Ratios at each site, of avg dist of group / avg dist of everyone else near site
Like distance_by_group()
but for multiple sites - DRAFT FUNCTION
- bybg
such as
There are two aspects of proximity to consider when analyzing residential population groups within a certain fixed distance (radius) from a single facility point (or a whole set of facilities). These two ways of summarizing proximity are complementary:
Which groups tend to live nearby in the sense of being within the selected radius versus outside the radius? In other words, which groups are "overrepresented" within X miles of the site? This treats proximity as a yes/no, binomial question – a resident is nearby or not. It would focus on whether someone is anywhere within 3 miles, say, and ignore the differences between being 1, 2, or 3 miles away.
Among the residents within X miles of the site, which groups live especially close to the facility? This question recognizes proximity is a continuous variable, and focuses on the difference between 1 mile, 1.5 miles, etc. However, it only looks at residents within the X miles radius area analyzed, so it fails to recognize that some groups tend to live more than 3 miles away, for example. This perspective does not take into account which groups are overrepresented within the original total radius near a site.
This function does the second of these two types of analysis. It reports, only among those anywhere inside the radius, which groups are closer to the site.
In a specific location, for example, one group could be underrepresented within 3 miles, but those few who are in the group still might live right next to the facility in which case their average distance would be higher than that of any other group because this function only counts those within the radius analyzed.
In some other location, the opposite could occur – if one group is overrepresented within 3 miles, they still might all live in a community about 2.9 miles away from the site – that would mean their distance from the site on average is greater (or their proximity score is lower) than other groups within 3 miles of the site.