
Running VelmaParallelCmdLine With Multiple Maps


These instructions assume you are already familiar with running "single-map" VELMA simulations using the VelmaParallelCmdLine.

VelmaParallelCmdLine allows some (or all) of a waterhshed's independent sub-reaches to be pre-computed by separate VelmaParallelCmdLine runs -- possibly using separate, smaller DEM sub-maps of the sub-reach areas.

Applying this technique requires additional effort during simulation configuration, and there are constraints and limitations inherent in its use.

If the constraints and limitations do not apply for your simulation goals, consider using this feature when you have a DEM map and watershed so large that flat-processing the entire DEM in JPDEM and running the full watershed in VELMA requires prohibitive amounts of computer time and memory.

The following instructions describe how to break a map into two sections of two or more submaps: a single, "final" destination sub-map as one section, and one or more source sub-maps (that flow into the final sub-map) as the other section. These instructions can be applied recursively, using the results of a [destination, source(s)] pairing as the source for another downstream, destination sub-map. This allows any number of sub-map section pairs to be processed as a chain or tree of simulation runs, producing a final-final result.

Usage Details


  1. Start by creating sub-maps from your overall, full DEM map.
  1. Flat-process each sub-map.
  1. Find "primary" outlet locations for each of your flat-processed sub-maps.
  1. Determine the location coordinates (x, y, and i) for each sub-map's primary outlet in the coordinate system of the final sub-map.
  1. Find a sub-reach delineation for the final sub-map.
  1. Find sub-reach delineations for each (non-final) sub-map if/as necessary.


Create a VELMA Simulation Configuration .xml File for Each Sub-Map
Each sub-map will be processed via a separate VelmaParallelCmdLine run with a separate, specific, .xml configuration file.
Each file .xml file must have some parameters set to common values, along with some parameters set to values unique for that file and its sub-map.

The following parameter values must be the same across all of the configuration .xml files:

Any and all Cover and Soil parameterizations must be common (i.e., exist with exactly the same parameterization values) across all sub-map .xml files, this does not mean that a given sub-map must use all of them. Different sub-map .xml files may specify different Cover and Soil id maps that ignore some of the common Cover and Soil parameterizations.

Any OrganicContaminantModel configurations must be common (with the exact same parameterization values) in all sub-map .xmls so that contaminant amounts introduced at one sub-map are not "ingored" by other sub-maps.

The following parameters are specific (and different) for each configuration .xml file:

The final sub-map's configuration .xml file has an additional requirement:

Weather Model Considerations
Different sub-maps can be run with different weather models, but unless you have compelling evidence that different sub-maps will benefit from different weather models, we recommend consistently using one type of weather model for all of the different sub-map configurations.

You can set different parameterization values for each sub-map's weather (e.g. one sub-map's snow parameterization could very will differ from another's), and you can specify different driver files for different sub-map configurations. The driver files specified for given sub-map should be area-appropriate for that sub-map. The extent for all driver data files specified must be the forcing_start and forcing_end parmeter values that are common across all .xml files.

If you are using the Spatial or Weighted-Spatial models, you must create separate weather station location files for each sub-map configuration file's weatherLocationsDataFileName parameter. The weather station location file for a given sub-map must specify only weather stations with locations within the sub-map, and location coordinates for the station must be provided in the sub-map's coordinate system.

Observed Data
Observed runoff and chemistry data for the input_runoff and input_stream_chem parameters of a given sub-map are unique to that sub-map and its .xml file. However, like all driver data files, the extent of all observed-data files specified for any sub-map must be the forcing_start and forcing_end parmeter values that are common across all .xml files.
Observed-data can be left blank for any sub-map's .xml where suitable observed data is unavailable.

Water Drain disturbances cannot be used with multiple-map simulation runs.

The other disturbances types can be used with multiple-map simulations.

Different sub-maps can specify different disturbances, but care must be exercised to ensure simulation consistency between the upstream sub-maps and the downstream, final sub-map. Any disturbance that applies across more than one sub-map must be specified in the configuration .xml for each sub-map where it applies, and with exactly the same parameterization, except for map-specific parameters like filter-maps or jagged-array data.

The Final Sub-Map's Relocation File
You must create a Relocation File to use with the VelmaParallelCmdLine run of the final sub-map. The Relocation File is not specified in a parameter of the final sub-map's configuration .xml file, it is passed directly to the VelmaParallelCmdLine via the --relocationFile= argument when the final sub-map simulation is run.

Each row in the relocation file maps an "upstream" source sub-map outlet (iSource) and its simulation results folder (sourceLocationData) to an adjacent "downstream" destination sub-reach (iReach) of the final sub-map, and a cell location within that sub-reach (iUseAt).

The Relocation File's format is rows of comma-separated values (.csv data).
Each row must contain the following fields:

iReach, iUseAs, iSource, sourceLocationData

The iReach and iUseAs field values refer to the destination (i.e. final) sub-map.
The iSource and sourceLocationData field values refer to the source (i.e. the upstream, contributor) sub-map.
Here is the row format again, with annotation:

Destination Map | Source Map
iReach, iUseAs, | iSource, sourceLocationData
|       |         |        |
|       |         |        Fully-qualified path to source sub-map simulation results directory.
|       |         |        (Specifies the location of the source sub-map simulation run results.)
|       |         |
|       |         Cell location index of source sub-map outlet in source simulation map coordinates
|       |         (Specifies the source sub-map outlet location that "pours into" the final sub-map.)
|       |
|       Cell location index of source outlet in destination simulation map coordinates
|       (Translates iSource to final sub-map map coordinates.)
Cell location of outlet cell of sub-reach in destination simulation that iUseAs resides in.
(Tells VelmaParallel which sub-reach in the final sub-map the iUseAs location is in.)
* The "iUseAs" cell location lies within the final sub-map's sub-reach whose outlet cell location is "iReach".
- Caution: regarding "iUseAs" and "iReach" cell locations: if at any time a catchment is added by adding an outlet location, if along the flow path the new outlet location is between the iReach location and iUseAs location, the iReach location is no longer valid in the relocation file. The original iReach location must be updated to be the newly added outlet location.
* The source sub-map "iSource" (source-coordinates) location is the "isUseAs" (destination-coordinates) 
  location in the destination final sub-map.

The sourceLocationData field of each row specifies the directory paths of the (upstream contributor) sub-map results. It can be any directory containing the complete, appropriate, set of data files for a successful run of the sub-map with iSource as its outlet.

If you begin creating your relocation file before running any of the upstream sub-map simulations, none of the directory paths you need to specify for sourceLocationData will exist.
If you are absolutely certain what the results directory path names will be, you can preemptively set the sourceLocationData field values.
However, since the relocation file is only required for the downstream, final sub-map, you can complete the relocation file after running the upstream sub-map simulations (see "Running the Simulatio" below).

Running the Simulation(s)

Each sub-map's (except for the final sub-map) simulation configuration .xml file is run via a separate, standard VelmaParallelCmdLine invocation.

Since all of the sub-maps (again, except for the final sub-map) are independent delineation areas, it may be possible to start all of them simultaneously.

Exactly how many of the sub-maps can be started together depends upon your hardware: you'll need to have a good idea about how much memory each sub-map requires in order to complete, and how much disk space its results will occupy.

Once all the other sub-maps have successfully run to completion, fill in the sourceFileLocationData fields of the relocation file, and run the final sub-map via VelmaParallelCmdLine, specifying the relocation file to VelmaParallelCmdLine via the --relocationFile= argument.


C:\Users\Meep\> java -Xmx4g -cp C:\Users\Meep\VELMA\JVelma.jar gov.epa.velmasimulator.VelmaParallelCmdLine C:\Users\Meep\Final_SubMap.xml --relocationFile="C:\Users\Meep\My Input Data\Final_SubMap_Relocations.csv" --maxProcesses=6

In the above example:


General Limitations