
Configuring the Default Sediment Model


Starting with version the VELMA simulator contains an implementation of Bob McKane's Prototype Sediment Model for VELMA. Like the model, the implementation is a prototype, albeit functional within its limitations.

Simulation configurations that include a sediment model parameterization model computes and reports "Loss" amounts simulating sediment movement from ridge to stream, corresponding to amounts "lost" at the watershed outlet on a per-day basis. The model also provides a variety of spatially-explicit, cell-specific data results.
See the Sediment Output Data Summary for details.

The sediment mechanism changes the spatial distribution of detrius leaf and top-layer humus amounts over the course a simulation run relative to a simulation run of the same configuration without the sediment mechanism. Those differences directly affect VELMA cover, soil (for humus) and chemistry calculations, and through them, indirectly affect water flow.


Be aware of the following limitations regarding the sediment model and its use.


Adding and Configuring the Sediment Model

In JVelma, click the Edit --> Set Sediment Model --> Default Sediment Model menu item.
This adds the sediment parameterization group to the configuration, shifts to JVelma's GUI to display "All Parameters" tab, and sets the selector-filter to "sediment".
The sediment group's parameters initially have these default values:

Group Item Parameter Value
sediment DefaultSedimentModel enableCategorizedLossTransfersReport false
sediment DefaultSedimentModel modelClass gov.epa.velmasimulator.DefaultSedimentModel
sediment DefaultSedimentModel setBiomassLeafTransportScalarB
sediment DefaultSedimentModel setDetritusLeafCtoNcorrectionConstant
sediment DefaultSedimentModel setDetritusLeafDryWeight
sediment DefaultSedimentModel setDetritusLeafMmPerH2Omm
sediment DefaultSedimentModel setDetritusLeafToHumusTransportRatioKs
sediment DefaultSedimentModel setDetritusLeafTransportScalarB
sediment DefaultSedimentModel setFaccTransportScalarA 1.0
sediment DefaultSedimentModel setFaccTransportScalarB 0.5
sediment DefaultSedimentModel setHumusMmPerH2Omm
sediment DefaultSedimentModel setSlopeTransportScalarA 1.0
sediment DefaultSedimentModel setSlopeTransportScalarB 0.5
sediment DefaultSedimentModel uniqueId 1
sediment DefaultSedimentModel uniqueName DefaultSedimentModel

Cover and Soil Specific Parameters

Several sediment model parameters require the specification of distinct values for each and every cover or soil type specified in the simulation configuration.

Parameter Requires a value for each ...
setBiomassLeafTransportScalarB cover uniqueId
setDetritusLeafCtoNcorrectionConstant cover uniqueId
setDetritusLeafDryWeight cover uniqueId
setDetritusLeafMmPerH2Omm cover uniqueId
setDetritusLeafToHumusTransportRatioKs cover (not soil) uniqueId
setDetritusLeafTransportScalarB cover uniqueId
setHumusMmPerH2Omm soil uniqueId

Multiple parameter values are specified for these parameters as a sequence of whitespace-separated ID:value pairs.

Suppose a simulation configuration has 3 cover types, with uniqueId parameters 1, 3, and 501.
A valid parameterization for the setBiomassLeafTransportScalarB parameter might be specified as: 1:0.40 3:075 501:0.05

The ID:value notation must be used even when only one cover and/or soil type are specified.

Suppose a simulation configuration specifies only one soil type, with uniqueId of 7.
A valid parameter value for setHumusMmPerH2Omm might be 7:0.30, however simply specifying 0.30 instead would be invalid.

JVelma's "All Parameters" tab can be used to determine the simulation configuration's cover and soil uniqueId values:

Parameter Details

Determines whether the sediment model emits additional detailed loss data as part of the simulation results.
When set true per-step counts and amounts for sediment loss transfers are reported as csv data rows in the simulation's global trace log file.
The csv data rows are identified by a keytext column: LOSS_TRANSFER_REPORT.
Each data row reports sediment transfer counts and amounts for the cell-to-cell transfer categories that comprise daily sediment loss values.
This parameter's default value is false.

This parameter's value is the actual Java class name of this sediment model.
It should be set to the correct value (gov.epa.velmasimulator.DefaultSedimentModel) by default.
Do not change this parameter's value unless it is not set to the default value -- if it is not, then setting it to the default value is not only allowed, but required.

The base ("B") parameter used to compute Biomass Leaf transport scalar values via the following exponential equation:

biomassLeafTransportScalar = biomassLeafTransportScalarB^

Each "B" parameter specified must be within the range (0.0, 1.0).
This parameter is cover-specific.
Specify a uniqueId:biomassLeafTransportScalarB pair for each cover type specfied for this simulation. Specify the pairs as a whitespace-delineated sequence for this parameter.

A simulation with 3 cover types, and uniqueId values of 1, 7, and 23 might specify the following for this parameter: 1:0.40 7:0.15 23:0.58

setDetritusLeafCtoNcorrectionConstant Correction-constant multiplier for the C/N ratio of DetritusLeaf.
Corrects the C/N ratio for:

This parameter is cover-specific.
Specify a uniqueId:detritusLeafCtoNcorrectionConstant pair for each cover type specfied for this simulation. Specify the pairs as a whitespace-delineated sequence for this parameter.
Each uniqueId:detritusLeafCtoNcorrectionConstant pair specified must have detritusLeafCtoNcorrectionConstant value greater than 0.

A simulation with 3 cover types, and uniqueId values of 1, 7, and 23 might specify the following for this parameter: 1:1.0 7:1.5 23:2.0

Detritus Leaf Dry Weight values (in units of cm3/g).
Known detritus Leaf Dry Weight values are required for conversion between gN/m2 and mm amounts: these must be provided from appropriate literature or user-experience.
This parameter is cover-specific.
Specify a uniqueId:dryWeightValue pair for each cover type specfied for this simulation. Specify the pairs as a whitespace-delineated sequence for this parameter.

A simulation with 3 cover types, and uniqueId values of 1, 7, and 23 might specify the following for this parameter: 1:0.20 7:0.15 23:0.48

The number of mm of Detritus Leaf that can be transported by 1 mm of scalar-adjusted lateral-out water movement.
This parameter is cover-specific.
Specify a uniqueId:detritusLeafMmPerH2Omm pair for each cover type specfied for this simulation. Specify the pairs as a whitespace-delineated sequence for this parameter. Each detritusLeafMmPerH2Omm value specified must be greater than zero.

A simulation with 3 cover types, and uniqueId values of 1, 7, and 23 might specify the following for this parameter: 1:1.8 7:1.5 23:2.0

The ("Ks") parameter of the Detritus Leaf-to-Humus transport ratio equation.
The ratio is computed in terms of Detritus Leaf alone, using a Monod equation with the form:

ratio = ratioMax * (mm of detritus leaf) / (detritus leaf Ks + mm of detritus leaf))

Note: ratio's value must not exceed 1.0, so ratioMax is fixed at 1.0, never changes, and is omitted from the actual calculation.
This parameter is cover-specific.
Specify a uniqueId:Ks pair for each cover type specfied for this simulation. Specify the pairs as a whitespace-delineated sequence for this parameter. Each "Ks" parameter value must be zero or greater."

A simulation with 3 cover types, and uniqueId values of 1, 7, and 23 might specify the following for this parameter: 1:2.00 7:1.50 23:0.80

The base ("B") parameter used to compute Detritus Leaf transport scalar values via the following exponential equation:

detritusLeafTransportScalar = detritusLeafTransportScalarB^gNm2DetritusLeafAmount

This parameter is cover-specific.
Specify a uniqueId:detritusLeafTransportScalarB pair for each cover type specfied for this simulation. Specify the pairs as a whitespace-delineated sequence for this parameter.
Each "B" parameter specified must be within the range (0.0, 1.0)

A simulation with 3 cover types, and uniqueId values of 1, 7, and 23 might specify the following for this parameter: 1:0.65 7:0.70 23:0.40

The ("a") parameter of the flow accumulation (facc) transport scalar's equation.
The slope transporation scalar is computed using a logistic equation with the form:

y = exp(-a + b * faccValue) / (1 + exp(-a + b * faccValue))

The function will negate the provided "a" value: do NOT set "a" as a negative value.

The ("b") parameter of the flow accumulation (facc) transport scalar's equation.
The slope transporation scalar is computed using a logistic equation with the form:

y = exp(-a + b * faccValue) / (1 + exp(-a + b * faccValue))

The "b" parameter's value must be in the range [0, 1), and 0 is deprecated.
VELMA logs a warning when "b" equals 0, but permits the simulation to run.

The number of mm of Humus that can be transported by 1 mm of scalar-adjusted lateral-out water movement. This parameter is soil-specific.
Specify a uniqueId:HumusMmPerH2Omm pair for each cover type specfied for this simulation. Specify the pairs as a whitespace-delineated sequence for this parameter. Each humusMmPerH2Omm value specified must be greater than zero."

A simulation with 2 soil types, and uniqueId values of 2 and 8 might specify the following for this parameter: 2:2.5 8:4.0

The ("a") parameter of the slope transport scalar's equation.
The slope transporation scalar is computed using a logistic equation with the form:

y = exp(-a + b * slopePercent) / (1 + exp(-a + b * slopePercent))

The function will negate the provided "a" value: do NOT set "a" as a negative value.

The "b" parameter of the slope transport scalar's equation.
The slope transporation scalar is computed using a logistic equation with the form:

y = exp(-a + b * slopePercent) / (1 + exp(-a + b * slopePercent))

The "b" parameter's value must be in the range [0, 1), and 0 is deprecated. VELMA logs a warning when "b" == 0, but permits the simulation to run.

The unique identification index number for this sediment model instance.
JVelma sets this parameter to a valid default value automatically: if this contaminant group is added via JVelma's GUI, there should be no need to modify the existing value for this parameter.
If you modify the default value, you must abide by the following:

The unique name for this sediment model instance.
JVelma sets this parameter to a valid default value automatically: if this contaminant group is added via JVelma's GUI, there should be no need to modify the existing value for this parameter. Changing uniqueName's value is permitted, but is also discouraged.
If you modify the default value, you must abide by the following:

Removing the Sediment Model from a Simulation Configuration

To remove the sediment model parameterization from simulation configuration,
in JVelma, click the Edit --> Set Sediment Model --> NO Sediment Model menu item.
Warning: this will immediately remove the sediment parameterization group from the configuration!
If you want to retain the sediment parameterization values for future reference, consider saving a copy of the configuration under a different name prior to removing the sediment group.

Appendix A: Configuration Tips

Shutting Off Either the Slope or Facc Transport Scalar

Although not recommended, it is possible to "shut off" the effect of either the slope or facc transport scalar by setting the "a" and "b" parameters so that the logistic equation evaluates to zero regardless of the respective slope-percent or flow-accumulation value. Due to the nature of IEEE floating-point arithmetic, the following parameterization ensures the slope or facc transport scalar will always evaluate to zero:

  1. Choose either the slope or facc transport scalar to "shut off".
  2. Set that scalar's "a" parameter to "9999.0".
  3. Set that scalar's "b" parameter to "0.0".

The sediment transport calculation uses min((slopeTransportScalar + faccTransportScalar), 1.0) as a multiplicative factor, so when either the slope or facc scalar is zero, the other, non-zero scalar has sole effect.
(This is why zeroing both slope and facc scalars is "wrong": min((0.0 + 0.0), 1.0) would have the effect of always "maxing out" the slope+facc scalar factor.