Utility to download / load datasets from pin board
Utility to download / load datasets from pin board
varnames = .arrow_ds_names[1:3],
boardfolder = "Mark",
auth = "auto",
server = "https://rstudio-connect.dmap-stage.aws.epa.gov",
folder_local_source = NULL,
envir = globalenv(),
justchecking = FALSE,
ignorelocal = FALSE,
silent = FALSE,
return_data_table = TRUE,
onAttach = FALSE
- varnames
character vector of names of R objects to get from board, or set this to "all" to load all of them
- boardfolder
if needed to specify a different folder than default
- auth
See help documentation for
- server
if needed to specify a server other than default (which might be stored in envt variable CONNECT_SERVER or be registered via the rsconnect package). Note if auth = "envvar" then it looks for CONNECT_SERVER to get name of server which needs to be the full url starting with https:// - see help for board_connect
- folder_local_source
path of local folder to look in for locally saved copies in case pins board is not reachable by user.
- envir
if needed to specify environment other than default, e.g., globalenv() or parent.frame()
- justchecking
can set to TRUE to just see a list of what pins are stored in that board
- ignorelocal
set it to TRUE to avoid 1st checking local disk for copies of files
- silent
set to TRUE to suppress cat() msgs to console
- return_data_table
whether the
should return a data.table (T, the default), or arrow (F). Passed todataload_from_local()
- onAttach
Indicates whether the function is being called from onAttach. IF so, it will download all arrow files if user cannot connect to PINS board
If justchecking = FALSE,
returns vector of names of objects now in memory in specified envir, either because
already in memory or
loaded from local disk or
successfully downloaded.
If justchecking = TRUE, however,
returns vector of names of ALL objects found in specified pin board (or NULL if cannot connect)
regardless of whether they are already in the environment, and
regardless of whether they were specified among varnames, or are related to EJAM at all.
This does work if on VPN and if credentials already set up for the user doing this:
board <- pins::board_connect(auth = "rsconnect")
This does work if that is true plus the two environment variables were created: