Read shapefile from a folder
- folder
path of folder that contains the files (.shp, .shx, .dbf, and .prj)
- cleanit
set to FALSE if you want to skip validation and dropping invalid rows
- crs
passed to shapefile_from_filepaths() default is crs = 4269 or Geodetic CRS NAD83
- ...
passed to
if (FALSE) { # \dontrun{
testfolder <- system.file("testdata/shapes/Portland_neighborhoods", package = "EJAM")
testshape <- shapefile_from_folder(testfolder)
testpaths <- shapefile_filepaths_from_folder(testfolder)
testshape <- shapefile_from_filepaths(testpaths)
## if interactive(), R user can point to right folder or select the right set of files:
# testshape <- shapefile_from_filepaths()
# testshape <- shapefile_from_folder()
x <- get_blockpoints_in_shape(testshape)
leaflet(x$polys) %>% addTiles() %>% addPolygons(color = "blue")
} # }