A caribou forage experiment.



A tibble with 30 rows and 5 columns:

  • water: A factor representing whether water was added. Takes values N (no water added) and Y (water added).

  • tarp: A factor representing tarp cover. Takes values clear (a clear tarp), shade (a shade tarp), and none (no tarp).

  • z: The percentage of nitrogen.

  • x: The x-coordinate.

  • y: The y-coordinate.


These data were provided by Elizabeth Lenart of the Alaska Department of Fish and Game. The data were used in the publication listed in References.


Lenart, E.A., Bowyer, R.T., Ver Hoef, J.M. and Ruess, R.W. 2002. Climate Change and Caribou: Effects of Summer Weather on Forage. Canadian Journal of Zoology 80: 664-678.