS facilities under each. Also see a simple lilst of names like this: as.vector(epa_programs) or sort(unique(frs_by_programid$program))

There are roughly 3.5 million records in frs_by_programid but only about 2.7 million unique pgm_sys_id values because the same number may be used under different program types, like RCRAINFO AND EGRID.

These are two distinct facilities both using the number 1:

latlon_from_programid('EGRID', 1) latlon_from_programid('ICIS', 1)

Also note the FRS API:


 ids = c("00603DSCFPRD459", "00603MCRNTRD11K", "00605VNMRBMONTA" )
 latlon_from_programid("TRIS", ids) 
 latlon_from_programid('EGRID', 1) 
 latlon_from_programid('ICIS', 1)
 # ambiguous to only use the number! 354362 is used by two programs here:
 frs_by_programid[match(testids_program_sys_id, frs_by_programid$pgm_sys_id), ]
 frs_by_programid[frs_by_programid$pgm_sys_id %in% testids_program_sys_id, ]