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52 rows and a few variables: ST is the 2-letter abbreviation, statename is the State name, etc.




An object of class data.frame with 52 rows and 5 columns.


Created for EJAM by datacreate_stateinfo.R script

Also see Census details

column names: 'ST' 'statename' 'ftpname' 'FIPS.ST' 'REGION'

Some datasets lack PR. (72)

Many datasets lack these: AS, GU, MP, VI (codes '60' '66' '69' '78')

Almost all datasets lack UM. (74)

    72 PR                 Puerto Rico

    66 GU                        Guam

    69 MP    Northern Mariana Islands

    78 VI         U.S. Virgin Islands

    74 UM U.S. Minor Outlying Islands

See also

stateinfo2 for more columns