The wntr.network.model module includes methods to build a water network
import logging
from collections import OrderedDict
from typing import List, Union
from warnings import warn
import networkx as nx
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import six
import wntr.epanet
import wntr.network.io
from wntr.utils.ordered_set import OrderedSet
from .base import AbstractModel, Link, LinkStatus, Registry
from .controls import Control, Rule
from .elements import (
from .options import Options
from .io import read_inpfile
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class WaterNetworkModel(AbstractModel):
Water network model class.
inp_file_name: str (optional)
Directory and filename of EPANET inp file to load into the
:class:`~wntr.network.model.WaterNetworkModel` object.
def __init__(self, inp_file_name=None):
# Network name
self.name = None
self._references: List[Union[str, dict]] = list()
"""A list of references that document the source of this model."""
self._options = Options()
self._node_reg = NodeRegistry(self)
self._link_reg = LinkRegistry(self)
self._pattern_reg = PatternRegistry(self)
self._curve_reg = CurveRegistry(self)
self._controls = OrderedDict()
self._sources = SourceRegistry(self)
self._msx = None
# NetworkX Graph to store the pipe connectivity and node coordinates
self._labels = None
self._inpfile = None
if inp_file_name:
read_inpfile(inp_file_name, append=self)
# To be deleted and/or renamed and/or moved
# Time parameters
self.sim_time = 0.0
self._prev_sim_time = None # the last time at which results were accepted
def _compare(self, other, level=1):
other: WaterNetworkModel
if (
self.num_junctions != other.num_junctions
or self.num_reservoirs != other.num_reservoirs
or self.num_tanks != other.num_tanks
or self.num_pipes != other.num_pipes
or self.num_pumps != other.num_pumps
or self.num_valves != other.num_valves
return False
for name, node in self.nodes():
if not node._compare(other.get_node(name)):
return False
for name, link in self.links():
if not link._compare(other.get_link(name)):
return False
if level > 0:
for name, pat in self.patterns():
if pat != other.get_pattern(name):
return False
for name, curve in self.curves():
if curve != other.get_curve(name):
return False
for name, source in self.sources():
if source != other.get_source(name):
return False
if self.options != other.options:
return False
for name, control in self.controls():
if not control._compare(other.get_control(name)):
return False
return True
def _shifted_time(self):
Return the time in seconds shifted by the
simulation start time (e.g. as specified in the
inp file). This is, this is the time since 12 AM
on the first day.
return self.sim_time + self.options.time.start_clocktime
def _prev_shifted_time(self):
Return the time in seconds of the previous solve shifted by
the simulation start time. That is, this is the time from 12
AM on the first day to the time at the previous hydraulic
return self._prev_sim_time + self.options.time.start_clocktime
def _clock_time(self):
Return the current time of day in seconds from 12 AM
return self._shifted_time % (24 * 3600)
def _clock_day(self):
"""Return the clock-time day of the simulation"""
return int(self._shifted_time / 86400)
### #
### Iteratable attributes
def options(self):
"""The model's options object
return self._options
def nodes(self):
"""The node registry (as property) or a generator for iteration (as function call)
return self._node_reg
def links(self):
"""The link registry (as property) or a generator for iteration (as function call)
return self._link_reg
def patterns(self):
"""The pattern registry (as property) or a generator for iteration (as function call)
return self._pattern_reg
def curves(self):
"""The curve registry (as property) or a generator for iteration (as function call)
return self._curve_reg
def sources(self):
"""Returns a generator to iterate over all sources
A generator in the format (name, object).
for source_name, source in self._sources.items():
yield source_name, source
def controls(self):
"""Returns a generator to iterate over all controls
A generator in the format (name, object).
for control_name, control in self._controls.items():
yield control_name, control
### #
### Element iterators
def junctions(self):
"""Iterator over all junctions"""
return self._node_reg.junctions
def tanks(self):
"""Iterator over all tanks"""
return self._node_reg.tanks
def reservoirs(self):
"""Iterator over all reservoirs"""
return self._node_reg.reservoirs
def pipes(self):
"""Iterator over all pipes"""
return self._link_reg.pipes
def pumps(self):
"""Iterator over all pumps"""
return self._link_reg.pumps
def valves(self):
"""Iterator over all valves"""
return self._link_reg.valves
def head_pumps(self):
"""Iterator over all head-based pumps"""
return self._link_reg.head_pumps
def power_pumps(self):
"""Iterator over all power pumps"""
return self._link_reg.power_pumps
def prvs(self):
"""Iterator over all pressure reducing valves (PRVs)"""
return self._link_reg.prvs
def psvs(self):
"""Iterator over all pressure sustaining valves (PSVs)"""
return self._link_reg.psvs
def pbvs(self):
"""Iterator over all pressure breaker valves (PBVs)"""
return self._link_reg.pbvs
def tcvs(self):
"""Iterator over all throttle control valves (TCVs)"""
return self._link_reg.tcvs
def fcvs(self):
"""Iterator over all flow control valves (FCVs)"""
return self._link_reg.fcvs
def gpvs(self):
"""Iterator over all general purpose valves (GPVs)"""
return self._link_reg.gpvs
def msx(self):
"""A multispecies water quality model, if defined"""
return self._msx
def msx(self, model):
if model is None:
self._msx = None
from wntr.msx.base import QualityModelBase
if not isinstance(model, QualityModelBase):
raise TypeError('Expected QualityModelBase (or derived), got {}'.format(type(model)))
self._msx = model
def add_msx_model(self, msx_filename=None):
"""Add an msx model from a MSX input file (.msx extension)"""
from wntr.msx.model import MsxModel
self._msx = MsxModel(msx_file_name=msx_filename)
def remove_msx_model(self):
"""Remove an msx model from the network"""
self._msx = None
### #
### Create blank, unregistered objects (for direct assignment)
def new_demand_timeseries_list(self):
return Demands(self)
def new_timeseries(self):
return TimeSeries(self, 0.0)
def new_pattern(self):
return Pattern(None, time_options=self._options.time)
### #
### Add elements to the model
def add_junction(
self, name, base_demand=0.0, demand_pattern=None, elevation=0.0, coordinates=None, demand_category=None
Adds a junction to the water network model
name : str
Name of the junction.
base_demand : float
Base demand at the junction.
demand_pattern : str or Pattern
Name of the demand pattern or the Pattern object
elevation : float
Elevation of the junction.
coordinates : tuple of floats
X-Y coordinates of the node location.
demand_category : str
Name of the demand category
self._node_reg.add_junction(name, base_demand, demand_pattern, elevation, coordinates, demand_category)
def add_tank(
Adds a tank to the water network model
name : str
Name of the tank.
elevation : float
Elevation at the tank.
init_level : float
Initial tank level.
min_level : float
Minimum tank level.
max_level : float
Maximum tank level.
diameter : float
Tank diameter.
min_vol : float
Minimum tank volume.
vol_curve : str, optional
Name of a volume curve
overflow : bool
Overflow indicator (Always False for the WNTRSimulator)
coordinates : tuple of float, optional
X-Y coordinates of the node location.
name, elevation, init_level, min_level, max_level, diameter, min_vol, vol_curve, overflow, coordinates
def add_reservoir(self, name, base_head=0.0, head_pattern=None, coordinates=None):
Adds a reservoir to the water network model
name : str
Name of the reservoir.
base_head : float, optional
Base head at the reservoir.
head_pattern : str, optional
Name of the head pattern.
coordinates : tuple of floats, optional
X-Y coordinates of the node location.
self._node_reg.add_reservoir(name, base_head, head_pattern, coordinates)
def add_pipe(
Adds a pipe to the water network model
name : str
Name of the pipe.
start_node_name : str
Name of the start node.
end_node_name : str
Name of the end node.
length : float, optional
Length of the pipe.
diameter : float, optional
Diameter of the pipe.
roughness : float, optional
Pipe roughness coefficient.
minor_loss : float, optional
Pipe minor loss coefficient.
initial_status : str or LinkStatus, optional
Pipe initial status. Options are 'OPEN' or 'CLOSED'.
check_valve : bool, optional
True if the pipe has a check valve.
False if the pipe does not have a check valve.
name, start_node_name, end_node_name, length, diameter, roughness, minor_loss, initial_status, check_valve
def add_pump(
Adds a pump to the water network model
name : str
Name of the pump.
start_node_name : str
Name of the start node.
end_node_name : str
Name of the end node.
pump_type : str, optional
Type of information provided for a pump. Options are 'POWER' or 'HEAD'.
pump_parameter : float or str
For a POWER pump, the pump power.
For a HEAD pump, the head curve name.
speed: float
Relative speed setting (1.0 is normal speed)
pattern: str
Name of the speed pattern
initial_status : str or LinkStatus
Pump initial status. Options are 'OPEN' or 'CLOSED'.
name, start_node_name, end_node_name, pump_type, pump_parameter, speed, pattern, initial_status
def add_valve(
Adds a valve to the water network model
name : str
Name of the valve.
start_node_name : str
Name of the start node.
end_node_name : str
Name of the end node.
diameter : float, optional
Diameter of the valve.
valve_type : str, optional
Type of valve. Options are 'PRV', 'PSV', 'PBV', 'FCV', 'TCV', and 'GPV'
minor_loss : float, optional
Pipe minor loss coefficient.
initial_setting : float or str, optional
Valve initial setting.
Pressure setting for PRV, PSV, or PBV.
Flow setting for FCV.
Loss coefficient for TCV.
Name of headloss curve for GPV.
initial_status: str or LinkStatus
Valve initial status. Options are 'OPEN', 'CLOSED', or 'ACTIVE'.
name, start_node_name, end_node_name, diameter, valve_type, minor_loss, initial_setting, initial_status
def add_pattern(self, name, pattern=None):
Adds a pattern to the water network model
The pattern can be either a list of values (list, numpy array, etc.) or a
:class:`~wntr.network.elements.Pattern` object. The Pattern class has options to automatically
create certain types of patterns, such as a single, on/off pattern (previously created using
the start_time and stop_time arguments to this function) -- see the class documentation for
.. warning::
Patterns **must** be added to the model prior to adding any model element that uses the pattern,
such as junction demands, sources, etc. Patterns are linked by reference, so changes to a
pattern affects all elements using that pattern.
.. warning::
Patterns **always** use the global water network model options.time values.
Patterns **will not** be resampled to match these values, it is assumed that
patterns created using Pattern(...) or Pattern.binary_pattern(...) object used the same
pattern timestep value as the global value, and they will be treated accordingly.
name : str
Name of the pattern.
pattern : list of floats or Pattern
A list of floats that make up the pattern, or a :class:`~wntr.network.elements.Pattern` object.
If adding a pattern with `name` that already exists.
self._pattern_reg.add_pattern(name, pattern)
def add_curve(self, name, curve_type, xy_tuples_list):
Adds a curve to the water network model
name : str
Name of the curve.
curve_type : str
Type of curve. Options are HEAD, EFFICIENCY, VOLUME, HEADLOSS.
xy_tuples_list : list of (x, y) tuple
List of X-Y coordinate tuples on the curve.
self._curve_reg.add_curve(name, curve_type, xy_tuples_list)
def add_source(self, name, node_name, source_type, quality, pattern=None):
Adds a source to the water network model
name : str
Name of the source
node_name: str
Injection node.
source_type: str
Source type, options = CONCEN, MASS, FLOWPACED, or SETPOINT
quality: float
Source strength in Mass/Time for MASS and Mass/Volume for CONCEN,
pattern: str or Pattern
Pattern name or object
if pattern and isinstance(pattern, six.string_types):
pattern = self.get_pattern(pattern)
source = Source(self, name, node_name, source_type, quality, pattern)
self._sources[source.name] = source
self._pattern_reg.add_usage(source.strength_timeseries.pattern_name, (source.name, "Source"))
self._node_reg.add_usage(source.node_name, (source.name, "Source"))
def add_control(self, name, control_object):
Adds a control or rule to the water network model
name : str
control object name.
control_object : Control or Rule
Control or Rule object.
if name in self._controls:
raise ValueError(
"The name provided for the control is already used. Please either remove the control with that name first or use a different name for this control."
self._controls[name] = control_object
### #
### Remove elements from the model
def remove_node(self, name, with_control=False, force=False):
"""Removes a node from the water network model"""
node = self.get_node(name)
if not force:
if with_control:
x = []
for control_name, control in self._controls.items():
if node in control.requires():
+ " "
+ control_name
+ " is being removed along with node "
+ name
for i in x:
for control_name, control in self._controls.items():
if node in control.requires():
raise RuntimeError(
"Cannot remove node {0} without first removing control/rule {1}".format(name, control_name)
def remove_link(self, name, with_control=False, force=False):
"""Removes a link from the water network model"""
link = self.get_link(name)
if not force:
if with_control:
x = []
for control_name, control in self._controls.items():
if link in control.requires():
+ " "
+ control_name
+ " is being removed along with link "
+ name
for i in x:
for control_name, control in self._controls.items():
if link in control.requires():
raise RuntimeError(
"Cannot remove link {0} without first removing control/rule {1}".format(name, control_name)
def remove_pattern(self, name):
"""Removes a pattern from the water network model"""
def remove_curve(self, name):
"""Removes a curve from the water network model"""
def remove_source(self, name):
"""Removes a source from the water network model
name : str
The name of the source object to be removed
"You are deleting a source. This could have unintended \
side effects. If you are replacing values, use get_source(name) \
and modify it instead."
source = self._sources[name]
self._pattern_reg.remove_usage(source.strength_timeseries.pattern_name, (source.name, "Source"))
self._node_reg.remove_usage(source.node_name, (source.name, "Source"))
del self._sources[name]
def remove_control(self, name):
"""Removes a control from the water network model"""
del self._controls[name]
def _discard_control(self, name):
"""Removes a control from the water network model
If the control is not present, an exception is not raised.
name : string
The name of the control object to be removed.
del self._controls[name]
except KeyError:
### #
### Get elements from the model
def get_node(self, name):
"""Get a specific node
name : str
The node name
Junction, Tank, or Reservoir
return self._node_reg[name]
def get_link(self, name):
"""Get a specific link
name : str
The link name
Pipe, Pump, or Valve
return self._link_reg[name]
def get_pattern(self, name):
"""Get a specific pattern
name : str
The pattern name
return self._pattern_reg[name]
def get_curve(self, name):
"""Get a specific curve
name : str
The curve name
return self._curve_reg[name]
def get_source(self, name):
"""Get a specific source
name : str
The source name
return self._sources[name]
def get_control(self, name):
"""Get a specific control or rule
name : str
The control name
ctrl: Control or Rule
return self._controls[name]
### #
### Name lists
def node_name_list(self):
"""Get a list of node names
list of strings
return list(self._node_reg.keys())
def junction_name_list(self):
"""Get a list of junction names
list of strings
return list(self._node_reg.junction_names)
def tank_name_list(self):
"""Get a list of tanks names
list of strings
return list(self._node_reg.tank_names)
def reservoir_name_list(self):
"""Get a list of reservoir names
list of strings
return list(self._node_reg.reservoir_names)
def link_name_list(self):
"""Get a list of link names
list of strings
return list(self._link_reg.keys())
def pipe_name_list(self):
"""Get a list of pipe names
list of strings
return list(self._link_reg.pipe_names)
def pump_name_list(self):
"""Get a list of pump names (both types included)
list of strings
return list(self._link_reg.pump_names)
def head_pump_name_list(self):
"""Get a list of head pump names
list of strings
return list(self._link_reg.head_pump_names)
def power_pump_name_list(self):
"""Get a list of power pump names
list of strings
return list(self._link_reg.power_pump_names)
def valve_name_list(self):
"""Get a list of valve names (all types included)
list of strings
return list(self._link_reg.valve_names)
def prv_name_list(self):
"""Get a list of prv names
list of strings
return list(self._link_reg.prv_names)
def psv_name_list(self):
"""Get a list of psv names
list of strings
return list(self._link_reg.psv_names)
def pbv_name_list(self):
"""Get a list of pbv names
list of strings
return list(self._link_reg.pbv_names)
def tcv_name_list(self):
"""Get a list of tcv names
list of strings
return list(self._link_reg.tcv_names)
def fcv_name_list(self):
"""Get a list of fcv names
list of strings
return list(self._link_reg.fcv_names)
def gpv_name_list(self):
"""Get a list of gpv names
list of strings
return list(self._link_reg.gpv_names)
def pattern_name_list(self):
"""Get a list of pattern names
list of strings
return list(self._pattern_reg.keys())
def curve_name_list(self):
"""Get a list of curve names
list of strings
return list(self._curve_reg.keys())
def source_name_list(self):
"""Get a list of source names
list of strings
return list(self._sources.keys())
def control_name_list(self):
"""Get a list of control/rule names
list of strings
return list(self._controls.keys())
### #
### Counts
def num_nodes(self):
"""The number of nodes"""
return len(self._node_reg)
def num_junctions(self):
"""The number of junctions"""
return len(self._node_reg.junction_names)
def num_tanks(self):
"""The number of tanks"""
return len(self._node_reg.tank_names)
def num_reservoirs(self):
"""The number of reservoirs"""
return len(self._node_reg.reservoir_names)
def num_links(self):
"""The number of links"""
return len(self._link_reg)
def num_pipes(self):
"""The number of pipes"""
return len(self._link_reg.pipe_names)
def num_pumps(self):
"""The number of pumps"""
return len(self._link_reg.pump_names)
def num_valves(self):
"""The number of valves"""
return len(self._link_reg.valve_names)
def num_patterns(self):
"""The number of patterns"""
return len(self._pattern_reg)
def num_curves(self):
"""The number of curves"""
return len(self._curve_reg)
def num_sources(self):
"""The number of sources"""
return len(self._sources)
def num_controls(self):
"""The number of controls"""
return len(self._controls)
### #
### Helper functions
def describe(self, level=0):
Describe number of components in the network model
level : int (0, 1, or 2)
* Level 0 returns the number of Nodes, Links, Patterns, Curves, Sources, and Controls.
* Level 1 includes information from Level 0 but
divides Nodes into Junctions, Tanks, and Reservoirs,
divides Links into Pipes, Pumps, and Valves, and
divides Curves into Pump, Efficiency, Headloss, and Volume.
* Level 2 includes information from Level 1 but
divides Pumps into Head and Power, and
divides Valves into PRV, PSV, PBV, TCV, FCV, and GPV.
A dictionary with component counts
d = {
"Nodes": self.num_nodes,
"Links": self.num_links,
"Patterns": self.num_patterns,
"Curves": self.num_curves,
"Sources": self.num_sources,
"Controls": self.num_controls,
if level >= 1:
d["Nodes"] = {"Junctions": self.num_junctions, "Tanks": self.num_tanks, "Reservoirs": self.num_reservoirs}
d["Links"] = {"Pipes": self.num_pipes, "Pumps": self.num_pumps, "Valves": self.num_valves}
d["Curves"] = {
"Pump": len(self._curve_reg._pump_curves),
"Efficiency": len(self._curve_reg._efficiency_curves),
"Headloss": len(self._curve_reg._headloss_curves),
"Volume": len(self._curve_reg._volume_curves),
if level >= 2:
d["Links"]["Pumps"] = {"Head": len(list(self.head_pumps())), "Power": len(list(self.power_pumps()))}
d["Links"]["Valves"] = {
"PRV": len(list(self.prvs())),
"PSV": len(list(self.psvs())),
"PBV": len(list(self.pbvs())),
"TCV": len(list(self.tcvs())),
"FCV": len(list(self.fcvs())),
"GPV": len(list(self.gpvs())),
return d
def to_dict(self):
Dictionary representation of the WaterNetworkModel.
return wntr.network.io.to_dict(self)
def from_dict(self, d: dict):
Append the model with elements from a dictionary.
d : dict
Dictionary representation of the WaterNetworkModel
wntr.network.io.from_dict(d, append=self)
def to_gis(self, crs=None, pumps_as_points=False, valves_as_points=False):
Convert a WaterNetworkModel into GeoDataFrames
crs : str, optional
Coordinate reference system, by default None
pumps_as_points : bool, optional
Represent pumps as points (True) or lines (False), by default False
valves_as_points : bool, optional
Represent valves as points (True) or lines (False), by default False
WaterNetworkGIS object that contains junctions, tanks, reservoirs, pipes,
pumps, and valves GeoDataFrames
return wntr.network.io.to_gis(self, crs, pumps_as_points, valves_as_points)
def from_gis(self, gis_data):
Append the model with elements from GeoDataFrames
gis_data : WaterNetworkGIS or dict of geopandas.GeoDataFrame
GeoDataFrames containing water network attributes. If gis_data is a
dictionary, then the keys are junctions, tanks, reservoirs, pipes,
pumps, and valves. If the pumps or valves are Points, they will be
converted to Lines with the same start and end node location.
return wntr.network.io.from_gis(gis_data, append=self)
def to_graph(self, node_weight=None, link_weight=None,
Convert a WaterNetworkModel into a networkx MultiDiGraph
node_weight : dict or pandas Series (optional)
Node weights
link_weight : dict or pandas Series (optional)
Link weights.
modify_direction : bool (optional)
If True, than if the link weight is negative, the link start and
end node are switched and the abs(weight) is assigned to the link
(this is useful when weighting graphs by flowrate). If False, link
direction and weight are not changed.
networkx MultiDiGraph
return wntr.network.io.to_graph(self, node_weight, link_weight,
def get_graph(self, node_weight=None, link_weight=None, modify_direction=False):
Convert a :class:`~wntr.network.model.WaterNetworkModel` into a networkx MultiDiGraph
.. deprecated:: 0.5.0
Use :meth:`~wntr.network.model.WaterNetworkModel.to_graph` instead
node_weight : dict or pandas.Series (optional)
Node weights
link_weight : dict or pandas.Series (optional)
Link weights.
modify_direction : bool (optional)
If True, then if the link weight is negative, the link start and
end node are switched and the abs(weight) is assigned to the link
(this is useful when weighting graphs by flowrate). If False, link
direction and weight are not changed.
networkx MultiDiGraph
warn("wntr.network.WaterNetworkModel.get_graph is deprecated, use wntr.network.WaterNetworkModel.to_graph instead", DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2)
return wntr.network.io.to_graph(self, node_weight, link_weight,
def assign_demand(self, demand, pattern_prefix="ResetDemand"):
Assign demands using values in a DataFrame.
New demands are specified in a pandas DataFrame indexed by
time (in seconds). The method resets junction demands by creating a
new demand pattern and using a base demand of 1.
The demand pattern is resampled to match the water network model
pattern timestep. This method can be
used to reset demands in a water network model to demands from a
pressure dependent demand simulation.
demand : pandas.DataFrame
A pandas DataFrame containing demands (index = time, columns = junction names)
pattern_prefix: str
Pattern name prefix, default = 'ResetDemand'. The junction name is
appended to the prefix to create a new pattern name.
If the pattern name already exists, an error is thrown and the user
should use a different pattern prefix name.
for junc_name in demand.columns:
# Extract the node demand pattern and resample to match the pattern timestep
demand_pattern = demand.loc[:, junc_name]
demand_pattern.index = pd.to_timedelta(demand_pattern.index, "s")
resample_offset = str(int(self.options.time.pattern_timestep)) + "s"
demand_pattern = demand_pattern.resample(resample_offset).mean() / self.options.hydraulic.demand_multiplier
# Add the pattern
# If the pattern name already exists, this fails
pattern_name = pattern_prefix + junc_name
self.add_pattern(pattern_name, demand_pattern.tolist())
# Reset base demand
junction = self.get_node(junc_name)
junction.demand_timeseries_list.append((1.0, pattern_name))
def get_links_for_node(self, node_name, flag="ALL"):
Returns a list of links connected to a node
node_name : str
Name of the node.
flag : str
Options are 'ALL', 'INLET', 'OUTLET'.
'ALL' returns all links connected to the node.
'INLET' returns links that have the specified node as an end node.
'OUTLET' returns links that have the specified node as a start node.
A list of link names connected to the node
link_types = {"Pipe", "Pump", "Valve"}
link_data = self._node_reg.get_usage(node_name)
if link_data is None:
return []
if flag.upper() == "ALL":
return [
for link_name, link_type in link_data
if link_type in link_types
and node_name in {self.get_link(link_name).start_node_name, self.get_link(link_name).end_node_name}
elif flag.upper() == "INLET":
return [
for link_name, link_type in link_data
if link_type in link_types and node_name == self.get_link(link_name).end_node_name
elif flag.upper() == "OUTLET":
return [
for link_name, link_type in link_data
if link_type in link_types and node_name == self.get_link(link_name).start_node_name
logger.error("Unrecognized flag: {0}".format(flag))
raise ValueError("Unrecognized flag: {0}".format(flag))
def query_node_attribute(self, attribute, operation=None, value=None, node_type=None):
Query node attributes, for example get all nodes with elevation <= threshold
attribute: str
:class:`~wntr.network.base.Node` attribute.
operation: numpy operator
Numpy operator, options include
value: float or int
node_type: Node type
:class:`~wntr.network.base.Node` type, options include
:class:`~wntr.network.elements.Tank`, or None. Default = None.
Note None and :class:`~wntr.network.base.Node` produce the same results.
:class:`pandas.Series` that contains the attribute that satisfies the operation threshold for a given node_type.
If operation and value are both None, the :class:`pandas.Series` will contain the attributes
for all nodes with the specified attribute.
node_attribute_dict = {}
for name, node in self.nodes(node_type):
if operation == None and value == None:
node_attribute_dict[name] = getattr(node, attribute)
node_attribute = getattr(node, attribute)
if operation(node_attribute, value):
node_attribute_dict[name] = node_attribute
except AttributeError:
return pd.Series(node_attribute_dict)
def query_link_attribute(self, attribute, operation=None, value=None, link_type=None):
Query link attributes, for example get all pipe diameters > threshold
attribute: str
:class:`~wntr.network.base.Link` attribute
operation: numpy operator
Numpy operator, options include the following:
value: float or int
link_type: Link type
:class:`~wntr.network.base.Link` type, options include
:class:`~wntr.network.elements.Valve`, or None. Default = None.
Note None and :class:`~wntr.network.base.Link` produce the same results.
:class:`pandas.Series` that contains the attribute that satisfies the operation threshold for a given link_type.
If operation and value are both None, the :class:`pandas.Series` will contain the attributes
for all links with the specified attribute.
link_attribute_dict = {}
for name, link in self.links(link_type):
if operation == None and value == None:
link_attribute_dict[name] = getattr(link, attribute)
link_attribute = getattr(link, attribute)
if operation(link_attribute, value):
link_attribute_dict[name] = link_attribute
except AttributeError:
return pd.Series(link_attribute_dict)
def convert_controls_to_rules(self, priority=3):
Convert all controls to rules.
Note that for an exact match between controls and rules, the rule
timestep must be very small.
priority : int, optional
Rule priority, default is 3.
for name in self.control_name_list:
control = self.get_control(name)
if isinstance(control, Control):
act = control.actions()[0]
cond = control.condition
rule = Rule(cond, act, priority=priority)
self.add_control(name.replace(" ", "_") + "_Rule", rule)
def reset_initial_values(self):
Resets all initial values in the network
#### TODO: move reset conditions to /sim
self.sim_time = 0.0
self._prev_sim_time = None
for name, node in self.nodes(Junction):
node._head = None
node._demand = None
node._pressure = None
node._leak_demand = None
node._leak_status = False
node._is_isolated = False
for name, node in self.nodes(Tank):
node._head = node.init_level + node.elevation
node._prev_head = node.head
node._demand = None
node._leak_demand = None
node._leak_status = False
node._is_isolated = False
for name, node in self.nodes(Reservoir):
node._head = None # node.head_timeseries.base_value
node._demand = None
node._leak_demand = None
node._is_isolated = False
for name, link in self.links(Pipe):
link._user_status = link.initial_status
link._setting = link.initial_setting
link._internal_status = LinkStatus.Active
link._is_isolated = False
link._flow = None
link._prev_setting = None
for name, link in self.links(Pump):
link._user_status = link.initial_status
link._setting = link.initial_setting
link._internal_status = LinkStatus.Active
link._is_isolated = False
link._flow = None
if isinstance(link, PowerPump):
link.power = link._base_power
link._prev_setting = None
for name, link in self.links(Valve):
link._user_status = link.initial_status
link._setting = link.initial_setting
link._internal_status = LinkStatus.Active
link._is_isolated = False
link._flow = None
link._prev_setting = None
for name, control in self.controls():
class PatternRegistry(Registry):
"""A registry for patterns."""
def _finalize_(self, model):
self._pattern_reg = None
class DefaultPattern(object):
"""An object that always points to the current default pattern for a model"""
def __init__(self, options):
self._options = options
def __str__(self):
return str(self._options.hydraulic.pattern) if self._options.hydraulic.pattern is not None else ""
def __repr__(self):
return "DefaultPattern()"
def name(self):
"""The name of the default pattern, or ``None`` if no pattern is assigned"""
return str(self._options.hydraulic.pattern) if self._options.hydraulic.pattern is not None else ""
def __getitem__(self, key):
return super(PatternRegistry, self).__getitem__(key)
except KeyError:
return None
def add_pattern(self, name, pattern=None):
Adds a pattern to the water network model.
The pattern can be either a list of values (list, numpy array, etc.) or
a :class:`~wntr.network.elements.Pattern` object. The Pattern class has
options to automatically create certain types of patterns, such as a
single, on/off pattern
.. warning::
Patterns **must** be added to the model prior to adding any model
element that uses the pattern, such as junction demands, sources,
etc. Patterns are linked by reference, so changes to a pattern
affects all elements using that pattern.
.. warning::
Patterns **always** use the global water network model options.time
values. Patterns **will not** be resampled to match these values,
it is assumed that patterns created using Pattern(...) or
Pattern.binary_pattern(...) object used the same pattern timestep
value as the global value, and they will be treated accordingly.
name : str
Name of the pattern.
pattern : list of float or Pattern
A list of floats that make up the pattern, or a
:class:`~wntr.network.elements.Pattern` object.
If adding a pattern with `name` that already exists.
assert (
isinstance(name, str) and len(name) < 32 and name.find(" ") == -1
), "name must be a string with less than 32 characters and contain no spaces"
assert isinstance(pattern, (list, np.ndarray, Pattern)), "pattern must be a list or Pattern"
if not isinstance(pattern, Pattern):
pattern = Pattern(name, multipliers=pattern, time_options=self._options.time)
else: # elif pattern.time_options is None:
pattern.time_options = self._options.time
if pattern.name in self._data.keys():
raise ValueError("Pattern name already exists")
self[name] = pattern
def default_pattern(self):
"""A new default pattern object"""
return self.DefaultPattern(self._options)
class CurveRegistry(Registry):
"""A registry for curves."""
def __init__(self, model):
super(CurveRegistry, self).__init__(model)
self._pump_curves = OrderedSet()
self._efficiency_curves = OrderedSet()
self._headloss_curves = OrderedSet()
self._volume_curves = OrderedSet()
def _finalize_(self, model):
self._curve_reg = None
def __setitem__(self, key, value):
if not isinstance(key, six.string_types):
raise ValueError("Registry keys must be strings")
self._data[key] = value
if value is not None:
self.set_curve_type(key, value.curve_type)
def set_curve_type(self, key, curve_type):
Sets curve type.
WARNING -- this does not check to make sure key is typed before assigning it -
you could end up with a curve that is used for more than one type"""
if curve_type is None:
curve_type = curve_type.upper()
if curve_type == "HEAD":
elif curve_type == "HEADLOSS":
elif curve_type == "VOLUME":
elif curve_type == "EFFICIENCY":
raise ValueError("curve_type must be HEAD, HEADLOSS, VOLUME, or EFFICIENCY")
def add_curve(self, name, curve_type, xy_tuples_list):
Adds a curve to the water network model.
name : str
Name of the curve.
curve_type : str
Type of curve. Options are HEAD, EFFICIENCY, VOLUME, HEADLOSS.
xy_tuples_list : list of (x, y) tuples
List of X-Y coordinate tuples on the curve.
assert (
isinstance(name, str) and len(name) < 32 and name.find(" ") == -1
), "name must be a string with less than 32 characters and contain no spaces"
assert isinstance(curve_type, (type(None), str)), "curve_type must be a string"
assert isinstance(xy_tuples_list, (list, np.ndarray)), "xy_tuples_list must be a list of (x,y) tuples"
curve = Curve(name, curve_type, xy_tuples_list)
self[name] = curve
def untyped_curves(self):
"""Generator to get all curves without type
name : str
The name of the curve
curve : Curve
The untyped curve object
defined = set(self._data.keys())
untyped = defined.difference(
self._pump_curves, self._efficiency_curves, self._headloss_curves, self._volume_curves
for key in untyped:
yield key, self._data[key]
def untyped_curve_names(self):
"""List of names of all curves without types"""
defined = set(self._data.keys())
untyped = defined.difference(
self._pump_curves, self._efficiency_curves, self._headloss_curves, self._volume_curves
return list(untyped)
def pump_curves(self):
"""Generator to get all pump curves
name : str
The name of the curve
curve : Curve
The pump curve object
for key in self._pump_curves:
yield key, self._data[key]
def pump_curve_names(self):
"""List of names of all pump curves"""
return list(self._pump_curves)
def efficiency_curves(self):
"""Generator to get all efficiency curves
name : str
The name of the curve
curve : Curve
The efficiency curve object
for key in self._efficiency_curves:
yield key, self._data[key]
def efficiency_curve_names(self):
"""List of names of all efficiency curves"""
return list(self._efficiency_curves)
def headloss_curves(self):
"""Generator to get all headloss curves
name : str
The name of the curve
curve : Curve
The headloss curve object
for key in self._headloss_curves:
yield key, self._data[key]
def headloss_curve_names(self):
"""List of names of all headloss curves"""
return list(self._headloss_curves)
def volume_curves(self):
"""Generator to get all volume curves
name : str
The name of the curve
curve : Curve
The volume curve object
for key in self._volume_curves:
yield key, self._data[key]
def volume_curve_names(self):
"""List of names of all volume curves"""
return list(self._volume_curves)
class SourceRegistry(Registry):
"""A registry for sources."""
def _finalize_(self, model):
self._sources = None
def __delitem__(self, key):
if self._usage and key in self._usage and len(self._usage[key]) > 0:
raise RuntimeError(
"cannot remove %s %s, still used by %s" % (self.__class__.__name__, key, self._usage[key])
elif key in self._usage:
source = self._data.pop(key)
self._pattern_reg.remove_usage(source.strength_timeseries.pattern_name, (source.name, "Source"))
self._node_reg.remove_usage(source.node_name, (source.name, "Source"))
return source
except KeyError:
# Do not raise an exception if there is no key of that name
class NodeRegistry(Registry):
"""A registry for nodes."""
def __init__(self, model):
super(NodeRegistry, self).__init__(model)
self._junctions = OrderedSet()
self._reservoirs = OrderedSet()
self._tanks = OrderedSet()
def _finalize_(self, model):
self._node_reg = None
def __setitem__(self, key, value):
if not isinstance(key, six.string_types):
raise ValueError("Registry keys must be strings")
self._data[key] = value
if isinstance(value, Junction):
elif isinstance(value, Tank):
elif isinstance(value, Reservoir):
def __delitem__(self, key):
if self._usage and key in self._usage and len(self._usage[key]) > 0:
raise RuntimeError(
"cannot remove %s %s, still used by %s" % (self.__class__.__name__, key, str(self._usage[key]))
elif key in self._usage:
node = self._data.pop(key)
if isinstance(node, Junction):
for pat_name in node.demand_timeseries_list.pattern_list():
if pat_name:
self._curve_reg.remove_usage(pat_name, (node.name, "Junction"))
if isinstance(node, Reservoir) and node.head_pattern_name:
self._curve_reg.remove_usage(node.head_pattern_name, (node.name, "Reservoir"))
if isinstance(node, Tank) and node.vol_curve_name:
self._curve_reg.remove_usage(node.vol_curve_name, (node.name, "Tank"))
return node
except KeyError:
def __call__(self, node_type=None):
Returns a generator to iterate over all nodes of a specific node type.
If no node type is specified, the generator iterates over all nodes.
node_type: Node type
Node type, options include
wntr.network.model.Tank, or None. Default = None.
Note None and wntr.network.model.Node produce the same results.
A generator in the format (name, object).
if node_type == None:
for node_name, node in self._data.items():
yield node_name, node
elif node_type == Junction:
for node_name in self._junctions:
yield node_name, self._data[node_name]
elif node_type == Tank:
for node_name in self._tanks:
yield node_name, self._data[node_name]
elif node_type == Reservoir:
for node_name in self._reservoirs:
yield node_name, self._data[node_name]
raise RuntimeError("node_type, " + str(node_type) + ", not recognized.")
def add_junction(
Adds a junction to the water network model.
name : str
Name of the junction.
base_demand : float
Base demand at the junction.
demand_pattern : str or Pattern
Name of the demand pattern or the Pattern object
elevation : float
Elevation of the junction.
coordinates : tuple of floats, optional
X-Y coordinates of the node location.
demand_category : str, optional
Category to the **base** demand
emitter_coeff : float, optional
Emitter coefficient
initial_quality : float, optional
Initial quality at this junction
assert (
isinstance(name, str) and len(name) < 32 and name.find(" ") == -1
), "name must be a string with less than 32 characters and contain no spaces"
assert isinstance(base_demand, (int, float)), "base_demand must be a float"
assert isinstance(
demand_pattern, (type(None), str, PatternRegistry.DefaultPattern, Pattern)
), "demand_pattern must be a string or Pattern"
assert isinstance(elevation, (int, float)), "elevation must be a float"
assert isinstance(coordinates, (type(None), (tuple, list,))), "coordinates must be a tuple"
assert isinstance(demand_category, (type(None), str)), "demand_category must be a string"
assert isinstance(emitter_coeff, (type(None), int, float)), "emitter_coeff must be a float"
assert isinstance(initial_quality, (type(None), int, float)), "initial_quality must be a float"
base_demand = float(base_demand)
elevation = float(elevation)
junction = Junction(name, self)
junction.elevation = elevation
junction.add_demand(base_demand, demand_pattern, demand_category)
self[name] = junction
if coordinates is not None:
junction.coordinates = coordinates
if emitter_coeff is not None:
junction.emitter_coefficient = emitter_coeff
if initial_quality is not None:
junction.initial_quality = initial_quality
def add_tank(
Adds a tank to the water network model.
name : str
Name of the tank.
elevation : float
Elevation at the tank.
init_level : float
Initial tank level.
min_level : float
Minimum tank level.
max_level : float
Maximum tank level.
diameter : float
Tank diameter of a cylindrical tank (only used when the volume
curve is None)
min_vol : float
Minimum tank volume (only used when the volume curve is None)
vol_curve : str, optional
Name of a volume curve. The volume curve overrides the tank diameter
and minimum volume.
overflow : bool, optional
Overflow indicator (Always False for the WNTRSimulator)
coordinates : tuple of floats, optional
X-Y coordinates of the node location.
assert (
isinstance(name, str) and len(name) < 32 and name.find(" ") == -1
), "name must be a string with less than 32 characters and contain no spaces"
assert isinstance(elevation, (int, float)), "elevation must be a float"
assert isinstance(init_level, (int, float)), "init_level must be a float"
assert isinstance(min_level, (int, float)), "min_level must be a float"
assert isinstance(max_level, (int, float)), "max_level must be a float"
assert isinstance(diameter, (int, float)), "diameter must be a float"
assert isinstance(min_vol, (int, float)), "min_vol must be a float"
assert isinstance(vol_curve, (type(None), str)), "vol_curve must be a string"
assert isinstance(overflow, (type(None), str, bool, int)), "overflow must be a bool, 'YES' or 'NO, or 0 or 1"
assert isinstance(coordinates, (type(None), (tuple,list,))), "coordinates must be a tuple"
elevation = float(elevation)
init_level = float(init_level)
min_level = float(min_level)
max_level = float(max_level)
diameter = float(diameter)
min_vol = float(min_vol)
if init_level < min_level:
raise ValueError("Initial tank level must be greater than or equal to the tank minimum level.")
if init_level > max_level:
raise ValueError("Initial tank level must be less than or equal to the tank maximum level.")
if vol_curve is not None and vol_curve != "*":
if not isinstance(vol_curve, six.string_types):
raise ValueError("Volume curve name must be a string")
elif not vol_curve in self._curve_reg.volume_curve_names:
raise ValueError(
"The volume curve "
+ vol_curve
+ " is not one of the curves in the "
+ "list of volume curves. Valid volume curves are:"
+ str(self._curve_reg.volume_curve_names)
vcurve = np.array(self._curve_reg[vol_curve].points)
if min_level < vcurve[0, 0]:
raise ValueError(
"The volume curve "
+ vol_curve
+ " has a minimum value ({0:5.2f}) \n"
+ 'greater than the minimum level for tank "'
+ name
+ '" ({1:5.2f})\n'
+ "please correct the user input."
).format(vcurve[0, 0], min_level)
elif max_level > vcurve[-1, 0]:
raise ValueError(
"The volume curve "
+ vol_curve
+ " has a maximum value ({0:5.2f}) \n"
+ 'less than the maximum level for tank "'
+ name
+ '" ({1:5.2f})\n'
+ "please correct the user input."
).format(vcurve[-1, 0], max_level)
tank = Tank(name, self)
tank.elevation = elevation
tank.init_level = init_level
tank.min_level = min_level
tank.max_level = max_level
tank.diameter = diameter
tank.min_vol = min_vol
tank.vol_curve_name = vol_curve
tank.overflow = overflow
self[name] = tank
if coordinates is not None:
tank.coordinates = coordinates
def add_reservoir(self, name, base_head=0.0, head_pattern=None, coordinates=None):
Adds a reservoir to the water network model.
name : str
Name of the reservoir.
base_head : float, optional
Base head at the reservoir.
head_pattern : str, optional
Name of the head pattern.
coordinates : tuple of floats, optional
X-Y coordinates of the node location.
assert (
isinstance(name, str) and len(name) < 32 and name.find(" ") == -1
), "name must be a string with less than 32 characters and contain no spaces"
assert isinstance(base_head, (int, float)), "base_head must be float"
assert isinstance(head_pattern, (type(None), str)), "head_pattern must be a string"
assert isinstance(coordinates, (type(None), (tuple, list))), "coordinates must be a tuple"
base_head = float(base_head)
reservoir = Reservoir(name, self)
reservoir.base_head = base_head
reservoir.head_pattern_name = head_pattern
self[name] = reservoir
if coordinates is not None:
reservoir.coordinates = coordinates
def junction_names(self):
"""List of names of all junctions"""
return self._junctions
def tank_names(self):
"""List of names of all junctions"""
return self._tanks
def reservoir_names(self):
"""List of names of all junctions"""
return self._reservoirs
def junctions(self):
"""Generator to get all junctions
name : str
The name of the junction
node : Junction
The junction object
for node_name in self._junctions:
yield node_name, self._data[node_name]
def tanks(self):
"""Generator to get all tanks
name : str
The name of the tank
node : Tank
The tank object
for node_name in self._tanks:
yield node_name, self._data[node_name]
def reservoirs(self):
"""Generator to get all reservoirs
name : str
The name of the reservoir
node : Reservoir
The reservoir object
for node_name in self._reservoirs:
yield node_name, self._data[node_name]
class LinkRegistry(Registry):
"""A registry for links."""
__subsets = [
def __init__(self, model):
super(LinkRegistry, self).__init__(model)
self._pipes = OrderedSet()
self._pumps = OrderedSet()
self._head_pumps = OrderedSet()
self._power_pumps = OrderedSet()
self._prvs = OrderedSet()
self._psvs = OrderedSet()
self._pbvs = OrderedSet()
self._tcvs = OrderedSet()
self._fcvs = OrderedSet()
self._gpvs = OrderedSet()
self._valves = OrderedSet()
def _finalize_(self, model):
self._link_reg = None
def __setitem__(self, key, value):
if not isinstance(key, six.string_types):
raise ValueError("Registry keys must be strings")
self._data[key] = value
if isinstance(value, Pipe):
elif isinstance(value, Pump):
if isinstance(value, HeadPump):
elif isinstance(value, PowerPump):
elif isinstance(value, Valve):
if isinstance(value, PRValve):
elif isinstance(value, PSValve):
elif isinstance(value, PBValve):
elif isinstance(value, TCValve):
elif isinstance(value, FCValve):
elif isinstance(value, GPValve):
def __delitem__(self, key):
if self._usage and key in self._usage and len(self._usage[key]) > 0:
raise RuntimeError(
"cannot remove %s %s, still used by %s", self.__class__.__name__, key, self._usage[key]
elif key in self._usage:
link = self._data.pop(key)
self._node_reg.remove_usage(link.start_node_name, (link.name, link.link_type))
self._node_reg.remove_usage(link.end_node_name, (link.name, link.link_type))
if isinstance(link, GPValve):
self._curve_reg.remove_usage(link.headloss_curve_name, (link.name, "Valve"))
if isinstance(link, Pump):
self._curve_reg.remove_usage(link.speed_pattern_name, (link.name, "Pump"))
if isinstance(link, HeadPump):
self._curve_reg.remove_usage(link.pump_curve_name, (link.name, "Pump"))
for ss in self.__subsets:
# Go through the _pipes, _prvs, ..., and remove this link
getattr(self, ss).discard(key)
return link
except KeyError:
def __call__(self, link_type=None):
Returns a generator to iterate over all nodes of a specific node type.
If no node type is specified, the generator iterates over all nodes.
node_type: Node type
Node type, options include
wntr.network.model.Tank, or None. Default = None.
Note None and wntr.network.model.Node produce the same results.
A generator in the format (name, object).
if link_type == None:
for name, node in self._data.items():
yield name, node
elif link_type == Pipe:
for name in self._pipes:
yield name, self._data[name]
elif link_type == Pump:
for name in self._pumps:
yield name, self._data[name]
elif link_type == Valve:
for name in self._valves:
yield name, self._data[name]
raise RuntimeError("link_type, " + str(link_type) + ", not recognized.")
def add_pipe(
Adds a pipe to the water network model.
name : str
Name of the pipe.
start_node_name : str
Name of the start node.
end_node_name : str
Name of the end node.
length : float, optional
Length of the pipe.
diameter : float, optional
Diameter of the pipe.
roughness : float, optional
Pipe roughness coefficient.
minor_loss : float, optional
Pipe minor loss coefficient.
initial_status : str, optional
Pipe initial status. Options are 'OPEN' or 'CLOSED'.
check_valve : bool, optional
True if the pipe has a check valve.
False if the pipe does not have a check valve.
assert (
isinstance(name, str) and len(name) < 32 and name.find(" ") == -1
), "name must be a string with less than 32 characters and contain no spaces"
assert (
isinstance(start_node_name, str) and len(start_node_name) < 32 and start_node_name.find(" ") == -1
), "start_node_name must be a string with less than 32 characters and contain no spaces"
assert (
isinstance(end_node_name, str) and len(end_node_name) < 32 and end_node_name.find(" ") == -1
), "end_node_name must be a string with less than 32 characters and contain no spaces"
assert isinstance(length, (int, float)), "length must be a float"
assert isinstance(diameter, (int, float)), "diameter must be a float"
assert isinstance(roughness, (int, float)), "roughness must be a float"
assert isinstance(minor_loss, (int, float)), "minor_loss must be a float"
assert isinstance(initial_status, (int, str, LinkStatus)), "initial_status must be an int, string or LinkStatus"
assert isinstance(check_valve, (str, int, bool)), "check_valve must be a Boolean"
check_valve = bool(int(check_valve))
length = float(length)
diameter = float(diameter)
roughness = float(roughness)
minor_loss = float(minor_loss)
if isinstance(initial_status, str):
initial_status = LinkStatus[initial_status]
pipe = Pipe(name, start_node_name, end_node_name, self)
pipe.length = length
pipe.diameter = diameter
pipe.roughness = roughness
pipe.minor_loss = minor_loss
pipe.initial_status = initial_status
pipe._user_status = initial_status
pipe.check_valve = check_valve
self[name] = pipe
def add_pump(
Adds a pump to the water network model.
name : string
Name of the pump.
start_node_name : string
Name of the start node.
end_node_name : string
Name of the end node.
pump_type : string, optional
Type of information provided for a pump. Options are 'POWER' or 'HEAD'.
pump_parameter : float or string
For a POWER pump, the pump power (float).
For a HEAD pump, the head curve name (string).
speed: float
Relative speed setting (1.0 is normal speed)
pattern: string
Name of the speed pattern
initial_status: str or LinkStatus
Pump initial status. Options are 'OPEN' or 'CLOSED'.
assert (
isinstance(name, str) and len(name) < 32 and name.find(" ") == -1
), "name must be a string with less than 32 characters and contain no spaces"
assert (
isinstance(start_node_name, str) and len(start_node_name) < 32 and start_node_name.find(" ") == -1
), "start_node_name must be a string with less than 32 characters and contain no spaces"
assert (
isinstance(end_node_name, str) and len(end_node_name) < 32 and end_node_name.find(" ") == -1
), "end_node_name must be a string with less than 32 characters and contain no spaces"
assert isinstance(pump_type, str), "pump_type must be a string"
assert isinstance(pump_parameter, (int, float, str)), "pump_parameter must be a float or string"
assert isinstance(speed, (int, float)), "speed must be a float"
assert isinstance(pattern, (type(None), str)), "pattern must be a string"
assert isinstance(initial_status, (int, str, LinkStatus)), "initial_status must be an int, string or LinkStatus"
if isinstance(initial_status, str):
initial_status = LinkStatus[initial_status]
if pump_type.upper() == "POWER":
pump = PowerPump(name, start_node_name, end_node_name, self)
pump.power = pump_parameter
elif pump_type.upper() == "HEAD":
pump = HeadPump(name, start_node_name, end_node_name, self)
pump.pump_curve_name = pump_parameter
raise ValueError('pump_type must be "POWER" or "HEAD"')
pump.base_speed = speed
pump.initial_status = initial_status
pump.speed_pattern_name = pattern
self[name] = pump
def add_valve(
Adds a valve to the water network model.
name : string
Name of the valve.
start_node_name : string
Name of the start node.
end_node_name : string
Name of the end node.
diameter : float, optional
Diameter of the valve.
valve_type : string, optional
Type of valve. Options are 'PRV', 'PSV', 'PBV', 'FCV', 'TCV', and 'GPV'
minor_loss : float, optional
Pipe minor loss coefficient.
initial_setting : float or string, optional
Valve initial setting.
Pressure setting for PRV, PSV, or PBV.
Flow setting for FCV.
Loss coefficient for TCV.
Name of headloss curve for GPV.
initial_status: string or LinkStatus
Valve initial status. Options are 'OPEN', 'CLOSED', or 'ACTIVE'
assert (
isinstance(name, str) and len(name) < 32 and name.find(" ") == -1
), "name must be a string with less than 32 characters and contain no spaces"
assert (
isinstance(start_node_name, str) and len(start_node_name) < 32 and start_node_name.find(" ") == -1
), "start_node_name must be a string with less than 32 characters and contain no spaces"
assert (
isinstance(end_node_name, str) and len(end_node_name) < 32 and end_node_name.find(" ") == -1
), "end_node_name must be a string with less than 32 characters and contain no spaces"
assert isinstance(diameter, (int, float)), "diameter must be a float"
assert isinstance(valve_type, str), "valve_type must be a string"
assert isinstance(minor_loss, (int, float)), "minor_loss must be a float"
assert isinstance(initial_setting, (int, float, str)), "initial_setting must be a float or string"
assert isinstance(initial_status, (str, LinkStatus)), "initial_status must be a string or LinkStatus"
if isinstance(initial_status, str):
initial_status = LinkStatus[initial_status]
start_node = self._node_reg[start_node_name]
end_node = self._node_reg[end_node_name]
valve_type = valve_type.upper()
# A PRV, PSV or FCV cannot be directly connected to a reservoir or tank (use a length of pipe to separate the two)
if valve_type in ["PRV", "PSV", "FCV"]:
if type(start_node) == Tank or type(end_node) == Tank:
msg = (
"%ss cannot be directly connected to a tank. Add a pipe to separate the valve from the tank."
% valve_type
raise RuntimeError(msg)
if type(start_node) == Reservoir or type(end_node) == Reservoir:
msg = (
"%ss cannot be directly connected to a reservoir. Add a pipe to separate the valve from the reservoir."
% valve_type
raise RuntimeError(msg)
# TODO check the following: PRVs cannot share the same downstream node or be linked in series
# TODO check the following: Two PSVs cannot share the same upstream node or be linked in series
# TODO check the following: A PSV cannot be connected to the downstream node of a PRV
if valve_type == "PRV":
valve = PRValve(name, start_node_name, end_node_name, self)
valve.initial_setting = initial_setting
valve._setting = initial_setting
elif valve_type == "PSV":
valve = PSValve(name, start_node_name, end_node_name, self)
valve.initial_setting = initial_setting
valve._setting = initial_setting
elif valve_type == "PBV":
valve = PBValve(name, start_node_name, end_node_name, self)
valve.initial_setting = initial_setting
valve._setting = initial_setting
elif valve_type == "FCV":
valve = FCValve(name, start_node_name, end_node_name, self)
valve.initial_setting = initial_setting
valve._setting = initial_setting
elif valve_type == "TCV":
valve = TCValve(name, start_node_name, end_node_name, self)
valve.initial_setting = initial_setting
valve._setting = initial_setting
elif valve_type == "GPV":
valve = GPValve(name, start_node_name, end_node_name, self)
valve.headloss_curve_name = initial_setting
valve.initial_status = initial_status
valve.diameter = diameter
valve.minor_loss = minor_loss
self[name] = valve
def check_valves(self):
"""Generator to get all pipes with check valves
name : str
The name of the pipe
link : Pipe
The pipe object
for name in self._pipes:
if self._data[name].check_valve:
yield name
def pipe_names(self):
"""A list of all pipe names"""
return self._pipes
def valve_names(self):
"""A list of all valve names"""
return self._valves
def pump_names(self):
"""A list of all pump names"""
return self._pumps
def head_pump_names(self):
"""A list of all head pump names"""
return self._head_pumps
def power_pump_names(self):
"""A list of all power pump names"""
return self._power_pumps
def prv_names(self):
"""A list of all prv names"""
return self._prvs
def psv_names(self):
"""A list of all psv names"""
return self._psvs
def pbv_names(self):
"""A list of all pbv names"""
return self._pbvs
def tcv_names(self):
"""A list of all tcv names"""
return self._tcvs
def fcv_names(self):
"""A list of all fcv names"""
return self._fcvs
def gpv_names(self):
"""A list of all gpv names"""
return self._gpvs
def pipes(self):
"""Generator to get all pipes
name : str
The name of the pipe
link : Pipe
The pipe object
for name in self._pipes:
yield name, self._data[name]
def pumps(self):
"""Generator to get all pumps
name : str
The name of the pump
link : Pump
The pump object
for name in self._pumps:
yield name, self._data[name]
def valves(self):
"""Generator to get all valves
name : str
The name of the valve
link : Valve
The valve object
for name in self._valves:
yield name, self._data[name]
def head_pumps(self):
"""Generator to get all head pumps
name : str
The name of the pump
link : HeadPump
The pump object
for name in self._head_pumps:
yield name, self._data[name]
def power_pumps(self):
"""Generator to get all power pumps
name : str
The name of the pump
link : PowerPump
The pump object
for name in self._power_pumps:
yield name, self._data[name]
def prvs(self):
"""Generator to get all PRVs
name : str
The name of the valve
link : PRValve
The valve object
for name in self._prvs:
yield name, self._data[name]
def psvs(self):
"""Generator to get all PSVs
name : str
The name of the valve
link : PSValve
The valve object
for name in self._psvs:
yield name, self._data[name]
def pbvs(self):
"""Generator to get all PBVs
name : str
The name of the valve
link : PBValve
The valve object
for name in self._pbvs:
yield name, self._data[name]
def tcvs(self):
"""Generator to get all TCVs
name : str
The name of the valve
link : TCValve
The valve object
for name in self._tcvs:
yield name, self._data[name]
def fcvs(self):
"""Generator to get all FCVs
name : str
The name of the valve
link : FCValve
The valve object
for name in self._fcvs:
yield name, self._data[name]
def gpvs(self):
"""Generator to get all GPVs
name : str
The name of the valve
link : GPValve
The valve object
for name in self._gpvs:
yield name, self._data[name]