
Appendix 1: Overview of VELMA's Leaf-Stem-Root (LSR) Plant Biomass Submodel

In VELMA version 1.0, plant biomass in each cell was simulated in aggregate. That is, leaves, stems and rootswere lumped together in a single biomass pool (Abdelnour et al. 2011). This lumped approach greatly simplifiedthe structure and application of the model. Although version 1.0 successfully simulates important aspects ofcatchment hydrology and biogeochemistry (e.g., Abdelnour et al. 2011, 2013), it does not simulate effectsassociated with phenological changes and disturbances and that disproportionately affect specific plant tissues,for example, leaf growth and senescence, defoliation events, selective removal of high or low C/N tissues viaharvest, grazing, fire, etc.

To address such effects, version 2.0 simulates four plant biomass pools: leaves, aboveground stems, belowgroundstems, and fine roots. Main features of this leaf-stem-root (LSR) submodel include:

Figure A1.1Figure A1.2Figure A1.3Figure A1.4Figure A1.5Figure A1.6Figure A1.7Figure A1.8Figure A1.9Figure A1.10Figure A1.11