module wntr.network.model
- class WaterNetworkModel[source]#
Water network model class.
- Parameters:
inp_file_name (str (optional)) – Directory and filename of EPANET inp file to load into the
- add_junction(name, base_demand=0.0, demand_pattern=None, elevation=0.0, coordinates=None, demand_category=None)[source]#
Adds a junction to the water network model
- Parameters:
name (str) – Name of the junction.
base_demand (float) – Base demand at the junction.
demand_pattern (str or Pattern) – Name of the demand pattern or the Pattern object
elevation (float) – Elevation of the junction.
coordinates (tuple of floats) – X-Y coordinates of the node location.
demand_category (str) – Name of the demand category
- add_pattern(name, pattern=None)[source]#
Adds a pattern to the water network model
The pattern can be either a list of values (list, numpy array, etc.) or a
object. The Pattern class has options to automatically create certain types of patterns, such as a single, on/off pattern (previously created using the start_time and stop_time arguments to this function) – see the class documentation for examples.Warning
Patterns must be added to the model prior to adding any model element that uses the pattern, such as junction demands, sources, etc. Patterns are linked by reference, so changes to a pattern affects all elements using that pattern.
Patterns always use the global water network model options.time values. Patterns will not be resampled to match these values, it is assumed that patterns created using Pattern(…) or Pattern.binary_pattern(…) object used the same pattern timestep value as the global value, and they will be treated accordingly.
- Parameters:
- Raises:
ValueError – If adding a pattern with name that already exists.
- add_pipe(name, start_node_name, end_node_name, length=304.8, diameter=0.3048, roughness=100, minor_loss=0.0, initial_status='OPEN', check_valve=False)[source]#
Adds a pipe to the water network model
- Parameters:
name (str) – Name of the pipe.
start_node_name (str) – Name of the start node.
end_node_name (str) – Name of the end node.
length (float, optional) – Length of the pipe.
diameter (float, optional) – Diameter of the pipe.
roughness (float, optional) – Pipe roughness coefficient.
minor_loss (float, optional) – Pipe minor loss coefficient.
initial_status (str or LinkStatus, optional) – Pipe initial status. Options are ‘OPEN’ or ‘CLOSED’.
check_valve (bool, optional) – True if the pipe has a check valve. False if the pipe does not have a check valve.
- add_pump(name, start_node_name, end_node_name, pump_type='POWER', pump_parameter=50.0, speed=1.0, pattern=None, initial_status='OPEN')[source]#
Adds a pump to the water network model
- Parameters:
name (str) – Name of the pump.
start_node_name (str) – Name of the start node.
end_node_name (str) – Name of the end node.
pump_type (str, optional) – Type of information provided for a pump. Options are ‘POWER’ or ‘HEAD’.
pump_parameter (float or str) – For a POWER pump, the pump power. For a HEAD pump, the head curve name.
speed (float) – Relative speed setting (1.0 is normal speed)
pattern (str) – Name of the speed pattern
initial_status (str or LinkStatus) – Pump initial status. Options are ‘OPEN’ or ‘CLOSED’.
- add_reservoir(name, base_head=0.0, head_pattern=None, coordinates=None)[source]#
Adds a reservoir to the water network model
- add_source(name, node_name, source_type, quality, pattern=None)[source]#
Adds a source to the water network model
- add_tank(name, elevation=0.0, init_level=3.048, min_level=0.0, max_level=6.096, diameter=15.24, min_vol=0.0, vol_curve=None, overflow=False, coordinates=None)[source]#
Adds a tank to the water network model
- Parameters:
name (str) – Name of the tank.
elevation (float) – Elevation at the tank.
init_level (float) – Initial tank level.
min_level (float) – Minimum tank level.
max_level (float) – Maximum tank level.
diameter (float) – Tank diameter.
min_vol (float) – Minimum tank volume.
vol_curve (str, optional) – Name of a volume curve
overflow (bool) – Overflow indicator (Always False for the WNTRSimulator)
coordinates (tuple of float, optional) – X-Y coordinates of the node location.
- add_valve(name, start_node_name, end_node_name, diameter=0.3048, valve_type='PRV', minor_loss=0.0, initial_setting=0.0, initial_status='ACTIVE')[source]#
Adds a valve to the water network model
- Parameters:
name (str) – Name of the valve.
start_node_name (str) – Name of the start node.
end_node_name (str) – Name of the end node.
diameter (float, optional) – Diameter of the valve.
valve_type (str, optional) – Type of valve. Options are ‘PRV’, ‘PSV’, ‘PBV’, ‘FCV’, ‘TCV’, and ‘GPV’
minor_loss (float, optional) – Pipe minor loss coefficient.
initial_setting (float or str, optional) – Valve initial setting. Pressure setting for PRV, PSV, or PBV. Flow setting for FCV. Loss coefficient for TCV. Name of headloss curve for GPV.
initial_status (str or LinkStatus) – Valve initial status. Options are ‘OPEN’, ‘CLOSED’, or ‘ACTIVE’.
- assign_demand(demand, pattern_prefix='ResetDemand')[source]#
Assign demands using values in a DataFrame.
New demands are specified in a pandas DataFrame indexed by time (in seconds). The method resets junction demands by creating a new demand pattern and using a base demand of 1. The demand pattern is resampled to match the water network model pattern timestep. This method can be used to reset demands in a water network model to demands from a pressure dependent demand simulation.
- Parameters:
demand (pandas.DataFrame) – A pandas DataFrame containing demands (index = time, columns = junction names)
pattern_prefix (str) – Pattern name prefix, default = ‘ResetDemand’. The junction name is appended to the prefix to create a new pattern name. If the pattern name already exists, an error is thrown and the user should use a different pattern prefix name.
- controls()[source]#
Returns a generator to iterate over all controls
- Return type:
A generator in the format (name, object).
- convert_controls_to_rules(priority=3)[source]#
Convert all controls to rules.
Note that for an exact match between controls and rules, the rule timestep must be very small.
- Parameters:
priority (int, optional) – Rule priority, default is 3.
- describe(level=0)[source]#
Describe number of components in the network model
- Parameters:
level (int (0, 1, or 2)) –
Level 0 returns the number of Nodes, Links, Patterns, Curves, Sources, and Controls.
Level 1 includes information from Level 0 but divides Nodes into Junctions, Tanks, and Reservoirs, divides Links into Pipes, Pumps, and Valves, and divides Curves into Pump, Efficiency, Headloss, and Volume.
Level 2 includes information from Level 1 but divides Pumps into Head and Power, and divides Valves into PRV, PSV, PBV, TCV, FCV, and GPV.
- Return type:
A dictionary with component counts
- from_dict(d)[source]#
Append the model with elements from a dictionary.
- Parameters:
d (dict) – Dictionary representation of the WaterNetworkModel
- from_gis(gis_data)[source]#
Append the model with elements from GeoDataFrames
- Parameters:
gis_data (WaterNetworkGIS or dict of geopandas.GeoDataFrame) – GeoDataFrames containing water network attributes. If gis_data is a dictionary, then the keys are junctions, tanks, reservoirs, pipes, pumps, and valves. If the pumps or valves are Points, they will be converted to Lines with the same start and end node location.
- Return type:
- get_graph(node_weight=None, link_weight=None, modify_direction=False)[source]#
Convert a
into a networkx MultiDiGraphDeprecated since version 0.5.0.
instead- Parameters:
node_weight (dict or pandas.Series (optional)) – Node weights
link_weight (dict or pandas.Series (optional)) – Link weights.
modify_direction (bool (optional)) – If True, then if the link weight is negative, the link start and end node are switched and the abs(weight) is assigned to the link (this is useful when weighting graphs by flowrate). If False, link direction and weight are not changed.
- Return type:
networkx MultiDiGraph
- get_links_for_node(node_name, flag='ALL')[source]#
Returns a list of links connected to a node
- Parameters:
- Return type:
A list of link names connected to the node
- query_link_attribute(attribute, operation=None, value=None, link_type=None)[source]#
Query link attributes, for example get all pipe diameters > threshold
- Parameters:
operation (numpy operator) – Numpy operator, options include the following:
.link_type (Link type) –
type, options includeLink
, or None. Default = None. Note None andLink
produce the same results.
- Return type:
that contains the attribute that satisfies the operation threshold for a given link_type.
If operation and value are both None, the
will contain the attributes for all links with the specified attribute.
- query_node_attribute(attribute, operation=None, value=None, node_type=None)[source]#
Query node attributes, for example get all nodes with elevation <= threshold
- Parameters:
operation (numpy operator) – Numpy operator, options include
.node_type (Node type) –
type, options includeNode
, or None. Default = None. Note None andNode
produce the same results.
- Return type:
that contains the attribute that satisfies the operation threshold for a given node_type.
If operation and value are both None, the
will contain the attributes for all nodes with the specified attribute.
- remove_link(name, with_control=False, force=False)[source]#
Removes a link from the water network model
- remove_node(name, with_control=False, force=False)[source]#
Removes a node from the water network model
- remove_source(name)[source]#
Removes a source from the water network model
- Parameters:
name (str) – The name of the source object to be removed
- sources()[source]#
Returns a generator to iterate over all sources
- Return type:
A generator in the format (name, object).
- to_gis(crs=None, pumps_as_points=False, valves_as_points=False)[source]#
Convert a WaterNetworkModel into GeoDataFrames
- Parameters:
- Returns:
WaterNetworkGIS object that contains junctions, tanks, reservoirs, pipes,
pumps, and valves GeoDataFrames
- to_graph(node_weight=None, link_weight=None, modify_direction=False)[source]#
Convert a WaterNetworkModel into a networkx MultiDiGraph
- Parameters:
node_weight (dict or pandas Series (optional)) – Node weights
link_weight (dict or pandas Series (optional)) – Link weights.
modify_direction (bool (optional)) – If True, than if the link weight is negative, the link start and end node are switched and the abs(weight) is assigned to the link (this is useful when weighting graphs by flowrate). If False, link direction and weight are not changed.
- Return type:
networkx MultiDiGraph
- property curves#
The curve registry (as property) or a generator for iteration (as function call)
- Return type:
- property fcvs#
Iterator over all flow control valves (FCVs)
- property gpvs#
Iterator over all general purpose valves (GPVs)
- property head_pumps#
Iterator over all head-based pumps
- property junctions#
Iterator over all junctions
- property links#
The link registry (as property) or a generator for iteration (as function call)
- Return type:
- property msx#
A multispecies water quality model, if defined
- property nodes#
The node registry (as property) or a generator for iteration (as function call)
- Return type:
- property num_controls#
The number of controls
- property num_curves#
The number of curves
- property num_junctions#
The number of junctions
- property num_links#
The number of links
- property num_nodes#
The number of nodes
- property num_patterns#
The number of patterns
- property num_pipes#
The number of pipes
- property num_pumps#
The number of pumps
- property num_reservoirs#
The number of reservoirs
- property num_sources#
The number of sources
- property num_tanks#
The number of tanks
- property num_valves#
The number of valves
- property patterns#
The pattern registry (as property) or a generator for iteration (as function call)
- Return type:
- property pbvs#
Iterator over all pressure breaker valves (PBVs)
- property pipes#
Iterator over all pipes
- property power_pumps#
Iterator over all power pumps
- property prvs#
Iterator over all pressure reducing valves (PRVs)
- property psvs#
Iterator over all pressure sustaining valves (PSVs)
- property pump_name_list#
Get a list of pump names (both types included)
- Return type:
list of strings
- property pumps#
Iterator over all pumps
- property reservoirs#
Iterator over all reservoirs
- property tanks#
Iterator over all tanks
- property tcvs#
Iterator over all throttle control valves (TCVs)
- property valve_name_list#
Get a list of valve names (all types included)
- Return type:
list of strings
- property valves#
Iterator over all valves