Format EJAM tabular outputs for saving as Excel spreadsheet
Used by table_xls_from_ejam()
longnames = NULL,
formatted = NULL,
bybg = NULL,
plot_distance_by_group = FALSE,
summary_plot = NULL,
plotlatest = FALSE,
plotfilename = NULL,
mapadd = FALSE,
community_reportadd = FALSE,
report_map = NULL,
community_image = NULL,
ok2plot = TRUE,
analysis_title = "EJAM analysis",
buffer_desc = "Selected Locations",
radius_or_buffer_in_miles = NULL,
radius_or_buffer_description =
"Miles radius of circular buffer (or distance used if buffering around polygons)",
notes = NULL,
custom_tab = NULL,
custom_tab_name = "other",
heatmap_colnames = NULL,
heatmap_cuts = c(80, 90, 95),
heatmap_colors = c("yellow", "orange", "red"),
heatmap2_colnames = NULL,
heatmap2_cuts = c(1.009, 2, 3),
heatmap2_colors = c("yellow", "orange", "red"),
hyperlink_colnames = c("EJScreen Report", "EJScreen Map", "ECHO report"),
graycolnames = NULL,
narrowcolnames = NULL,
graycolor = "gray",
narrow6 = 6,
testing = FALSE,
updateProgress = NULL,
launchexcel = FALSE,
saveas = NULL,
ejscreen_ejam_caveat = NULL,
- overall
table to save in one tab, from ejamit()$results_overall, EJAM analysis of indicators overall (one row), but if entire output of ejamit() is passed as if it were overall, function figures out eachsite, etc.
- eachsite
table to save in one tab, from ejamit()$results_bysite, EJAM analysis site by site (one row per site)
- longnames
vector of indicator names to display in Excel table
- formatted
optional table to save in one tab, from ejamit()$results_overall, EJAM analysis overall in different format
- bybg
Optional large table of details of each block group that is only needed to analyze distances by group.
- plot_distance_by_group
logical, whether to try to add a plot of mean distance by group. This requires that bybg be provided as a parameter input to this function.
- summary_plot
optional plot object passed from EJAM shiny app to save in 'Plot' sheet of Excel table
- plotlatest
optional logical. If TRUE, the most recently displayed plot (prior to this function being called) will be inserted into a tab called plot2
- plotfilename
the full path including name of .png file to insert
- mapadd
logical optional - try to include a map of the points
- community_reportadd
logical provided by shiny app to specify whether to include community report image
- report_map
leaflet map object passed from Shiny app to display in 'Map' sheet
- community_image
image of community report provided by shiny app to include in spreadsheet
- ok2plot
can set to FALSE to prevent plots from being attempted, while debugging
- analysis_title
optional title passed from Shiny app to 'Notes' sheet
- buffer_desc
optional description of buffer used in analysis, passed to 'Notes' sheet
- radius_or_buffer_in_miles
If provided, miles buffer distance (from polygon or from point if circular buffers)
- radius_or_buffer_description
optional text saying if distance is radius or polygon buffer, passed to 'Notes' sheet
- notes
Text of additional notes to put in the notes tab, optional vector of character elements pasted in as one line each.
- custom_tab
optional table to put in an extra tab
- custom_tab_name
optional name of optional custom_tab
- heatmap_colnames
optional vector of colnames to apply heatmap colors, defaults to percentiles
- heatmap_cuts
vector of values to separate heatmap colors, between 0-100 for percentiles
- heatmap_colors
vector of color names for heatmap bins, same length as heatmap_cuts, where first color is for those >= 1st cutpoint, but <2d, second color is for those >=2d cutpoint but <3d, etc.
- heatmap2_colnames
like heatmap_colnames but for ratios by default
- heatmap2_cuts
like heatmap_cuts but for ratios by default
- heatmap2_colors
like heatmap_colors but for ratios
- hyperlink_colnames
names of which to treat as URLs that should be hyperlinks
- graycolnames
which columns to deemphasize
- narrowcolnames
which column numbers to make narrow
- graycolor
color used to deemphasize some columns
- narrow6
how narrow
- testing
optional for testing only
- updateProgress
optional Shiny progress bar to update during formatting
- launchexcel
Set to TRUE to have this function launch Excel immediately, showing the final workbook created here.
- saveas
If not NULL, and a valid path with filename.xlsx is provided, the workbook will be saved locally at that path and name. Warning: it will overwrite an existing file.
- ejscreen_ejam_caveat
optional text if you want to change this in the notes tab
- ...
other params passed along to
Already took and put here most or all of code from table_xls_format() or table_xls_format_api()
if (FALSE) { # \dontrun{
saveas = "out1.xlsx")
# can just pass the whole results of ejamit(), for convenience
wb <- table_xls_format(testoutput_ejamit_100pts_1miles)
openxlsx::saveWorkbook(wb, file = "out2.xlsx")
} # }