
module wntr.sim.solvers

class NewtonSolver[source]#

Bases: object

Newton Solver class.

  • log_progress (bool) – If True, the infinity norm of the constraint violation will be logged each iteration

  • log_level (int) – The level for logging the infinity norm of the constraint violation

  • time_limit (float) – If the wallclock time exceeds time_limit, the newton solver will exit with an error status

  • maxiter (int) – If the number of iterations exceeds maxiter, the newton solver will exit with an error status

  • tol (float) – The convergence tolerance. If the infinity norm of the constraint violation drops below tol, the newton solver will exit with a converged status.

  • rho (float) – During the line search, rho is used to reduce the stepsize. It should be strictly between 0 and 1.

  • bt_maxiter (int) – The maximum number of line search iterations for each outer iteration

  • bt (bool) – If False, a line search will not be used.

  • bt_start_iter (int) – A line search will not be used for any iteration prior to bt_start_iter


options (dict) –

A dictionary specifying options for the newton solver. Keys should be strings in all caps. See the documentation of the NewtonSolver attributes for details on each option. Possible keys are:

”LOG_PROGRESS” (NewtonSolver.log_progress)
”LOG_LEVEL” (NewtonSolver.log_level)
”TIME_LIMIT” (NewtonSolver.time_limit)
”MAXITER” (NewtonSolver.maxiter)
”TOL” (NewtonSolver.tol)
”BT_RHO” (NewtonSolver.rho)
”BT_MAXITER” (NewtonSolver.bt_maxiter)
”BT_START_ITER” (NewtonSolver.bt_start_iter)

solve(model, ostream=None)[source]#

model (wntr.aml.Model)


  • status (SolverStatus)

  • message (str)

  • iter_count (int)