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Get data.table of Random Points (lat lon) for Testing/ Benchmarking/ Demos, weighted in various ways. The weighting can be specified so that each point reflects the average EPA-regulated facility, blockgroup, block, place on the map, or US resident.


  n = 10,
  weighting = c("frs", "pop", "area", "bg", "block"),
  region = NULL,
  ST = NULL,
  validonly = TRUE,
  dt = TRUE



Number of points needed (sample size)


word indicating how to weight the random points (some synonyms are allowed, in addition to those shown here):

Note the default is frs, but you may want to use pop even though it is slower.

  • pop or people (slow) = Average Person: random person among all US residents (block point of residence per 2020 Census)

  • frs or facility = Average Facility: random EPA-regulated facility from actives in Facility Registry Service (FRS)

  • bg = Average Blockgroup: random US Census block group (internal point like a centroid)

  • block = Average Block: random US Census block (internal point like a centroid)

  • area or place = Average Place: random point on a map (internal point of avg blockgroup weighted by its square meters size)


optional vector of EPA Regions (1-10) to pick from only some regions.


optional, can be a character vector of 2 letter State abbreviations to pick from only some States. #' @examples mapfast(testpoints_n(300, ST = c('LA','MS')) )


return only points with valid lat/lon coordinates. Defaults to TRUE.


logical, whether to return a data.table (DEFAULT) instead of normal data.frame


data.frame or data.table with columns lat, lon in decimal degrees, and any other columns that are in the table used (based on weighting)