Source code for wntr.sim.solvers

"""Generic mathematical solver classes.
import numpy as np
import scipy.sparse as sp
import warnings
import logging
import enum
import time

    "error", "Matrix is exactly singular", sp.linalg.MatrixRankWarning
np.set_printoptions(precision=3, threshold=10000, linewidth=300)

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs] class SolverStatus(enum.IntEnum): converged = 1 error = 0
[docs] class NewtonSolver(object): """ Newton Solver class. Attributes ---------- log_progress: bool If True, the infinity norm of the constraint violation will be logged each iteration log_level: int The level for logging the infinity norm of the constraint violation time_limit: float If the wallclock time exceeds time_limit, the newton solver will exit with an error status maxiter: int If the number of iterations exceeds maxiter, the newton solver will exit with an error status tol: float The convergence tolerance. If the infinity norm of the constraint violation drops below tol, the newton solver will exit with a converged status. rho: float During the line search, rho is used to reduce the stepsize. It should be strictly between 0 and 1. bt_maxiter: int The maximum number of line search iterations for each outer iteration bt: bool If False, a line search will not be used. bt_start_iter: int A line search will not be used for any iteration prior to bt_start_iter """
[docs] def __init__(self, options=None): """ Parameters ---------- options: dict A dictionary specifying options for the newton solver. Keys should be strings in all caps. See the documentation of the NewtonSolver attributes for details on each option. Possible keys are: | "LOG_PROGRESS" (NewtonSolver.log_progress) | "LOG_LEVEL" (NewtonSolver.log_level) | "TIME_LIMIT" (NewtonSolver.time_limit) | "MAXITER" (NewtonSolver.maxiter) | "TOL" (NewtonSolver.tol) | "BT_RHO" (NewtonSolver.rho) | "BT_MAXITER" (NewtonSolver.bt_maxiter) | "BACKTRACKING" ( | "BT_START_ITER" (NewtonSolver.bt_start_iter) """ if options is None: options = {} self._options = options if "LOG_PROGRESS" not in self._options: self.log_progress = False else: self.log_progress = self._options["LOG_PROGRESS"] if "LOG_LEVEL" not in self._options: self.log_level = logging.DEBUG else: self.log_level = self._options["LOG_LEVEL"] if "TIME_LIMIT" not in self._options: self.time_limit = 3600 else: self.time_limit = self._options["TIME_LIMIT"] if "MAXITER" not in self._options: self.maxiter = 3000 else: self.maxiter = self._options["MAXITER"] if "TOL" not in self._options: self.tol = 1e-6 else: self.tol = self._options["TOL"] if "BT_RHO" not in self._options: self.rho = 0.5 else: self.rho = self._options["BT_RHO"] if "BT_MAXITER" not in self._options: self.bt_maxiter = 100 else: self.bt_maxiter = self._options["BT_MAXITER"] if "BACKTRACKING" not in self._options: = True else: = self._options["BACKTRACKING"] if "BT_START_ITER" not in self._options: self.bt_start_iter = 0 else: self.bt_start_iter = self._options["BT_START_ITER"]
[docs] def solve(self, model, ostream=None): """ Parameters ---------- model: wntr.aml.Model Returns ------- status: SolverStatus message: str iter_count: int """ t0 = time.time() x = model.get_x() if len(x) == 0: return ( SolverStatus.converged, "No variables or constraints", 0, ) use_r_ = False # MAIN NEWTON LOOP for outer_iter in range(self.maxiter): if time.time() - t0 >= self.time_limit: return ( SolverStatus.error, "Time limit exceeded", outer_iter, ) if use_r_: r = r_ r_norm = new_norm else: r = model.evaluate_residuals() r_norm = np.max(abs(r)) if self.log_progress or ostream is not None: if outer_iter < self.bt_start_iter: msg = f"iter: {outer_iter:<4d} norm: {r_norm:<10.2e} time: {time.time() - t0:<8.4f}" if self.log_progress: logger.log(self.log_level, msg) if ostream is not None: ostream.write(msg + "\n") if r_norm < self.tol: return ( SolverStatus.converged, "Solved Successfully", outer_iter, ) J = model.evaluate_jacobian(x=None) # Call Linear solver try: d = -sp.linalg.spsolve(J, r, permc_spec="COLAMD", use_umfpack=False) except sp.linalg.MatrixRankWarning: return ( SolverStatus.error, "Jacobian is singular at iteration " + str(outer_iter), outer_iter, ) # Backtracking alpha = 1.0 if and outer_iter >= self.bt_start_iter: use_r_ = True for iter_bt in range(self.bt_maxiter): x_ = x + alpha * d model.load_var_values_from_x(x_) r_ = model.evaluate_residuals() new_norm = np.max(abs(r_)) if new_norm < (1.0 - 0.0001 * alpha) * r_norm: x = x_ break else: alpha = alpha * self.rho if iter_bt + 1 >= self.bt_maxiter: return ( SolverStatus.error, "Line search failed at iteration " + str(outer_iter), outer_iter, ) if self.log_progress or ostream is not None: msg = f"iter: {outer_iter:<4d} norm: {new_norm:<10.2e} alpha: {alpha:<10.2e} time: {time.time() - t0:<8.4f}" if self.log_progress: logger.log(self.log_level, msg) if ostream is not None: ostream.write(msg + "\n") else: x += d model.load_var_values_from_x(x) return ( SolverStatus.error, "Reached maximum number of iterations: " + str(outer_iter), outer_iter, )